Supreme Demon

Chapter 969: The sky is cracked

The ninth and sixty-nine chapters are cracked

It’s hard to buy regrets!

At this moment, the cracking of the door is sour. If they did not target the Xuankong sect, they would not anger the unfathomable forces, and naturally they would not fall into the field, but they would not know if the three major gods did not Xuankong Zong, the anti-God will still set foot on the Western God, and the destruction of Xuan Tianzong is an excellent reason.

"A **** is destroyed!"

The two gods of the spiritual gods were shocked and stunned. A **** was fallen between the hands. Even if they closed their eyes, they could feel the blood of the Shenjian sect, and the corpse of the corpse.

However, they are excited again. If they embark on this journey, they will not be able to retreat. The forces will not allow it, and their own embarrassment will be carried out by the three great gods.

Therefore, the destruction of the Shenjian sect also made them see hope. With such a powerful force, the spiritual **** country will rise sooner or later, although at this time it pays a great price, but this is the journey.

"call out!"

Half an hour, a beast flew, magnificent, and horrified.

Golden Wing Dapeng!

This kind of beast is the same as Bai Ze. It is a heaven and earth, and the world has long been invisible. However, in the reverse of the gods, two people have come out one after another. This has also made the spirits of the gods excited. There are such beasts and how many people can prevent.

What's more, it is not only the Golden-winged Dapeng, but also the Valkyrie that stands on it. This is a torrent of steel. The two martial arts are enough to suppress the cracking of the door, and the Spiritual State has gradually controlled the whole situation.


Xing Tianzong!

People are killing blood in the blood. Xing Tianzong is second only to Shenjianzong. The lord Hao Liang is a second-level martial art. The combat power is extraordinarily strong. It is comparable to the goddess of the wine gods. The two battles are extremely terrible, and the movement is to break a heavy weight. One day, in the midst of being caught off guard, a **** of martial arts was buried in it.

In a mountain range in front of Xing Tianzong, one Wu Zun was killed by madness, and the blood was soaring. Xing Tianzong wanted to rush out, killing the gods of the wine gods and the strong, while the wine gods were trapped in the mountains, not Xing Tianzongmen have a chance to leave.

This is the smashing of killing and killing. It is the confrontation between the two great gods!


For a time, the mountains were smashed, and the horror of the horror set a thousand feet high. The moon and the stars in the sky were covered up. In this situation, one Wu Zun fell, and one Wu Zhan’s bones were scattered. Flying.

Unlike Xing Tianzong, the wine gods only came to some strong, while the other part was stuck in the wine gods, beware of other forces' assaults. Therefore, under the full charge of Xing Tianzong, they also killed the blood, and even the gods suffered. Light injuries, thousands of people were forced to step backwards, especially the five gods of Xing Tianzong, the wine gods can only resist three of them, while the other two martial arts are strong slaughtering the martial arts of the gods.

Blood and bones have been spread by Xing Tianzong into this mountain range, but this is far from the end.


A wave of blasts exploded, and the Dionysus Zongmen retreated backwards by ten feet. Ten martial arts and digital martial arts were killed, and the **** of wine, Zongwu, was harvesting their lives with a sacred sword.

He is like a Valkyrie who controls life and death!

One retreat!

Twenty feet, forty feet, and hundred feet... Although the wine gods have done their best, they still can't resist the anger of Xing Tianzong. Of course, there is a different kind of mind in this anger.

The three great gods are in the same breath. Once the Shenjian Zongfu is in trouble, then Xing Tianzong and the cracking gate are very dangerous. What is terrible is not how overbearing and tyrannical the power is. The terrible thing is that this force has been casting momentum, when the three great gods have a fall. Next, then, those gods like the wolf, will be thrown one after another, licking them bite.

At that time, Xing Tianzong died in the same way, so they had to work hard.

Five hundred feet!

When the wine gods retreated to this point, a **** of the gods of the wine gods died tragically, and the emperor Huang Qiqi was also injured, and he was bathed in blood. In the martial arts, he was relatively inferior to Hao Liang, and at the time of **** battles, Gradually presented, by the fierce gun, directly sweeping, the shoulder cracked a blood mark with deep visible bone.

Although this is not a serious matter for Wushen, the Shinto confrontation may affect the entire situation.

What's more, the wine gods insisted on all the way, but there are hundreds of Wu Zun who died, and Wu Sheng is even more unclear. Those who can persist to five hundred feet are already distressed.

"The Sovereign, let's go on like this, we will all be buried here." A Wu Zun approached Huang Qiqi and said with grief. "We have persisted for so long, but we can't see hope."


Huang Qiqi also smothered the blood and angered. "No matter how difficult it is, you must persist and want to destroy a god. Is it so simple?"

