Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1813: Wandering into the valley by mistake

If it weren't for the divine pill, he wouldn't be able to run that far now.

But at the same time, the loss in his body is even more violent. Even if it is suppressed by the gods, it is like a volcano. The more suppressed, the more unbearable.

In the event of an outbreak, it must be a fatal blow to him.


A dull explosion sounded at this moment, and his body was crackling like a pan.

At this moment, blood was flowing out of his eyes, which was even more terrifying.

There is not much time, and Mu Yun's speeding figure is gradually slowing down at this moment.

Behind him, those people immediately followed from the beginning, appearing in his line of sight all the time.

Mu Yun was like a prey teased by a hunter at this moment.


Suddenly, seeing the forest appearing in front of him, Mu Yun moved in his mind and rushed directly into it. At this moment, towering giant trees 100 meters high became a shelter for shelter.

"Brother Tuoba!"

"Brother Ji!"

Many disciples gathered at this moment.

"What about people?"

"Just entered the forest!"

A disciple arched his hand and said: "In this forest, we have entered not long ago. Miasma may appear anytime and anywhere. Those miasma, in the realm of our earth gods, cannot bear at all, and there are weird beasts hidden in it, one by one, Very weird!"


Tuobachuan said.

"So if Mu Yun enters this place, he must not be far away, but we enter with a big fanfare and it is easy to attract the miasma and those weird beasts..."


Upon hearing this, Tuoba Chuan slapped it out.


Tuobachuan shouted angrily: "You know what a fart, if you don't see Mu Yun's death with your own eyes, all of us, sooner or later, he will be directly killed by him. You think that after he is healed, he will let us go. person?"

"Yes, the disciple understands!"

The disciple immediately greeted everyone.

Tuobachuan opened the mouth and said: "If any of you kills Mu Yun, reward a third-rank solid essence gathering pill to help you cultivate your origins, communicate with the soul of the earth, and improve your realm."

As soon as this remark came out, many disciples were immediately excited.


With an order, everyone immediately rushed into it.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure appeared between the forests, looking at trees everywhere, old trees intertwined and cluttered with branches, Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, at least he is not easy to move forward, and those who are following are also not easy to move forward.

But now, the top priority is to find a place to recover from his injuries. He has been chased like this, and he will undoubtedly die.

Gradually, Mu Yun's eyes became blurred and his head became heavier and heavier.

But the mountains and forests were still full of towering old trees, and no other magical places were found.

At this time, Mu Yun looked ahead, there were hillsides.

At this moment, those mountain slopes are layered with wolves and are not steep.

Between the hillsides, Mu Yun saw a gap, and there seemed to be light inside.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun rushed directly.

In the end, Mu Yun saw a clear pond, and at the bottom of the pond, pebbles appeared to appear crystal clear. At this moment, Mu Yun's head was finally completely unable to bear it, and his body became soft and fell directly into it. In the pond...


Not long after, a group of figures galloped over.

"Brother Tuoba, Brother Ji!"

A disciple arched his hands and said: "I traced the breath here, it seems that I have entered the valley!"

"Then go in and search!"


Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan led the team directly into the depths of the valley.


Only dozens of people had just entered the valley, and two figures suddenly appeared at the mouth of the valley.

Taniguchi was a hundred meters wide. Two women, dressed in green clothes and green clothes, stood on the left and right, and immediately shouted when they saw someone approaching.

"A disciple of the Wind and Cloud Society, track down a disciple of the Nei Sect, come to this valley, please get out of here for thorough investigation!"

Tuoba Yuan shouted.

"A disciple of Fengyunhui? Blind your dog eyes!"

The Qingshang woman shouted: "This valley is occupied by my Xuemeng disciples. No one has ever passed through here. If you want to track it down, go to other places!"


Hearing these two words, Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan's expressions changed.

The Xuemeng is one of the four major leagues of the Sword God Sect. Although most of the league members are female disciples, they can become the four major leagues. The strength of the Sword God Sect is naturally incomparable!

But Muyun's life and death is more related to the safety of the disciples of the Fengyun Society in the next experience, and Tuobachuan naturally can't retreat.

"We just went into the valley to check it out, and we won't disturb the practice of Xuemeng members. We won't move anything!"

Tuobachuan opened the mouth and said: "The person we are searching for is named Mu Yun. This is a despicable method to kill Yun Xiao, the leader of the Fengyun Society. I also hope that friends from the Xuemeng will make it easy!"

"Don't you understand human words?"

The green dress woman said again: "Our two sisters are guarding the valley, no one enters the valley. You have to search and go to other places!"


Ji Yuan said angrily at this moment: "Although Xuemeng is one of the four major leagues, but the two presidents of our Fengyun Association are also titled disciples, don't you need to bully others like this?"


The green dress woman shouted: "This place is our Xuemeng disciple who found out that you guys of Fengyun will get out as early as possible!"

