Supreme Demon

Chapter 966: Killing God

The ninth sixty-sixth chapter

A sword is coming!

The vastness of the gods rushed down, the surrounding space was fragmented, sticky like water, and it was constantly squeezing the wind.

The terrible strength is disintegrating the inch god. In the martial arts godland, the so-called fast and unbreakable, purely nonsense, the light is the dilemma that is difficult to cross, is tearing the sky.

A sword squats!

The sky is cracked, the earth sinks, the air is boiling like water, and it flows like a spring, and flows upwards. On Tianyu, a light curtain is far and near, tearing a horrible crack and continuing to extend toward the wind. Come.

Skyscraper sword!

This is a magical skill of Shenjianzong. It is very powerful. When it comes out, it can compete with the world. Now the Emperor of the Excalibur is showing the hegemony of this sword. When the day is dim, a light curtain will win the time and space.

It’s coming!

In the case that the inch **** is imprisoned, it is difficult for Lingfeng to avoid it. Moreover, this sword curtain spreads all over the place. The huge statue is like a mountain, and it is impossible to dodge.

"Don't die!" The sacred sect of the Swordsman smiled coldly.

For a time, even the eyes of the anti-god are cold, and such power has opened up the barriers of the heavens and the earth. Even the martial arts are hard to match. Under this circumstance, how can the defensive wind of the nine-level Wu Zun resist?

Looking against the gods, he is looking at this side. Although many people are very confident about Ling Feng, his opponents have always been Wu Zun and first-class martial arts. For the third-level martial arts, the situation will not be very optimistic. .

"Is it dead?"

Ling Feng was cold and his eyes narrowed.

When the curtain was killed that day, his eyebrows flashed, and the heavy weight finally flew out, falling in front of him, and the violent giant force directly smashed to tens of thousands of pounds, and the great force opened the murderous murder. .


The canopy sword was killed on the giant sword, and a dull bang was heard. The mighty fierceness finally collapsed in front of the giant sword, letting it be so fierce, but why not, just because this is a five-stone!

A stone pressure explosion!

However, the strength of the canopy sword is still to break his clothes, the whole person is going backwards, and the five heavy stones are plowing a deep gully from the ground.

The anti-god is calm, there is such a person, you can ask the three-level martial arts, so that they can be assured of killing, and when the entire Excalibur is extinct, even if the third-order martial arts are stronger, they must fall under the sacred foot.

"Three levels of Valkyrie, I have not slaughtered!"

Ling Feng took advantage of the five heavy stones, said arrogantly, and when the voice fell, he had already flown out, and the heavy weight directly tore the momentum of the canopy sword, what the mud, what is imprisoned under the heavy weight, are all chicken Tile dog.

The inch of God is full of sorrow, so that he will be within one of the three sacred masters of the Excalibur, and the five heavy stones will be fierce.


This blow shattered Shenhong, and the powerful bombardment was carried out on the body of the Excalibur. After breaking into the 9th-level Wuzun, Lingfeng urged the five heavy stones to be more calm, and each shot could expose more than 1,000. The huge weight of a thousand pounds is that the false gods can't hold on to such a huge force. The original defeat is the best proof.

Now, he is doing his best to control the five stones, and imagine how violent it will be.

Under the inch of God, Ling Feng is like lightning, constantly violently killing the three-level martial arts, forcing the sacred sects to be embarrassed, even though the sacred rainbow can resist the heavy weight, but in successive battles, it is also bloody, body The flesh and blood are blooming.


The sacred sect of the Excalibur was vomiting blood, and the suffocating face was full of anger. In a burst of blast, the momentum on his body suddenly climbed, and then a scorpion flew out, quickly wearing it on the body, and it immediately resisted the Yuwei of the Five Stones. It’s no longer so embarrassing.

"Wu Zun is Wu Zun after all, and can only stop at this realm!" Shen Shou Zongzong said coldly and proudly, there is a **** of heaven, he can completely fight the wind, and even kill.

"There is energy, you take off the armor." Ling Feng despised.


The sword of the sacred ancestor’s mouth squinted, staring coldly at Ling Feng, taking off your sister, why don’t you throw the giant sword.

However, he is also lazy to say that the sword was shot on the sword and turned into a golden chain. It turned to the wind and sighed in the air. The sound of the chain slammed in the air, they came from all directions, it seems. I want to lock the wind and block it.

"Lock the dragon!"

Lingfeng evolved with one hand and pushed forward. The darkness of the light shined directly into the world. It collided with the **** gold lock chain and ignited the metal vibrato. Although in strength, the wind was less than the third-level Valkyrie, but as long as it was locked It is enough for him to resist the gold chain for a short time.

The next moment, the five heavy stones were killed, and the direction of the gods was on the chain of the gods. The heavy tens of thousands of pounds of force, broke the chain of the gods, and smashed it, and then the hurricane rushed out, let The sacred sect of the Excalibur is also hard to come by.

