Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1818: Then you let me go

The sound of papa papa sounded constantly, those people, at this moment, how could they withstand the power of Mu Yun Yihe.

In a moment, there were only corpses left on the ground.

Mu Yun didn't say a word, swallowing blood began to circulate, and directly swallowed all the flesh and soul of the dead corpses one by one.

Within the body, another power was born, kicking out all the conscious impurities of the flesh and soul, and in the end, only about one-tenth of the pure power remained, which was completely absorbed by Mu Yun.

At this moment, his spirit, flesh and blood and strength increased again.

Originally, the power in his body had reached the power of Qianlong in the early days of the Earth God.

And now, the pinnacle realm of the earth **** has tripled again, and it has the power of three thousand dragons.

But at this moment, after devouring the flesh and blood of these people, his power increased again, reaching the power of four thousand dragons.

The martial artist of the earth **** realm, communicating with the soul of the earth, itself is the ultimate growth of the dragon's power.

And now, it is indeed the most powerful moment.

He himself has the blood of herdsman, and he is several times stronger than others.

Now, being able to devour other people’s flesh and soul and improve oneself without any hesitation about herder’s taboos, although only able to draw part of his power, is much stronger than others.

Now that the Earth God's peak realm can possess the power of two thousand dragons, he is already a genius, and he is twice as strong.

Power swarmed out, and Mu Yun's heart became more proud.

"Tuobachuan, Ji Yuan, come and kill me!"

Mu Yun whistling frantically at the moment.


Tuobachuan shouted and rushed out immediately.

He knew that today is the best time to kill Mu Yun.

Missed today, in the next two years or so, in this different space continent, it will be difficult to ascend to the sky if you want to kill Muyun!

"court death!"

Mu Yun is not afraid that the two will come forward now, just that they will suddenly run away at this moment.

With shackles on his ankles, it is impossible for him to chase and kill the two at this moment.

But if the two wanted to kill him, it was much simpler.


Directly attacked with two fists, the power of four thousand dragons, coupled with the 2,000-meter range of communicating the soul of the earth, Mu Yun's whole body strength was simply terrifying.

Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan, as soon as they rushed up, were directly knocked down by Mu Yun with two blows.

At the same time, the power rushing out of the two of them spread out one after another, and Mu Yun directly waved his palm, a powerful suction force, covering the two of them in their cultivation.


At this moment, the two only felt that their hearts were about to protrude.

Want to run.

But at this moment, where can I run away!

Mu Yun didn't give them any chance to escape at all.


A dull voice sounded, and the two figures fell directly to the ground at this moment.

However, there is no information.

The two corpses gradually became cold.

Mu Yun took a sigh of relief at this moment, and his heart was even more comfortable.

Although it didn't make him immediately step into the realm of Earth God Consummation, but this feeling was really comfortable.

Swallowing blood, and the unique power in his body, work together to complement each other.

The taste is very comfortable!

"You actually got rid of the shackles!"

Cui Keqing was shocked when she saw this.


"Why are you still stunned? Help!" Cui Keqing urged.

"Help? Why?"

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "You guys, this time has caused me miserable, let me help now? Help, but there is a price!"

"For example, the three of you have the best looks. How about sleeping with me, chatting, and in-depth exchanges? I can consider helping you!"

"The Prodigal Son!"

"I was a prodigal son!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "When you grabbed me, didn't you just say that I was? Tsk tsk, till now, I haven't forgotten, the beautiful scenery of Senior Sister Qing and the senior sisters in the pond is really a nosebleed. what!"


Hearing this, Cui Keqing was furious.

She knew that Mu Yun was deliberately angry with her.

"Mu Yun, you are a manly man. You should solve the troubles you caused yourself. We are implicated by you. Now you are still watching a good show?"

Shu Siqi hummed: "Blame us for seeing the wrong person!"

"Shu Siqi, are you begging me now? Can you let go of your pride!"

"I think Qing Yuanyuan seems to be in the hands of Qin Han and Wang Liang, she can't hold on anymore!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "This Yan Kuan, Du Bing, is said to be the seventeenth and eighteenth masters of the Celestial Spirit Ranking, how many of you two rank on the Celestial Spirit Ranking?"

As soon as these words came out, Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi became even more angry.

The two of them are on the Celestial Spirit Ranking, which is indeed not high.

In the face of Yan Kuan and Du Bin, they can only defend passively.

But over time, it must be defeated.

Although Qing Yuanyuan is ranked fourth on the Celestial Spirit Ranking, Qin Han and Wang Liang are not easy to provoke.

It's hard to say who wins and who loses.

Most importantly, it is difficult for the sisters to hold on to an opponent three times their own.

At this time, Mu Yun was still talking cold words here, which is really hateful!

Naturally, Mu Yun would not stand idly by.

At first, Qing Yuanyuan was right to arrest him, but it could be regarded as indirectly saving his life.

Moreover, he could see that Qing Yuanyuan's mind was not bad, but her attitude was arrogant, and these women took good care of him after getting along for more than ten days.

But now, he just wants to take a sigh of relief and correct the stinky problems of these women.

Don't always think that the sky is big and the earth is big, they are the biggest, although in some respects, it is true...

Both Yan Kuan and Du Bin are facing Cui Keqing and Shu Siqi at the moment, and they are ruthless and merciless.

