Supreme Demon

Chapter 922: Peak matchup

The ninth and twenty-two chapter peak matchup

The crowd is crowded.

Like the flood of the sky, it is necessary to submerge this piece of heaven and earth, and the black pressure is like a cloud of darkness. It spreads from the battlefield to the sky. On the cloud view, the genius of the major forces is arrogant.

On the peaks of the mountains, the people's holy places, Qing dynasty and so on, like the unattainable monuments, they are very weak, but the sly eyes still make them feel their difference.

Great attention!

This is the grand event of the whole Shenwu continent. Wu Zun comes to see the whole situation. You can see the future of Shenwu mainland, and the tyranny of the gods and the gods, and other forces are pressured.

"It’s hard to win or lose, this is just a battle that is evenly matched." The Emperor said, his eyes are dim, and such Tianjiao has only one person in their time, but now there are more than one person.

Regrettably, such a genius is not from the Holy Land of the Emperor, which makes everyone in the Emperor's Holy Land feel sour.

"Whether you win or lose, the biggest winners of this battle are the gods and the ruins of the people." A martial **** in the Holy Land of the Emperor said that with the strong fighting power, other geniuses are dull, and the human door also proves. If you are yourself, you will inevitably attract a large number of talented warriors. It is even possible to replace Tianmen and Shenmen as the first of the four gates.

"There are a lot of winners, but there is only one person at the biggest." The Emperor of the Emperor squinted and paid an ancient country, and there was support from the two forces of the gods and the emperor. The ridiculous little seven was simply against the sky.

But this is just now.

If he is on the peak of the holy war, then it will be more brilliant than now, Danwu is a double, you can imagine how crazy the gods will be.

When you can be in Wuzun, you can come to Qingzhen to sit in the town. This is a gift that can be explained.

Qin Haotian, Ming Hao's strong, you can see, but the ridicule of the small seven strong, he can not see, this is his most terrible place.

It can be said that when the anti-wildness gradually shines, the Holy Land of the Emperor has also inquired, but the answer is very vague. The background of the ridiculous small seven is too thin, purely the Qing dynasty is propping up, and the arrival of Qing dynasty also makes His thoughts on the ridiculous little seven have changed.

This is not a genius that relies on clearing, but a self-improvement of the Supreme Force. The huge and low-key forces are spreading under their eyes. This kind of handwriting is terrible, and young people with such minds can There are few in the Shenwu continent.

This is also the reason why he is willing to come up with an ancient country to win the friendship of the Seventh Five-Year Friendship. It is always more grateful to send charcoal in the snow, and when the sacred door is on the peak, it will not only benefit the gods. It is.

This is a gamble, but it is worthy of him to do this. He is arrogant against the gods, backed by the gods, the emperor, and the talent is unique. If such a person can't rise, then they still have to live. .

Therefore, they are more eager to get rid of the laurels, although this will be more dangerous, but the benefits will be even more amazing.

"He has always been here, and he has already come here. In fact, the real battle has already ended." Qing Xiao smiled, sometimes she also longed for a hearty battle, but it didn't mean anything at first glance. .

She can see through the Qin dynasty, but the ridiculous Xiaoqi is indeed a mysterious person.

"Will you win?" Still nervous, the palms are cold sweats, and it is incredible to go back to this step. He has received the message from the gods, and some of the peerless elders are back. They are very satisfied with the fruit of the war, and they are even more praised for them, so that they have a feeling of being flattered.

But the more it is at this time, the less self-satisfied they are, and the fact that they are losing or losing is the real key.

"I am afraid that it is very dangerous!"

On the cloud view, Ming Hao, Bai Haojun, Xiahou Yufeng and Qiu Shuyi sat together and stared at the battlefield. Although they lost in the hands of Ling Feng, Ming Hao was calm, but this made the heavens restricted area. Everyone is very upset.

Is this person's state of mind terrible to this extent?

of course not!

In the battlefield of the gods and demons, they were forced to admit defeat by the small door. In the Shinto, they did not even have the courage to shoot. In contrast, this defeat is more likely to calm people.

At this moment, even he also frowned, and the wilderness is not weak. The proud birds and Ye Xinran are very powerful, but there are three false gods in the cracked gods, the strength is too great, and the three are not Yinsong. The false god, coming back from the battlefield of the gods, means that they can do it even better, especially Ling Xuewen. It is rumored that she was even more enchanting than Qin Haotian.

What's more, Qin Yutian, the liar, almost moved all the martial arts of the sacred gods. In this case, the four women of Yunxi and Lingqing dumplings had no chance at all.

In seven battles, it is already very difficult to win two games in the past, and it is harder to win four games than to climb the sky.

Therefore, the anti-landscape must be lost!

