Supreme Demon

Chapter 965: Butcher knife

The ninth and sixty-five chapters of the butcher

Night is rare!

The dark light is like a prison, covering the entire Shenjian country. The deep night sky is their heart at the moment. For a moment, their sudden trepidation, from the deep fear of the heart, many people can't help but look up at the stars.

They are looking at it, there is a strong wind, and there is a golden stream of light shining!


On the heavens of Shenjianzong, the golden light is sprayed and the gods are transpiration. They were concealed before, but this moment is truly full. The fifteen heads of Jinpeng are led by the Golden-winged Dapeng, and all the warriors are led by Wushen. The farthing spreads away, and the end is not seen.

Against the gods!

The Lord of the Hidden God assassinates, the main message of the butterfly, asks the lord of the lord, but it is against the gods, but there is no change in the three forces. What is this?

Just because, against God is the real core, they dominate life and death!

This is the whole anti-god's nesting movement, it is the giant force of the sword!

"The man's commander, smash the sword!"

A martial **** screams in the air, his eyes are fierce, and the blood and life that the gods have paid, the "wings" of the butterfly's break, and the blood of the fairy are all anger in their bodies.

"This is the Shenjian sect, and the Lord is humiliated because of them!" said a Wushu.


The murderous intention seems to devour the whole world, insulting them, but the people can't do it. It is the pride of the whole against God. It is their face, who dares to insult, and they dare to fight with whom.

For a time, the **** gas, the knife of the hands of the gods, finally lifted up!


It was dawn, and the whole Excalibur was bright, and the light was spreading to the distant side, and the city of God was alarmed. People couldn’t help but look over it. It was only the glory of the light and the fierce light that covered the sky.

Someone wants to destroy the Shenjian Zong!

This is their only thought. In these days, the national sword of the Excalibur is tense, and the butterfly and the Shenjian Zong are fighting against each other. Although it has always been in the dark, some people still feel the atmosphere, and now the fighting is over. .

Have you heard of the butcher knife?


At this time, the anti-God is a fierce butcher's knife. The golden-winged Dapeng was the first to be killed. The golden light, the huge body, set off the violent turmoil against the Western Expedition. What Wusheng and Wuzun are in the real Under the gods, they are all chickens and dogs!


It waves the feathers, the brilliance of the gods, turns into a **** arrow, shoots out, wherever they pass, on the sky, the earth is pierced through a hole, not bottom, and those who are on the spot are on the spot. It was torn apart and could not be matched.

It is Jianfeng, and is opening the Shenjian Zong!

But this is not the only thing!

When the three old people flew from the golden-winged Dapeng, the gods rose brilliantly. They held the sword and opened the squares within five miles. The horrible heroes, tearing the sky, dozens of eyes in the blink of an eye. Hundreds of warriors died on this.


Behind the three old people, it is a vast anti-God, a martial man wearing a battle armor, arrays, directly pierced the sturdy shell of the Excalibur, such as the wild beasts are licking them Flesh flesh, devour their souls.


Shenjian Zongwu wants to intercept, but in front of the brilliant giant force, they are as crisp as white paper, and they are directly torn apart by a **** mouth, while the golden-winged Dapeng and the three martial arts are rushing into it.

Immediately, against the gods and powerful slaughter, all the people of the same color, shining a heavy heaven, so that the Shenjian Zong is completely unobstructed, and often they raise their weapons, they have been swallowed by the horrible light.

Ten miles!

However, in the blink of an eye, it seems to be telling that the anti-God is the most fierce knives in the hands of the human beings. Under the knife, the nine-level Wu Zun will be killed, just a contact, the face of the swordsman. They are all grayed out.

"I said, your opponent is not us!" The vomiting blood is arrogant, bloodthirsty said. "When they come, it is your end!"

The sacred sect of the Excalibur is cold and cold, and the fingers are cold, spreading from the fingertips to the heart.

This is a torrent of steel, neatly, neatly smothered, there is no chaos, only the singular slaughter of the singularity of the gods, fifteen Jinpeng is the beast that dominates the battlefield, hundreds of Wu Zun is to kill everything The king of the king, and those of the Wu Zun are very strong, almost everyone has the qualification of the leap.

Under such circumstances, the Shenjian Zongwu is falling down one by one, and the anti-god is like a sickle, while the Shenjian Zong is like a rice under a sickle, and there is a feeling of being awkward.

All aspects of crushing!

"Notify Xing Tianzong, break the door!" Shen Shouzong lord shouted, there are too many people to come against the gods, Wu Sheng is like the tide, the beasts are not only Jinpeng, and there are golden lions and qingpeng birds. They all grow up and can be independent.

It can be said that the time is more than one point, the Shenjian Zong will sacrifice more, that is, they are not immune to these martial arts.


