Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1870: The arrival of Xuanming Hall

At this moment, Qin Yu and Sacred Heart were completely frightened.

Mu Yun actually killed him when he said to kill.

He Longteng is the city lord of Pingxiang City under the Sword God Sect, and according to his status, he is also the Keqing elder of the Sword God Sect.

Although it was only the lowest-level guest, but that was after all the guest of the Sword God Sect.

Mu Yun said to kill and kill, it is simply lawless!

"Now, is the matter resolved?"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said: "Patriarch Shen is dedicated to my Sword God Sect, public and private are distinct, but He Longteng, uniting with you two, bullying Patriarch Shen, this matter really should be investigated by the Law Enforcement Hall!"

"Mu Yun, this is a trick for you!"

"That's right, you threatened He Longteng's life, he uttered wild words and bit people indiscriminately!"

Qin Yu and Sacred Heart were the two, and they were immediately angry.

"I suppress it strongly?"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "You should leave these words to the Law Enforcement Hall to talk about. Who got the tea? I think I should be able to find out the Law Enforcement Hall!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "I'm not going to roll now, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, looking at the disappearing figure of He Longteng, both of them paled at this moment, and they didn't dare to say anything, and left here.

The Heavenly God's Great Perfection realm was directly slaughtered by Mu Yun, and there was no resistance. Then Mu Yun, what realm was it?

At this moment, there is only fear in their hearts.

If Mu Yun reached the realm of God Sovereign, how could they have a good life in the future?

Seeing the two leaving dingy, Mu Yun Shi Shiran sat down.

"If something like this happens in the future, just contact me directly!"

Looking at Shen Yulong and Shen Qingyuan and his son, Mu Yun nodded.

"Thank you, Master Mu!"

"Okay, if you help me do things, I will naturally not treat you badly. Don't say that you didn't get this Jiuzhang Qinglu Tea, but you got it, so what can I do?"

Mu Yun selected a cup of tea, took a sip, and smiled: "It really is a good tea!"

Shen Yulong and Shen Qingyuan, standing beside Mu Yun at this moment, naturally looked after them respectfully.

But Mu Yun knew in his heart that within the Sword God Sect, there was a mixture of fish and dragons, and among the titled disciples, forming cliques and competing for power with each other, this was definitely not a good thing for the Sword God Sect.


At this moment, in the Sword God Sect, on a mountain peak, the sound of bells and drums sounded.

"This is... Our Sword God Sect usually only sounds when something big happens!" Shen Qingyuan said nervously, "What happened?"

His words fell, and several figures rushed from a distance.

"Brother Pastor!"

Jiang Zijian was well informed and immediately said: "The people of Xuanming Hall, here comes!"

Xuan Ming Hall is one of the four major overlords of the Southern Zhuo Region. It is opposite to the Sword God Sect and is far apart from each other, and the relationship is not good or bad.

"Come so early?"

The four sects will join in martial arts, but there are still two months left.

"Well, the Xuanming Temple is far away, and it takes several days to depart and arrive, so if you leave early and come to our Sword God Sect, you can be considered as a guest first!"

Jiang Zijian said again: "This grand sect event, this bell and drum, is also to summon the titled disciples to greet the people of Xuanming Hall!"

"Oh, I see!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and got up and left.

"Why are you still stunned, follow up!"

Shen Yulong patted his son, cursing, "Smelly boy, you are still a titled disciple, so you don't have any insight!"

"Oh yes!"

Shen Qingyuan hurriedly followed.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zijian smiled and said: "Clan Chief Shen, although you don’t know how your Shen family met and befriended the pastor brother, but if your Shen family is loyal to the pastor brother, you will surely be able to rise to the top, but if it is betrayed, unless the pastor is Brother is dead, otherwise, your Shen family..."

"This God is saying, what is saying!"

Shen Yulong held hands to each other at this moment.

What Jiang Zijian said is indeed correct.

On that day, if his Shen family and Mu Yun were torn apart, now, I am afraid that the He family and the Yong family are standing here.

Life is like a chess, the world is unpredictable!

At this moment, Mu Yun came outside the Sword God Sect sect.

At this moment, not only the nine elders in the Sword God Sect, but also the seven masters of the Alchemy Academy, Zhuo Jianyi, dressed in a black robe and a cloak swaying with the wind, stood outside the mountain gate and waited quietly.

"Mu Yun!"

Seeing Mu Yun appearing, the two daughters Xi Xing'er and Xi Meng immediately waved.

"Such a big battle!" Mu Yun was also somewhat unexpected.

"Of course!"

Xi Meng nodded and said: "Xuanming Hall is a hegemonic power equivalent to my Sword God Sect. This time the head of the Xuanming Hall, Xuan Ce, comes in person, and the Sect Master will naturally greet him personally and give his face!

"No wonder..."

Mu Yun nodded.


But at this moment, a series of whirring sounds rang out, a strong wind was blowing in the sky, and black spots in the distance appeared directly at this moment.

From far to near, the black spots gradually turned into a black glow that covered the sky and the sun, and those black glows changed from one to dozens of them, and eventually, they spread all over the sky.

That is the fourth-order beast-the black-winged falcon!

The black-winged falcon, with its wings spread out, is hundreds of meters long, and its back is extremely spacious, capable of accommodating hundreds of people without being crowded.

The most important thing is that this falcon flies extremely fast, with generous feathers, which can block gale winds and is very stable.

