Supreme Demon

Chapter 822: For you to be a husband

Chapter 8.2 is for you to be a husband

In the magic soil.

Qiu Shuyi looked sad, they sneaked in all the way, killing more than a thousand demons, and the bones of the earth were piled up to be a hill.

However, when the demon came to kill, she couldn't hold on, and the ridiculous little seven couldn't hold on. She was very stunned and deep-spoken, like saying goodbye to the world, but she didn't regret it. The door is small and fights side by side.

When you are on the verge of death, you can often see the true thoughts of one's heart.

She is going to die. Before she dies, can't she talk to the ridiculous little seven?

However, this **** actually made her forget this moment. What is even more hateful is that this idiot remembers this time even with precision.

Sixty interest!

Is this rejecting her?

No wonder the sister-in-law once said that the ridiculous gates are all bastards. At this time, she also hates the dead door, and is angry at the idiot of the ridiculous door, but it is only an instant anger.

next moment.

One black and one white, two kinds of light shining from her eyes, four dark black holes, smashing, ten white holes straight into the clouds, the vast momentum, swept her hair, picked up Her dress, even the sun in the sky is stunned, only the endless hole is eye-catching.

Fourteen powers of Wu Zun!

Unbelievable power!

From the eternal age to the present, who has seen Wu Zun’s glory?

Her brain is roaring, her thoughts are smashing, and her whole person is stupid. An ancient myth is in her eyes, and a legendary genius is writing the demon elegy.

It was not until now that she was upset, and what she had forgotten was not what she said, nor the screening before her death, but the earth-shattering embarrassment.


A blade of mans picked up from the ground, rolled up the wind and sand of the sky, stirring the nine days of the storm, it is magnificent, proud of the mountains and rivers.

It is like a beast, but it is a bit more dead than the beast.

It seems like a thunder, but it is a bit deeper than the thunder!

The power of the fourteen martial arts is all attributed to this rainbow. Wherever they pass, everything is dying, and the blood is overflowing. No demon can resist this rainbow.

Everything is saved by the rainbow, everything is gone!


The blade of the devastating smashed the past, and a huge canyon was formed on the ground. Although it is not a god, it is much more terrible than the gods. The ten white holes are detached, and each one is like a black hole of the gods, which is unparalleled.


Hundreds of monsters screamed, especially the sinister demon who rushed in front. They were brave and amazing, but they were also the first to bear the brunt of it.

For a time, the stumps flew, and a demon was under the blade, turned into pieces, and was opened by the force of life. The magic blood rose to the sky and played the death overture.


A palm shot, seemingly light as a breeze, but when the palm falls, the demon splits from the middle, forming a ruined light, all magic and blocking, all annihilated by this palm.

After this palm, the eighteen palms of Buddhism were completely rioted, and they were killed in succession. The whole magical land was roaring, and the magical powers were shattered, destroying the frenzy, and rushing to Tianyu along the ground, and then bursting.

This is a ruin!

This is a mess!

When the 18th palm of the floating squad fell, the large demons died, and the demons were all killed. One did not survive, and the other demons also smashed the soul. They never saw such strange things.

A person can motivate the power of fourteen martial arts. Is this the Arabian Nights?


Ling Feng spit out two words, and the four megaliths flew together and turned into dozens of feet, directly shocking the past.


The earth is broken, the sky is swaying, the whole magical soil is turned into ruins, countless heads and demons are shattered, and the magic blood on the ground is like ink, and the smell of stench is rolling down and fluttering at the foot of Lingfeng.

All gone!

The whole magical soil was dull, the airflow was sticky, and the distant demon was frightened. They witnessed a myth. The man came to the forefront and had been tempting the enemy until he flew out of the demons. He only killed the killer.

This is a godlike god!


Qiu Shuyi’s face is demented, and the heart is tidal. It’s hard to speak for a long time. Before Ling Feng gave her a feeling of closeness, but this moment is very far away. She comes from the restricted area of ​​the heavens. It is an ancient force, and many records are natural. It is not imaginable by Ling Feng. At a very young age, Qiu Shuyi once saw this kind of cliff, but it was full of too many myths, and naturally she was not put in her heart.

Until now, the situation of the cliff was awakened.

This is an invincible situation. It is said that it is Wu Zun. Even if it is against the **** of war, it can be unscrupulous. From the ancient floods to the present, there is no one in the trillions that can enter the realm of the wall. This is like the stars and the stars in the sky. month.

In the billions, there is only one round of the sun.

In the billions, there is only a wind!

The demon moon did not do it, and the Qing dynasty did not do it. Only the ridiculous door Xiaoqi did it. He was a heavenly and underground, unique genius.

