Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1819: You chase it

Shu Siqi hummed: "Deng the prodigal son!"

"Get down quickly, otherwise, I will hold you, but I can't beat both of them!"

Shu Siqi's pretty face flushed at the moment, looking at Mu Yun, lowered her head, and slowly withdrew.

Cui Keqing was very difficult to resist being suppressed by Yan Kuan at this moment. Seeing Shu Siqi still there, she suddenly shouted: "Qiqi, what are you still stupefying there!"

"Huh? Coming!"

Shu Siqi exclaimed and hurried forward.

That Wang Liang and Li Feng fought right and left at the moment, looking at Mu Yun.

"You don't have to do it!"

Wang Liang said indifferently: "This person, I can solve it!"

"I just ordered it!"

Li Feng faintly bowed his hands, not caring about Wang Liang's indifferent attitude.

"Alright, let's go together!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "Separately, it's just the result of who died first and who died later. I don't think you two are familiar with each other. Just know each other on Huangquan Road!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Li Feng and Wang Liang present were very angry.

Mu Yun's words obviously treated them with contempt.

Wang Liang is the twelfth place on the Celestial Spirit Ranking. Although Li Feng is not on the Celestial Spirit Ranking, he is stronger than Qin Han. How could he not feel angry when he was slandered by these words.


Two long swords appeared suddenly, the sword light flashed, and the two of them directly killed Mu Yun without saying a word.

This sword, with the tyrannical divine power fluctuations, gave people an extremely gloomy murderous aura.

When Shu Siqi saw below, his mind was swaying.

"What are you stunned!"

Cui Keqing shouted in a low voice: "That kid, obviously hides his strength, and even us have been deceived. If these guys weren't killed, we would think that he is still under our control!"

"However, he does...very powerful!"

Shu Siqi whispered: "Unexpectedly, not only is the alchemy powerful, but even the cultivation base is so strange!"

"Oh, Qiqi, I think you are... spring heart is rippling!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm nonsense? You look at him like this again, my sisters, but you will suffer a lot!"

Cui Keqing looked around and hummed: "If you want to watch, let's wait until we retreat from the strong enemy!"

"it is good!"

Shu Siqi looked ahead and snorted: "These guys are really hateful. They dare to attack our Xuemeng, they are absolutely reckless!"

The two women immediately cooperated and directly killed Yan Kwan in front of them.

At this moment, on the other side, Qing Yuanyuan looked at Qin Han in front of her, and she was also relieved.

"Qin Han, do you want to resist me alone?"

"How? Can't it?"

Qin Han smiled and said, "Although you are fourth on the Celestial Spirit Ranking, I am ranked 15th, but that does not mean that my strength is not as good as you!"

"Really? Then try it!"

Qing Yuanyuan snorted and stepped directly out, her figure illusory, gradually evolving into multiple clones.

Those avatars did not quickly dissipate, but stayed in place. Suddenly, when Qing Yuanyuan's figure finally settled, the avatars worked together in a blink of an eye, regardless of each other, and merged into Qingyuan. Yuan inside the body.

"Thousand Phantom Clone!"

With a sweet drink, Qing Yuanyuan pushed her palm, and in an instant, those converging phantoms overlapped again, killing Qin Han.

Seeing this scene, Qin Han was not afraid, as the sword in his hand was tumbling, the sword marks gradually increased.

"Da Qian Jian Yin Jue!"

The sound of breaking through the air rang out, and the sword print whizzed out at this moment.

At this moment, the two of them both displayed their own means, and when they met each other, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"You deserve to be a disciple of the Celestial Spirit Ranking!"

"Yes, these methods are even comparable to disciples in the early stage of the gods!"

"No wonder they can be in high positions!"

Some disciples couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at the two opposing people, calmly thinking.

The virtual spirit sword in his hand exudes a faint sword light, which gives people a very strange feeling.

At this moment, Wang Liang and Li Feng finally no longer underestimated Mu Yun.

This guy does have two brushes.

At this moment, Mu Yun gave people the feeling that it was not at all like the pinnacle realm of the Earth God, but more like the Great Perfection realm of the Earth God.

How could there be such a weird person?

Li Feng and Wang Liang didn't dare to be careless this time.

"Two? Why are you scared?"

Mu Yun looked at the two of them, and said lightly: "If you're afraid, just say it, I... can make your death easier!"


Wang Liang snorted and stepped forward.

Between the sword aura and howling, the air currents condensed by the sword blades directly rotated his body and drove his whole person to rush continuously, the speed is extremely fast, and the killing breath is also not to be ignored.

But seeing this scene, Mu Yun did not have a trace of tension or expectation.

With a wave of the long sword in his hand, Mu Yun shot his sword aura directly, with a strong killing and cutting aura, and cut it out with a single sword.

Amaterasu a sun sword!

With this sword, Mu Yun merged with his Intermediate Sword Soul. In the Soul Sea, a huge sword was erected, and the long sword directly emitted a whistling wind, and then, it was shining brightly, illuminating the night sky, a sword, and smashed down.