At this moment, hundreds of black-winged falcons flew down, and when they reached the gate of Shen Shenzong Mountain, they had already landed slowly.


A loud laugh sounded at this moment.

Leading a black-winged falcon, with its wings spread out for a full kilometer, at this moment, one figure fell.

The first person, dressed in a purple robe, was slightly thinner, and his eyes were piercing, like a lone wolf in the night.

"Sect Master Zhuo, haven't seen you for a long time!"

There is no doubt that this person should be the head of the Xuanming Hall-Xuan Ce!

"Haha, the Master of the Profound Hall came from a long way, it's hard work, hard work!"

At this moment, Zhuo Jian hardly squeezed a smile on the zombie's face, and smiled and arched his hands.

But this time, on those black-winged falcons, a group of figures fell down. Upon closer inspection, there were more than two thousand people.

Mu Yun was slightly surprised and said: "The disciples of the Heavenly God Realm in the Xuanming Hall are probably about the same as my God Sword Sect. There are only more than a hundred people who have participated in the martial arts meeting. This is the move of all the elders and guardians of the Xuanming Hall!"

Xi Meng covered his mouth and smiled: "You don't know, right? The four sects have frictions in private. Although the four sects will martial arts, they are determined by the four sects, but it is impossible to guarantee that there is no other thought between each other."

"Tianjin realm disciple, but the hope of the sect in the future, you said, can Xuanming Palace be careless?"

"Back then, the Four Sects Huiwu was once held in Tongtian Valley, and our Sword God Sect had a total of 5,000 people!"

"That's just to behave!" Mu Yun sneered.

Xi Meng nodded and said: "But having said that, the Xuanming Temple seems to be carrying few people this time, but if you pay attention to the outside, some of the cities near our Sword God Sect, now, there is definitely a large influx of warriors!"


"Those warriors, on the surface, what they want to see the excitement, in fact, they are also the people arranged by the other three sects, just in case of accidents!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun understood.

The four major sects, and the four confluence of martial arts, is the time to demonstrate the strength of the sect.

And among each other, the four major sects are grinning on the surface, and numb at the back!

Between each other, they are all old foxes, guarding their opponents from making moths.

"It seems that these four sects will have to see blood!"

"That's natural!" Xi Xing'er smiled and said, "Every year, which sect cannot die a dozen or so disciples of the realm of Celestial God!"

At this moment, as soon as Zhuo Jian led Xuan Ce, he was already walking towards the Sword God Sect.

Fortunately, the Sword God Sect was rooted in the Sword God Mountain Range and opened up a lot of mountain peaks to live in. This time, with the help of city forces like Pingliang City, it was already well prepared.

The mountain furnishings where I live looks extremely luxurious, and there is a place for training.

Mu Yun was following the Sword God Sect team at this moment, this welcome was just a cutscene, nothing happened to him.

"Sect Master Zhuo, let me introduce to you, these three, but this time the top disciples of my Profound Ming Hall, they are going to compare with your disciples of the Sword God Sect!"

Xuan Ce waved his hand, and the three disciples behind him stepped forward and saluted.

Actually, without Xuan Ce, Zhuo Jianyi could see it too.

Those three disciples were closer to Xuan Ce than some of the guardians of Xuan Ming Hall, and they definitely had different identities.

Zhuo Jian's eyes fell on the three of them one by one.

These three people, two men and one woman, the two young men, one looks quite similar to Xuan Ce, the other is cold-faced and unhappy with words, as for the woman, she wears a black skirt. , Wrapped in a perfect figure with convex and concave, but wearing a black hat, surrounded by black gauze, can not see the true face.

"This should be Lingzi Xuan Jiang'er? I've heard that he is famous for a long time!"

"This one...I think it should be Chen Duzui, the only closed-door disciple of the Palace Master Xuan Ce. It is said that he has a sword skill that is mysterious and unpredictable."

"As for this..."

"Sect Master Zhuo's words are very bad!"

Xuan Ce smiled faintly: "This one is also my current closed-door disciple, Yu'er, come forward to bow to Sovereign Zhuo!"

"Yes, Master!"

The woman in the black dress stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Junior Xiao Yu'er, I have met seniors!"

The figure of the woman in the black dress is floating and refreshing.

"Let you make Xuan Ce an exception and accept it as a closed disciple. It seems that this woman is really proud of talent. It seems that this time, the Four Sects Huiwu, Xuanming Temple disciple, is going to show off her style!"


Xuan Ce laughed and said: "I have heard that within the Sword God Sect, a titled disciple inspired your Sword God Sect's Pill Spirit Peak vision, inherited hundreds of alchemy masters as oneself, and was named the eighth alchemy master by you. Alchemist, who is this disciple, I am really curious?"

"Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning, haha..."

Zhuo Jian waved his hand and said, "Since the Profound Palace Master wants to meet, I will call forward!"

"Where is Muyun?"

Zhuo Jian suddenly spoke.

Mu Yun!

Hearing this name, Xuan Ce smiled slightly.

And the woman in the black dress shivered, her hands unconsciously grabbing the corners of her clothes.

Mu Yun?

Who called me?

Hearing his name, Mu Yun was taken aback at the moment.

He is here today to make soy sauce and go for a cutscene. Who would call him?

"Why are you still stunned? Sect Master is calling you, Mu Yun!" Xi Xing'er suddenly pushed.

"Call me?" Mu Yun looked strange.

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