Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1538: How about the shot?

At this moment, above the ancient city of Demon Moon, Tian Fengxiao had his hands behind him, and he was sighed at this scene.

"Longxiang Shoal will return to the sea. If it doesn't come out, it will be enough. If it shakes the sky, it will stop if it doesn't sound.

It was an opportunity for him to let Mu Yun take his son with him this time.

Mu Yuncheng, his son must have unlimited potential in the future.

So he has to bet.

Even if Mu Yun loses, it will be a big deal to return to this ancient city of Demon Moon, when the time comes, even if the immortal emperor descends, there will be no way to break into the city.

Tian Fengxiao remembers the words of the ancestors.

Cai Lingtian is the supreme dragon of the gods, the patriarch of the colorful Tianlong clan.

To be able to enter the realm of the gods in the future, with the relationship of Mu Yun, must be a great benefit!


The demon realm is vast in scope, which is much larger than the spirit realm and blood realm combined.

It's just that the demon domain is divided into nine clans, so the territory of each clan is much smaller.

But even so, it does not hinder the pace of Demon Domain becoming the top strength.

At this moment, in the east of the demon realm, between a high mountain, birds and beasts are in an endless stream.

On the top of the tallest mountain, there was a lonely house shaking in the wind and snow.

This mountain peaks straight into the sky. From bottom to top, the weather is getting colder. At the top of the mountain, there are already no hard rocks. Only the icy cones that are swaying in the wind and snow, the whole icicles are stacked together to form the peak of the mountain. .

At the moment, there is only one house on the top of the mountain, and it looks like it might collapse at any time.

The howling wind sounded at this moment, two wings spread out and a huge figure of thousands of meters, galloping.

A bird on the left, with golden feathers, gleaming in the wind and snow, it is absolutely majestic.

The bird on the right is silvery white all over, like pieces of silver armor piled together.

These two figures, ten thousand meters away from the mountain, turned into two figures.

It is Diao Yuanzhuo and Xue Xiyuan.

At this moment, the two of them approached the mountain, and their speed slowed down. In the end, they quietly landed on the mountain, standing on the top of the ice cone, silently.

"Have you agreed?"

Not long after, an indifferent voice sounded slowly in the house.

The voice is light and very nice, but in this lightness, there is an icy taste, which is not far away from people thousands of miles away.


Diao Yuanzhuo felt his body tremble every time he heard this sound.

"Well, step back!"

The woman's voice spread indifferently.

As if they were amnesty, the two wanted to turn around and leave.


The indifferent voice sounded, and the woman said again: "I asked you to find the person, did you find it?"

"Envoy Qiqi, I have been looking for it, but there has been no news!" Xue Xiyuan arched his hands.

As soon as this word came out, the room was silent.

Diao Yuanzhuo couldn’t help saying: “My ambassador, we have spent too much manpower on this aspect these years. That guy didn’t die ten thousand years ago, but he didn’t die five hundred years ago. The subordinates are brave enough. No more effortless work!"


As soon as Diao Yuanzhuo's words fell, a popping sound suddenly sounded.

An ice and snow palm print suddenly appeared on Diao Yuanzhuo's face.

"I asked you to find it, but didn't let you decide for me whether it's worth it?"

The woman said indifferently: "This person I want to see people in life, and the corpse in death, do you understand?"

"Respect the anger!"

Xue Xiyuan arched his hands and said: "The subordinates will do their best to find!"

"and also!"

The woman's voice sounded again.

"The Taiji Sect seems to be consumed with the Sword Exterminating Sword Sect, and its vitality is greatly damaged. I found that I can take advantage of the opportunity and the bird family to put out the Taiji Sect with all its strength and march into the extremely chaotic land!"

When the woman's words fell, Diao Yuanzhuo and Xue Xiyuan suddenly thumped and knelt in the snow.


Diao Yuanzhuo nervously said: "It is okay to unify the Demon Realm with the strength of the envoy! But the earth is extremely chaotic..."

Xue Xiyuan took over and said: "The Great Chaos Earth, our top ten domains, have never intervened. If we rashly attack the Tai Chi Sect, we will surely provoke the hidden Immortal Emperors in the Chaos Earth to take action. At that time..."

"how is it?"

The woman's voice sounded again.



Diao Yuanzhuo and Xue Xiyuan were stunned again.

"Even if they do, what about it?"

The woman said indifferently: "If I become an emperor, there will be no immortal emperor in the immortal world!"

"First, now use all your energy to find the person I asked you to find. Second, keep an eye on the Taiji Sect. If you have a chance, immediately destroy it!"



Hearing this, Diao Yuanzhuo and Xue Xiyuan had to bow and retreat.

The two figures retreated along the ten thousand-foot high mountain, and the ice cold gradually dissipated.


Dozens of figures galloped over.



Seeing the two, the dozens of figures all bowed their heads.

"How are you doing? Can you find Mu Yun, the leader of the Yun League?"

Diao Yuanzhuo's face was ashen.

Hearing this, dozens of people were silent.


Diao Yuanzhuo snorted and flung his sleeves and left.

Leave a bunch of people to wait, you look at me, I look at you, in the end they can only look at Xue Xiyuan.

