Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1814: Let you try Dan

"Senior Sister Qing!"

Seeing the sisters are all in a daze at this moment, Shu Siqi and Cui Keqing both walked forward at this moment and looked at Mu Yun floating on the water, all in a daze.

"The prodigal son of Dengtu, how did this kid get into this valley, or was he lurking at the bottom of the water from the beginning? Did you watch out our sisters?"

Qing Yuanyuan grumbled angrily at the moment, put on her shirt, wrapped up her body, and looked at Mu Yun.

"Sister Yuanyuan, kill this lascivious!" a woman shouted.


Cui Keqing is blocking at this moment.

"Just now, Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan from the Fengyun Club came with dozens of people, and they said they were chasing and killing a disciple named Mu Yun!"

"Then Muyun, killed Yun Xiao, the leader of their Fengyun Society's trip, and was hit hard, saying he fled to our valley..."

"Kill Yun Xiao?"

Hearing this, Qing Yuanyuan looked at Mu Yun on the water with surprise.

She could feel that the aura on Mu Yun's body was only in the late stage of Earth God.

Yun Xiao is now the leader of the Inner Sect of the Fengyun Guild, and Mu Yun actually killed this person when the earth **** had reached the realm of great perfection!

"Tie him to me!"

Qing Yuanyuan smiled faintly, all over the country, and said: "It just so happens that I am going to refine the Earth Spirit Pill recently and attack the three-star Pill Master, this kid, give me a try!"


Shu Siqi and Cui Keqing stepped forward, drove Mu Yun up, and directly tied them up.

At this moment, there was a hot breath in Mu Yun's heart.

In the dizziness, the blood in his body began to boil, and even the surface of his body became red and hot.

This feeling, instead of a lowered posture, is on the contrary intensified, and it is not to be ignored.

He felt that his body was firmly bound, unable to move at all, and even his heart was dull.

At this moment, ninety-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one imprints of the source of the gods in his body suddenly swarmed out.

Eighty-one impressions burst directly.

Suddenly, those eighty-one marks penetrated directly into the depths of the earth to communicate with the soul of the earth.

The fourth time to communicate with the soul of the earth!

At this moment, Mu Yun's heart gradually calmed down from the heat.

At this time, his body and mind also calmed down.

The heaviness of the earth's morals and virtues directly swept away, making him irresistible.

Boom boom boom...

The pronucleus of the earth's core, a ray of light swept away, and eighty-one impressions, directly surging crazily.

Suddenly, with Muyun as the center, deep in the heart of the earth, within two kilometers of the surrounding area, there were crazy vibrations, and the waves were higher than the waves.

In the pinnacle realm of the earth god, Mu Yun himself was able to control the power of the earth within a range of two kilometers around him.

This is simply incredible!

At that instant, in Mu Yun's mind, the soul, vein, body, and blood were all greatly improved.

Suddenly, Mu Yun woke up and turned away.

"Earth God's pinnacle realm... the body injury is very good..."

Mu Yun said to himself, shocked.

He didn't expect it to be such a result.

What surprised him even more was that under this circumstance, his injury improved in an instant. Is it possible that it is the power of blood?

Naturally, Mu Yun didn't know that Earth One was one of the four origins of the earth, and the good fortune he bestowed was enough for Mu Yun to be in the realm of the Earth God and be infinitely useful.

He attributed all this to the strength of his bloodline.


However, Mu Yun, who woke up, looked around, but was suddenly taken aback.

"Locked up by...?"

At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly discovered that he was shackled with his hands and feet, and his back was leaning against a big tree. The shackles continuously blocked the divine power in his body, making him unable to exude a breath at all.

He now, except that the divine body is strong enough, not even a trace of divine power can be radiated.


Mu Yun's expression suddenly turned bitter.

Looking around, Yingying Yanyan, there were more than a dozen female disciples, busy with their affairs one by one, and Mu Yun was taken aback.

He thought he was caught by the Fengyunhui people, but now it seems that is not the case.

Who are these female disciples?

Mu Yun looked around and fell into a sense of powerlessness.

His divine power was blocked, and it was even difficult for him to communicate with Zhu Xiantu!


Cui Keqing stepped forward at this moment and smiled faintly.

Mu Yun only felt that the woman in front of him was as elegant as a jasmine, giving a mature charm.

"Who are you?" Mu Yun said carefully.


Cui Keqing smiled and said, "You came to the place where our Xuemeng members lived temporarily, and asked who we are?"


Mu Yun knew now.

Xuemeng is one of the four major alliances of the Sword God Sect, with a powerful force. It turns out that he was arrested by the people of Xuemeng.

It suddenly occurred to him that he was in a coma before, and fell directly into the pond, and then regained a hint of clarity. He saw a piece of white snow, to be precise, a piece of...

Then, he was knocked out.

"Remember?" Cui Keqing smiled lightly.


Mu Yun wanted to fold his hands, but the shackles were really heavy, and he couldn't lift his hands halfway up.

"You don't have to work in vain!"

Cui Keqing laughed and said: "This shackle is polished by a 10,000-year meteorite, leaving its essence. It is extremely heavy in itself, not to mention, it can seal the divine power in your body!"

Having said that, Cui Keqing was also very surprised to see that Mu Yun was still halfway up.

