Supreme Demon

Chapter 895: Sixth place against the wild

The 805th chapter

The jihad is in full swing.

The battle sound cut off the hurricane, and it was pressing the sky and the earth with a violent momentum.

However, when the woman walked on the battlefield, the hurricane of the heavens and the earth came to an abrupt end, and the fighting sounds were broken instantly, like fallen leaves.

The genius who dominates the gas field.

A peerless master who can win the jihad, so lonely and standing on the battlefield, she is cold and proud like a moon, her eyes are as hot as the sun, and she seems to have worn it for a thousand years. The ambiguous pride, the peerless face, reveals her herd. different.

This is also very awkward!

At least, many people did not expect that she would play at this time. Before that, she was the finale. As long as she did three to zero, she could dominate one.

However, the 16 strong, the strong strength of the dust, also forced Ye Xinran to have to do the morning field to decide a battle.

And this falls in the eyes of others, and the meaning is completely different.

In their view, the end of the wilderness has come to an end, Liu Shushu, Yunxi is the second only to Ye Xinran, while Lingqing, Duoyu rain month is slightly inferior, in this case, only leaves It’s more stable when you are happy to play, and you can win the last two games.

Moreover, it is obvious that this is pulling the momentum, as long as the lead is three to zero, then the dust can be suppressed in the momentum, and the impact on the later battles is unquestionable.

"Only five people have been forced to the limit."

"Only in the momentum of oppression, they have a chance."

"But, do they really have a chance in front of the dust?"

People have shook their heads. The power of the dust is the balance. Although Shifeng can be included in the second position in the dust, other people will not be inferior, which also requires the other two to be stronger.

And Ye Xinran’s presence also made people see the end of the wilderness, they have come to an end.

"Little uncle has played!"

On the cloud view, the gods are so dignified. They have never seen Ye Xinran so impulsive, which makes them very helpless. One person is strong, it is not a holy war.

"Is forced?" The Lord of the Devil is frowning. This is very wrong. Ye Xinran is not such a character.

“Do you feel pressure against the wasteland?”

Qin Haotian said with a smile, he looks very relaxed, this battle is still somewhat dangerous, if Liu Shushu, Yunxi did not break out, then the wilderness may really be eliminated.

But with two victories, it is inevitable that the promotion of the wilderness is a must. A terrible woman, a **** bird that makes them cautious, is too few to overcome them before the jihad before they appear.

"This woman is very powerful!"

Ling Xuewen also smiled and said: "I have to say that these people are very wonderful, one secretly hides, has not appeared so far, and one wants to force him out."


On the occasion of the coming of the gods and devils, the pressure on the wilderness also felt the pressure. Ye Xinran and Tsaojiao also felt that they could kill them step by step. However, in the top 16, they were really dusty and let them really realize the seriousness of the problem. In this case, they can only hope that Lingfeng can arrive earlier.

"No suspense!" Qiu Shuyi showed a smile.

Even she didn't notice the bird, let alone other people, but as long as she noticed it, she would feel how terrible the bird was.


"Hey? Did she actually play the third time?" The old man was taken aback.

When the dust is two to zero, he also wants to play. They have never been forced to this level. He also hopes to save the tide. In the momentum, the drought will not be so close, four to three is Destined, but can not be underestimated.

However, Ye Xinran dismissed his thoughts on the court. He and the people have the same idea. This woman must be oppressed by momentum. But what is the use of the dust that has passed through the battle?

"Who is here?"

Ye Xinran calmly looked straight into the dust.

"Weekly, you go." The old man blinked and smiled coldly.

He knows that this woman wants him to play. The two captains are confrontational. This is a beautiful talk, but he will not let her wish.

This is the battlefield.

Only the winner can go to the end, but the courage to go forward, miss this woman, and the dust will never stop.

Waiting for Mabo to wait for the horse.

"Oh..." The crowd couldn't help but scream. Although they are not ashamed of the behavior of the old man, they have to admit that this is indeed a wise move. He is not a hero, but a hero.

"Yes!" Zhou Yue nodded.

In the dust, he is ranked seventh. The arrangement of the old man is undoubtedly revealing the answer.

Therefore, his pressure is not so great, at least the loss of his place, there is no complaint.

"call out!"

He fell on the field in one step, his body was tight, and only when he got to the battlefield could he understand the terribleness of the dominating gas field. The pressure can penetrate into the blood, and people look at her with awe and fear.

Under such pressure, he did not hold back and killed the past with a stagger.