"There are some doorways, but you still don't see enough!"

Shen Jianzong sneered, constantly pushing forward, and the three gods rainbow draw a circle in the sky, which is reducing the range of activities that Ling Feng can move.

Yes, right now.

A light fly in the air, the dark world is deeper, followed by a crystal-clear stone descending from the sky, smashing the weather, instantly sweeping down, imprisoning all directions, it is not imposing, but a hand!

The hand of the gods!


The hand smashed the heavens and the earth, the third-level martial arts fell, the body collapsed, the bones collapsed, and the internal organs were seriously injured. The whole person swayed, as if to fall.

He was full of eyes and staring at Tianyu.

On Tianyu, a woman came quietly, bathed in the darkness, holding a white stone, a slap in the face, a graceful figure, and a cold eyes, which made her special.

Such as Xian Lin!

This is Ye Xinran, they are not as fast as the wind, but they are also trying their best to come, and now it is finally here.

Not only is she alone, but also the mighty against the gods.

"Reverse God here, kill the Swordsman!"

Wu Shen Yang Hu flew in, Ling Qing, Yunxi, Du Gu Yu Yue, Liu Shu Shu four people standing side by side, flying a scent between the air, but more eye-catching is their momentum.

Qin Feng came, Lu Yan came, and the **** blood of the martial gods against the gods, carrying the heavens and the earth, step by step into the battlefield, so that Shen Jianzong further tremble, they see the despair, What you can't see is the end of life.


Against the screaming of the gods, they directly rushed to the past, like a counter-current frenzy, which made the Shenjian sect retreat, and the only three remaining are falling, the golden-winged Dapeng and the four martial arts It’s not that they can resist it.

"This **** is coming!"

Turbulent, another burst of blast, the proud bird from far and near, directly rushed to the front of Ling Feng, shouted.. "speed to open, time is coming."


Ling Feng’s eyes were tight. When the arrogant bird was enlightened by the demon stone, the butterfly had passed a message. The demon stone can not control it. It can only be banned, but only one hour.

And as long as this time, it can bring the demon stone to the Shenjian, that is enough.

When the voice fell, Ling Feng opened the spiriting beads and directly hit the demon stone. This is a unique space, which is isolated from each other. Even if the **** of war wants to kill it, it is not easy, just wait until the end of the war, or When the time of the cliff comes, the second-order martial arts is simply a dead end.

But now, you must not let him fight.


The arrogant bird spit out a sullen gas, screaming at the sacred sect of the Excalibur, and sneered. "This old goods has a hand, but we three together, he also wants to live."

"It's a trouble!" Ling Feng's forehead, the third-level martial arts fighting power is too fierce, at least stronger than the Qin dynasty when the life and death of the demon domain, but the sacred sect of the sacred sword does not have the murderous trick of life and death, otherwise Ling Feng has long gone It is.

"God!" Ye Xinran said coldly and proudly.

"you first!"

Ling Feng said that the human stone is branded with the hand of the god, one palm photographed, even the gods are afraid, there is such a **** stone is enough for the Excalibur master to drink a pot.

And he and the Tsundere bird are "serving" from the side, I believe that the Swordsman will be "cool".

"Hey, bang!"

The human stone flew out, and under the urging of the power of the goddess of the border, a white jade hand flew out from it and pulled out.

In a flash, Tianyu was heavily smashed and smashed, and time and space were fixed. Even the gods, Tiangu, squeaked at this moment, as if they were to be broken.

"Give me the resistance!" The sect of the Swordsman was discolored, and he fully urged the Excalibur and went up.

"Old man, give you a ride!"

The arrogant bird smashed out, and the star directly killed the past. The days of the demon powers were dim, absolutely equivalent to a false god.


The blast broke open, and the sacred sect of the Excalibur regressed. On that day, the hand of God was not allowed to be banned from the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

And the arrogant bird has added a knife, although it can not open the armor, but the surging giant force, or let the sacred sect of the sacred bones collapse, it is very difficult to close the enemies at close range.


On this occasion, Ling Feng unscrupulously shot a stone, and the main sword of the Excalibur, flew to Ye Xinran, and there is the hand of the **** is waiting for him...


The sacred sect of the Excalibur was angered, and the three sacred gods were constantly exposed. Since the gods were sealed, he has not been so grievous, and he was beaten up by three martial artists. He was humiliated and wanted to die.

Immediately, he shot a line of gods and rainbows, turned into the eyes of the **** of death, constantly flying upwards, falling on the sword, and falling into the stars, at that moment, the stars shine. As eyelids.

Stars are skyrocketing!


The three gods and gods became a pair of inverted eyes, and they were wildly swallowing the power of the heavens and the earth. People even felt the body tired, and the power of Wu Zun flew out uncontrollably, and they did not enter the eyelids.

It looks like a star.

This is the lore of the Swordmaster, and at this moment, he will destroy these three geniuses.

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