He knew the heaviness of this chain clearly, and he didn't expect that Mu Yun could rely on the divine body alone, lifting it up, it was incredible that this child could kill Yun Xiao.

"This senior sister, was chased and killed before going down, fled to this place, and rushed into the valley without knowing that you were here. I'm really sorry!"

"Oh? It seems that you really killed Yun Xiao?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Yun was startled.

"Since the elder sister knows what is going on, she should know that this is a misunderstanding, and ask the world to untie it for me!"


Cui Keqing smiled lightly and said: "That's not good, you even killed Yunxiao, if you untie you, you hate us for binding you, what should we do if we kill us? These are all weak women and can't stand the toss. ..."

Weak woman?

Mu Yun was speechless.

Xuemeng is one of the four major alliances of the Sword God Sect. The woman in front of him is among the dozen other people, and it seems that the cultivation base is not weak.

Furthermore, Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan both gave up chasing themselves, which shows that these women are not weak or even strong!

Claiming to be a weak woman, how weird Mu Yun listens!

"Dengtu, the prodigal son, still want us to let you go?"

At this moment, a full-bodied woman is coming in styles.

The tall man, the slightly rich waist, and the heaviness on the waist all give people an extremely strong sense of impact.

This is a plump young woman, and her body is just right, and she feels like she is neither fat nor thin, except for her chest.

"Senior Sister Qing!"

Seeing the visitor, Cui Keqing bowed.

Sister Qing?

Mu Yun looked at this person carefully, thought for a moment, and probably determined the person in front of him.

It should be Qing Yuanyuan, the leader of the Xuemeng Inner Sect.

This woman has a very high status in the Xuemeng, and she is very handy in managing the disciples of the Xuemeng.

At this moment, Qing Yuanyuan saw Mu Yun's eyes scanning her body. When she browsed, she suddenly thought of Mu Yun's hatefulness before, and she suddenly became angry.

"Take a disciple, look!"

Qing Yuanyuan snorted and slapped a fan in the air.

Before this palm was changed, Mu Yun could easily take it, but now, he can only reflexively raise his arms.


That palm hit the body directly, and Mu Yun suddenly retreated in embarrassment.

Fortunately, his divine body is strong enough, this palm did not kill him!

"how are you feeling?"

Qing Yuanyuan hummed: "The Fengyunhui people chased you. We saved you. For this reason, our Xuemeng offended the Fengyunhui. You, can't go or die, stay and give me a test!"

"Test medicine?"

Mu Yun was immediately shocked.

"Yes, try the medicine!"

Qing Yuanyuan's words fell, and she waved out without saying a word.


The palm of his hand opened Mu Yun's mouth, and a black green pill went directly into Mu Yun's abdomen.

"I'm now preparing to hit the realm of the three-star pill master and refine the earth essence pill, so it is your honor to be able to test the medicine for me!"

Qing Yuanyuan hummed: "Furthermore, if my refining is successful, you will still be able to gain a lot of strength. If the refining fails, you...wait to die!"

Qing Yuanyuan's words fell and turned and left.

When Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi saw this scene, they both shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Mu Yun offended Qing Yuanyuan this time.

It's just that Mu Yun at this moment, where is there any time to think about it.

After the pill was lowered, Mu Yun suddenly felt a rush of heat rising in his lower abdomen.

Suddenly, the scorching heat swept across the body, and a surge of divine power rushed away.

"This is... Juyuan Wansheng Pill!"

Mu Yun flushed at the moment, and couldn't help but blurt out and made his debut.


Qing Yuanyuan stopped at this moment and turned to look at Mu Yun.

She didn't expect that Mu Yun actually recognized her pill.

"So, the Juyuan Wansheng Pill I refined succeeded? The Juyuan Wansheng Pill, which condenses the souls of the warriors in the realm of the earth gods and promotes the power of communication with the earth, has a magical effect!" Qing Yuanyuan said excitedly.


Mu Yun wanted to curse in his heart at this moment.

"Senior Sister Qing!"

But on the surface, Mu Yun smiled faintly: "Senior Sister Qing's medicinal pill, it's almost a success."

"A little bit? Do you still know how to make alchemy?" Qing Yuanyuan looked at Mu Yun, doubting.

"Naturally know some!"

Mu Yun said again: "Gathering the source of ten thousand sacred pills, helping the warriors of the realm of the earth gods, condensing the spirits, and communicating with the souls of the earth, the medicinal effect will be able to exert its maximum power."

"The two core medicinal materials of this pill are the Myriad Spirits Shenyuan Fruit and Jutian Jade Root!"

"However, Senior Sister Qing's pill is a failure. I feel that when it helps the martial artist to condense the soul, there is a part of impurities, which makes the condensed soul scattered and reversible!"

"Senior sister, would you like to listen to me?"

"you said!"

Mu Yun nodded and said, "Juyuan Wansheng Pill, the two core medicinal materials, Wanling Shenyuan Fruit and Jutian Jade Root, should be put into the pill furnace at half an hour between each other!"

"Half an hour? The time to refine the Juyuan Wansheng Pill is just a little more than half an hour!"

Qing Yuanyuan looked at Mu Yun and suddenly showed a trace of unbelief.

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