Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1821: Gogyo Shinto

Seeing Mu Yun's appearance, Ruan Yu was shocked and pointed to the outside of the valley.

Without a word, Mu Yun dragged the chain and walked out of the valley...

"What's up with him?"

Qing Yuanyuan came up with a few people, puzzled.

"Said this fish soup is delicious, and asked where I caught it and where I got the water, and then... went out!"

Ruan Yu was also at a loss at this moment, Mu Yun's appearance seemed very pleasant, but also unbelievable.

Qing Yuanyuan and the others also immediately followed out at this moment.

There was a splash of water, and outside the valley, Mu Yun's figure jumped directly into the water and disappeared...

Xu Xu, a few women stood on the shore and waited. They didn't understand what Mu Yun was doing.

But gradually, as time was delayed, Mu Yun had not yet landed, and the women were a little worried.

"This guy, won't he be bound by chains, he can't get up, right?"

Cui Keqing said.

"Why don't we go down and take a look!" Shu Siqi also worried.

"it is good!"

Qing Yuanyuan spoke directly at this moment, her figure flashed, and with a thump, she jumped into the pond.

The women immediately jumped into the pond one by one, splashing waves of water.

The water in this pond was very clear, as the women continued to dive, and finally, after a depth of about several hundred meters, a completely different breath came to the face.

"The spirit of the five elements..."

Qing Yuanyuan was slightly surprised.

At this moment, reaching the bottom, the women saw Mu Yun's figure, standing at the bottom of the pool, seeming to be looking for something.

"Mu Yun!"

Qing Yuanyuan approached Mu Yun and shouted.

But at this moment, Mu Yun seemed to be attracted by something, motionless.


The corner of Mu Yun's mouth murmured.

"What's impossible?" Qing Yuanyuan frowned.

But Mu Yun ignored her at all.

At this moment, Mu Yun was communicating with Guiyi.

In the words of Guiyi, with astonishment, he said: "The Five Elements God Vine... There will be Five Elements God Vine..."

"What is the Five Elements God Vine?"

"Smelly boy, you don't know the five elements of the vine. It is said that when the world first opened, the sky was in charge of all the ways. At the beginning, the entire world could not allow humans to survive. Only some powerful beasts can live."

"Later, Cang Tian found a tree of the world, rooted in the ten thousand realms, the tree of the world gave birth to the power of the five elements, and then evolved into the power of different strengths such as divine power, immortal energy, and true essence! "

"Later, the Human Race can rely on these powers to cultivate and become stronger in the entire God Realm..."

"The Tree of the World..."

This is the first time Mu Yun heard of this.

"It is rumored that the tree of the world is as tall as the Optimus Pillar, and it is full of strong vitality and incredible power."

Guiyi said excitedly: "This five-element vine is a part of the trunk of the tree of the world."


Mu Yun puzzled: "Part of the torso?"

"Yes, the tree of the world collapsed and destroyed in the battle between the sky and the yellow sky, and turned into fragments. I always thought that the tree of the world had disappeared forever in the rift in space. I didn't expect that there was a torso here!"

"Does this have any effect on your recovery?"


"Then you are so excited!"

"Fucky boy, you know what a shit!"

Guiyi cursed and said: "Your blue and yellow spring map was given to you by your father. You have incorporated the power of nine yuan such as sky fire and different water into it, but the conditions are so bad that it is impossible to explore the mystery."

"But if you incorporate this section of the Five Elements Divine Vine into it, you might be able to form a world of its own in the blue and yellow spring map!"

"A world of its own?"

This remark made Mu Yun danced with joy.

Biluohuangquantu may have very powerful power and effect, but he knows nothing now and can only explore it step by step.

The appearance of the Five Elements Sacred Vine may allow him to change the blue and yellow spring map and accelerate his understanding.

"Then I will try!"

Mu Yun sat cross-legged in the water and calmed down.

Under his feet, the five-element vine, soaked in water for many years, but there is no change, it seems to be exactly the same as before.

The blue and yellow spring map slowly opened, and Mu Yun directly included it.

In the next moment, in the blue and yellow spring picture, the three minded bodies of Mu Fengchen, Mu Fengxiao, and Mu Guifan appeared.

The six sacred steles stood proudly in the space among the blue and yellow springs at this moment.

Nine Yuan Qi, at this moment, turned into the most fundamental power of the world.

Volcanoes, rivers, sky and earth, as well as wind and thunder and lightning flashed, raging at this moment.

Mu Yun's mind was tranquil, and he took a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Time passed bit by bit. Gradually, Qing Yuanyuan and her daughters looked at Mu Yun taking a section of the tree trunk and sitting under the water without saying a word, all in a daze.

What the **** is this guy doing?

The women didn't know why, but it was not easy to disturb Mu Yun at the moment, and they all landed ashore one by one.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

"I don't know, it looks weird!"

