Supreme Demon

Chapter 872: Looking to the end of the road

The seven hundred and twenty-two chapters look forward to the end of the road

Qingyi seriously injured dying!

This is a huge grief, so that every **** of the gods is stunned. She is a human being, and she is a real demon. She kills the blood and refines the demon, and saves a true **** from the magical array. However, the gods are ruined. The pillars have fallen.

She is very clear and dusty.

She bathes in blood and breaks her hair like a butterfly.

She fainted in the arms of Yifeng, like a gentle move, a fresh life, will fall in the wind, and holding her easy wind, it is the eyes of blood and tears, all over the body, only I can see with my own eyes that I can understand how heavy it is.

The whole portrait was cut off, and the internal organs were pulled out.

Despite the fact that more than a dozen Shen Dan and Futu's best products have been melted in the Qing dynasty, the amazing potency has penetrated into every part of the Qing dynasty body, but the flesh and blood has just healed and it has quickly split.

It was not a problem of medicine, but Qing Qing suffered from the power of the demon, the body was destroyed too seriously, and was blocked by the magic squad. He suffered this huge force alone, and it was a road injury. The ordinary Shen Dan still belongs to her. Not much effect.

"Sister..." Lu Wen’s voice choked, his eyes glowing red, his hands tight, because he was too hard, his fingertips stabbed into the flesh and blood, and the blood of the red blood was dripping down his fingers.

Full of sorrow!

"Clearly!" Fan Lao eyes are turbid, behind him, everyone is chilling, his face is gloomy.

They are gods and people!

It can be said that every **** is owed a life of blasphemy. They prefer to die by themselves. They definitely don’t want to be clean and hurt. They can die, but they can’t be clean. She’s shoulders are full of gods. Flag, never die.

"I have ten gods here!"

The demon moon was full of horror, and they were all ready to die in this battle. However, things exceeded their expectations and changed too much, and when they left the magic circle, Qing dynasty was dying.

Although they are opponents, they are very sad when they see the cleanliness at this time. She is so proud and so fragile. In other forces, there are not only them, but also a few of them can break into the real world at any time. Valkyrie is only suppressing it all the time, but in the wilderness, there is only one person.

They can only come up with God Dan, hoping to continue the life of Qing Dynasty, and anyone can see it. Without the true God Dan, her life will soon be paralyzed.

"She shouldn't bear so much." said the **** of the gods.

"This is what we owe her, and each of us owes her a life!" said the true God of the Holy Land. Without clearing, they will die today. The most important thing is that even the magical array of winds may be destroyed. In the words, the entire Shenwu continent must be in chaos.

"Send back to the land of the gods, and ask the major forces alchemy division to join hands and do their best to refine the gods."

The true God said, this is the only thing they can do. They are human beings, they are flesh and blood. They hope to kill the Qing and put them under their feet, but not in this way.


Fan Lao’s forehead, Yi Feng and Lu Wen have lost their senses. The whole person is immersed in great sorrow, and only he is still awake. “The next battle is handed over to you.”

"Fan old assured, we can use life to guarantee!"

The demon moon said calmly, the wind magic array has been consolidated, and the whole magical soil has been isolated. In this case, they can’t kill the demon scorpion of the gods and battlefields, then they can clean up and die. It is.

Compared with the eight real demons, these demons are simply small shrimps.


Fan Lao waved, Yi Feng and Lu Wen went straight to the sky. They flew to the wasteland of the gods. Now they have to go back as soon as possible. Please ask Zeng Heng and the other alchemy alchemists to find a solution.

"Like the way!"

The demon moonlightly drank, he flew out with the other ten true gods, and opened the world to block, they were on both sides, under the eyes of the gods, gently squatting.

This is a bow, this is also awe!

Perhaps, Qingyi has fallen, and there is no hope of rising. However, she deserves all true gods and martial arts.

This is the first in history!

The Qing dynasty has convinced the arrogance of the major forces. This is also the glory moment of the gods, but the cost of this glory is too great, and it has reached an unbearable level.

In the eyes of the public, Yi Feng and Lu Wen lightning flew out, and the first hole was rushed out in the blink of an eye.

There are Fan Lao, Lu Wen, and the guardian of the princes who are guarding the first hole in the sky. No one or the demon can hinder this torrent of heaven and earth. Everything is killing.


In the magic soil.

A dead, the mighty demon is blocked in the magic circle, they are desperate, their hearts are gray, even if they ignore life and death, but it is still a step later, the entire magic soil has to be dusted for thousands of years.

This is the fact that the demon is unwilling to face!

