Supreme Demon

Chapter 923: Dark dominance

Chapter 193 Dark Master

Gas field fights!


The world shivered, and a wave of volatility exploded from the center of the battlefield. The amazing power continued to spread around, tearing the gods, which made the four martial arts miserable, and made the emperor cry and tears. They all The gods have been consolidated as much as possible, but in such a battle, they still have to be destroyed.


Ling Xuewen is also unceremonious. Once it comes up, it is a fierce sword that is strong and explosive. The momentum and realm of the body also directly rise to Wu Zun to the border. The Jianhong that bursts down, the horror of the sky, like a rainbow of nine brilliant Gather together.


The gods are broken instantly, and the voids are broken. Like the birds with their wings folded, one inch of the dying down, and there is a sword rainbow in the center, which is like a broken bamboo, and it is killed in front of Ye Xinran.


Ye Xinran drank low, she stepped back, and her palms lifted up, and she squatted again. She suddenly went away with a storm, and then she went out and slapped it out, like a fairy, fierce as a demon, stirring in the sword rainbow. On the top, the swords are all dimmed.

At this moment, Ye Xinran's momentum and realm also directly blew the nine-level Wu Zun peak, and the same as the proud bird, but the fighting power is even better.


When the floating palms of the nine fall, the sword rainbow broke, but the palm of the hand still did not stagnate, straight to the Ling Xuewen, fierce hegemony, there is a kind of ruin.

This undoubtedly surprised many people. Buddhism was brilliant in the battlefield of the gods and devils, but in the realm of Wuzun it has not yet shown the real Tianwei, so Ling Xuewen Jianfeng flashed, and the second sword also went down. .


A sword swung down and directly opened the tenth palm from the middle and rushed to the next palm.

At the same time, she blasted forward, step by step approaching Ye Xinran, Jianfeng was cutting off the palm of the hand, the violent mess, so that everyone was shocked, and in the process, Ling Xuewen slashed the third sword, The stunned sword is really shocking, and even the four martial arts are secretly screaming.

"Broken!" Ye Xinran did not change color, still his hands evolved to play the eighteen palms of the floating, one palm is more terrible than one palm, the twelve palms of gray smoke destroyed the second sword, and the fifteen palms killed the third sword.

"call out!"

The next moment, she also flew to Ling Xuewen, who said that the goddess will not fight close. Once they are violent, even men must be afraid, and at the speed of the two people's horror, people can only see the glimpses of light.

"Eighteen palms!"

Finally, Ye Xinran burst into a burst of fire, and flatly launched a palm, palms and winds, impeding the Quartet, forced Ling Xuewen to dodge, can only lift the sword hard resistance.

"Screaming the fourth sword!"

Ling Xuewen held the sword and swayed down. The four swords and rainbows were combined in the wind. They shot thousands of people and smashed them. In one fell swoop, they resisted the eighteen palms of the floating, and the sky was scattered. Even the clothes of the four martial arts were torn by the hurricane that flashed.

It can be said that this battle is comparable to the pseudo-deity, and even more arrogant.


When the air wave rolled and burst, Ye Xinran flew out, the mouth was bleeding, and the beauty was pale, and Ling Xuewen just stepped back, the temperament was not reduced, and the style was dazzling.

Obviously, in the realm, Ye Xinran is still inferior, and in the power of talent and goddess, she can not suppress Ling Xuewen, eating a dark loss.

"In the end, there is a dragon and a phoenix in the wild, but it seems that it is not your full strength?"

Ling Xuewen hand-held sword, smiled and said, the floating elephant 18 palm is very strong, but Wu Zunjing is not much different from the gods, so her realm can be completely suppressed.

"The Wu Zun is not yours." Ye Xinran said proudly.

"You really deserve my expectations!"

Ling Xuewen killed the past, and the fifth sword stunned the sky, and the whole battlefield flew up. Even some false gods were exclaimed.


Ye Xinran screamed at the thunder, and his hands were in ten, and the time flew out of the sword and turned into a sword.


The day trembled, the earth sank, the whole sky was covered by the stars, and a light flew out in the endless stars, the older the more bright, the brighter the sun.

This is a star!

The difference is that she is more immersed in this aspect than Lingfeng. With her current realm and the power exerted by her, she has also steadily suppressed the 18th Emperor.

A sword swings, the world is absolutely, the stars are absolutely!


A loud noise, the people of the earthquake turned over, that is, many cloud views have collapsed. People only think that the blood has emerged, flowing from the nose and mouth, so that they can't help but groan.

This sword confronted, no violent embarrassment, because all the cockroaches were shattered and annihilated.

Ye Xinran exploded three steps, and Ling Xuewen also retired three steps, and the starry sky was pressed over, and the Ling Xuewen was also slightly injured, and the clothes were torn apart. The jade skin has a touch of red.