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

"You're welcome? I want to see, how are you welcome!"

Ji Yuan's words fell, and he stepped forward directly.

The two women naturally showed no signs of weakness at the moment.


It was just a beckoning, Ji Yuan did not move, but the two women, at this moment, banged directly back, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

The two of them are only in the later stage of the Earth God, but Ji Yuan is the Earth God Consummation, and naturally they are not opponents.

"Go away!"

Ji Yuan shouted again now.

"Who am I, so presumptuous!"

But at this moment, a light voice sounded in the valley, a figure in a white skirt leaped forward at this moment, the soles of the feet lightly touched, a touch of wet long hair, and water was dripping at this moment.

On the woman's body, the long skirt was slightly wet, showing a good figure.

But she obviously didn't care about the eyes of everyone in front of her.

Standing in place, looking at everyone.

"Cui Keqing!"

Seeing this stunning woman appeared, Ji Yuan looked strange.

"Ji Yuan, your Feng Xing Tian and Yun Ji presidents have been promoted to titled disciples. You are getting more and more swollen. Now, even my Xuemeng disciple dare to fight!"

Cui Keqing stroked her long hair with grace.

"Cui Keqing, our Fengyun will have no intention of having an antagonism with your Xuemeng, but that Muyun killed Senior Brother Yun Xiao and suffered severe injuries. We must kill him!"

Ji Yuan opened the mouth and said: "I hope Xuemeng can give a face, let us go in and search!"

"Give you a face? What are you?"

At this moment, a delicate voice sounded, and in the valley, a woman in a black dress stepped forward.

This woman was also wet, as if she had just been taking a bath, and she walked out at this moment with a touch of charm, giving people a sense of suffocating temptation.

"Shu Siqi!"

Seeing this woman, Ji Yuan looked even more ugly.

Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi are the two deacons of the inner sect of Xuemeng, Qing Yuanyuan who is under the orders of the inner sect. These two are here, and that Qing Yuanyuan is very likely to be here.

Qing Yuanyuan, that was ranked fourth on the Celestial Spirit Ranking, the Earth God Great Perfection realm, and her strength was much more terrifying than Yun Xiao.

The two of them, plus dozens of people behind them, are not opponents at all, let alone Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi are still here.

"Tuobachuan, Ji Yuan, your situation is meeting, the slight change is too swollen!"

Shu Siqi directly shouted: "Now, get out of the way immediately, otherwise... let you be buried with Yun Xiao!"

Hearing this, the disciple of the one-shot meeting, his expression was cold and furious.

"let's go!"

But at this moment, Ji Yuan waved his palm and turned away.

Today, if Mu Yun were really in the valley, it would be impossible for them to break in.

The members of Xuemeng, they themselves can't afford to provoke them, not to mention that Yun Xiao is dead now.

Dozens of people disappeared into the valley in the blink of an eye.

Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi both had anger on their faces at the moment.

"The disciples of the Fengyun Society are really becoming more and more arrogant. It seems that they need to be taught them well!"

Cui Keqing couldn't help humming.

"Well, it's just a group of people who don't know how high the sky is!" Shu Siqi smiled: "However, it is really annoying to disturb people to bathe!"


On Cui Keqing's pretty face, a touch of blush flashed across, and she looked at Shu Siqi and smiled: "Little Nizi, look at you, the skirt is wet, look at your chest..."

"You still said me, look at you in a white dress, those disciples just saw you getting out of the bath with your wet body, all eyes were straightened, okay?"

During the conversation, the two of them laughed and joked, and began to tear each other's clothes and frolicked, even if the woman saw it, it would be hard for her to control herself.


At this moment, in the valley, an exclamation sound suddenly sounded, and immediately after that, an exclamation sound suddenly spread.


Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi suddenly changed their faces and hurried into the valley.

At this moment, in the valley, there is a 100-meter-square pond, with clear water flowing, and a faint aura drifting away. In the pond, about a dozen young women, all with extraordinary looks, stand still in the pond, as if they are a wooden chicken.

There was a woman in the center, with a proud figure, her clothes faded, and she was playing in the pool, but now, her face is blushing and angry.

In front of him, a man in an ink-colored gown stood drowsily, his face slightly pale, and he looked around, not knowing why.

It is Muyun!

At this moment, Mu Yun's head was dizzy and his eyelids were heavy. After falling into the water, he only felt a puff of spiritual energy into his body, and then he had a trace of strength and stood up.

But when he stood up, he saw that there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, as if a pair of eyes were looking at him in amazement.

Immediately, the high-pitched voice sounded, and his head jerked, but he saw where there was a vast expanse of whiteness, but a scene where more than a dozen women were bathing in this valley!


However, Mu Yun hadn't reacted yet, a Xiu fist hit his face directly, blood was flowing out of the tip of his nose, Mu Yun's just sober head fell into chaos, thumped, and fell into the water.

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