Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1820: Purifying power

Entering into the cave, a faint fragrance swept through the breath.

The place where the woman lives, even in such a wild place, has a boudoir atmosphere.

At this moment, Shu Siqi's face was not good, Qing Yuanyuan sat halfway on the ground, looking at a figure in front of her, her brows furrowed.

"Senior Sister Qing, he is here!"

Qing Yuanyuan raised her head at the moment, saw Mu Yun, and said: "Mu Yun, if you can cure Junior Sister Ruan Yu, the grievances between us will be wiped out!"

Mu Yun raised his eyebrows, did not say much, squatted down and looked at the woman in front of him.

A delicate face, quite youthful.

It's just that at this moment, on this pretty face, it is quite haggard, and there is even a hint of blackness.

Mu Yun squatted down and slowly opened Ruan Yu's long skirt with both hands.

"What are you doing?"

Qing Yuanyuan hurriedly shouted.

"Save people!"

Mu Yun looked at Qing Yuanyuan's fuss, and said: "As an alchemy master, healers and saves people, refines pill medicine, this Ruan Yu was injured, you can treat me, you can't even the injury, I won't check it!"

"You... be careful!"

Qing Yuanyuan said slowly now.

Seeing Qing Yuanyuan's nervous appearance, Mu Yun remained calm and gently tore Ruan Yu's shirt apart.

The women present suddenly looked strange.

Ruan Yu's upper body appeared in front of Mu Yun's eyes, with a very predictable figure, Mu Yun secretly admired in his heart, and looked at Ruan Yu's abdomen.

The originally flat abdomen, at this moment, there are terrifying bloodstains.

Those blood stains seemed to cut off Ruan Yu's body. If it hadn't been for Qing Yuanyuan to connect them with divine power, I'm afraid Ruan Yu would have died now.

After taking a breath, Mu Yun said lightly: "The trauma to her abdomen was corroded by the divine power with flames, destroying the divine origin in her body, causing the mark to be damaged!"


Qing Yuanyuan nodded hurriedly: "It doesn't matter if the trauma is injured, but the source of the gods is traumatized, and the marks are damaged. This is not a normal heaven and earth pill that can be cured!"

"I... I can't help it!"

"I know you can't help it!"

At this moment, Mu Yun's palm lightly followed Ruan Yu's chest and fell towards the bottom.

Seeing this scene, the women are a little bit embarrassed.

However, Mu Yun's soul power entered Ruan Yu's **** source with wisps of spirit power, investigating his injuries.

As time passed, Mu Yun frowned gradually.

Shenyuan was forced, and the impression was damaged.

Ruan Yu just breathed a sigh of relief now.

Even if it is cured, I am afraid it will be... the cultivation base is greatly damaged, and I am afraid that it is not even the true **** realm.


Qing Yuanyuan said nervously at the moment.

"I'm sure to save her life, but I am afraid that the cultivation base will be lowered to the realm of the true god. Her **** source and imprints are damaged, only to condense the **** source and imprints again!"

Lowered to the realm of true gods?

Qing Yuanyuan was taken aback.

That being said, Ruan Yu is very likely to return to the realm of Void God.

"it is good!"

But in a blink of an eye, Qing Yuanyuan nodded in response.

Compared to losing your life and reducing your strength, it is only temporary.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to help her to be stable, and will not deprive her of the source of God if she is not a last resort."


Qing Yuanyuan nodded.

"Why are you still stunned? Go out!"

Mu Yun looked at the women and couldn't help saying.


"Yes, Qing Yuanyuan, you can stay and help me, and everyone else will go out!"


"Okay!" Qing Yuanyuan looked at several people and said: "I'll be here, you can go out!"


In the cave, only Mu Yun and Qing Yuanyuan were left in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Mu Yun put his hands on Ruan Yu's abdomen, within his body, divine power and soul power began to slowly emerge...

He wanted to use his divine power to stabilize the divine source in Ruan Yu's body and see if there was any possibility of salvation.

Time passed bit by bit, and gradually, Mu Yun saw sweat on his forehead.

However, the source of the gods is where the warrior originated. It was severely damaged and was unable to repair it. On the contrary, if time dragged on, it might be that Ruan Yu could not bear it and would die at any time.

In the end, Mu Yun gave up!

With a direct wave of his palm, the power of the bloodline started to work at this moment.

With the power of blood, the source of trauma in Ruan Yu's body is absorbed and directly swallowed. Without the source, Ruan Yu will not die, but the cultivation base will be lowered. He can condense with the **** pill to restore Ruan Yu, at least his life. Worry-free.

Do as you think.

Swallowing blood, began to surging, a swallowing force gradually condensed to Ruan Yu's abdomen.


At this moment, the analgesic made Ruan Yu scream from her coma, and Qing Yuanyuan suddenly became nervous.

"This is just a normal reaction!"


Ruan Yu couldn't help groaning in a low voice, the voice was full of pain.

Mu Yun kept his hands at this moment, and directly shot out with a palm, and the power of swallowing became stronger and stronger.

But at this moment, Mu Yun suddenly discovered that in addition to the power of swallowing, within his bloodline talent, there was actually a power.