A nine-level Wu Zun has killed the martial arts in the world, and it has come from the anti-desert, and it has already made people feel numb and amazing.

"I am not as good as you!"

Ling Xuewen shook her head. This woman is terrible. She can compete with her at the 9th level. When she was in this realm, she was absolutely not so violent, and she was still tempered in the battlefield of the gods.

"But your realm is not enough!"

Ling Xuewen laughed. When she came to Wuzun, she could only tie with Ye Xinran, but she could not be in this realm.

Along with the low force, she stepped into the pseudo-deity, and on this basis, went a step further and took a small step toward the martial arts!

When the time came, the whole world was dull. After Ming Yu, Qin Yutian, and Xiahou Yufeng, there was finally someone who took this step in the holy war. When the gods came, people only felt that the heart was sinking.

This is a step into the realm of God, very detached, terrible than the false gods, very few people can go.

Qin Haotian did it. It was because he realized the realm of life and death. Ling Feng stepped on it. It was because his talent was too detached, and the five stones were unmatched, but Ye Xinran could do it.

What's more, her opponent is Ling Xuewen, when Mingyu and Xiahou Yufeng are in this realm, there is no absolute certainty.


Ling Xuewen, a sword waved, Shenhong directly violently smashed and killed the past, and Ye Xinran tried his best to beat the stars and shook with the deep stars, but they were still bombarded, and the pretty cheeks were Teared a long blood.

This is a huge gap in the realm, an understatement, a cautious wait, but the outcome is often desperate.

"Not enough, you still have to wait?" Ling Xuewen did not immediately shoot, but blinked and smiled.

Ye Xinran was silent, and some indifferent looked up and said softly. "Good!"

A word blasts out!

The momentum on her body suddenly changed, and the power of the goddess flew in a row, staggering and shining, but at the time when everyone was strange, Ye Xinran’s momentum became stronger and stronger.

That is the dominating gas field!

But it is completely different. A vast gas field is constantly climbing and reaching an incredible level. Even Ling Xuewen feels this kind of gas field oppression.

However, when the gas field climbed to the peak, it was a sudden sinking, followed by a dark black light from the middle, and the whole battlefield was shrouded.

Dark dominance!

When the light sinks, the darkness dominates the world, no matter in which era, the darkness represents an astonishing force. The mortal fear of the night, the warrior fears the darkness, this is a truth.

However, the terrible thing of the dark **** is not the change of color, but the dark substance, which makes the **** of martial arts chilly. It can devour the flesh and blood, the spirit, and is the taboo force that is regarded as the devil.

This is also the revelation that Ye Xinran got from Buddhism and Taoism. Although the Buddha dominates the light, they will not reject the darkness.

Light is the master, darkness is also the master!

But the darkness is the more terrible gas field that crouchs under the light, swallowing the heavens, the Lord!


At that moment, people felt that their hearts were shuddering, and the spirits were like being imprisoned. There was an invisible big hand that was holding back their strength and physique.

Ling Xuewen, who is in the dark dominance, has the most intuitive feeling. His body is like a few hundred thousand pounds, and his body is cold and cold, or the coldness in his bones...


Her face was pale, and she felt that the dark gas field was tearing her body and fighting spirit. She decisively started, and Shen Hong wanted to tear the dark master to kill Ye Xinran.


Almost at the same time, Ye Xinran also burst into tears. The sword and the short knife rushed to Ling Xuewen. The darkness is terrible, but the price paid is also great, so she has to make a quick decision.


The two confronted, the darkness swallowed everything...

When the darkness fell, Ye Xinran handcuffed the sword, the body was covered with scars, the nose and mouth bleed, the eyes were dull, and then she closed her eyes.

On the other hand, Ling Xuewen also relied on the sword in the center of the battlefield. The two short knives on the abdomen blazed, reflecting the blood of Yin Hong. She sighed with a deep sigh, and then she fainted.

People were sluggish, they didn't see the battle picture in the dark gas field at all, only saw this shocking ending.

The queen who dominated the gas field, the queen of the pseudo-deity, fell.

"Equilibrium, draw!"

At this time, the Emperor's Holy Land Wushen finally appeared, and concluded the end of this battle.


Qin Haotian flew to the battlefield and took Ling Xuewen down. His eyes were shocked.

Even the dark masters have come out, and there is nothing that can not be done by the people in the wild. It can be said that the future growth of this woman is even more terrible than herself.

Ling Feng also flew to the battlefield, and the soft leaves were happily embraced and handed over to Ling Qing. This result is even strange to him. The dark master even has his heart. If you don’t work hard, the future is really possible. This woman is suppressed.

Fortunately, Ye Xinran and Ling Xuewen are not fatal, but they are relieved of the anti-desert and the cracking of the gods.

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