Supreme Demon

Chapter 871: Blood refining

The 867th chapter of the blood refining demon

Seal magic swallows!

The real devil is in the pit, the endless magic is flying to the magical array, can not be contained, let him sacrifice the weapon of the gods, but also want to cut off this devouring divine power, and in an instant, his face is pale.

But Qing Hao will not stop!

As she flew away, she flew to the side of the demon moon, and the magic stone reappeared. It fixed the time and space, and the real demon that was being attacked came to an abrupt end. Although the time was short, Qingyi wanted to do it. It is enough.


She shot it in the palm of her hand and hit it directly on the real demon. She beat it and trembled.

Immediately, her eyes brightened, a glimmer of light bloomed, shrouded the true magic, and directed it to the magical array, and the murderer who was killed by the real devil also cut off the light of the demon moon.


Shenhong was broken, and the demon moon was shocked. The whole person was flying backwards. The light body could not help but spurt four blood arrows. He also bleeds blood and his face is bloody.

Undoubtedly, under the attack of this real demon, he also suffered serious injuries.


In a flash, the magical smoldering light shines, and a thrilling swallowing power covers the true demon, so that its magical power pours like a spring, there is nothing to stop.

This is a sacrifice!

"No, how could this be?"

His face was full of horror, and he tried his best to break away from the engulfment of the magical array, and until then he was scared.

The Qing dynasty controls the sorcerer's sword, and in the case that it has not been completely isolated, it can still be motivated, naturally it can infinitely enlarge its devour power, and thus spread to the entire magic circle, from small to big, fundamentally It is not a true demon that can be stopped.

Then, she flew over again, and in the same way, she sent a real demon to the magic circle. The magic stone showed a daunting force at this moment. Don’t say the real devil, even the demon moon, the **** The island gods and other people are all faceless, and a **** of immortality has already made them jealous, and now there is such a magic stone, who can stop this woman.

She is too strong!

The three true devils were swallowed in an instant, and the magic poured into it like a waterfall. This is the deliberate purpose of Qing Dynasty. The purpose is to fill the Shenhong with their strength, and let the Emperor and God can breathe a sigh of relief.

In the final analysis, she is more inclined to the human race.

"What is the treasure? Can you confine time and space!" This is the remaining five true devils, one color change, panic back backwards, staring at the clear-eyed, full of vigilance, they do not want to be imprisoned, become a magical sacrifice Product.

"No matter what, this person can't live!"

This is their sorrow. One person kills the real devil and chills, and the world is dull. With this momentum, the whole demon world will fall into a disaster without killing this person, and they will not be able to cut off the magic circle.

They dare not take it away, so they will be reviled by the whole demon world. For them, there is something more precious than death.

"Slay up!"

A true demon came out, and there was a scar on his face, running from his forehead to his chin, giving him a very fierce feeling.

"All smashed!"

The other four true devils also shouted. They stood in four directions, arching the true demon, the face of solemnity, and then the magic soldiers in their hands flew up, the shining, mysterious magic lines Like an ancient beast.

A real magic warfare sword flew out a dragon.

A real magic sword flew out of a magic phoenix.

Magic Dragon, Magic Phoenix, Xuanwu, Suzaku!

This is the Quartet, which is the same in the Shenwu continent. It is also true in the Magic Land. They represent four different martial arts, but there is no doubt that the tyranny is almost at the peak of the Shinto.

However, they did not attack the past, but the head was broken, the body disintegrated from it, and immediately, the blood fluttered and fell into the center of the person.


When he was awkward, the stern cockroach rang from the **** real devil. His face was stunned, his flesh and blood were cracking, but his eyes were very dead. This was their killer. They didn’t want to use it because it would kill them. The martial arts will annihilate their bodies.

But in the moment of the evil earth, they are still smashing their bodies.


In the next moment, the five true devils were crushed one after another, flesh and blood into mud, only the devil is endless, they stand on the sky, an ancient picture appeared, the blood of the Quartet beasts, all poured into a small pool, and there In the small pool, there is a terrible beast that is rising bit by bit.

Time has settled!

Whether it is the demon moon, the **** of the gods, or the people of Qing Dynasty, all of them are suffocating. They feel a sigh of air, rising up and exploding.

That is not the power of the true God, but the detachment!

The power of the gods!

At this moment, everyone's face is gray, and the five real devils are crazy. They are casting a **** with the blood of the Quartet!

"Blood refining the devil!"

