Supreme Demon

Chapter 968: Hengshen

The ninth sixty-eighth chapter

The world is vicissitudes!

Everything is dying!

In this winter, the Shenjian Zongmen’s hearts are all cold, and in that glory, what they are seeing is the infinite darkness, so the strong star, it is cracked.

Together with the third level of the Valkyrie Excalibur, his body was broken from the middle, and the internal organs were divided into two halves.

His eyes are so cool.

His blood is so bright!

Once, the martial **** who was ruined and ruined, in front of everyone, tearing an inch, even himself was sluggish, it is simply unimaginable, although the star 璀璨 did not reach the point of compelling, but it is also the level of the second martial arts.

But this is the case, he was still cut off by the sudden interception, the star is very strong, but it also stops at the strong, and the interception of the sky can be cut off, when the wind is constantly stronger, its **** can The vast expanse of the galaxy, no longer fight!

"Boom, Ka rub..."

The cracked star swayed out to the sides, collapsed a series of mountains, and a large river, which also smashed a heavy heaven, and many warriors died in this way. Naturally, there was also a rebellion.

Can the Lord not die, reinvent the rebirth!

Moreover, this scene also incited the heart of the anti-God, in the realm of Wu Zun, the Valkyrie can not help the Lord, then once the human foot in the martial arts, the anti-God is a sharp and unparalleled weapon of the gods, Can open all the thorns.

Ye Xinran stunned. She had seen this dagger, but at that time it was far less fierce. Once she felt that she could only kill the Swordmaster, but she also understood the situation of the cliff. Enchanting, can't last forever.

But Ling Feng is so overbearing!

He is not a god, but he is a god!

The arrogant bird licked the bird's cockroach. After all, it didn't open its mouth, but it knew that it wanted to squash this person. It still has a farther path, and even this life has to live in the shadow of this person.

This is helpless, but it also makes it exciting, because this person is its life and death brother!


When the bones of the Swordmasters fell from the sky, the whole world was dim, the blood was overflowing, and the ruins were stained red, and the sword in his hand was broken. Under the scorpio, the weapon of the gods is scrap iron.

A myth has fallen, the Shenjian Zong has ushered in a gloomy era, and the anti-God is taking a sly pace and a strong fight. At this moment, there is nothing to stop them.


Ling Feng spurted blood, his body was crumbling, and the fierceness of the scorpion was terrible, but the scorpion was also strong, even if he was also hit hard, deep into the bone marrow, it is difficult to heal in a short time.

However, this does not mean that he has no fighting ability. He is still a nine-level martial artist.


The golden-winged Dapeng flies on Tianyu, and lifts Lingfeng, Ye Xinran and Tsiaojiao from below. Under such a fierce style, even it has surrendered. This is the embarrassment of an era.

The next moment, it flew to another **** of the gods.

"Hey, destroy the Shenjian Zong, and open up a new world against the West!" Qin Feng said strongly.


Reversing the gods neatly, they took steps and stepped toward the core of the Shenjian sect. Every time there were dozens of Shenjian Zongmen who fell, blood flowed like a note, drowning people's feet.

"Oh, no!"

One of the martial arts gods was savage, and the body was raised, and a claw was extended from the chest. I don’t know when the golden-winged Dapeng had circled behind him and killed him in one fell swoop.

Splashing in the sky!

The three martial arts were tragically killed, and the Shenjian sect also entered a desperate situation. The overall situation has been determined. Under the circumstance that the four gods of the gods are smashed, the Wuzun and Wusheng of the Shenjian sect have no ability to turn over.

The only thing they can do is to bow down.

"He wants to die my sword!" An old man cried in the sky, they have done their best, but at the moment when the lord fell, many people’s hearts were shaken, and it was difficult to exert the momentum and killing they should. I shuddered from the heart.

Under the great victory of the Lord, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the temperament of the Shenjian Zong is completely torn apart, revealing the fragile flesh and blood, which is being annihilated by the gods.


In a short time, Qin Feng flew out, and a sword stabbed a half-step Wushen, which opened the end of the Shenjian Zong, and the anti-God was followed by the ruin.

Killing all!

Time finally fell completely against the gods. After three hours of time, the entire Shenjian sect collapsed. One Wu Zun buried this place, and a Wu Sheng was sleeping.

Being alone in the Excalibur is no longer a former doorman, but a rebellious god!

The war ended.

Against the gods, with a **** attitude, they are strong in the West, and no one can stop their journey at this moment.

Of course, in this process, the anti-God also paid extraordinarily fierce price, many Wu Zun sacrificed, many Wu Sheng embarked on the road of no return, from then on, everyone will survive, but at this time can survive the anti-God Elite, they are irreversible trends, and they are supernatural soldiers on Tianyu.

Ling Feng, Ye Xinran, and Tsundere Bird stand on Tianyu.

