Supreme Demon

Chapter 896: Let the idiot shut up

Chapter VIII, let the idiot shut up

On the battlefield.

A bird's feathers are messy, and there are still saliva on the bird's owl. Sleeping on the eyes, like just waking up, it flies in the air, flapping its thin wings, and looks very lazy.

It is as sincere as it is to make people recognize its status.

The sixth defeat!

This is what people have never thought of. The five women in their eyes are too dazzling, and this gray-haired bird is too low-key, so it is easy to overlook, which is the original intention of the wilderness.

However, this bird is too weak. When flying, the gray hair on the body seems to fall, as if it is crawling out of the soil, there is no strong momentum, and there is no cold arrogance of the Wu Zun class. Eyes.

Is this self-abandonment against the wild?

"Laugh me, is this the bird that ran out?"

"Although the jihad did not ban the beast, but I have not heard of pet birds can also fight."

"In the end, this is to get rid of the horse, and to get rid of the old horse."

People laughed unscrupulously, many people hugged their stomachs, and their intestines smiled.

It is so serious, so serious, how do you mean to fight it.

Of course, in the crowd, the people who are against the gods don’t laugh. They know what kind of gods it is. Although it looks gray, it is a pet of the lesser, and it can make the gods of the lesser, it The combat power can be imagined.

The gods and geniuses did not laugh. They were looking at the arrogant bird with a sullen look. Only when they reached their realm, could they see through the surface and look into the real place. Although this bird is usually lazy, it is petite. The body has an unparalleled hegemony and is definitely their enemy.

In particular, it was placed in the position of the murderer, and it had to be thought-provoking.

In the end, there was no laughter. They looked indifferent, but the bottom of the eyes was a sneer. If the arrogant bird is a joke, then so many people present are mostly idiots.

Cloud view.

Several middle-aged people looked at each other and said that their mouths were slightly raised. "Your, is this really the sixth in the past?"

"Yes!" Still said with great certainty.

"Isn't it really a pet?" Someone pouted, and they couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems to be?"

Still uncertain, the **** of the gods is extraordinary, the whole Shenwu mainland is only afraid of this one, but it comes with that person, a follower, and most likely his war bird.

A genius is surrounded by a group of geniuses. His vision is absolutely terrible. Then, the horror of this bird can be foreseen. It’s just that the gods and **** have changed a lot in the past few years. From the golden glow to the present, it is especially inconspicuous. It completed the inverter.

This is also the martial art of the gods and goddess to go, returning to the truth!

In the weak, you can see the martial arts!

It is rumored that the **** of the gods is an ordinary bird. Because of the "reverse" factor in character, they are unwilling to be mediocre. They follow the martial arts step by step, and they are embarking on an unparalleled martial art.

Therefore, each generation of the gods and **** starts from the ordinary, only through the vicissitudes of life, can go to the highest martial arts.

In this respect, people are not as good as birds!

"They are going to give up this?" Someone shouted.

"will not!"

Still calmly said: "Every time you go to the end, you will never give up, and they will not lose!"

"Let's wait and see."

Everyone looked at it for a long time and couldn't see through this person. The bird was really ordinary. Even they felt it. Can they still perform a miracle?


"Are you insulting me?"

The ugly old man's face is ugly, his body is straight, and he is happy to play against the wilderness. Although he still has the intention to let go of this game, at least it is a person.

But... what a bird is this ghost.

"Are you despising me?"

The proud bird said very sharply, it stared straight at the old man, the anger of his face, what these people are.

When can the person's stinking disease be changed?

Is it necessary to let Ye Xinran the woman who beat him to death?

Of course, this can also be done.

"Reversely, do you want to do this?" The old man who directly ignored the proud bird, glared at Ye Xinran, said: "With a bird to give up this battle, do you think you can win?"

Ye Xinran squinted and his voice rang loudly. "It is indeed the sixth in the past, we just want to win all the battles."


The dusty old man’s eyes are cracked, and he wants to tear up all the people in the desert, let him fight with a bird, and he is also contemptuous. Even if he wins, his face is not very radiant.

Can you say that I won a gray bird in jihad?

That would make people laugh and bleed.

"good very good!"

The dusty old man glared at the people in the past, and immediately turned his face and shouted. "This is what you forced me. When I am going to roast the bird, I will pay for it with a pet. of."

"Whatever!" Ling Qing said lazily. "It is not my pet."