"Well, it's all gone!"

Xue Xiyuan said helplessly: "You can't handle the things the ambassador explained, if the ambassador is unhappy..."

As soon as he said this, dozens of people at the scene paled.

In these hundreds of years, if it were not for the envoys, their bird clan would not have been able to advance by leaps and bounds.

If this annoys the envoy...

"Well, what should I do!"

Xue Xiyuan waved his hand and looked helpless.

"Old Diao, what are you doing with them?" Xue Xiyuan walked into a hall and smiled bitterly.

"It's all waste!"

Diao Yuanzhuo shouted: "If the two of us want to enter the realm of the immortal emperor and have an envoy, it will definitely shorten the time for ten thousand years, but these idiots, there is actually no information to find!"

Xue Xiyuan said bitterly: "Tai Chi Sect is not easy to develop, so we have always acted very carefully, and every time we find any clues, it seems that someone is always helping them clean up!"

"As for the Immortal King Muyun, who knows whether it is life or death, the two things that the envoy confessed are really difficult to do!"

"I worry about more than this!"

Diao Yuanzhuo opened his mouth and said: "The emperor wants to attack Tai Chi Sect, and through Tai Chi Sect, advances to the extremely chaotic land, where is it? In the extremely chaotic land, the immortal emperor exists, which angers them..."

"I'm not worried about this!"

Xue Xiyuan said again: "You and I don’t know the strength of the envoy. If she reaches the immortal emperor, she will get the emperor-level elixir from the high priest of the wolf clan. The state is stable. Her opponent!"

"That said, but there is a mess, and a piece of fat is not fake. But over the years, has anyone made trouble in it?"

The two smiled bitterly at each other, and gradually fell into silence in the hall.

The vast land belongs to the Demon Realm, and above the boundary, there are vast plains, mountains, and rivers that alternately crisscross.

The five Muyun people walked among the mountains and rivers, and the fairy beasts transformed into human forms, playing among the mountains, forests and water.

Along the way, the five people did not directly escape the space and reach the extremely chaotic ground, but walked in the demon realm.

"Xiao Yunzi, you come along this way and pass by dangerous places without letting go. Picking up so many immortal herbs and medicines, this is to empty the demon realm before you are ready to leave, right?"

Jiuer sat on a crossed tree trunk, looked down at Mu Yun, and said lazily.

"Am I this kind of person?"

Mu Yun retorted: "On the contrary, it is the monsters in your demon domain. Picking these medicinal materials one by one and uprooting them, some of the medicinal materials have no use at all. If you leave the roots, they can grow again.

"Sooner or later, you will dig out the rich herbs in the demon realm."

"It happened to be hollowed out, those humans in the province, ran into our demon realm every day to act recklessly!"

Demon Realm is adjacent to the two major sects of Xiefeng Pavilion and Taijizong.

Whether these two great sect martial artists entered the demon domain, hunted monsters, or captured them as slaves, or picked medicinal materials in the demon domain, making the people of the demon race hate humans even more.

In this regard, as the patriarch of the fox clan, Jiu'er naturally hates it.

Hearing this, Mu Yun did not argue.

The grievances and grievances between humans and monsters are not a day or two, and there is nothing to earn.

But along the way, he did pick a lot of medicinal materials.

He needs to try now.

If he was promoted to the sixth-rank immortal king realm, he needed to start refining the emperor-level elixir.

There is no prescription, no precedent, he needs to develop it himself.

The difference between the emperor-level elixir and the king-level elixir lies in the powerful combination of the laws, mixing the laws into the medicinal materials, mixing them in the alchemy, which is easier said than done!

Mu Yun's current law comprehension is not strong enough, so he can't start condensing the emperor-level elixir.

But once he gets to the back, as his realm improves, these will not be a problem.

The question is how to find the Dan Fang step by step.

In the Guiyi Zhuxian Tu, there are naturally emperor-level elixir prescriptions, but if he only relies on these, he is destined to not have much success in the future.

He has now reached the level of the past and realized that greater challenges await him in the future, just relying on his previous life, how does it work!

"Mr. Mu, at the speed of our advancement, I am afraid it will take several years to reach the territorial boundary of the extremely chaotic land of Burning Heaven Valley!" Tianjikong said bitterly.

"What's the matter?"

But Mu Yun smiled and said: "If you can collect more heavenly materials and earth treasures in the demon domain, it will be okay to be later!"


Mu Yun left in a hurry before, but he didn't expect that now he was not in a hurry anymore.

"Look at your turtle-like shape, don't worry, leave the Demon Territory, and we will go directly to the Burning Heaven Valley."


For several months in a row, Mu Yun was arrogantly cursing off the path of the Demon Realm. Some of the medicinal materials that existed for a long time were not known to everyone in the Demon Realm, but he did.

Probably when he felt it was almost the same, Mu Yun chose to leave the demon domain.


The land is extremely chaotic, with a long history, and no one knows when it will exist.

However, the extremely chaotic place is in the center of the fairy world, and the ten domains of the sword world are well divided. They are not directly adjacent to each other. This makes the ten domains of the fairy world, many domains, and a lot of friction.

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