Qing Yuanyuan nodded and said: "Maybe it is something we have found. It's not easy to tell us. Forget it, the sisters are healing here. When the injury is healed, let's make plans!"


In the next few days, Qing Yuanyuan's daughters would go to the bottom of the pool every day to check how Mu Yun was, but Mu Yun remained motionless, seeming to be delving into something.

At this moment, Mu Yun is indeed studying hard.

At this moment, that section of the five-element **** vine entered into the blue and yellow spring map and stood in the sky.

"This is... the Five Elements Sacred Vine?"

Mu Guifan was slightly lost at the moment.

"The seventh generation ancestor recognizes this thing?"

"Well, the five-element vine contains the strong power of the five elements. According to legend, it is the branch of the tree of the world, one of the most mysterious gods in the world, but it has always been a legend, I don't know whether it is true or false!"

Mu Yun nodded and said, "This five-element vine is indeed a remnant of the tree of the world!"

The three ancestors were all shocked at the moment.

After Mu Yun explained it at this moment, it was the power of nine yuan that flowed in the blue and yellow spring map.

The sound of clattering sounded, and the picture rolled over at this moment, one by one.

There was no change in the five elements of the vine at first, but as time passed, gradually, a green sprout appeared on the surface of the seemingly dry vine.


Mu Yun looked astonished.

Gradually, as the five-element divine vine germinates and grows, the power of nine yuan spreads out, and it grows crazily throughout the blue and yellow spring map.

And immediately, the buds on the surface of the five elements of the **** vine grew more and more, and showed a gradual growth.


Suddenly, a ray of light condensed in the blue and yellow spring map. At this moment, the five elements of the **** vine landed and plunged directly into the ground in the blue and yellow spring map.

At this moment, earth-shaking changes occurred in the entire blue sky and yellow spring map.

At this moment, the five elements of the **** vine rooted and touched the ground, and the buds spread out at this moment, forming branches, just like a small sapling.

At the same time, trees appeared on the volcano and yellow sand in the entire blue sky and yellow spring map.

Those trees are strange, but they are all full of spirituality.

Moreover, they are all small saplings over one meter high.

Among them, Mu Yun even found some small saplings, trees that seem to be the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the entire space of the blue sky and yellow spring map has more than doubled.

In the yellow sandy land that was reclaimed, in the expanded space, there were saplings growing everywhere. Looking at it, the whole world was aquamarine.


Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Mu Yun only felt incredible.

"The five elements of the vine has transformed... become the tree of the world seedling..." Guiyi said with surprise, "Mu Yun, Mu Yun, you are so lucky, the seedling of the world tree..."

"From this seedling, with the help of the blue and yellow spring map, you merge with this map, and in the future, you can even condense a world by yourself! A whole new world!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun was also in shock.

The tree of the world is so mysterious!

"These are all the effects of seedlings?" Mu Yun was amazed.

"But how to promote its growth?"

"Using heaven, material and earth treasures to urge!" Guiyi said: "Your sky fire and different water, etc., can gradually promote its growth, and it can be nourished by heaven, material and earth treasures, even in the crystals. All of his supernatural powers are okay!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun directly took out the more than 10,000 middle-grade **** crystals he had collected before, and threw his brain into the blue and yellow spring map.


The World Tree absorbed those divine powers, and suddenly, there were a few more leaves, which looked very strong.

"Wonderful, really wonderful..." Mu Guifan said, "As expected, it is the tree of the world, Yun'er, this time you really picked up a great deal!"

"Open up this blue and yellow spring map, in the future, you can call yourself the world, and that can only be done by a figure comparable to the first **** emperor!"

Mu Yun nodded at the moment.

In the past, people could not be admitted in the blue sky and yellow springs, but I believe that in the future, with the purification of the world tree, the whole world will be stabilized. Maybe, in this space, people can practice here.

With a strong breath of life, practicing here must be twice the result with half the effort!

Thinking of this, Mu Yun was also overjoyed and looked forward to it.

"You can now merge with this picture, and merge the world tree seedling with your body!" Guiyi said: "In this way, the improvement of your practice in the future will also promote the improvement of the world tree seedling, and its improvement. , It can also promote your improvement. Over time, your vitality will become extremely large."

"it is good!"

Mu Yun exhaled and sat down directly.

Time passed bit by bit, and gradually, Biluohuangquantu disappeared in front of Mu Yun, turned into a stream of light, and entered his body.

Immediately afterwards, at the location of the **** source, Mu Yun felt that the picture scroll settled safely, and the next moment, a seedling in the **** source of Mu Yun firmly took root.

The tree of the world was integrated into his body!

Mu Yun felt the majestic life breath of the tree of the world at this moment, infused with his body, and the purifying power eliminated the unstable restlessness in the entire blue and yellow spring map one by one.


A hint of curiosity appeared in Mu Yun's eyes suddenly.

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