Supreme Demon

Chapter 883: Life is like chess

The eighth hundred eighty-three chapters of life is like chess

God is deserted!

Ling Feng smirked and smiled, and there was a faint edge between the eyes.

Although people are not in the wild, but for these years, Ye Xinran's changes are not difficult. If there is such a super spy, it will become a matter of course.

"They have grown up!" Ling Feng exclaimed.


In recent years, Ye Xinran and Ling Qing have changed a lot. Once people have no dependence, and they have obsessions in their hearts, they can often explode with amazing potential. This is the case for Lingqing and Yunxi four women.

They are from the Wusheng realm to the current five-level Wu Zun. The fighting power is completely different. Each one is a terrible strongman of the seven-level Wu Zun. Even in the wilderness, they are extremely loud.

This is exactly what he expected.

Now that he is back, he has caught up with the holy war. He knows what Ye Xinran is expecting, but he is not in a hurry to rush to the Holy Land. Everything has a gradual process. He has to give them some pressure and a little more pressure.

Jihad is an opportunity!

He wants Ling Qing to do their best to fight. Only in this way, they are only amazing enough.

In a short time, Sikong flew to the top. He held a big chessboard in his arms and said with a smile. "Come on, these years are killing me, one by one, all enter the battlefield of the gods, now leisurely Come down, just accompany me to the old man."

This is one of his obsessions.

However, because Qing dynasty, chords and other people have entered the battlefield of the gods, his lonely person is stationed in the ridiculous door, but there is no such leisure, and now it is different, he is relaxed and stunned. .

"why me?"

Ling Feng frowned. He was thinking about the next battle, but he was interrupted by this uninvited guest.

"Why not you?" Sikong turned his eyes and threw the board directly on the ground, and he simply did not give Ling Feng a room for remorse.

"You can choose Qingjie Shijie, the second child, the third child, or the old five, the old sixth." Ling Feng grinned, and took a look at the empty, this old man is eating him today.

Sikong did not lift his head. He took out the chessboard and said, "The Qingtou gimmick is meditating. My old man is still guilty. The second and third are too stinking. It is really meaningless to play chess with them."

"Is this the reason?" Ling Feng blinked, he did not even believe in a hair.

"Cough, they are very busy, only you are free." Sikong's old face is not red, grinning, Qingzheng is refining that cluster of Niezhen fire, which is very meaningful to her.

And the strings, Jun Xiaoxiao, Yi Feng, and Lu Wen are also digesting these years in the battlefield of the gods and devils, he naturally will not disturb, only the ridiculous and leisurely meditation, which made him caught opportunity.

"Then the next two sets." Ling Feng was defeated by Si Kong, and he was not guilty of all the feelings, especially the Qing dynasty, if Si Kong would hold a chessboard, I was afraid that it would be photographed by a slap.

The ridiculous door can never understand what is called respect for the elderly.

"It is this truth."

Sikong was so happy that he handed White to Ling Feng and said, "You come first."

Ling Feng took the chess piece and stared at Sikong. "I am not very good at playing chess. You should not bully me."

"how come."

Sikong said nothing, and said awkwardly. "Moreover, this is just random, is it necessary to be so careful?"


Ling Feng’s forehead, directly down, placed in the center of the board.

He was not very good at playing chess, that is, when he was in the holy mountain, he spent some time with the old man of the Lord. The old man was also obsessed with chess. He even said that if someone can enter the road by chess, it must be no. The same heaven and earth.

To this end, Ling Feng also studied chess, but eventually gave up, this chess is not suitable for him.


Si Kong had a twin flash, and a piece of chess fell on the chessboard. It was directly opposite to the white child of Ling Feng.

One black and one white, one yin and one yang.

This is a kind of martial art, and it is also true that Sikong is obsessed.

The two of them fell on one side and talked at the same time. They gradually understood the jihad hurricane, which made his heart more stable and had enough rest time. Then Ye Xinran would lead the farther away.

The chess game of Sikong is very exquisite, such as the sword-like sword unfolding, and the previous advancement, and the Lingfeng is different. He was too fast in the early stage, which caused the whole situation to be scattered, which made it very refreshing. Ling Feng’s defense was also detained and under pressure.

"Haha, Ling Xiaozi, although you have extraordinary talents in martial arts, but on the chess track, it is a new tender." Sikong laughed so heartily, he enjoyed this feeling of embarrassment, too happy.

However, the guys who are clear and chord are too overbearing, attacking and killing, letting him only have passive defense, and eventually being killed alive. Since then, Sikong has completely broken the idea of ​​chess.