This battle can only be won.


Suddenly, Shu Siqi slipped and was directly attacked by Du Bin and fell into the wind. His face was slightly pale, and his figure exploded.

When Du Bin caught this opportunity, he naturally wouldn't give up, and galloped out directly.

"Sister Shu, I'll save you!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun suddenly flew up and took Shu Siqi directly.

With the delicate body in her arms, the fragrance entered her nose, Mu Yun's palm flipped a few times, making Shu Siqi annoyed.

But at this moment, Na Du Bin has already come to kill.

"Sister Shu, are you okay?"

Mu Yun smirked: "Such a bad guy, come to deal with Senior Sister Shu, I will teach him a lesson!"

"Then you let me go!"

"This can't work!"

Mu Yun hugged Shu Siqi in both hands, taking advantage, and said: "Senior Sister Shu hasn't apologized to me yet, let you go, what should you do if you run away?"

"Then don't put your hands indiscriminately!"

"No," Mu Yun hurriedly said: "I am here to protect you, so I have to look at various places on your body to see if you are injured!"


"If you want to die, then go to die together!"

Seeing this scene, Du Bing's heart was naturally extremely angry.

This Mu Yun simply regarded him as nothing, which was a great insult to him!

Mu Yun sneered in his heart and shot out directly.

Shu Siqi exclaimed and hurriedly hugged Mu Yun's neck with both hands.

A fragrant fragrance made Mu Yun very proud.

These women, arrogant and tight, must let them know what arrogance is!

Being captured these days, Mu Yun felt very upset.

Now, it's cool!

"court death!"

Du Bin held a long sword in his hand, drew out a sword, and the sword screamed.

At this moment, Mu Yun's feet were locked by chains, and his hands firmly hugged Shu Siqi, without any means to attack.

This guy, at this moment, still thinking of a woman in front of him, seeking his own way of death, it is not a pity to die.

"You think I can't spare my hands and feet, so I can't kill you, right?"

Mu Yun seemed to see through Du Bing's mind, and directly said: "Then you are so wrong!"

"Void Spirit Sword, cut!"

Mu Yun shouted, the virtual spirit sword galloped directly out of the blue and yellow spring map, with a sword drawn out, and its strength was vertical and horizontal.

"Amaterasu-Yiyang Sword!"

A move of Amaterasu swordsmanship, cut directly out.

Suddenly, the giant sword blasted out a sword glow, and the sword wind directly condensed at this moment, full of tyrannical strength.

The crazy sword aura, one after another, condensed into a giant sword.

That huge sword, the giant invincible, rushed out with a direct sword.

At this moment, Mu Yun's entire figure, at this moment, seemed to be inside a long sword, and Shu Siqi in his arms was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

This sword is so strong!

She is not the only one who is dumbfounded.

Du Bin was also completely dumbfounded at this moment.

However, after dumbfounded, Du Bing's figure was divided into two, and the blood burst apart.

Dumbfounded, not everyone can be dumbfounded!

Du Bin's figure was divided into two halves, and the breath of his whole body collapsed completely, and the whole person had lost any vitality.

At this moment, the scene was a little quiet.

Yan Kuan saw this scene, his eyes split.

"Du handle!"

He and Du Bing came from the same place, supporting each other, with good eyesight and no background.

But in fact, it is the subordinate of Shengxincai, the president of the Holy Kings Association. In the inner sect, he ranks very high, exists independently, and hides his eyes.

But now, Du Bing was directly slaughtered by Mu Yun.

It's damned!

"Brother Wang Liang!"

Yan Kuan knew that Mu Yun killed Du Bin so easily, then he would be a dead end.

"Du handle!"

With a shout, Wang Liang looked down and was startled.

Du Bin was actually killed!

Looking at the battle scene again, Wang Liang said angrily: "Are the Fengyunhui people all rubbish?"

At this moment, everyone does not know why.

"Li Feng, you and Wang Liang dealt with Muyun together, Qing Yuanyuan left it to me!" Qin Han also realized that something was wrong at the moment.

That Muyun is very special!


Leaving the wind to make an order, immediately shot.

He is very fast at the moment.

Even for a moment, he seemed to be stronger than Nadu handle.

However, this person is not well-known in the Celestial Spirit Ranking.

Qin Han was extremely relieved at this moment.

Li Feng is a talent that his elder brother Qin Yu has specially tapped to protect himself.

In fact, Li Feng Di Shen's Great Perfection realm, strength, is even stronger than him.

But he is low-key, just practicing, and has no reputation in the inner sect.

Generally, Qin Han wouldn't let Lifeng take action.

But this time is different.

The feeling that Mu Yun gave to people was really weird.

This is still the appearance of Mu Yun's body being restrained, if Mu Yun untie the ankle chain, I am afraid it will be even more terrifying.

Qing Yuanyuan was also very surprised at this moment.

When she learned that Mu Yun had killed Yun Xiao, she didn't believe it.

But now, I have to believe it.

Du Bing's strength was stronger than Yun Xiao.

All of a sudden, the core of the eyes of several people gathered on Mu Yun.

Mu Yun looked at Shu Siqi in his arms and smiled: "Senior Sister Shu, what? My chest is very comfortable, isn't it?"

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