At this moment, the earth splits inch by inch, and the sword glow, the hot breath, swept away, leaving a deep mark on the ground, spreading for a hundred meters.

But at this moment, a figure, motionless within that imprint, the whole body was burnt black, giving people an extremely shocking feeling.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

what's going on?

Everyone was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

Wang Liang's body had already become a corpse at this moment.

At this moment, Li Feng was dumbfounded, and without saying anything, he turned and rushed towards Qin Han directly.


With a low drink, Li Feng directly pulled Qin Han up.

"What are you doing?"

"Wang Liang is dead, the general situation is over, we withdraw!"

When the words fell, he didn't care about the other disciples of the Zhetianhui, pulled Qin Han up and ran away immediately.


Qin Han looked down at the moment, only a touch of shock remained in his eyes.

Wang Liang, dead!

Wang Liang's strength is better than him!

How could it be dead?

But seeing Wang Liang's charred body, Qin Han had to believe it at the moment.

Yan Kuan's expression changed when he saw this scene, and he immediately fled away.

The remaining disciples, seeing this scene, where there is still the mind to continue fighting, one by one retreats and flees.

In the valley, more than 20 corpses were left, smelling of blood, floating away.

Mu Yun stood there at the moment, watching those people rushing away, his heart calmed down slowly.

"Everyone ran away, chase after!"

Cui Keqing flew down and looked at Mu Yundao.

"Chasing? You chasing, I didn't stop you!"

Mu Yun lifted the anklet and said, "If there weren't this **** iron chain, I would have killed them all!"


"OK OK!"

Shu Siqi stood up at this moment and said: "If it weren't for Mu Yun, we would have encountered a black hand tonight, then Qin Han, but cruel, and what a good woman..."

Cui Keqing did not speak at the moment.

Indeed, if it weren't for Mu Yun, they might be doomed tonight.

Qing Yuanyuan fell down at this moment, her plump body, and an air of killing was permeated.

"Mu Yun!"

Seeing Mu Yun, Qing Yuanyuan shouted: "If it weren't for you, my sisters, it would have been impossible to encounter this trouble, huh!"

"Then I didn't let you keep me!" Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "You have to tie me up, but now it's me to blame? Besides, Tuobachuan and Ji Yuan are both for me. Then, the person from the Saint King Club and the Zhetian Club, Wang Liang, is the tripod who wants you, and Qin Han is the person who wants you, it seems to have nothing to do with me!"


"OK OK!"

Shu Siqi said again: "The top priority now is to clean up the wounded. Many of our sisters have been injured!"

"I'll settle accounts with you later!"

Qing Yuanyuan hurriedly turned and left.

Mu Yun shook his head at this moment, and stepped away from here.

"What are you doing?"


Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "I have already untied the shackles on my body. It seems that there is no need to stay here?"

" can't go!"

Shu Siqi said.

Can't go?


"You see our sisters are all injured because of you. You are an alchemist, so stay here to help us!"


Hearing this, Mu Yun felt that Monk Zhang Er was at a loss.

"First of all, you fled into the valley and saw the sisters bathing. We didn't kill you, but we saved your life. This is a life-saving grace!"

"Although we imprisoned you, we did not abuse you. Senior Sister Qing also took good care of you. Besides, the ultimate cause of this catastrophe is still you. Why can't you leave now? Just in case... What should they do if they kill them again?"

Seeing Shu Siqi saying so many words in one breath at this moment, Mu Yun was taken aback.

"Shu Siqi!"


"Don't you like me?"

"You...the prodigal son!"

Shu Siqi hummed, turned and left.

Mu Yun thought carefully about what Shu Siqi said, and finally chose to stay temporarily.

As a result, it will take three or five days for his fetters to break open. It is indeed inconvenient to travel now.

Secondly, what Shu Siqi said was right. In any case, the people of Xuemeng encountered this difficulty, which can be regarded as his origin.

Although I can't get used to these women's high postures, but fortunately, they are not bad.

Upon examination, of the 18 people from Xuemeng, three were dead, seven were injured, and four of them were seriously injured.

This caused the people inside Xuemeng to feel heartbroken.

The next day, Mu Yun woke up from his practice.

Before, he broke the shackles silently with sky fire and water in the night, but now he has no scruples and breaks the shackles directly.

"Mu Yun!"

Cui Keqing came here now, her face pale.

Yesterday's battle was very exhausting, and the Xuemeng sisters were injured, and everyone was in a bad mood.


"A female disciple was severely injured, and Senior Sister Qing couldn't support it alone, you... do us a favor!"

Seeing the gesture of Cui Keqing's request, Mu Yun smiled lightly: "Speaking like this, it looks much more cute. Don't always be aloof, it's easy to disgust!"


"Okay, okay, now take me over, and take a look at the injury, I just know what to do!"

"Come with me!"

Cui Keqing leads the way...

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