"Goddess, we are so chilling when you talk like this."

"I don't even care about the life and death of a bird. How do you say it is a couple of days and nights?"

"That is, it is too cold."

People suddenly filled their indignation, although the proud bird is very inconspicuous, the appearance is too ugly, but after all, it is a life, how can it be so cold-blooded?

This is incompatible with the image of your goddess.

I have to say that Ling Qing’s move has disappointed many people. Under the beautiful face, what kind of soul is hidden in the end?

Qingqing snake mouth, Qingfeng tail needle.

Both are not poisonous, the most poisonous woman.

At this moment, the goddess in many people's minds has changed. It can be insisted on Liu Shushu. It can be a cloud stream that starts in hell, or a cold, solitary rainy month, but it can't be this "snake" woman.

Ling Qing smiled faintly. She didn't care about the thoughts of these people. What she cares about is the feeling of that person. This is enough.

What's more, when the arrogant bird shot, I believe many people will shut up.

Of course, the most wronged is the proud bird.

"I am really not her pet!"

It wants to scream loudly, but I also know that this kind of thinking is not acceptable, and can only be screamed by many people.

"When the sword is smashed, there is a glory."

The proud bird is drinking low, the voice is clear, and it is spread throughout the audience. "I intended to Tianyu, sitting in the sea of ​​stars, and there are people who look at the birds with low eyes."

"Why don't hesitate, throw a fist at the old man and let the idiot shut up!"


The whole world was quiet, and the laughter came to an abrupt end. Everyone's expression was very funny. The bird was ridiculing them. The low-key was like a poet, and the high-profile was like a **** bird.

Despised by a bird!

How does this feeling feel a bit... the mouth is bleeding.

Mad, kill it!

This is not a person's feelings, but the feelings of all people. Even Qin Yutian and Bai Haozhen are all screaming at the mouth.

"Giggle, I know who it is!"

Qiu Shuyi grinned, she did not resent the bird, but she loved it, and only that guy would raise such a wonderful bird.

"It's his bird!"

Qin Haotian slammed his mouth, and the ghosts could see that this character and Ling Feng Shen, then seriously said shameless words.

The same style.

The same shameless.

"I will bake you into pieces!"

The dusty old man's beard was pulled down by a root, and the sigh of the air trembled, and the ridicule of the proud bird was completely covered by him. He had to say that sometimes he was not an all-idiot.

You see, this time he is very wise.

It is not only him, but also the dust and the martial arts of Xishen Island. One face is iron and blue, and I can't wait to pull out the hair of the proud bird, and then cut the tongue and cut off the head.

"The old man, the wind is so big, afraid of not afraid of flashing his tongue, head?" Tsao Jiao said lazily.


The old man feels that there is a blood in the corner of his mouth. He estimates that the real fighting power of this bird is sharp and nonsense. If the battle has not yet begun, the popular half will not live.

If he is mad, it will become the first "glory" of jihad.

"Come on, hurry up and shoot at me."

The Tsundere bird hooked his finger at the dusty old man and said, "Only, I can let those idiots shut up."


"Hurry up, how do people get so tempered when they are old?"


"Hey, you won't be okay?" Tsundere's eyes stood up and looked at the old man.


The old man who is mad at the old man is ascending to the sky, angry and rushing, not hitting his face, saying that a man can't say that he can't, even an old man is very jealous. There is no doubt that the old man is poked by it. .


He slammed, and people were like lightning and came straight.

The power of the nine martial arts on the body shines all over and turns into a sword of the dragon. The sword is like a dragon, and the dragon has a brand of a sword. The two are combined, and the real mans are shot.

There is no martial arts, but this is martial arts!

When the Canglong Excalibur squats, the whole world is dimmed. This is not the first force of Wu Zun to the border since the holy war. Every one of them is so bright, and it is amazing to be too brilliant.

The hurricane is raging, and the sword is arrogant.

You can't do it.


Tsundere bird pouting, this old man's combat power is indeed very powerful, it is worth it.

Why do you put it in a crucial position?

On the one hand, Ye Xinran is too dazzling, even if it is impossible to hide, it is better to expose some of it, and it is unbelievable. On the other hand, it is too strong, and it is true that the goddess of the gods will truly show the power.

In the past few years, it has not been in the wilderness for a long time with Ye Xinran. After two years, even the gods and people have forgotten the brilliant record of this bird.

And now the glory will repeat itself.

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