Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1869: Uphold the law

Yong Pang Fei, the elder of the Yong family, died, and the Yong family was in chaos.

The whole Yong family was torn apart.

Shen Yulong took this opportunity to take the masters of the Shen family and directly occupied the mediocre city, chasing and killing the masters of the mediocre family.

Without Yong Pangfei's Yong Family, how can they resist the Shen Family when they are torn apart?

The most important point is that a master appeared in the Shen family, who successively beheaded dozens of masters of the Yong family's Celestial God realm, making the Yong family irresistible.

But the He family, who wanted to get a share of the pie, could only sigh with excitement.

Shen family, this is hugging a thigh.

At this time, Shen Yulong was busy arranging arrangements among the peaks where the Sword God Sect was waiting for guests.

After finally resting, sitting on the stone bench, looking at the beaming appearance between the peaks, Shen Yulong breathed out.

"Patriarch Shen!"

At this moment, He Longteng, the elder of the He family, walked over and respectfully said: "Patriarch Shen, this is the tea that my He family bought from the Northern Elephant Territory. It is collected from the mountains of Wanzhang, day and night, moisturized with spiritual dew, and a sip is refreshing. Yeah!"

"Oh? I just tasted it, I'm so tired recently!"

Shen Yulong smiled and said.

He Longteng, this fellow, can be regarded as acquaintance.

After seeing Mu Yun showing his great power that day, he honestly didn't compete with his Shen family for the place of the Yong family.

Now that the Shen family is becoming stronger, the Shen family’s main responsibility for setting up the scenes for the four Sword God Sect's martial arts, He Longteng, came here to show their courtesy.

"Patriarch He, together with Yong Pangfei, did you want to deal with my Shen family?" Shen Yulong said with a smile.

"No, nothing, absolutely nothing!"

"Haha...well, Patriarch He doesn't have to worry, I won't harm you!"

Shen Yulong smiled and said: "In fact, when I met Mu Yun, we also met because of enmity. For this reason, my two sons and one younger brother died!"

"But I have no resentment about this matter."

"My two sons and younger brothers have offended Mu Yun. It is a great blessing that Mu Yun did not destroy my Shen family. Now, my Shen family has gone to the next level because of Mu Yun. I treat him, Grateful!"

Hearing this, He Longteng just smiled and nodded respectfully.

"Sometimes, the opportunity is right in front of you. If you don't pay attention, it just passes away..."

"Yes, yes, what Chief Shen said is that in the future when I congratulate the family, I will definitely regard Chief Shen as his horse's head!"

Hearing this, Shen Yulong nodded in satisfaction, sipped a cup of tea, and smiled: "This tea is indeed very good!"

"Clan Chief Shen likes it!"

"Shen Yulong, you are so bold!"

At this moment, a shout suddenly sounded.

More than a dozen figures came one by one at the moment.

The two heads had a deep breath, each carrying a crushing force.

"God Qin Yu!"

"The Sacred Heart is God!"

Seeing the two heads, Shen Yulong stood up immediately and respectfully said: "Two Gods, what happened? But what happened to my Shen family disciple, or where is the arrangement wrong?"

Shen Yulong understood that although his Shen family is now in full swing, it is outside the Sword God Sect and inside those cities.

But in the Sword God Sect, a titled disciple can't offend him.

Otherwise, in the future, the titled disciple will become an elder and seek revenge, then his Shen family, even with three heads and six arms, will not be able to return to heaven.

"You still pretend to be garlic!"

Hearing what Shen Yulong said, Sacred Heart immediately stood up, held up the water glass on the stone table, and sprinkled the tea over Shen Yulong's face.

At this moment, where Shen Yulong dared to move, he was amazed.

What's the situation?

Qin Yu hummed at the moment: "Shen Yulong, this Jiuzhang Qinglu tea was collected by our disciple of the Sword God Sect after completing the mission, and used to greet distinguished guests. What are you? Dare to make tea and taste it privately?"


Hearing this, Shen Yulong was dumbfounded.

This is Jiuzhang Qinglu Tea?

It's not that he has never heard of the name Jiuzhang Qinglu Tea.

This tea grows on a high mountain of nine thousand feet tall, and the climate is cold, but it grows very vigorously, but it is extremely troublesome to collect this tea.

At this moment, Shen Yulong suddenly understood.

"He Longteng, you..."

"Hey, Chief Shen!"

He Longteng stood up immediately and respectfully said: "Patriarch Shen, this tea, but you asked me to get it for you, I don't know what Jiuzhang Qinglu tea..."

"He Longteng, you..."

"Patriarch Shen, your Shen family is now strong and no one can stop it, but you can't push it to me, right?"

He Longteng excuses at this moment.

"Hmph, you Shen Yulong, what the sect originally entrusted to you hasn't been done, but now you actually swallow the good things from the sect, I think you are seeking your own death!"

Qin Yu suddenly shouted: "Where do you put the majesty of the Sword God Sect?"

"Two, why do you believe He Longteng's words, but you don't believe me?"

Shen Yulong felt aggrieved at this moment, but did not dare to get angry at all.