However, he quickly stared at the ridiculous door, this new tenderness can let him show his fists.

"Life is like a chess, you need a lot of understanding in Xiaoqi." Sikong is a brow and dances, looking at Lingfeng, his eyes are full of sly and sly pleasure.

He frequently fell, and forced the wind to stretch.

"Chess is like life, but it is not life."

Ling Feng’s staring at the chessboard, his chess has been forced to the edge, and the first step is wrong.

"Less nonsense, my old man has such a life feeling, that is the experience of hundreds of years, what is your kid?" Sikong is very uncomfortable to urge the road.. "Quick chess."

He has already bullied Ling Feng, and he will kill him when he is alone.

"Then I fell?" Ling Feng blinked.



The word settled, and in an instant, the situation changed.

Originally, the messy situation that was slain by Sikong, suddenly came alive, like a martial art suddenly shot a golden light, and the footsteps of Xiangyun came back.

The whole situation was chilled. The chess piece activated the entire chessboard. Those seemingly scattered pieces became an arched guard and fiercely slammed into the opponent.

Click the pen!

At this moment, the situation was over, and Ling Feng offered a **** butcher knife.

Sikong was absolutely stunned. He stared at the chessboard in disbelief. The corner of his mouth could not help but smashed. This one blocked all his attacks and put his fierce fangs in the cage. It’s like a person who is doing passion, but he is drenched with a dog’s blood, too special.

Now is not the question of raising the butcher knife, but as long as he dares to fall, the whole situation collapses. He seems to send his neck under the Lingfeng butcher.

"Let's go." Ling Feng urged.


"What about the next one?"


"The old man..."

"Old people, old people, you still know that I am an old man!" Sikong said with a sudden anger. "The old man is going to play chess, think more, what urge you to push?"

After he finished, he pushed the board and said it was very uncomfortable. "This is not the case, then the next game."

The second game.

Sikong can be more cautious, from time to time to kill the pieces of the wind, step by step for the camp, and forced Ling Feng to stretch, but in the later period, Ling Feng suddenly changed the formation, and gradually meet, when he will When the pieces fell on the board, the pieces of the game were alive.

In the end, Sikong was forced to die by living.

"You are too heavy in this person's mind." Sikong's aggressive beard was smashed, miscalculated, and underestimated the chess game of this kid, which is simply pushing himself into the fire pit.

"Chess is too stinky!"


Now Ling Feng finally knows why Si Mou said before that the string, Jun Xiaoxiao and other people are stinking, and the feelings he was killed by the miserable.

"One more game!"

Si Kong said unfortunately, every game feels only a little bit worse. As long as he is a little faster, he can kill Ling Feng and kill a piece of film without leaving it. How could he be willing to admit defeat?

"it is good!"

Ling Feng smiled, this old man is quite true, if he does not kill him, I am afraid that he will bother him every day, and now he finally understands why Jun Xiaoxiao and others are merciless.

Be sure to worry about this old man!

The third game!

Ling Feng fell like a power, attacked and attacked fiercely, and drove straight into the game, slaughtered from the game of Sikong, and ate all his pieces.

This is not a trick!

It is the conspiracy of red fruit!

What is even more frightening is that Ling Feng is forcing Sikong to come to death and completely control the rhythm in his own hands. The squad of the squad will become gray, and he will not want to smash the smashing door together with the chessboard.

This is what he said is new and tender.

This is not very good at letting you not bully him.

However, this guy is now bullying him!

He fell on the wicker chair, his face was sad, he was not clear, but he was not so bad, but he never lost so miserable, the horrible overall control, from beginning to end is a pit.

a long time.

He rolled his eyes and said very uncomfortably. "Low-key layout, high-profile killing, are you ready?"

"A decade?"

Ling Feng glanced at Sikong with a glance, and said sharply. "Before the low-key, it is the situation that needs us to keep a low profile, but now the situation is different, then it has to be high-profile."

"In the game, I feel that I am in control of this game. In fact, I am being controlled by this game. I am involuntarily."


Sikong had a double eye and a grin. "When you go to war, the door will be your strong backing."

They are talking about the game, not the game.

From Lingfeng, they have entered the holy land of God for nearly ten years, and the anti-God has been very low-key, but after a long time, they will lose their faith, especially those in Wuguo. They don’t know the gods. The glory of the people, naturally, there will not be the feeling of **** boiling, and even the sense of belonging is not strong enough.

And now Lingfeng is to regain their confidence and let them proud of their pride!

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