Supreme Demon

Chapter 882: Come back

Chapter VIII returns

The hurricane is cold and windy, playing a pool of autumn water.

Between heaven and earth, the magic is also lighter. Everyone on the battlefield of the gods and the battlefield is full of smiles. Although many people have not recovered from the injury, this ending is also their opinion.

After hundreds of years, they finally have to go back. This is an exciting time. Even Fan Lao is full of tears. He is facing a tombstone. The tombstone is buried with the bones of Qin Lao, and the bones of Guo Sishui are buried. Buried the **** of sacrifice that God died in these years.

Their souls are still there, they will be stationed here, watching the annihilation of the magic land.


Fan Lao drank the scent of scent, which is the nectar of his collection for many years. He usually only sipped a sip, and now he only took a sip, and then put the scent in front of the tombstone.

"Qin old man, here is a bitter, I hope that you can stay in the millennium for thousands of years and shake the whole magic soil!"

His body trembled and said: "We have to go back. We have discussed this issue before. Unfortunately, you have not been able to do it, and I have done it."

"Qin old man..."

His tears are shining and he can't make a sound.

Qing dynasty came, 禹 strings, Jun see laughter and other people also came, and Ling Feng also stood beside them, this is the ultimate fighting power of the ridiculous door, everyone has cast a monumental style in the battlefield of the gods and devils.

However, looking at the tombstone, their eyes are also wet, and the former brothers are lying under their feet...

"Go back!"

The next moment, the Qing dynasty shouts, the people in the desert door shout, and the road is spurred between heaven and earth.

The gods and the deserted people stepped out of the air and took a heavy step to fly to the gods. The flying gods and rainbows outlined thousands of rainbows between heaven and earth. They hoped for so many years and finally realized at this moment. .

Come back!

The invincible soul!

Go back!

That proud of the war!

Not only the gods, the heavens restricted area, the Tenjin Island, the Emperor's Holy Land, the Split God, the Yin Shenzong are also paying homage to the once-dead souls. There are no white songs, no poetry and songs, only the invincible war.

When the gods and riots rioted and the gods died, they resolutely set foot on this road of no return, and they died as they died!

When the gods are sinister, they can be subverted at any time. They shoulder this mission and exhaust the demon.

They have paid their lives for the Shenwu continent, but they can only be there to pay homage here. This is somewhat sad and heartbreaking, but this is fate!

"go back!"

People are shouting, and the obstinating warfare is burning. When one day, the gods and the battlefield need them, they will still step into this magic land, blood splashing the battlefield.


God holy land.

These days, people's faces are very dignified, especially the Secretary is empty.

All along, the gods and devils battlefields will send messages to the holy land of God every four months. However, now that one year has passed, there is still no news to pass back, which makes them feel heavy.

Without news, it is possible that a tragedy has occurred.

They also ordered Wu Shen to enter the battlefield of the gods. But the problem is that the whole big battles have been blocked, and they simply can't get in. In fact, not only them, but also other holy places and restricted areas.

This makes the atmosphere of Shenwu mainland tense. Once the battlefield of the gods and monsters is annihilated, it also means that the demons will be called at any time, which is why they are not careful.


The transmission of the gods and battlefields is trapped, but it is not done by the demon, but by Qing and others.

Lost arrays fall into their hands, and they can be determined in a war. But the problem is that no one can be sure that they will be able to do it, and once they lose, then the demon can enter the major forces by the transmission array. It’s terrible.

Therefore, the twelve gods and gods joined forces to seal the transmission array with the power of the true God. As a result, the atmosphere of Shenwu was tightened.

"The battlefield of the gods must have changed!"

Si Kong’s eyes are cold and cold. Over the years, they have become increasingly worried and are actively preparing. In the event of an accident, they will not be caught off guard.

But when they think of it, they may die at the battlefield of the gods at any time, and he will be like a knife.

"I hope that there will be no worst situation." The **** saints looked up at Tianyu, and they saw a killing in their eyes. They were all in the future of God's wilderness, especially the Qing and the Xiaomen. They will push the whole gods to the top, so the sacrifice is too heavy.

People are cold!

Turbulent, a gust of wind flew over and landed on the ground.

This is a middle-aged man, looks very ordinary, and his clothes are very ordinary, but his eyes are very sharp, and the whole person exudes a faint light. His momentum is very dim and people can't see through.

"The Holy Lord, the elder of Sikong, there is movement!"

The middle-aged man's eyes hang down, and the sound is like iron stone friction, giving a strong metal texture.

This words fell in the ear of God's sacred Lord and Sikong, and it changed its taste. Even if this person said that there was movement, it would be so simple, but a big move.