"Oh? You said that, it's the two of us who favored He Longteng?" Sacred Heart hummed, "Shen Yulong, this is the Shen Family of the Sword God Sect, not your Shen Family in Pingliang City, why? Don’t pay attention to it anymore, do you?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

"Don't dare you to say anything else? Now go to the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall with me immediately to pick up the crime. I see the arrangement in the Sword God Sect, it doesn't need you to come to the Shen family, just leave it to the He family!" Qin Yu said again.


Hearing this, Shen Yulong now understood thoroughly.

Qin Yu and Sacred Heart are only two people, just for his Shen family's presidency.

He Longteng, deliberately framed him!

Shen Yulong was furious, just about to have an attack, a figure rushed over at this moment.

"Two, wait a minute!"



The person here is Shen Qingyuan.

Shen Qingyuan was also a titled disciple of the Sword God Sect. Seeing that his father was in trouble at the moment, someone immediately notified him, and he naturally came.

"Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Sheng, my father is dedicated to the Sword God Sect, there is absolutely any misunderstanding in this matter, please check carefully with the two brothers!"

Shen Qingyuan respectfully said.

"Misunderstanding? We have already investigated it clearly. Your father's possession of our Sword God Sect should be handed over to the Law Enforcement Hall for disposal!"

Qin Yu hummed: "What? Shen Qingyuan, do you have an opinion?"

"My father has worked for the Sword God Sect for hundreds of years, and he has never neglected. There must be some misunderstanding at this time. I hope the two seniors will observe!"


Qin Yu snorted and said, "Shen Qingyuan, if you want to cover up, then you can be punished with your father!"

"Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Sheng!"

Shen Qingyuan said again at this moment: "Some time ago, Master Mu passed by our Shen family as a guest, and specially asked my father to do his best to arrange things this time. My father would like to follow Master Mu's teachings. How dare you come here? In the meantime, there must be a misunderstanding, and I hope the two seniors will observe it!"

"Oh? Use Muyun to press us?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu and Shengxincai both smiled.

"Shen Qingyuan, do you think that if your Shen family and Mu Yun get involved, we are afraid?"

Qin Yu sneered and said, "Even if he is standing in front of me, how can he Muyun? In this case, Shen Jiashi swallows Shen Sect's objects, and he Mu Yun can't favor you!"

"Moreover, you can't help but look at Muyun too much!"

The Sacred Heart hummed: "It's true that he is now the master of the alchemy, but the master of the alchemy can't control our titled disciples!"

"Shen Qingyuan, if you look for a patron, you must also see if the patron can protect you!"

"Oh? So I just want to protect them today?"

At this moment, a laughter suddenly sounded.

Mu Yun's figure appeared behind them.

After holding his hands, he looked at the two faintly, and said: "Sacred Heart Talent, Qin Yu, you and I are all titled disciples, but I am Mu Yun and I am still a master of the Alchemy Academy!"

Seeing Mu Yun appearing, Sacred Heart and Qin Yu were startled.

They didn't expect that Mu Yun would appear so quickly.

"Mu Yun!"

The Sacred Heart coughed and said: "After the two of me have found out, Shen Yulong has privately hid our Sword God Sect's Jiuzhang Qinglu Tea. This incident means that he is not loyal to our Sword God Sect!"

"Yes, even if you are a master of the academy, you should uphold the law impartially!"

"Hold the law impartially? Good!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly and waved his palm.


In an instant, He Longteng was directly caught by Mu Yun.

Although He Longteng was a **** of great perfection, in Mu Yun's eyes, he was just as ridiculous as a child.

"He Longteng, I only give you one chance now, where did this tea come from!" Mu Yun asked.

"Mu Yun, what are you doing?"

"You are presumptuous!"

Qin Yu and Sacred Heart suddenly shouted: "This matter has nothing to do with Patriarch He, what are you asking about when you arrest him?"

"I uphold the law impartially!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, after I ask, you will know what's going on!"

Mu Yun looked at He Longteng and said again: "Remember, you only have one chance to answer me!"

" has nothing to do with me..."


In an instant, Mu Yun directly destroyed He Longteng's body, and in an instant, He Longteng's soul was firmly grasped by Mu Yun.

"I said, you only have one chance. If you don't tell the truth, I will destroy your body. I will ask you the last time, where did the tea come from?"

Mu Yun said: "This time, you only have the soul!"

"Mu Yun, you are too presumptuous. Patriarch He has contributed a lot to our God Sword Sect. How can you treat him like this?"

The Sacred Heart was very upset at this moment.

But he didn't dare to shoot at all.

He couldn't understand Mu Yun's realm strength at all right now.

Mu Yun is really terrifying.

"I said, I said!"

He Longteng was already silly at the moment.

"It was Qin Yu and Sacred Heart who made me do this. The tea was also given to me and asked me to frame Brother Shen, saying that Brother Shen was responsible for the arrangement of the Sword God Sect. He was rich in oil and water, but he was not honoring them..."

"This matter, they forced me, I can't help it, they are titled disciples, how dare I defy them?"

"Oh I got it!"

Mu Yun waved his hand at the moment: "Did you see it? The investigation is clear. You two, together with He Longteng, framed Chief Shen!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and he waved his palm directly, saying: "If this is the case, then Patriarch He framed Patriarch Shen who is loyal to our Sword God Sect, his heart is punishable, and he is punishable by sin!"

In an instant, He Longteng's soul was directly and completely crushed by Mu Yun.

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