They are pale and their eyes are dim, but they are very excited. This is the first battle against the gods in the true sense of the West God. This can shock other forces and make the staunch against the spread of the gods. Foundation.

But this is not enough!

Xing Tianzong and the break-up door are still fighting, and the fire of the stars can be used to pry the original, and the anti-God does not have the reason to make them breathe stronger.

What's more, the West God is not theirs, and there is a force they can't sin. Once they see through the purpose of rebelling against God, they will be obstructed by it.

Only, as soon as possible, kill a clean!

However, the casualties of the gods are too heavy. They can't even slash the three great gods, but there are wine gods. They will not have any problems in killing the two gods.

"As soon as possible, we have to embark on the journey." Ling Feng shouted.


Some of the people who are against the gods sit cross-legged and swallow the medicinal herbs, so that they can recover from the blood, and some people are left behind. They want to clean the battlefield and razor the entire sect to re-establish a force.

The destruction of the three major gods also represents the change of the pattern of the Western gods. The anti-God will not let such interests fall into the hands of other forces.

Not long after, Ling Feng also sat down and tried their best to heal. They didn't know how long the wine gods could last, but they will insist on their arrival.

"The order goes down, let the golden-winged Dapeng force the cracking of the door, let the beast Bai Ze return as soon as possible!" Cold as the moon said coldly, the beast Bai Ze had alerted the whole rebellious.

The fourth-level beast, which can absolutely dominate the entire battlefield, and with its hegemony, at this moment, only the martial gods who have broken the door have fallen. At this moment, there are golden-winged Dapeng and a martial **** sitting in the town, which can completely contain the battle, and Xing Tianzong One side is very dangerous, and the one of the Excaliburs has given a lesson to the gods. They don’t want the Lord to take risks again.


A few butterflies flew out of the blood, and the order was quickly passed down.


Break the door!

A piece of blood, the stumps fly, the earth is bursting.

The whole situation was out of control. A sacred beast arrogantly smashed the scorpion, and the three martial arts spurted blood to the smashing door. After insisting on two hours, they also embarked on the road and were shot dead by Bai Zeyi.

Among them, there is the master of the break-up door, a strongman who entered the third-level martial arts threshold, but it is not the opponent of the fourth-level beast. This also makes the ruin of the unprecedented death, and with this momentum, they will die.

However, Bai Ze can dominate the Wu Shen Jing, while Wu Zun and Wu Sheng are handed over to the Spiritual Kingdom.

Their purpose is to stifle the strong and block the break-up door. Therefore, although the spiritual gods are murderous, they are only aimed at those who want to rush out. This is also a means to avoid excessive casualties.

This chaos lasted for eight hours, and the cracking of the door did not kill.

"call out!"

Turbulent, a stream of light came and fell on the battlefield.

This surprised everyone in the Spiritual Kingdom. Some people were holding swords coldly, and they were pushing them step by step. They all killed red eyes and couldn’t distinguish between the enemy and me.

"Get out!"

A shouting, the girl waved her sleeves, and a Wu Zun flew directly.

This order is the personal release of the butterfly god, involving the journey of the human being and the entire Western god. The nature of the butterfly flying is also an extraordinarily strong Wu Zun, and the girl is directly vacated when the Wu Zun is opened.

"What is Bai Ze?"

"Who are you?" Bai Ze looked cold and stared at the girl.

"People's order, when the situation of the cracked door is stable, you have to fly to Xing Tianzong to help the people kill the strong enemy." The girl said: "As for the cracking of the door, the Golden Wing Dapeng and the Valkyrie will come to the town."

"They killed the Shenjian sect?" Bai Zeyi stunned, secretly screaming, it killed three martial arts here, knowing how terrible a sacred god, but anti-God underestimated, with a faster momentum conquered a god.

Moreover, Shenjian Zong is still the strongest of the three great gods.

This makes it a little hurt, how can the Wu Zun be more ferocious than the Valkyrie?


The butterfly girl proudly said: "The owner should have already rushed to Xing Tianzong at this moment. We don't have a lot of time. I hope you will arrive as soon as possible."

"This... okay!"

Bai Ze is very helpless. It is a beast, so it is ordered by people. There is always resistance in the heart, but when you think of that person and sacrifice, it can only compromise.

The next moment, it flew into the sky, from the reverse of the transmission of the array, directly rushed to Xing Tianzong.

"Shenjian... is it dead?"

The break-up door was full of people. They also expected Shen Jianzong and Xing Tianzong to come to the rescue. But now the Shenjian dynasty is gone, and those who are levying Xing Tianzong, a four-level beast, and the unfathomable force, Xing Tianzong only I am afraid that it is also dangerous.

So what's next?

They are cold and sweaty, and there is no longer the battle to fight. The sinful color of the face, the faint remorse, should not be directed at the Xuankong sect.

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