A sound of Sen Han sounded, the **** true devil soul collapsed, and also integrated into the small pool.

"In order to prosper the earth, for the glory of the demon, call my ancient gods with my blood!"

The four real devils shouted, and the sounds were thousands of miles. In this voice, their magical spirits fell apart and all merged into the small pool.


For a time, the heavens and the earth were low, and the old long sounds rang. The small pool rolled over and there was a demon. He was full of blue silk, and he was bathed in the magic light of the heavens. His eyes were like two sacred soldiers shining. The body flew around the four beasts.

This is setting off, but also guarding!

He is the center of the world!

"The Terran is dead, the demon is alive!" The **** of the cold despised the heavens and the earth, proud of the sky, and a look opened up the void, and flew out the **** of the gods.

"It’s just a demon, it’s like killing!"

The demon moon angered, and he rushed up, and a trench smashed the void and hit the demon.

However, the demon of the demon only raised one hand and slammed it down. The slamming sound, the trenches were bent, the demon moon was flying back, and the body was cracked.

A slap in the face!

This made the demons yell, they were too excited. They thought that the eight true devils were crouching. Now they know that they are blood-smelling demons. Only such power can destroy the human race. Although time is limited, it kills A few true gods can still do it.

What's more, now the other nine true gods have been trapped in the magic circle, and it is difficult to do their best. Just relying on the three people, it is simply looking for death.

"With my blood sacrifice gods!"

The Qing dynasty looks grim, she knows that she is facing a terrible demon. Although this is only a ruined demon, the real combat power is far from being comparable to the demon, but it is enough to kill them.

Therefore, she also used all her strength!


A drop of blood flew into the gods.

When the time came, the gods and celestial beings appeared in the golden light. It was born from the stars. The completely naturalized Shenhong was incomparable. When it appeared, it opened the hand of the demon.

"It is, it has appeared again!" The demon moved, in the wilderness period, the gods and celestial gods once horrified the world, killing the demon timid, and now it blooms in the hands of the human race.

This is a bad news!

However, his voice has not yet fallen, and the gods and celestial beings have completely bloomed. The nine-fold gods and rainbows have been killed one after another. The day of the fight is horrible, and the body gradually dims.

"The devil!"

The **** of the devil screamed, and there was a magic knife in his hand, and he waved!


The sky was cut off, and the gods flew a thousand miles away, and the gods and gods were swaying, and the scorpion was left with a terrible injury. It was straight through the chest from the chest, as if it would break at any time. Two.

"Oh, shock!"

Qing Li screams, her injury is too heavy, this is injured in the hands of the demon, the general Shen Dan simply can not save her.

Unless there is a true **** Dan.

But the kind of medicinal medicine can not be found in the whole Shenwu continent. It can be said that she has already entered the dead land with half a foot.

However, at this juncture she can only fight to death, to pull the demon.


At that moment, the magic stone flew past, and the light above was shocking and dazzling. It was not a stronger light. However, when it touched the demon, it suddenly became as bright as a practice.

That is a million thunder!

They trapped nine days and ten places, cut off a time and space, and shot Tianyu out of a hole, sketching a picture of destruction.


The demon was injured and his body was fixed. It was full of horror and said with amazement. "How could it be? How can this anti-theft appear here?"

"I am not willing!"

His full anger, this is the treasure of imprisoning time and space, not moving, it is terrible.

Especially for the demon, it is the **** that was born in the heavenly way, refining by the human race, usually very low-key, but once the power of the gods, it will shoot the strongest light.


Tianmo Stone!

This is the true meaning of the magic stone, but its terrible is not just this, but it is too difficult to completely control this kind of god.


The Qing dynasty flew over, and the gods and celestial beings shrouded directly, and the demon was swallowed up bit by bit.

“Try to go back!”

A shout of screaming, throwing out the magic stone, and fixed the magic circle, and then she turned the gods of the immortal to the magic circle, from which a spurt of a demon, directly into the magic circle.

During the rest of the day, the remaining nine true gods also came back. They were pale and hearty, and the devil was roaring. He was imprisoned by the magic circle. The power of the demon replaced the power of the true god. Array.

One manpower, eight true magic!

This is the demise of God!

However, she also paid the price of life for this. The whole person was bathed with blood, and the body was broken. The six gods and rainbows were all broken and fainted.

Yi Feng and Lu Wen's eyes were red, and a rushed up. They held Qing Qi in their arms. The best of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Ps.. tomorrow, more to make up for the mistakes made these days.

happy National Day!

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