Someone pinched a rune and sent the message to Xing Tianzong and the Breaking Gate. These were refining together with the three great gods. They only transmitted to each other at the time of life and death, because the cost of this rune is too expensive. .

However, the answers obtained have made them fearful. At this time, Xing Tianzong and the break-up door were also attacked and killed. They are killing themselves with all their strength and there is no time or energy to come over.

The three great gods have been killed together!

"The Sovereign, this..." The martial **** who smashed the genius, looked blank, was this power violent to this point?

"We have smashed our opponents. From the very beginning, they have destroyed our dark forces, leaving us in the dark and not seeing hope." The sacred sect of the Swordsman is bitter, this is a dead end.

"Kill, get rid of them, we have some hope!"


The Shenjian Zongwu **** flew out and killed the past against the gods. They wanted to curb their momentum and kill their momentum, but they were greeted by the golden-winged Dapeng and the three martial arts.

"It’s just a first-class martial art, no matter who."

The sacred sect of the Excalibur is also flying to a martial god. The power of the third-level martial arts is sweeping wildly, and it is not comparable to the first-class martial arts.

However, the three gods of the anti-God are not paying attention to the sect of the Excalibur, and their goal is only one, and they will do their best.

"call out!"

The sacred sect of the Excalibur, who was galloping, wanted to kill the **** of the gods, but quickly regressed, full of surprise.

The whole world, the needle can be heard!

A person coming out of the air, his eyes, the momentum of the force, and the unique black hole, are pushing this battle to the high and the tide.

He has a broken blade in his hand, and the fierce man seems to have to open the world and smash the sky!

Ling Feng is here!

The anti-God calms down and automatically dodge. This is the **** war, but they can't get involved, but their eyes are very fanatical, people come in person, what can stop them?

"It's you." A sacred sect of the Swordsman, this man had been in the Shenjian Zong, hoping that the three great gods could let go of the Xuankong sect, but he refused, and also took a shot.

At that time, he seemed to be weak and weak, not at all.

But at this time, he was eager to transpire, and the radiance of the sun was shining, so that the **** of martial arts would be astonished.

"it's me!"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "This result, the sovereign has been satisfied?"

"Satisfied with your paralysis!" The sacred sect of the Shenjian sect is bursting out, and the heart is stunned. Who can think that he is not a person, but a super-power of the sacred gods, step by step to kill the five great saints, and step by step will The three great gods forced the road to a dead end.

If time can go backwards, he would rather promise this person.

"You want to stop me?"

"Do not!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said very sincerely. "I want to kill you!"

"Just by you?" Shenzong Zongzhu is even more contemptuous, a Wu Zun only, and dare to fight against the Valkyrie, although the whole situation is not conducive to the Excalibur, but no one can stop him on this battlefield.

"Just by me!"

"It seems that you are not in a position in this power. If you kill you, they will be crazy?" The sacred apprentice of the Shenjian sect.

"This is indeed the case."


The sacred sect of the Excalibur smashed out and stepped out. In the face of Ling Feng, the Excalibur slammed down, and if it was lightning, the three gods shattered the sky and wanted to ban the wind.

However, when Jianhong fell, Ling Feng’s body flashed, and he was already at the side of the Excalibur’s lord, and his blade was ruthless.

"Hey!" A light, cut off the cuffs of the Emperor Swordsman, and shocked his face with incredible thoughts. What is the speed of this, so that he can eat this three-level martial arts.


The next moment, Ling Feng disappeared.

His body is faint, like a meteor catching the moon, and the broken blade is also killed one by one. The sacred sect of the sacred sect is doing all his best, constantly dodging, but the clothes on the body fall like raindrops, and the skin is also a few more Blood marks.

The speed of the explosion!

When Ling Feng stepped into the 9th-level Wushen, the inch of the gods further smashed, and the step could be fifty miles. If it was ghostly, it would be hard to compare with the gods, and now Shenjian Zong is eating gray.

However, the three-level Valkyrie is indeed extraordinary. It is not enough to be a single god. When the Shen Jianzong body is bathed in the Shenhong and stretched out ten feet, it is very difficult for the inch **** to work.

"It was really regrettable that I didn't kill you at the beginning!" Shen Jianzong said with a red eyes.

"At that time, I was afraid that the Shenjian dynasty would be destroyed."

Ling Feng blinked and sneered. If the three great gods dare to do this, even the holy land of Xishen Island will not protect them. At that time, the gods will be strong and the people will be able to destroy the three great gods, and what three levels of Valkyrie All are ants.

Unfortunately, the three great gods are not doing that.

"But today, I will not have regrets!" The sacred sect of the Swordsman rushed forward, and the three sacred gods propped up a sword. A huge light curtain was falling from the sky and slammed into the wind. .

Under the sword, the void is squeezing, the heavens and the earth are sinking, and the vast stream of light is affected in all directions, especially the instability of the space, which also limits the speed of Lingfeng, such as the mud.

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