That force continuously produced a breath of purification, gradually stabilizing Ruan Yu's **** source.

As time flowed bit by bit, Mu Yun discovered that the power of purification was gradually repairing Ruan Yu's divine origin.

Feeling this power, which is the same as the purifying aura that he swallowed the blood of others and helped him condense those powers, Mu Yun suddenly stopped swallowing the blood.

But when the swallowing blood stopped, the purifying breath also stopped.

Mu Yun once again swallowed blood.

But this time, Mu Yun was cautious and condensed the devouring blood, only exuding a very small swallowing power, the power of purification appeared again, repairing Ruan Yu's divine origin.

Not only that, when Ruan Yu's divine origin was repaired, the impressions on her body were also approaching completion.


Seeing this scene, Qing Yuanyuan was surprised from ear to ear.

Just now Mu Yun said that it is impossible to keep the source of God.

But now...what's going on?

At this moment, Mu Yun felt even more shocked.

That power of purification also came from his own blood, and he hadn't noticed it before.

Moreover, when he devoured the power of the flesh and soul of others, he thought it was because he was a human for the third life, which was different from other herdsmen.

But now, it's not at all.

But this other blood force.

The power of purification!

The power of this bloodline is not like his talent for looting the blood owl clone, but it seems to be in his bloodline from the beginning, but he hasn't noticed it.

Today, it just became clear.

What exactly does this power of purification belong to?

Purify talent?

It's a bit of a joke!

But it seems to be more than just purification.

The wounds in Ruan Yu's body gradually recovered, the gods gathered, the impressions returned, and everything returned to its original state.

How can this be done just by purification?

cure? restore?

Mu Yun didn't understand.

But there is no doubt that there is an extra bloodline talent in his body bloodline.

This is why he will not be affected by impurities when he devours the blood of others.

Mu Yun understood something in his heart.

With the palm of his hand retracted, Ruan Yu's abdomen is now as smooth and clean as before.

"Sister Qing..."

Opening his eyes in a daze, Ruan Yu shook his head as he looked in front of him.

"Don't move, you happen to be right now, still a little weak!"


Ruan Yu rubbed his head and suddenly realized that there was nothing on his body. The moment he saw Mu Yun, his expression suddenly became stunned.


Inside the cave, a clap suddenly sounded.


Immediately afterwards, the exclamation that made the entire cave tremble instantly sounded.

Everyone outside is waiting anxiously at this moment.

What exactly is going on?

With the sound of footsteps, Mu Yun walked out of the cave at this moment.

It's just obvious that one cheek is slightly rosy.

"how is everything?"

Seeing Mu Yun appearing, the women immediately couldn't wait to say.

"Just go in and take a look!"

Mu Yun had a bad tone and left straight away.

Mu Yun looked embarrassed as the iron chain dragged the ground.

Nino, what is the truth?

He was treated and saved, but he got a slap in the face!

Sitting under the tree, Mu Yun exhaled and quietly used his divine power to get rid of the rosy on his face.

"Still angry?"

Qing Yuanyuan suddenly appeared at this moment, looked at Mu Yun, and said with a smile: "Big man, don't worry about it, Ruan Yu doesn't know, I apologize for her!"

"Don't don't!"

Mu Yun folded his hands and said, "If you apologize and slap me again, I can't bear it."

"Well, thank you for this matter!"

Qing Yuanyuan arched her hands and said: "From today, our Xuemeng and you, the previous account, will be wiped out. If you are in trouble in the future, my Xuemeng will never stand idly by!"

"Slap me twice while I'm not paying attention?"


Qing Yuanyuan kept smiling, looking at Mu Yun.

The next day, early in the morning.

Mu Yun just woke up, a figure suddenly squatting in front of him.

"Brother Mu Yun!"

Ruan Yu stepped forward at the moment, looked at Mu Yun, bowed his head and said: "Yesterday...I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, I blamed you!"

"It's okay, as long as you don't slap me again!"

"This one……"

Ruan Yu pushed his palm and said, "This is the fish I caught in the lake outside the valley. The fish soup I made for you is sweet and fresh. Try it!"

"Can't get medicine?"

"Of course not..." Ruan Yu suddenly panicked.

"Okay, I'm joking with you!"

Mu Yun took the jade bowl and tasted the fish soup.


Ruan Yuxin was overjoyed.

"taste good!"

Mu Yun drank the fish soup, and immediately felt that the taste was indeed very good, and not only that, there was also a hint of refreshing breath flowing into the body.


Just a few more sips, Mu Yun felt quite strange.

This fish soup is very delicious, but it has a hint of bitterness. Although it is very subtle, it can be noticed.

And not only that, there is a hint of sweetness in the bitterness, and the combination of sweetness and bitterness makes people wonder how to evaluate!

But immediately afterwards, Mu Yun felt that a warm current flowed in his body, fused into his blood, and exuded a strong blood.

This fish soup actually strengthened his blood!

Mu Yun immediately grabbed Ruan Yu and couldn't wait to say: "Where did you catch this fish? Where did you get this water?"

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