“Waste, it’s all waste!”

"We have tried our best to send them to the battlefield!"

The demon angered, pointing to the sky and screaming, and mad to Hao.

Over the years, they have laid out a lot of layouts, carefully sending more than a dozen real demons into the battlefield of the gods, and even using bullying pens. Unfortunately, they still can't open the magic circle, even the ones are falling. Into the hands of the human race.

The blood is paid, and the lessons of the blood are also obtained.

"Hate the sky, don't care about my magic!" An old demon screamed in the sky, his voice was as fierce as a wolf, they tried their best, but they still failed.

"God is ridiculous, small seven, you are the enemy of the demon, one day we will swallow the flesh and blood of you!"

The endless demon hate the sky, they can't change this ending, they can only plan for the future.

"Let them do their best, the magic circle is set by people, then there is a way to open!" An old man said coldly.


The demon of the magical soil has retreated, and there is no point in guarding it here. However, the magical array can’t hold them, and one day they will open the circle and kill the Shenwu continent.

And at the moment, in the battlefield of the gods.

The rest of the demon gods were stunned. They thought of the opening, but they did not think of such an ending. The eight true devils were killed by one person. Is that still human?

"God is ridiculous, this is the shame of the demon!"

The demons cried, and the blood and tears flowed. They spelled the last drop of blood, but the sky was so high, they could only look up, not the eight true demons were not strong enough, but the Qing dynasty was too strong.

God is ridiculous, the demon stone!

With these two kinds of sharp weapons in hand, no one can be a clear opponent. Even the eleven true gods are trembled. It can be seen how strong the Qing Dynasty in the peak period is.

Fortunately for them, the blood refining devil still hits the Qing dynasty. If there is no accident, this **** ridiculous arrogance will be damaged in the battlefield of the gods. As long as the demon smashes into the Shenwu continent, it will not be enchanting.

"An era has ended!"

The demons sighed in the sky and their last days came.

The Terran is now at its peak, and its qi and blood are strong, especially the tragic death of Qing Dynasty. It also deeply stimulates the gods and the other gods of the forces, making them extremely crazy and bloodthirsty. Even the Qing can die, they have What qualifications are alive.


Kill the last demon!

Especially under the leadership of eleven true gods, it is simply devastating, although the demons that can survive are very powerful, but the devil is the demon, they are still true devils, and the eleven true gods are almost exhausted, but they have the power. Auxiliary, the power of the true **** is still like a broken bamboo, killing the demon like a dog.


A demon is drinking, the magic circle has been consolidated, they are impossible to tear, and now there is no reason to insist, the courage of the husband is not suitable for them, the sacrifice is not worth it.

However, when they wanted to rush out, they found that the warriors in all directions were flying all over, and the whole world was surrounded by water. All eyes were red, more like a demon.

Before, when the 12 true gods were attacked and killed, they all had despaired, but now they are the moment of blood killing, and they can let go of a demon.

Only the blood of the demon can pay homage to the dead brother!


The demon moonlight snorted and took the lead to kill the demon. A murderer directly killed a demon and went straight to the center.

One step first class blood!

One step at a time angry!


This is the roar of the gods, they all rushed over, the number is terrible, and the demon is drowned in an instant, this is a chaos, and there is already a battle of ending.


"Get rid of one, worth it!" The demon raging, this is their last madness, knowing that they must die, so each demon has no idea of ​​rushing out alive, they are just killing as much as possible.

Kill one enough and kill two.

But, after all, it will die.

"Looking for the end of the world, ah..."

Far from the hurricane magic array, they seem to have seen the magic soil, but since then the yin and yang are separated, there is no possibility of going back.

The desolate mood infected every demon and made them scream, and then the voice gradually drowned in the crowd and was swallowed up by the terrible gods.

All die!

After eight **** battles, after the sacrifice of hundreds of martial arts, the demon was gradually annihilated, and all the bones were piled up into blood mountains, which became a monument in the first hole.

Despite this, everyone's face is full of joy.

The magical battles are trapped and killed, they will not die here, they can go back.


"The demon will never enter the battlefield of the gods, we have done it, everything is worth it."

They cried in joy, for the brothers of sacrifice, and for the dear relatives.

"not enough!"

The demon moon shouted. "The demon has killed us for so many years, there must be a lingering battle in the battlefield of the gods, we have to kill them and then return!"

"Go back!"

Everyone’s eyes are fascinating, and everyone’s eyes are fading. On this day they look forward to it for a long time. Until today, the real powerful demon gods have been killed. Therefore, killing the remaining demons is only a matter of time.

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