Supreme Demon

Chapter 984: Shinto new edition

The ninth and eighty-four chapters of the new chapter of the domain

"call out!"

The three men were like a straight lightning and flew into the distance.

A man slammed into the cave and overturned a hill. One person flew to Tianyu, and turned into a little starlight in the blink of an eye. One person was buried in the mud, and even his head was not exposed.

Although they are the martial arts, they are still vulnerable under the great sword. When Ling Feng is doing his best, God will sigh, let alone the three martial arts.

These three talents are also very common in the previous sacred killings, and the true arrogance has long been ruined in the hands of aliens. This is a very helpless fact, and they are still stunned by their mood and talents. Wu Zun, it is very difficult to want further.


Ling Feng flew out and fell directly in front of the third person. The giant sword pressed on his head and said, "I am qualified now?"


Zhu Ling opened his mouth, squirted a blood, and smashed his words. On a vicissitudes of face, it rose red, and an "old man" who had been fighting for many years in the star map was destroyed by a new person. turn.

Too shameful!

"Not enough?" Ling Feng stunned his eyes, and the giant sword pressed down a point. He was shocked to see that Zhu Ling was in a spirit, and the blood on his head was overflowing. Who would dare not say enough at this time?

"Enough!" he said with awkwardness.


At this time, Yongqing and Wang Hao also flew over, and looked at Ling Feng with panic, full of curiosity. How could such a person come to the gods to kill?

This terrible and shocking young man is already qualified to enter the super killing group.

"However, why did you choose to come here?" asked Yong Qing's eyes.

"I am from the holy land of the Southern Wilderness, I must have offended some people." Ling Feng is undecided. The attitude of Yan Wu is already straightforward, but a Valkyrie is not afraid to attack the true God. Then, there must be a Xeon behind him.

But will God's sinfulness be sinful?

This is also the strange place of Ling Feng. He has no connection with Zhongyu, even if the gods are also rejected, and there is no involvement in the middle domain, then this problem is very weird.

"No wonder." Wang Wei said: "I have a lot of people in my middle school who are very self-satisfied and despise the world. In fact, over the past 10,000 years, the other four regions have progressed rapidly, and there have been signs of detachment, but some people are still not alert. ”

"Those idiots!" Yongqing also said with anger, not everyone in the middle domain can not see through, the five regions are stronger, but definitely not to the extent of contempt, but in the bones of the middle-ranking warriors The cockroaches are always the same, and the first one will be ruined sooner or later.

Moreover, this star map is not the previous star map. Some big forces control everything, which makes the battle lose its true meaning. The great forces in the middle of the sacred mountain are the culprit, but the real **** battle is not those. Known as the characters of Tianjiao, they are these people.

"Yeah, if the middle domain is still very self-satisfied, then it will fall to the front of the four major regions sooner or later." Zhu Ling also sighed deeply, they are very worried, but they can not change the thinking of these super-powers.

Ling Feng laughed and said nothing.

He is not a middle-class person. He naturally does not care about the life and death of the middleland. But the vision of the three people is indeed very good. Sometimes it is not standing farther and farther, but standing on the bottom, so that you can feel deeply. The essence of the problem.

"What is your name?" asked Yongqing.

"Abandoned Xiaoqi!" Ling Feng laughed. "You can call me Xiaoqi."

"Okay, the ridiculous door is small." Wang Xiaoxiao smiled. "You really want to enter my domain to kill?"


"Then I want to remind you that the killing of the gods is the last killing group of the entire star map. Once there was a small glory, but with the death of one strong man, the glory of annihilation, now only the autumn wind is sweeping away."

"Now, the whole godland kills only three of us." The three are stunned.


Ling Feng said with a finger.

"We are responsible for guarding the squares and killing the aliens." Yongqing nodded. "However, my domain is killing the strong, and of course the strongest."

"You have... defeated the three of us, but the strategy..." Yongqing thought for a moment and said: "And, my domain is killing four people to be qualified to become a domain owner. This is the rule, now we are number Not enough."

This is the rule set by the first generation of the domain. They admire in their hearts and naturally will not change. They have not chosen a domain owner for so many years. They have no strategy, no foresight, no strong force, and are not qualified to lead the domain. Killed.

On the surface, Ling Feng has only a strong force.

"Heavy or?" Lingfeng free and easy laughter, he cares whether this sacred killing is also the same as the fog, he wants to open a situation in the middle, this star map is an opportunity, if there is a constraint in the domain of God, That is the real trouble.

He has always used force to convince people, but occasionally he has to use his strategy to crush.


