Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1868: Monarch

Whether it is the memory inheritance of the five-star divine alchemy master or the memory inheritance of the six-star divine alchemy master, everything is honest, original, and integrated into his soul.

At the same time, in his mind, a swarm of memories spread directly.

At this moment, he saw once again, what he used to be.

When I was the prince of the herdsmen, my first self!

This scene, like a sealed memory, opens a door at this moment.

His whole person appeared on a dark square.

The wind and anger screamed, lightning and thunder, this seemed to be a Shura field.

And he, one shot at a time, stood proudly.

The gun, completely dark, gleaming with bloodthirsty rays, a man, dressed in black, with long hair tied behind his head, with a murderous look on his face.

Suddenly, countless powerful beasts appeared in the surrounding world.

Two-headed Sundog Mythical Beast!

One-horned ox!

Bloodthirsty ghost rotten eagle!

A powerful sacred beast rushed to kill.

And he shot one shot at a time, facing those fairy beasts without any fear.

Mu Yun clearly saw that he was only in the realm of a first-rank god, but facing those fifth-order sacred beasts, he was not afraid to kill and decisively, and directly rushed out.

This time, Mu Yun was able to keep his mind clear.

The one who rushed into the battle was not himself, but he in the first life.

The memory is awakened again at this moment.

At this moment, that figure looked about twenty years old, but it was decisive and aggressive, without any mercy.

Each Tier 5 divine beast was beheaded and torn apart.

That figure, holding a spear in hand, was decisive, and suddenly, the figures of the beasts were completely crushed.

Seeing those figures, Mu Yun felt a sense of pride in his heart at this moment.

This is what he used to be, what he used to be.

Inviolable, inviolable.


However, at this moment, those Tier 5 sacred beasts were obviously not their own opponents between the mountains and forests. The earth was cracking and another sacred beast appeared.

But those sacred beasts are no longer Tier 5, but Tier 6.

The existence of the sixth-order sacred beast, the realm of the **** king.

However, in the mountains and forests, he was still fearless, as if he didn't care at all.

Fighting the impact, the spear swept out the spear beams, and at this moment, he rushed out.

The sixth-order sacred beast could not resist his own figure.

Mu Yun just felt incredible at this moment.

The current self, looking at the former self, rose up in desperate fights.

And still facing the fifth-order and sixth-order beasts.

That's just the self in the realm of the gods, who actually has such a powerful explosive force.

At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly felt that his so-called leapfrog killing in the past seemed so ridiculous at this moment.

It's so pediatric!

This is the real leapfrog kill.

In the realm of the gods, facing the gods, he can still exert such a powerful impact, which is simply a joke!

If you say it, who will believe it?

Mu Yun was unable to calm down for a long time at this moment.

Everything gradually disappeared.

All of his spirit power had condensed into a soul, retreating into his body at this moment.

After all, he took the risk and made huge gains.

At the peak of the gods, reach the realm of the gods.

But at this moment, Mu Yun didn't have the slightest sense of joy.

Even if the memory inheritance of the remaining dozens of **** pill masters was integrated, he was now able to refine the king-level **** pill that surpassed the solid essence **** pill, but he did not have any excitement.

The self in the past is so strong.

What about the self now?

I am complacent about being able to leapfrog to kill, but in fact, compared to before, it is simply... too weak!

Mu Yun didn't know what to say at this moment.

Everything is too illusory.

"The Shepherd Prince...Perhaps, at that time, I could really bear the reputation of the Shepherd Prince. Now I...I am a hundred times weaker than before!"

During this period of time, since meeting Zhao Yanming, Ren Shaolong, and Zhuo Yuanhang, Mu Yun's heart has gradually risen with arrogance.

This arrogance comes from his own identity.

He was once the prince of the herdsmen, a unique and powerful existence in the God Realm.

This made him gradually immersed in the aura of identity, arrogant and arrogant.

But actually?

Now he is just an ascendant in the lower realm, relying on the power of blood to become stronger.

However, this kind of strength, in a small place like Nanzhuoyu, is really enough to call the wind and call the rain.

But apart from Nan Zhuoyu, in the vast land of China, he... is nothing at all.

Perhaps, it is time to accept his pride.

Mu Yun suddenly understood a lot at this moment.

He is him, he is not the first life, nor is he the second life, but he is now, he who has gotten a new life!

Everything sounded like nothing, but it allowed Mu Yun to recognize himself more clearly.

"The first-class god, the primordial spirit is condensed, and finally, step into the realm of the god..."

Mu Yun exhaled in his heart at this moment.

This retreat, such a huge improvement in realm, did not make him too excited, but a change in his mentality, which made him more stable.

The virtual spirit sword was shot directly at this moment.

Mu Yun walked directly out of the main hall and came to the top of the mountain.

"Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Art!"

Mu Yun's heart sank slightly, and he cut out the virtual spirit sword directly.

The first style-ice!

A sword was swung, and the icy cold air above the virtual spirit sword condensed an ice sword, and that ice sword made the entire Yunfeng cold air enveloped.


