Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1539: Reincarnation City

In the huge chaotic land, the three sects of Burning Heaven Valley, Xiefeng Pavilion, and Jingtian Gate ruled nearly three quarters of the area.

The two major sects of the Sword Extinction Sect and the Taiji Sect controlled each other.

Since the battle between the Exterminating Sword Sect and the 33rd Sword Sect, Tai Chi Sect has been very active since the battle with a lot of losses.

But when the war ended, the Sword Extinguishing Sect became stronger because of the participation of the disciples of the Biluo Huangquan Sect, and the original plan of the Taiji Sect was completely overthrown.

Even so, the Taiji Sect and the Exterminating Sword Sect were only a short-term peace.

The land is extremely chaotic, and there is never lack of struggle.

It's just that these battles are only in the extremely chaotic land, if there are warriors from other realms of the immortal world intervene, it will be besieged by the entire extremely chaotic land.

But there are exceptions.

Ten thousand years ago, the 33 Heavenly Sword Sect attacked the Mietian Sword Sect in a big way. That time, in the extremely chaotic earth, it was very peaceful, without any sect intervening, but the Taiji Sect was defeated because of the rapid defeat of the Mietian Sword Sect. , Become stronger.

On this day, the land is extremely chaotic, in the northwest region, within the boundary of the Fentian Valley.

In front of a city, several figures came slowly.

The five people in this line are exactly the five Muyun people.

"Reincarnation City!"

Seeing the three big characters on the city gate, Tianjikong said: "It's extremely chaotic, but that's it!"

"That's because you didn't see the turbulent waves and undercurrents surging in here!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly and entered the city.

At this moment, in the city, a group of figures went back and forth.

There are demons, demons, and humans.

This is the benefit of the extremely chaotic land. The vast majority of people who come to this place can't get along in the top ten domains.

Here is a paradise for desperadoes.

"Find a place to rest first!"

Mu Yun said.

A few people entered an inn, and Xiao Er happily greeted him.

"How many guest officers, what do you need?"

"Stay, eat!"

Mu Yun succinctly said: "Find a few good guest rooms, and find a box by the way."


Xiao Er from the shop led Mu Yun into the box.

Mu Yun said again: "The good food and wine are here!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun shook his palm, and gave the shop Xiaoer a few Sacred Yang Pills.

Seeing a few Shengyang Pills, the little Er in the shop immediately beamed with excitement.

He himself was only in the realm of Golden Fairy. These few Sacred Yang Pills, worth tens of thousands of pure Yang Pills, and hundreds of millions of Jin Yang Pills, were of great benefit to his cultivation.

"Several masters wait a minute!"


At this moment, Mu Yun spoke again.

A space fairy ring appeared in his hand, and Mu Yun smiled and said: "There are 10,000 Sacred Yang Pills inside. You answer some of my questions. If you answer well, I will reward you!"

"Good, good!"

Ten thousand Sacred Sun Pills!

Xiao Er's eyes are straight!

"Let me ask you now, how are the forces under Burning Heaven Valley in the northwestern region?"

The shop Xiaoer suddenly bowed and said, "Master, you can be regarded as asking the right person!"

"In this northwestern region, the family is the only one, naturally Burning Heaven Valley, and under Burning Heaven Valley, there are three great powers with impressive strengths, namely the Samsara Palace, the Shadow Sect, and the Spirit Dragon Sect!"

"The three powers, the Shadow Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect, have stood for thousands of years and have not fallen. It can be regarded as a miracle!"

Hearing this, Haifeng said in a puzzled way: "Thousands of years? In the ten major domains of the immortal world, which sect power is not based on ten thousand years?"

"Master, you don't know this!"

Dian Xiaoer smiled and said: "This is a very chaotic land, mainly one word-chaos! Here, a sect force can exist for thousands of years, that is really incredible, of course, like Burning Heaven Valley, Jingtian Gate, Xiefeng Pavilion These, that belonged to standing on the heels, there are top immortal kings in the sect, it is difficult to change, but except for the top five sects, the other sects, which one is not just established today, may be destroyed tomorrow! "

Hearing this, Hayate nodded.

"Go on!"

"This temple of reincarnation is not easy. The temple of reincarnation was established more than 500 years ago and developed rapidly. There are only more than 1,000 people in itself, but over the past 500 years, it has gradually accumulated to tens of thousands of people, and there are three hall masters. , Powerful."

"It took only five hundred years for the Samsara Palace to establish a three-legged posture with the two major sects of Shadow Sect and Spirit Dragon Sect."

"But look at the villain, this Samsara Palace is almost coming to an end!"

"Oh? What does this mean?"

Mu Yun said in surprise.

"Not long ago, the Samsara Palace fought against the Spirit Dragon Sect and the Shadow Sect. They fought with each other many times, big and small. Recently, I heard that even the Burning Heaven Valley has the intention to do it!"


Mu Yun was shocked.

The shop Xiaoer nervously walked to the door of the box room, stretched out his head, came back again, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the three hall masters of the Samsara Hall belong to the former Barbarian Bull Clan, Candle Demon Clan, and Snow Demon Clan. The news of the three patriarchs of the Demon Kings has now spread, so this time, it seems that someone from the Demon Clan is preparing to get rid of the three of them."

"Why is this?"

Haifeng said.