"Qin Haotian is a liar!" Qiu Shuyi said quite awkwardly. From the heart, she still hopes to win the battle against the wild.


"Less masters will not lose!" said against the gods, the young masters and the little uncles are the mainstays against the gods. They will not accept failure, and there is no failure in the eyes of the gods.

"Jihad, I am against God!"

This is their ambition. Under this great trend, no one can knock them down.


The hurricane is cold.

Against the gods, they walked into the battlefield with firm steps. The five women were dazzling and attracted a burst of cheers and whistles. The enthusiasm of the people was completely mobilized.

Then, Qin Haotian led the crowd out, and the tight clothes were tightly attached to the body. The well-proportioned body was perfectly presented. Naturally, it also detonated the cloud view, which made many girls look at each other. More importantly, Ling Xuewen was also a Goddess, not worthy of Lingqing, Yunxi four women.

Just, let everyone calm down, looking forward to the two camps against each other, the first to take the battlefield is not against the four women, not the proud bird Ye Xinran, but the wilderness of the small seven, the same is true of the split gods. Qin Haotian first set foot on the battlefield.


"The first game is going to be so crazy? My little heart can't stand it."

"They are like this, let's see how we still look?"


Everyone has been smashed. It can be said that the ridiculous Xiaoqi and the Qin dynasty Tianyifeng confrontation, then everyone else is inferior, whether it is Ye Xinran, Ling Xuewen or others, will not cause everyone to watch the craze, but also fight It shouldn't be like this. If you haven't started, you will be directly high and tide, and then you will end in a hurry. This is too disrespectful to the audience.

"Under the bottom of the barren, there is still a lack of some heat." Qin Haotian said with a smile.

"Maybe." Ling Feng said unchangeable.

"They follow the rules of jihad, but at this point, they don't need to be so complicated." Qin said.

"A battle will win or lose?" Ling Feng smiled.


Qin Yutian said affirmatively that he is not the Xiahou imperial wind in the restricted area of ​​the heavens, nor the Ming Dynasty of the Yinshen sect. He is Qin Yutian, and the tyranny of the sacred **** does not require jihad to prove.

The only one to prove is himself.

"However, before this, Xue Wen seemed to be very interested in Ye girl." Qin Haotian said euphemistically.

"I think she is also very interested in Ling girl." Ling Feng picked up his eyes, and it seems that Ye Xinran has not exposed all the strength, and it is also very taboo.

"Let them fight one game, but this will not affect the overall situation." Qin Haotian said with a pair of eyes. "In the end, we will directly determine the first ownership of the peak."


The two turned and walked down the battlefield, which made people happy, but also a little disappointed.

However, people also got news from the dialogue between the two people. The holy war will be decided by the peak matchup, and Ye Xinran is a friendship war against Shangling Xuewen.

That is to say, the rest of the people and the other people of the sacred gods are completely to make up the numbers. They still reversed the rules of jihad, but they are also reasonable and reasonable. Even the holy land of the people has no refutation.

"She is very dangerous, try her best." Ling Feng said lowly, Ling Xuewen is unfathomable, that is, he must go all out now, and Ye Xinran has no experience in confronting the gods and geniuses. It is easy. Eat a big loss.

"I won't lose!"

Ye Xinran took a look at Ling Feng, a cold and cold road. For this guy who dared to swear by herself, she wouldn’t have any good looks. Immediately, she stepped onto the battlefield.

"A talent can be compared to the genius of the Qing dynasty, I want to come to be your opponent." Qin Haotian also secretly confessed to a certain, to the upper leaf is certainly not to care.

"Whether winning or losing, she is my strongest fighting person!" Ling Xuewen chuckled, she felt the same kind of atmosphere in Ye Xinran, very dangerous but full of challenges.

In fact, even she did not have much confidence.

The appearance of this scene has also caused people to fry the pot. The two beautiful couples are confrontational, graceful and graceful, and even more pleasing to the eye. It doesn't matter if you miss other people, but this battle is enough.

What's more, the combat power of these two people is indeed right on the word "peak matchup".

"I am very curious, what is your extreme?" Standing on the battlefield, Ling Xuewen said with a smile.

"I don't have the best!" Ye Xinran is cold.

"You will have the best, must!" Ling Xuewen stunned, and then grinned, not extremely tyrannical, meaning she will not reach the extreme, which also represents Ye Xinran's desire for victory.

However, Ling Xuewen is also a proud genius, she will force Ye Xinran to the extreme, a battle to win.

"come on!"

Ye Xinran made an invitation. She flashed her hand and added two short knives, crouching in the cuffs, like two beasts are peering at the prey.


Ling Xuewen stepped back, and a sword appeared silently. When she was in her hand, the world was dull and the hurricane burst. She was like a queen who dominated the battlefield.

Dominating momentum!

Dominating the gas field!

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