"But... if you continue to do it, the Dionysus must be buried in this place. Even if it is a victory, what is the significance of my wine gods?" Wu Zun eyes red, when a bit When the brother fell, he hated the sky, but he could not change the ending.

"This is a journey!"

Huang Fuqi said hoarsely. "My wine **** has been comfortable for too many years, almost forgotten the taste of blood, many people are too lazy, and now it is time to clean."

"..." Wu Zun chilled coldly.

"My **** of wine died a lot of people, and you feel bad when I feel bad." Huang Fuqi held his hands tightly and said, "But your eyes are too shallow. We have been stalking Xing Tianzong, why?"


"Xing Tianzong is so crazy to kill, why?"


"Because, the force is going to get rid of the Shenjian sect, the more crazy Xing Tianzong rushes, the proof that the Shenjian sect is on the road to destruction. As long as we persist, the power will come after the sacred sword is destroyed. ”

"Scrapping the Swordsman?"

The Wu Zun took a sigh of relief. Until now, they only learned the true purpose of the war. Even many people think that Huang Qiqi is attacking and killing Xing Tianzong. In fact, it is just a matter of being trapped.

From the madness of Xing Tianzong, we can see how terrible the killing of Shenjianzong is. Is that fear?

"Keep it for a while!"

Huang Fuqi said that he was exhausted from the second-level Wushen, and he was eager to end the battle earlier. However, Xing Tianzong’s more and more madness forced them to fight passively.

One quarter of an hour!

This is the time of blood refining. The goddess of the wine gods was plowed again, and there were too many deaths and injuries. Most of them were elite. The other **** of the gods of the wine **** was also seriously wounded and almost died.

And Huang Qiqi’s chest also tore a trace of blood, his eyes dim, and his squatting backwards.


A slashing knife smashed into the body of Wu Zun who had spoken before, and cut off his internal organs. The vitality was a little bit annihilated, and the scattered pupil was proving all this.

"They haven't... come!"

Wu Zun said with a low and hoarse voice, his heart was particularly bleak. In the moment of life and death, he was worried about the future of the wine gods. He worried that even in this battle, even the sovereigns could not end.

However, just as his face gradually became gray, the stunned pupils suddenly stunned a bright light, which was like a returning light before death.

"Heaven... cracked!" he shuddered, his voice intermittent.

Yes, the sky is cracking!

On the mountain peak that is not far from Xing Tianzong, the sky is torn, a huge hole is presented on the sky, little by little, can be as big as five hundred feet, raging air, wild storm, all the way Reveal the horror and madness in the hole.

The wine **** Zongmen people glimpsed far away, and Xing Tianzong had an instant stunned.

Even Huang Qiqi could not help but look up, Hao Liang was full of cold.


At that moment, the cracked hole flew out of a person, white as a fairy, vast, his like a star, his **** can be awkward, his hands hold the sky, is pushing a heavy heaven.

This is a strange man!

Huang Qiqi never saw it, but Hao Liang had seen it, but he did not expect this person to appear here.

"The emperor's lord has worked hard, and then it is our battle!"

The man burst into the air and his hands slowly opened.

When the time came, the stars were mighty, scattered thousands of miles, and bathed in the stars, fifteen heads of Jinpeng squatting with a martial art, and the huge body vigorously propped up the days of Dionysus.

The sly eyes illuminate the sky.

After the fifteen heads of Jinpeng, they were vast against the gods. They were dressed in blood and suffocated. Although they had swallowed the medicinal herbs before, they were too difficult to recover in such a short period of time, but they still turned their backs. Follow the people to kill.

"Reverse God here, fight!"

The mighty voice blew up from the sky and thundered for nine days and ten days. In this vast voice, the anti-God marched toward the gate of Xing Tianzong, and the soldiers were shining, telling the anger of the gods.

"It’s coming!"

In the distance, a stream of blasting came directly to the side of Ling Feng, white hair, fierce eyes, and the imposing manner. In the whole anti-God, there was only one beast.

Bai Ze is coming!

At the moment when the breath of the fourth-level beast rushed upwards, the whole Xing Tianzong was silent, and those who had come before were not enough for them, but with this beast, it was completely different.

Three martial arts, a beast, and endless martial arts, are there more terrible than this?

There are indeed!

The blood of those people is revealing how fierce battles they have experienced, and the sigh of the sky is telling them how powerful the sects are.

At this moment, Xing Tianzong was gray, they did not wait for the news of Shenjianzong, but the news has arrived.

Now that the force has killed, it is also overthrowing the layout of Xing Tianzong. Their ambition is too great to kill the three great gods.

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