"It is our luck to live with him in an era, and it is our misfortune."

Qiu Shuyi was full of surprises, and there was a bitter bitterness in his mouth.

It is her privilege to be able to see such a fascinating genius. However, with such a genius shock, they are finally unable to embark on the highest heaven.

Who is fighting for the front.

Ming Hao, Qin Yutian, Cui Mingfeng, and Zhang Linger are indeed more powerful than the Xiaomen Xiaoqi. However, the time rotation makes the great controversy, that is, when God comes, he must bow down.

"That is the power of the gods!"

Qiu Shuyi looked at the fourth black hole, and saw ten white holes. The look of horror, each of them was incredible and powerful to the point of evil spirits, but this is the inspiration she always wanted, and others are eager to find one. Heavy, even the genius of the Qing dynasty, the demon moon, when the Wu Zun realm, it is a condensed one, and he is a full eleven.

This is a liar!

Does anyone know more about the power of the gods than him?

At this moment, Qiu Shuyi despised Ling Feng, and then sat down on the knees. Her heart burned with a hot flame. She saw eleven gods and caves. She had an inspiration in her heart, and she was about to spurt out. That is the eighth rainbow.


She closed her eyes, although she was bathed in blood, but she did not have any worry, no one demon dare to break the defense of the small seven, under the cliff, no demon.

In fact, this is also true.

The demon in the distance shuddered and flew quickly, and did not dare to approach the man. For them, this was both a shame and a panic. The whole magic soil was trembled by one person. It was too shameful, and the horror was That is, the devil is coming, I am afraid that it will fall.

After the millennium, another brilliant Tianjiao came.

The situation is worse than it was a thousand years ago, and the magical soil is even more beautiful. Who will kill such a genius.

"Please ask the children of the devil, only they can fight."

"You can't let this person leave alive. He is terrible. After the millennium, the entire demon world will be buried in this person's hands."

This is by no means a targetless one. With the talent of Ling Feng, after the millennium, it is definitely a figure above the Qing dynasty. He will cross the real world, even the gods, can monopolize the entire demon world.

When he really stepped into the demon world, then there is still the magic to enter the Shenwu continent.

Therefore, they are very jealous of the wind, worried that he grew up, only to kill it at this time, is the safest, and immediately, there are demons flying out, please come to the devil's son.

"Is the inspiration coming?"

Sixty interest rates have passed, and Ling Feng alone killed four thousand demons. Under the force of fourteen martial arts, even the demon in the world is just a chicken and a dog in his eyes.

And let him secretly nod, Qiu Shuyi finally came to the inspiration under such violent murder, to break into the eight-level Wu Zun, and by then, she is enough to match the ninth-level peak of the demon, but also let him not Then worry.

Later, he walked to the front of Qiu Shuyi, which blocked the entire magic soil.

Strong and brave!

Although the situation of the cliff has dissipated, the same killing of the slaughter has allowed the demon corpse to cast a monument, and it is erected on both sides of the Lingfeng, so that the living demons are not willing to step forward.

Therefore, in the next ten days, he was very calm, no one demon attacked, but this also made Ling Feng deeply alert, with the character of the demon, either timid, or waiting for an opportunity to move, and they The eyes are very cold and full of expectations.

What are they looking forward to?

Ling Feng frowned, licked his eyes, and immediately laughed, can only let them look forward to only the devil's son?

He has already given birth to one, and does not care about regenerating a few.

Of course, his heart is also very cold. The devil's son is not all of the five-level Wuzun class. Once he comes to a nine-level demon, or even a demon king, then the trouble is big. When he does not enter the realm of the cliff, only I am afraid that I will only be killed.

"Hope, you are faster."

Ling Feng said with a deep, Qiu Shuyi is at a very critical moment. In any case, she can’t be disturbed by the demon. Therefore, he must do his duty to guard. He can bring her in, and he must live. Hand her over to the hands of the heavens.

The problem is that the demon did not make him feel good.

After another 12 days, the earthquake of the Devils and Earth Turtles swayed, and a magical power, from far and near, instantly reached the eyes of Ling Feng, the vast momentum, the world.

It’s two demon, each one is very burly, extraordinary.

One eye is red as blood, one cheek is white like paper, but the momentum is absolutely brilliant. The red-eyed demon is a handsome young man. He has a one-horn on his head. He has nine magical powers in him. , turned into a nine-claw dragon.

The Mori white face demon is a Warcraft, a lion face, a dragon body, and a tiger tail, and it is even more terrible, but it is a demon.

Two devil sons!

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