The gods and the saints shouted, and their nerves were tense in the past year, but they were relatively calm as the mutations approached.

The people tore the void and flew into the depths.


A mighty momentum, from far and near, the horror of the gods and rainbows illuminate the heavens and the earth, so that everyone is surprised.

Immediately, they widened their eyes and revealed incredible light.

The movement is not from the demon, but from the endless gods and rainbows. It is not the demon, but a **** of martial arts, led by the Qing Dynasty, and the whole millennium of the gods is returned.

Come back!

They were so fast that they flew in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.


God's sacred Lord and Sikong have all changed color. It is absolutely terrible that so many martial arts come back together. The situation is not optimistic. I am afraid that the battlefield of the gods is out of control, and they are forced to come back.

"Qing Yu, Xiao Qi..."

Sikong was absolutely stunned and quickly greeted him. He asked with a dignified look. "But, the demon has been rioted?"

"No!" Qing Xiao laughed.

“No?” Sikong stunned and said with a frown. “Would you like to return so many people?”

He is worried that the demon will return to the gods and fight against the gods and battlefields.

"No!" The clear answer is clear and powerful.

"Clear, what happened?" asked the Holy Lord.

"We got the lost array and consolidated the magical array." Qing Xiao smiled with a relaxed face. "Now, the demons of the entire demon battlefield have been killed, and we have no reason to be stationed?"


God's sacred Lord, Sikong, and others were all shocked. They are now stunned and watching a group of martial arts, and then ecstatic.

All along, the demon battlefield is their heart disease, and now the magic circle is consolidating, it is almost impossible for the magic land to enter the Shenwu continent.

“How did you do it?” The middle-aged people changed color and couldn’t help but ask.

"This will benefit from Xiaoqi..."

At the moment, Qingyi will put out many things that happened in the battlefields of the gods and gods in these years. They will hear the gods and the sacred masters, and the singers will be so intoxicated. Every battle is thrilling, but when the door is ridiculous Xiaoqi counter-killed, with the strength of Tianda's strength to defeat the Shendao demon, and finally fell to the end of the sinking, so that they were amazing, but also could not help but secretly sigh.

Immediately, the Qing dynasty and the seals were sent to the array, and the first battle was decided, so that everyone would secretly head to the forehead, and they would do so.

"Small seven is indeed a deputy."

The **** saint said, "Unfortunately, the price he paid was too great."

"The ridiculous old man sacrificed, and the small seven also fell so badly." Sikong was desperately depressed, and the feeling of sending a black-haired person to a white-haired person was uncomfortable.


The return of the gods, naturally also sensationalized the entire holy land of God, whether it is the door of the people, the holy door, the heavenly gate or the door of God are pleasantly surprised, once the strongest Valkyrie came back, their morale has improved a lot.

Especially in Tianmen, Arowana has been suppressed for many years, and with these martial arts, the face of the haze is also a smile.

And in the barren door, it seems very depressed.

The seven peaks are still standing in the clouds, but unfortunately there is one person missing.

"Sikong old man, you should not be sad, the fourth time his sacrifice is worthwhile."


In the first place, there is no such thing as Guo Sishui and Qin Lao’s desperate defense. There will be more martial arts tragic deaths. Even Qing dynasty and others may declare defeat. He exchanged his death for a singularity.

It is understandable that it is one thing, and sadness is another matter.

"Small seven, you should not be sad, we will remember that you pay, we will definitely think of your injury." God saint Lord said solemnly.

"Oh, the Lord is serious." Ling Feng shrugged.


Everyone saw a glimpse of the face of a crying face before the goods, after entering the barren door, they changed with a person.


Clear eyes smiled.. "That is to say."

"..." All the people were covered with black lines, and they were messed up in the wind. The feelings of this goods have long been healed, but they have been pretending.

"Some people think that I am threatening too much, I always want them to be assured." Ling Feng grinned, undoubtedly admitted in disguise of this fact, in front of these people, he did not conceal.

"Do you want to hang people?"

"You have to pit people again!" Ling Feng affirmed.

As a result, people are relieved, and the ridicule of the small seven is too important for them, Danwu double, this is very extraordinary.

Everyone was making a noise for a moment.

Si Kong’s face was only sinking, and he said softly. “The jihad is coming. This is the battle between the four great holy places, they have entered the Holy Land of the Emperor, and the battle is continuing.”

"Oh?" Ling Feng squinted.

"They have been waiting for someone to return, and there is still a vacancy in the anti-wild team." Sikong laughed, and this was told when he left, the meaning is already obvious.

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