Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1822: Earth God Consummation

Up to now, there is another talent hidden in his bloodline, which is the ability to purify.

What if you use your own blood to nourish the tree of the world?

Mu Yun cautiously drew strands of his own essence and blood into the blue and yellow spring map.

In an instant, the blue and yellow spring map was soaked with his own essence and blood. In an instant, the essence and blood were completely absorbed by the tree of the world.

At this moment, the tree of the whole world, the palm-high body, was trembling slightly, and the leaves exuded a fresh breath, which was actually a faintly elevated breath.


Mu Yun was overjoyed.

Guiyi was silent at the moment.

Looking at the tree of the world, Mu Yun felt more and more expectant.

After this tree grows to the extreme, I am afraid that no one can compete between the whole world.

At this moment, the majestic breath of life circulated in his body, a breath of breath continued to spread, and his body began to change. Every drop of blood, a trace of flesh and blood, was contained at this moment. Extremely powerful breath of life.

"The five elements of the vine... the tree of the world... there are so many things that I don't know about between the world and the earth!"

Mu Yun took a breath, sat cross-legged, and looked around.

This time, the breath of life has been greatly improved, and he can merge with the tree of the world, he can consider it, and directly promote to the realm of earth **** Consummation!

Just do it when he thinks of it, Mu Yun directly arouses his own impression at this moment.

Ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one imprints converge directly at this moment and plunge directly into the deep underground.

Slowly, the imprints spread out, trying hard to reach the level.

With the improvement of the realm of the Earth God, every time it is communicated with the Soul of the Earth, it will become more difficult. This is also the difficulty of the realm of the Earth God.

But this time, Mu Yun discovered that he had easily communicated with the Soul of the Earth.

The fifth time I communicated, it was... even easier!

Eighty-one imprints reached the core of the earth directly at this moment, and had a deep communication with the soul of the earth.

As time passed bit by bit, Mu Yun suddenly realized that his strength began to grow.

The power of five thousand dragons!

Between gestures, Mu Yun felt the tyranny of his body, the strength of his flesh and blood, and the strength of his vitality, which made him possess an infinite power.

Moreover, the scope of the power of the earth is constantly expanding at this moment.

Deep in the bottom of the pool, the ground cracked and became muddy.

The range of the split continued to increase, from 2,000 meters to the range of 3,000 meters.

Three kilometers!

It is three times the normal realm of Earth God's Consummation.

Mu Yun clenched his fists, stepped on his feet, and galloped directly out of the water.


Mu Yun couldn't help but scream up to the sky.

Earth God is in perfect state!

It's perfect.

The power of the earth is three kilometers, and the power of flesh and blood is five thousand dragons.

Compared to the ordinary earth god's Consummation realm, the power of the earth is one kilometer, and the power of flesh and blood is two thousand dragons, he has simply more than doubled.

This feeling is really hearty.

The most important thing is that the five elements of the **** vine that I accidentally touched this time.

The five elements of the vine, combined with the blue and yellow spring map, transformed into the tree of the world.

Although it is just a seedling, the seedling will grow up after all.

When the seedlings grow up, they are truly powerful.

For the first time, Mu Yun felt that the path of spiritual practice was full of more and more unknowns.

Sure enough, the higher you stand, the farther you see, the more you know your own insignificance.

Putting away the joy in his heart, Mu Yun looked at the direction of the valley.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

"Huh? Ruan Yu!"

"Brother Mu!"

Seeing Mu Yun and thinking of the scene in the cave, Ruan Yuqiao blushed and bowed his head and said, "Brother Mu, Sister Qing let me wait for you here!"

"wait for me?"

Mu Yun was slightly taken aback, and said, "What are you waiting for?"

"Half a month ago, Senior Sister Qing received news from other sisters. An underground castle appeared in a different space continent in the south. Now many people are rushing there, so Senior Sister Qing has taken Sister Cui and Sister Shu. Passed, let me stay, afraid that you will appear in retreat, I don’t know where we are..."

"I'm interested!"

Mu Yun nodded.

"Brother Mu, now...are you going with me, or do you choose to practice elsewhere?"

Looking at Ruan Yu, Mu Yun thought for a while, since he has nowhere to go anyway, it's better to go and see what the so-called underground castle looks like.

"I'll go with you, you may not be safe to go by yourself!"


Ruan Yu was immediately overjoyed and said: "Let's go!"


The two set off directly at this moment.

Mu Yun's retreat lasted more than a month, and Qing Yuanyuan and others had received news twenty days ago and originally wanted to wait for Mu Yun, but seeing that Mu Yun has been in retreat, they went first.

Being able to leave Ruan Yu to inform herself, Mu Yun was already surprised by Qing Yuanyuan's attitude towards doing things.

Is this woman getting acquainted?

In Mu Yun's heart, he also felt funny.

It's just that in the past few days, Mu Yun has been advancing with Ruan Yu, and this seemingly weak and weak woman has stirred up the main beam and made all sorts of busy work.

"Brother Mu, have dinner!"