"My little master does not know that the demons are not like us humans. We humans, the emperor has died and the prince succeeds. If the emperor disappears and the prince succeeds, then the emperor Laozi returns, the prince still has to let him down."

"But the Demon Race is not. The Demon Race only recognizes strength and strength to lead the tribe."

"Therefore, the three newly promoted demon kings are worried that these three will regain their strength in the future and may retaliate against them..."

Hearing this, Hayate nodded.

His growth over the years has been within the blue sky and yellow springs, and there are indeed very few things he has come into contact with.

Xiaoer from the shop talked a lot about it again, and finally, after Mu Yun sent it away, sat down.

"This temple of reincarnation is the power you created?"

Jiu'er couldn't help asking.


"Hehe... I didn't expect that the three major demon kings can be used by you!"

"by coincidence!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "But now it seems that these three guys are in trouble..."

Mu Yun's words fell, looking at Tianji Kong said: "Jikong, go and check it nearby to see what the relationship between the three major sects looks like now."


Tianjikong left, Mu Yun absent-mindedly eating.

"Are you going to swallow Burning Heaven Valley?"

"of course!"

Mu Yun nodded and said, "Otherwise, why am I here?"

"Even if Xiaoyue Sirius listens to me again, it is not my confidant after all. Tianfengxiao's majesty is still there, and they obey me. If Tianfengxiao is not there, those wolf cubs are unfamiliar!"

"It's always necessary to cultivate my own forces!"

One more thing, Mu Yun didn't say.

Five hundred years ago, the defeat of the Heaven Extinguishing Sword Sect and the defeat of the Blue Yellow Spring Sect, let him know.

Only by yourself can you get revenge.

But this time, he has to do it, everything is under his control.

"Ambition is great!"

Jiu'er smiled lightly and said: "However, this is very similar to the previous you. I thought that the cultivation over the past thousand years has caused you to slack off!"

"how come!"

Mu Yun laughed, and several people began to eat.

"Masters, I was wrong, I was wrong!"


Outside the box, there were bangs and bangs, and there seemed to be a fight.

"Are you wrong? A junior, there are so many Sacred Yang Pills on him, hehe, kid, if you don't say it clearly, I won't blame me for being polite!"

"Master, master, this is really rewarded by other masters!"

"Where? Why don't I believe it!"

The sneer sounded, and at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.


A figure smashed directly onto the tabletop, crashing, and the food was broken.

If you look carefully, it is the second person in the shop just now.

"Master, Lord, the villain is wrong, the villain is wrong, these Sacred Yang Pills are all honored to you, okay?"

The shop Xiaoer suddenly cried and said with grief.

"Of course it does!"

At this moment, a figure walked in at the door.

The man here was dressed in a black gown, sturdy in shape, with upset eight eyebrows, and looked arrogant and surly.

This person stepped into the room, glanced over the shop Xiaoer, and jumped directly over.

Looking ahead, Mu Yun and others, the young man's final gaze was fixed on Jiu'er.

Although Jiu'er wears a mask to hide her charming face, after all, at this moment, it looks like the convex and concave figure between the neck and under the white gauze skirt is still infinitely reverie.

The man saw the light on Jiu'er at a glance.


Soft and boneless temperament!

"It turns out that there is such a beautiful woman sitting here, this girl is abrupt!"

The young man smiled faintly, and said: "Under Gu Tianyuan, he is the son of Gu Cheng, the deputy lord of the Shadow Sect. I was fortunate enough to meet the girl. I am really happy. I don't know what to say. I don't know her name?

Gu Tianyuan stepped forward and said with a smile.

"The second person in this shop, I suspect that he stole your pill, so hurry up and inquire."

Gu Tianyuan said to himself: "Now it seems that it should be true!"

After the words fell, Gu Tianyuan waved his palm directly.


Without saying anything, Gu Tianyuan slapped the shop Xiaoer Tianling cover directly, without asking right or wrong.

There was a bang, the shop Xiaoer's face was pale at the moment, and sweat rolled down his forehead.

"He didn't steal it!"

One leg stretched out under the palm of Gu Tianyuan's fallen hand, blocking Gu Tianyuan's attack.


Seeing that someone was blocking him, Gu Tianyuan's gaze fell on Mu Yun.

"He didn't steal it?"

Gu Tianyuan sneered and said, "I said he stole it, he stole it!"

When the words fell, Gu Tianyuan ignored Mu Yun at all, and took another palm shot.


But this time, it was still blocked by Mu Yun.

"My friend, I will help you find the lost medicine. If you don't thank me, you can stop me from killing this little thief. Isn't it too kind?"

"Do you have a face?"


Mu Yun stood up at this moment, helped the shopkeeper, looked at Gu Tianyuan and said, "I ask you if you have a face? I said, I gave him the medicine pill. If you want to kill him, you have to ask me... Disagree!"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared at the corner of Gu Tianyuan's mouth.

"You go first, nothing is wrong with you!" Mu Yun looked at Xiao Er in the shop and said lightly.

"Thank you guest officer, thank you guest officer!"

The shopkeeper knocked his head repeatedly and left quickly.

"Stop, did I let you go?"

Gu Tianyuan snorted and shot out directly.

But at this moment, how could Mu Yun let him kill people in front of him? Besides, it was the people he wanted to kill!

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