Supreme Demon

Chapter 985: Come and die!

The ninth and eighty-five chapters came to die!

Qiu Shuyi and Ming Hao came.

Qin Haotian and Ling Xuewen are also here!

The two martial arts, the three genius Wu Zun, the tyrannical momentum, covered the half-turned sky, the vastness of the like smoke, covered the entire Tianyu, which also made the entire sacred killings look different.

Yongqing, Wang Hao and Zhu Ling both shine, they are open-minded and do not care about the position of the domain owner, but they attach importance to feelings and pay more attention to the glory of the gods. If the gods can now win the star map, they stand in the forefront of the first battlefield. Even if it is dead, it can be noticed.

Now, the gods are killing the sky.

There is a strong martial art in the Lord, and there is a genius who can't see through the depths. The fighting power that can burst out is terrible, which makes them very excited and have a flattering feeling.

A new chapter is coming!

"You are all newcomers killed by my gods?" asked Wang Yan's mouth.

"Yes!" Alum said with a smile. It is not important for him to enter that fight. The important thing is that there is a ridiculous young man here, the youngest genius of his strongest victory.

Moreover, Qin Haotian and Ling Xuewen also made him jealous. Now is the opportunity.


Yongqing is stunned and has a feeling of incredible feelings. The surprise comes too fast, and his little heart is almost scared. A small force weak in the dust can get so many people's favor, making him feel incredible. .

Isn’t the current genius taking the usual path?

"Abandoned the door, we met again."

Alum did not pay attention to the horror of the three people in Yongqing. One step went to Ling Feng, and his eyes were filled with a war. Now he is more profound, and the quenching in the martial arts is not what he used to be.

However, when he met again, he still did not overwhelm the confidence of the ridiculous Xiaoqi. He was making progress, and the ridiculous Xiaoqi was also making progress. How strong this cargo is, only God knows.


Ling Feng laughed and said: "Just did not think of Ming brother, will also enter the domain of the gods to kill."

"Because of you!"

The mouth of the Ming dynasty, the flames burning in his eyes, said: "The war did not dare to forget, but hope to fight in the star map."

After that, he turned and stood aside, because Qin Haotian and Ling Xuewen came forward.

"Qin brother, I haven't seen it for many days, and the style is still the same." Ling Feng smiled. "Snow sister, it is more beautiful."

"There is no Xiaoqi brother, so comfortable."

Qin Haotian rolled his eyes and looked at a ghost. Because of his will, he was depressed. It was almost three months. He was almost beaten by this guy. Wu Shen actually lost to an eight-level Wu Zun, which made Unbelievable.

This is exactly what he can't think of, but now he understands.

"With the ability to crack the gods, you are not coming here?" Ling Feng squinted, Ming Hao directed at him, and now there are more Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, these three people are all generations of Tianjiao, And because of his relationship, once he is injured, they will certainly make up the knife.

It’s all pits!

"It is indeed like this." Qin Haotian smiled heartily.. "But, how about super-killing, they can cast a miracle, we can completely explode, originally I want to fight against you in the fight, but it is not interesting."

He loves martial arts and is more obsessed with it. He is contemptuous of the struggle between forces, and the battle between killings is not as simple as a simple battle, but rather a wit, and in this respect he has no confidence to defeat this enchanting.

Therefore, he came here, witnessed this wizard with his own eyes, and fought with him, from which he realized the law of restraint.

Of course, there is another very important reason, that is, they are not lonely people, and the ridiculous Xiaoqi will kill a sky from the star map, and all they have to do is to help him.

This is a very exciting journey, they are very excited.

"It seems that I am still very attractive." Ling Feng touched his nose with a black line and was remembered by so many people. He did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse. The magic of casting in the jihad, do not want to die in the hands of these people.

Being looked around by a group of wolves, the lion and tiger should be vigilant.

"The charm of beating." Qiu Shuyi fills the knife.

"..." Ling Feng felt that he was very hard.

Offended Qin Haotian, Ming Hao, and also sweared, but for the woman who changed this character too much, he felt pressure.


"Please go to the gods first."

Yongqing, Wang Hao and Zhu Ling looked at Ling Feng with three people. They didn't expect these four people to come to him. What surprised them even more was that the two martial arts were remembered, and they could still be so comfortable. It's really not "easy".

However, they are grateful to the bottom of the small seven from the heart, without his arrival, there will be no Yan Fanghua at the moment.

"I heard that you are choosing the Lord?" Qin Haotian looked at Yongqing and asked.


Yongqing eyes brightened and said: "A domain owner is of great significance to the domain of the gods. Under the leadership of the domain leader, we also smashed the alien gods, and now the domain masters die, and our domain is not as brilliant as ever. ”

He turned his eyes and asked again. "You are also very interested in the location of the domain owner?"