Ruan Yu brought out several stacks of food at the moment, looked at Mu Yun, and said with joy.

" did it?"


Ruan Yu smiled and said, "Brother Mu, have a try!"

"it is good!"

Ruan Yuji digs out simple vegetable leaves and some fish meat, but the taste is indeed commendable.

"Not bad!"

Hearing Mu Yun's praise, Ruan Yu was even more happy.

As night fell, the two were sitting around the campfire.

Mu Yun woke up from his practice and saw Ruan Yu sitting in front of him, beckoning: "Come here!"


"After I treated you last time, I haven't checked how you are now. I will show you today. Maybe I can help you!"

"it is good!"

Ruan Yu sat next to Mu Yun cleverly.

At this moment, within Mu Yun's body, a soul power became a thread and entered Ruan Yu's body.

After checking and confirming that Ruan Yu is not injured, Mu Yun smiled and said: "You seem to be in the later stage of the Earth God, I may be able to help you improve!"


"of course!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and with a wave of his palm, a majestic breath rose slowly at this moment.

It was a strong breath of life.

It was from within the Biluohuangquan map, or to be precise, from within Mu Yun's body.

The breath of life exuded by the seedlings of the World Tree at this moment is really not weak. At this moment, Mu Yun directly guides a part of the breath of life into Ruan Yu's body.

At this moment, Ruan Yu felt that his body was thoroughly undergoing a kind of baptism at this moment.

A tyrannical baptism of vitality.

At this moment, the impression in her body was also improved, eager to try, jumped out of her body, plunged into the ground, and began to communicate with the soul of the earth for the fourth time.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun retracted his palm.

Communicating with the soul of the earth requires Ruan Yu's own comprehension.

He just gave part of the life force and poured Ruan Yu's body into it, which gave her an opportunity to advance!

To be able to advance, she still has stronger perseverance!

The next day, early in the morning, Ruan Yu had already prepared breakfast.

"Brother Mu!"

"Well, promoted?"


Ruan Yuxin said with joy: "Thank you, Brother Mu, if it weren't for Brother Mu, I'm afraid I would like to be promoted, it would still be a little difficult!"

"You are also working hard!"

Mu Yun looked ahead and said, "How long is there?"

"According to the news sent by Senior Sister Qing, there should be ten days away. The underground castle is quite other. Sister Qing has found nothing until now, but everyone is sure that there must be something strange in it!"

"This is rare!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "I didn't find anything, but I'm sure there must be something wrong."

"Perhaps, only when we arrive and take a look in person will we know what Senior Sister Qing means!"


In the next few days, Mu Yun and Ruan Yu went all the way. Along the way, Mu Yun gave Ruan Yu several instructions, which benefited Ruan Yu a lot.

This is also Mu Yun's embarrassment. Ruan Yu was busy living with the two of them all the way, so he gave some pointers to Ruan Yu.

"Brother Mu!"

On this day, the two rested at the foot of a mountain, and Mu Yun and Ruan Yu fought against the sword.

"Your sword spirit level, I'm afraid it will be improved?" Ruan Yu said in surprise: "I feel that your sword spirit has increased more than three times by urging the sword spirit!"


"You are really amazing!" Ruan Yu said admiringly: "The realm is improved fast, the strength is strong, and the alchemy, and the comprehension of swordsmanship is also strong. I really don't know what you can't do!"

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there are people with a heart, you can too!"

Mu Yun nodded and said: "In the Sword God Sect, swordsmanship is respected. Everyone is cultivating swords. If you want to be more prominent than others, then rely on your own hard work and hard work."

"Talent determines your starting point, but it cannot determine your end point. Throughout the ages, many people with super talents have never reached the top, but those ordinary people, step by step, have achieved great fame!"


When Mu Yun said this, he was not just saying a big talk to encourage Ruan Yu.

The fact is indeed the case.

Throughout the ages, how many genius and gorgeous warriors have disappeared in the long river of history. The ones who have truly achieved great fame are the warriors with great wisdom and stupidity. They have persisted in their pursuit of martial arts.

Moreover, they are even more focused on reaching the summit, and they have worked thousands of times to achieve this.

Even Mu Yun felt that he was not a genius and gorgeous.

When he reached this stage, it was more strict requirements for himself, strict and solid in every realm, leaving no trace of hidden danger.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

The embankment of thousands of miles was destroyed by the ant nest.

A little carelessness, the achievement of this life, may be doomed, unable to reach the top.

The two of them sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice on their own.

Huh huh...

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air sounded.

On the edge of the sky, a few figures broke through the air.

The two headed by them are very energetic, with long hair fluttering, and their postures are very similar.

Seeing the two men, Mu Yun was startled.

"Mu Yun!"

And the two figures were even more shocked when they saw Mu Yun.

"Brother Shu Kang, Senior Brother Shu Ye!"

Mu Yun stood up and arched his hands.

"Good boy, I didn't expect to see you here. You are...have reached the realm of Earth God's Consummation!" Seeing Mu Yun, Shu Kang and Shu Ye, I was shocked.

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