The two-handed hammers smashed the past and smashed the past. He was a rectified warrior. The body was just broken into the silver sacred body, and it was able to lift 700,000 jins of force. This is also terrible in the realm of Wu Zun.

Of course, he is also a six-level Wu Zun, and the two are together, and the momentum and combat effectiveness are still very strong.

Unfortunately, he is a genius.

Goods are worth throwing, people are dead than people!


The sky trembled abruptly, and immediately, Ye Xinran flew into the air, her hands clasped together, a low temperament, suddenly excited.

For a time, the wind stopped dark, and a light palm penetrated the void, carrying the thunder of the sky, and killed it in front of Zhou Yue.


The gas waves have turned a bit, just then!

The giant light curtain formed by the two handles suddenly broke apart, forming a palm print, and the palm print was quickly sunken, and it was continuously enlarged in the pupil of Zhouyue.

Immediately, it was like a broken bamboo hitting him.

"call out!"

Zhou Yue fell back, and one fell to the ground. The silver body blew up a crack, blood overflowed, and even the eyelids collapsed, and the red pus was flowing out.

"No pain!" Zhou Yueqi climbed up, gnashing his teeth, staring at Ye Xinran with indignation.


Everyone’s mouth was stunned and they were all beaten like this. It’s still not painful.

The ghost believes it!

"That will make you hurt!" Ye Xinran said indifferently, her hands evolved, a sharp edge, suddenly broke out.

It seems like the sky is rolling, it seems like a thunder.

This is the second palm of the 18th Emperor of the Buddhism. In the evolution of the Lingfeng, the progress of these years is so fast, even the elders of the door are shocked, at least in comprehending the 18th palm of Futu, her speed is clearer than It’s faster.

Now, she can already swing the eleventh palm.


Before that, Zhou Yue, who was not hurting, fell to the ground and did not get up and down.

He was wronged in his heart, and Nima’s first palm hit him with a crack in his body and pain in the bone marrow. This second palm is not for his life.

Although the slogan is very loud, it is not comparable to life.


People's mouths are smashed again. Where is this the best?

Are you arrogant and domineering?

Are you proud of the momentum of the mountains and rivers?

You are so realistic, what do your parents know?

I have to say that Zhou Yue is very wise. If Ye Xinran falls, he will not be killed, because this man will make the old man and Shifeng very dignified. There is still a fundamental difference between artistic conception and oppression. .

"Reverse, win!"

The elder of the Emperor's Holy Land promptly shouted, and he also saw that Zhou Yue was clearly pretending to be dead, and if he did not shout, it is estimated that Ye Xinran's palm fell, and this death may be dead.

His existence is to avoid death and injury as much as possible.

Three to zero!

This is what the wilderness is going to do.

In fact, this is also a suspenseful battle, not to mention Ye Xinran's dominance of the gas field, just her realm is not comparable to Zhou Yue.

When I heard this sentence, Zhou Yueyi climbed up and slammed into the battlefield, which made people can only go to heaven, even the dust and the people of Xishen Island did not want to see him. At a glance, a picture of "I don't know this goods."

It’s too shameful!

Ye Xinran walked down the battlefield, and the old man who was in the dust was flying up.

In his eyes, he reflected the cold light and forced the dust to the edge of the cliff. It was a price to pay for it, but now it is time for a turning point.

"Who is coming."

His eyes fell on Ling Qing, Du Gu Yuyue, and his eyes were cold.

However, Ling Qing, Du Gu Yuyue's eyes are very indifferent, they are very calm sitting on the stone chair, watching the sky, blowing hair.

What is this?

People have been slandered by the two. Is it necessary to give up this battle?

If Ling Qing and Du Gu Yuyue know the thoughts of people's minds, they will be angry. They don't want to go up, but they fight to this extent. There is no suspense.

Ye Xinran is up.

Well, it also means it is coming!

There is only one pity in the eyes of Ling Qing and Du Gu Yu Yue. He is glad to the upper leaves. This old man may just be defeated, but he is pitiful to the mad bird.

"Old man, your opponent is me!"

At this time, a lazy voice rang on the battlefield.

As a result, people's eyes fell on the bird that did not fall in the autumn. It was languid, and the atmosphere was like the sky. It didn't look like a wake-up, petite body, so that it couldn't help it.

"Even if you want to give up in the wild, don't you use it so thoroughly?"

"Isn't this the pet bird on the shoulder of Ling Qing goddess?"

People laugh and let a pet come to battle. Isn't that funny to laugh at the world?

"No, I am the sixth in the past." The proud bird corrected his face seriously.

"Wow, haha..." So the laughter was more thoroughly.

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