Qin Haotian said faintly. "This kind of thing, the ridiculous Xiaoqi is very suitable."

After that, he strode to the Shenshi Shige, and he split the gods and detached things. Naturally, there would be no interest in this small smuggling lord, and they mainly came to Lingfeng. There is no need to bring the gods. .

Yongqing’s heart is secretly self-confident. A domain owner naturally wants to have dual strengths of martial arts and IQ. Qin Haotian and Ming Hao are more able to convince the public, but this martial **** gave up, and naturally the domain is not recognized.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to the alum, full of hope.

"Too annoying!"

Alum's eyelids were not lifted. He went to the stone pavilion of the gods. After three steps, he couldn't help but stop. He said, "However, Qin brother said it is right. No matter whether it is on the martial arts or the strategy is very extraordinary. ”

This is the affirmation of a **** of war!

Its significance is far more convincing than the three people said by Qiu Shuyi, and this also represents an attitude. The two martial arts all value the ridiculous little seven, and the word "extraordinary" makes the three think deeply.

It is obvious that the Valkyrie is so acclaimed. It is obvious that the ridiculous Xiaoqi must have the ability to compete with the martial arts, and even to suppress the Valkyrie. These four people are coming. Isn’t that the best proof?

"I have no opinion."

Qiu Shuyi glanced at Lingfeng and said with a smile.

After she finished, she was carrying her hands and jumping to the stone pavilion. She was cute and cute.

"That... can I go now?"

Facing the blushing eyes of the three people in Yongqing, Ling Feng felt that the hair was going upside down. It is dangerous for these three people to look at it.


Wang Hao said eagerly. "It's you."

"I am not suitable?" Ling Feng screamed.

"No, you are very suitable." Yongqing is also red-eyed. Wushen only asks the gods, indicating that their hearts are not here, and the three of them are still in the middle age, but they can’t live in the gods. Young people, and the core of the ridiculous small seven.

"Domain master!"

Zhu Ling is more direct, one bite, not giving Ling Feng any chance to resist, there is a feeling of kidnapping.

"Domain master!"

Yongqing and Wang Hao also shouted that they are too eager for the rise of the gods. Now these people are hopes. Only by retaining one or two people, the domain can be refurbished, and they naturally will not miss such an opportunity.

"These are stinking."

Ling Feng was angry in his heart. He was sure that both Qin Qintian and Ming Yu had the same purpose as him. They wanted to tear a gap out of the star map and let the gods and gods of the gods set foot in the middle.

However, these two people are very clever and pit. They know that there are individuals who are more urgent than them. Therefore, they directly blame their responsibilities, and they are assisted by the ridiculous door. They may have such a thing. Lingfeng has no reason to refuse. .

This is not a god.

It is against the purpose of God.

It is possible to do it by Ming Hao and Qin Yutian, but it is very difficult to get rid of the gods, so it is only suitable for Lingfeng.

I have to say that it has been a long time with the Xiaomen Xiaoqi, and Qin Yutian and Ming Hao have become more and more pitted.


Looking at the ardent gaze of the three people of Yongqing, Ling Feng promised it, and although this killing is very inconspicuous, as long as he is in his hands, he can explode a stunning light.

At that time, the gods will kill and the pace will not be stopped by anyone.


The three people in Yongqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief and a smile on their faces.

"Oh, the killing of the gods is actually to let a new person be a domain owner. Yongqing, you are really living more and more."


The sky, flying three people, the momentum is stronger, although they are all martial arts, but obviously more than the Yongqing three overbearing, they instantly fell, standing not far from Yongqing.

There is a bantering light in the eyes, and the eyes are condescending to look at Yongqing, as if contempt.

"Eternal killing!" Yongqing stunned, and then his face was ugly.

"Hey, the gods are killing more and more boring, what a cat and dog can be a domain owner." A middle-aged man yin measured and laughed. "Even if you kill, there is no Valkyrie, but you don't have to put a nine Will Wu Zun push the domain master?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Yong Qing snorted and said coldly.

"I said Yongqing, it is better for me to slay and lend you a Valkyrie to you." Another middle-aged man taunted.

"That is, the domain is a generation that is not as good as one generation. I think I am suitable for the position of the domain master." The third person said.


The three people in Yongqing were angry, but when they wanted to go forward, a loose voice rang from behind them and flew directly to the three people who were eternal.

"Kid, your elders did not tell you how to respect the elders?" Eternal smothered the three despised.


Ling Feng strode out and stood in front of the Yongqing trio. He shouted coldly. "Give you a chance, come and die!"

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