The three people in Yongqing were solemn and said: "A powerful domain lord is of great significance for a fight, and we are not enough for both force and strategy. Therefore, we also hope that individuals can become domain owners. ”

They are open-minded and have been sharpened by life, or they have seen hope in Ling Feng, but they can't succeed, but they will wait until later.

"So, he is the domain owner!"

A person flies, and looks like a sleek figure, flying in the wind, like a purple fairy, beautiful and moving.

The condensed eyebrows are like dew, and all the smiles are stirring the nine days, and it is coming.

Qiu Shuyi is here!

She stared at the wind, staring at the two small dimples, cute and playful. "Prey, I am coming."


Wang Hao, Yong Qing, and Zhu Ling were stunned. This kind of elf girl is particularly attractive in such a world, but what does her sentence mean?


Is it that alien people are coming?

Ling Feng mouth twitching, eyelids smashed, he did not think that Qiu Shuyi will appear here, is not to say that the military can not choose to kill the group? That harsh fog is a liar.

The question is, when did you become a prey?

"Book Yi, how come you?" Ling Feng secretly gritted his teeth and smiled and greeted him.

Qiu Shuyi smiled and smiled. She opened her arms and threw herself down on Ling Feng. She said leisurely. "Prey, I said we will meet again."

"Prey..." Ling Feng is still awkward.

"Yes, from now on, you are the prey of this girl." Qiu Shuyi said with a small overbearing. "And, this girl wants to tell you..."

She is close to the ear of Ling Feng and said softly. "I miss you!"

Two words like thunder and bloom!

Ling Feng is stunned and stunned. When is this chick so hot?

Just two words can't stand it. I feel that the little heart is rushing. He gently pushes Qiu Shuyi and looks up and down the playful girl.


"I just want to ask..." Ling Feng said, "Where did you hide the previous autumn book?"


Someone’s eyes are dark.


"I support the prey to become the domain owner." Qiu Shuyi smiled and looked at the Yongqing three.

"Girl, are you?"

"Southern Wilderness Area, Qiu Shuyi!"

"Ah?" The three people of Yongqing glanced at each other and always looked at each other. They always felt that today is very special. They came to two geniuses, the same young, the same powerful, and some people are not very suitable.

They will not doubt the authenticity of this news, because Qiu Shuyi comes with a Valkyrie, which is also the style of the star map.

"The domain of the gods has rules."

Ling Feng blinked and said, "That is to defeat these three people first."

"This is the case." Qiu Shuyi smiled and forced forward. The nine rainbows on his body were exuding the majestic momentum. The faint rainbow had to be sprayed out.

"I wipe!" Yongqing three people was shocked, this woman has stepped into the half-step of the realm of Wushen, is about to step into the Wuzun, and her power of Wuzun is a rainbow, absolutely comparable to a false god, they ask themselves This kind of ability.

"Girl is slow."

"What?" Qiu Shuyi stopped.

"My domain rules are for men only and definitely not for women."

"Oh." Qiu Shuyi regretfully took back his fist, which also made the Yongqing three people secretly relieved.

"So, I am going to knock down three people?"

At this time, another sound sounded from afar, and it was almost instantaneous.

Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen walked side by side, looking at the Yongqing trio with a smile, and when he was approaching, he shot a rainbow of his body, and the three of them were all excited and their faces were black as coal.

Dare to ask, who has passed away in the sky.

"You are also a newcomer to my domain!" Wang Hao quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, but his heart was very excited, a martial art will make the domain of the gods change to an amazing level.

Moreover, the first battlefield of the star map is aimed at Wu Zun and the younger generation. People like Ling Feng and Qin Yutian naturally belong to this category, but the reality of being able to reach Wushen is too rare.

As a tiger!

"Yes!" Qin Haotian laughed.

"Wu Shen can exempt the rules." Yongqing thoughts on electricity, and thought of the essence, which also made Wang Hao and Zhu Ling all sighed and secretly gave Yongqing a praise.

"what about me?"

In a short time, another person flew, and the eyebrows were clear and the bones were handsome.

Alum carries a treacherous squad, and the sacredness of the body illuminates Tianyu. It is so shocking that the three people will not close their mouths. What happened today?

There are five Tianjiao in succession, each of which is horrible, and there are two martial arts. This combination, even if it can't compete with the super killing, is not far away?

"Nature does not need to use." Yong Qing swallowed swallowing water.

At first glance, the gods are like a wave, and the violent mess is a mess. Is this still a decadent, devastating sacred killing?

At this moment, their eyes are eager, and the premonition will open a new chapter!

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