A sword was swung out, and the sword aura soared into the sky, and ice beads suddenly fell from the sky.

The second type-no shadow!

At this moment, the virtual spirit sword dissipated suddenly, and appeared again in the next moment, but it seemed to have disappeared, and it shot out directly, crushing the sound of breaking through the air.

The third type-shocking!

Fourth style-gust of wind!

Fifth formula-five yuan!

There are five types of Yuhan Jiugong Sword Art.

These five types, according to the previous strength of the Muyun realm, could not be fully displayed.

But now that he has reached the realm of the first-rank **** monarch, he can finally fully use this fifth-rank **** tactic.

And Yuqing Nine Heaven Sword Jue, Taiyang Righteous Qi Sword Jue, and Yuhan Nine Palace Sword Jue, three sets of sword jue, are all five ranks of God Jue.

But the Yuhan Nine Palaces Sword Jue is a fifth-grade inferior God Jue.

The Sun Righteous Qi Sword Jue is a fifth-rank mid-level God Jue.

The Yuqing Nine Heavens Sword Jue is a fifth-grade sword Jue.

Practicing these three swords in turn can not only increase power and swordsmanship, but also improve one's own realm between sword repairs.

This is the power of these three Five-Rank Divine Arts.

The five strokes of the sword were deployed in sequence, above the Yunfeng, a group of figures gathered at this moment, only feeling that the world around them was icy.

"Congratulations, Master, promoted to God!"

Ye Qiu walked out at this moment, saw this scene, arched his hands.

"Congratulations brother!"

"Congratulations brother!"

Lin Junsheng and Jiang Zijian walked one by one at the moment, and they also said with a smile.

Mu Yun reached the realm of the First Grade God Sovereign, this kind of aura could not be blocked.

If this matter spreads out, the entire Sword God Sect will probably go crazy.

After four years of entry, Mu Yun went from the true **** to the **** monarch.

This is just like the speed of the popular falling to the ground.

It's horrible!

"Okay, get up!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "This time I am promoted, don't tell the public, this matter needs to be kept secret!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zijian was a little puzzled and said: "Why is this brother? Promoted to the gods, the brother must be able to shine above the four sects of martial arts, and be respected by the suzerain!"

"Furthermore, when you reach the realm of God Sovereign, your primordial spirit is condensed, this breath cannot be concealed!"

"Others can't hide it, but I can!"

At this moment, Mu Yun gathered the primordial spirit into Zhuxian Tu. In an instant, Jiang Zijian and others suddenly discovered that they could not see through Mu Yun's realm.

Mu Yun nodded and said, "You can just obey your orders in this matter!"


Jiang Zijian knows that if you shouldn't ask, don't ask.

"How long will I retreat this time?"

"Ten months!"

"Ten months..." Mu Yun nodded and said, "Well, in the next two months, the disciples on Yunfeng, gather together, and I will teach you cultivation!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Zijian, Lin Junsheng and others opened their eyes and smiled.

Mu Yun is now in the realm of God Sovereign, he is here to teach... that is simply a strong man like the nine elders in the sect.

No one can ask for this kind of teaching.

"Practicing a path does not just look at talent!"

Mu Yun said indifferently: "You see me, the speed of improvement is fast enough, this is because I have a solid foundation, in fact, I was also very talented back then, but once, I have reached the peak!"

Mu Yun's words did not mean to confess.

As one of the fairy kings in the past life, his talent is indeed bad enough.

To be precise, he is also a genius, but a hardworking genius.

Perhaps because he grew up in a wolf den in his previous life, he has a keen mind and perseverance!

Stupidity is not terrible. What's terrible is not knowing one's stupidity and being arrogant.

"In the next two months, I will personally teach you the cultivation base, Qiu'er, Lingyuexuan, Jiang Zijian, Lin Junsheng, you four are about to reach the realm of the gods, I will supervise you!"


In the next period of time, Yunfeng was still in retreat.

But the entire Sword God Sect started to get busy.

The Four Sects' Meeting of Martial Arts arrived, only two months were left.

At this moment, in the Sword God Sect, there were lights and festoons everywhere, among the peaks, preparations began.

The mountain peak area that used to serve guests in the past is also beginning to be cleaned at this moment.

These things are naturally not done by disciples in the Sword God Sect.

The Sword God Sect is one of the overlords of the Southern Zhuo Region, and some of the cities below it will naturally do their best to help.

At this moment, the Shen family of Pingliang City came to the Sword God Sect and Zhang Luo arranged it.

Business in Pingliang City is linked in all directions. The finest silk fabrics, decorations, and daily use are all dispatched from Pingliang City and placed in the Sword God Sect.

This time, the Shen family also did their due diligence with peace of mind.

For example, families such as the Shen family, the Yong family, and the He family must hug the thigh of the Shenzong Sect if they want to stand on their heels.

The Sword God Sect is prosperous, they have no worries, and the Sword God Sect is defeated, and they can hardly escape.

As the head of the Shen family, Shen Yulong has been very busy during this period of time.

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