Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1985: Qingluan City

"Lord Young Master, Second Young Master, you are here just right. This guy, recklessly, steals medicinal materials from our Canglong Pavilion. This guy also protects these two people and wants to do something with us."

Muhe hurriedly said: "Eldest son, this son, the crime deserves death, otherwise..."


"Mudian...Mother Mu is a distinguished guest of our Canglongxuan. On this trip, I invite Mr. Mu to our Canglongxuan as a guest. How can he be a thief?"

Cang Beixuan shouted: "Mu He, go back, I'll clean up you later!"

Hearing this, Muhe was completely dumbfounded.

Mu Yun, is the second son invited the distinguished guest?

how can that be?


"To shut up!"

Seeing what Muhe wanted to say, Cang Yunhai also shouted: "Go back, say one more thing, be careful of your life!"

Hearing this, Muhe was completely stupid.

The eldest son and the second son have always treated their subordinates very kindly and with a very kind attitude.

But now, because of Mu Yun, the two princes...have killing intent on him.

What is the origin of this guy?

Muhe hurriedly backed away, not daring to wait a moment longer.

Cang Yunhai and Cang Beixuan immediately came to Mu Yun's side.

"His Majesty, your subordinates are not sensible, His Highness Wanwang forgive you."

"Not that serious!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and looked at Mu Longyuan and Mu Tianshang who were in a daze.

"You two, make things clear carefully."

At the moment, the two of them are still in shock.

Canglongxuan, they knew very well.

On the entire land of Shenzhou, there are many Tianyuan-level forces, and Canglongxuan is definitely a giant force that can rank up to the top.

However, these two young masters of Canglongxuan were polite to Mu Yun, for fear that Mu Yun would be angry.

what's going on?

But thinking of the Seven Madames, the two immediately calmed down, as they were.

"Qingluan City?"

Hearing the name of this city, Cang Yunhai frowned.

"you know?"


Cang Yunhai wondered: "Qingluan City, although it is under the jurisdiction of our Canglongxuan, it has always been an honest duty. It doesn't cause trouble and is independent. We, Canglongxuan, have no interference."

"Since it is on your Canglongxuan site, why didn't Canglongxuan take it back?"

"His Royal Highness does not know something." Cang Beixuan took over and said, "In this city of Qingluan, there was a Sword Saint of Qingluan in the past, oh yes, the Vientiane Tower of His Highness is the treasure of the Sword Saint of Qingluan, but Sword Saint Qingluan was full of spirits, and then disappeared into the gods."

"But the descendants of the sword saint Qingluan occupy the city of Qingluan and stand on their own as a major force. Within the city of Qingluan, they are very united and united!"

"Isn't this a reason?"

Cang Beixuan smiled bitterly, and then said: "It's really not a reason. The most important point is that behind the Sword Saint Qingluan, there are the hands and feet of Tianji Pavilion!"

"Oh? So, Tianji Pavilion, did you put a nail in your Canglongxuan abdomen?"

"Actually, it's the Heavenly Secret Pavilion alone, and I Canglongxuan is not afraid, but in between, there is the meaning of the Zhan clan.

Cang Yunhai said helplessly: "Back then, my Canglongxuan rose step by step, which attracted the attention of the Zhan clan. The Zan clan worried that it was the remnants of the herdsman, or the spies of the other eight clan, so Qingluan City came into being. Supervise our Canglongxuan."


Mu Yun understood.

"Xianyu is in Qingluan City, isn't it?"


"it is good!"

Mu Yun nodded, looked into the distance, and said, "In this case, then Qingluan City, I'm going to take a look!"

Upon hearing this, Cang Yunhai and Cang Beixuan immediately understood.

One of Muyun's wife was arrested by people from Qingluan City.

At this time, things are going to make a big fuss.

"Bei Xuan, you go and inform your father, I will follow your Highness to investigate."

"it is good!"

Cang Beixuan left immediately.

Mu Yun turned and left right now.


He recalled that when the two met for the first time, in that class, he suddenly changed his body. Nowadays, his memory is particularly deep, and Qiao Shengsheng stood in his seat and asked questions, trying to stump his tutor. .

Then, after he and Qin Mengyao determined the relationship, Miao Xianyu was even more sad.

He still remembered that when he rejected Miaoxianyu, the little girl looked aggrieved. Later, he had to deceive her, and when she grew into a graceful woman, he would marry her.

This deception, who would have thought of it, later became real.

Mu Yun never felt that he was very dedicated, and he did what he did, but every beautiful woman he treats is what a man should do.

From Qin Mengyao, to Xiao Yuner, Wang Xinya, and later daughters, although the eight daughters and herself all came together by chance, but without exception, they are all their own women, with their own hearts.

Others, but you can't bully!

The construction specifications of Qingluan City looked almost the same as Canglongxuan, but the overall look was a bit smaller than Canglongxuan.

But the constant flow of people coming and going also shows the prosperity of this city.

"Mu Tianshang, Mu Longyuan, where did you collect medicinal materials in the past?"

"Qingluan Pavilion! It is the place where the Qingluan City Qing Family is responsible for collecting medicinal materials. As for the location of the Seventh Lady, we don't know."

Mu Tianshang hurriedly replied: "But Qing Huisheng must know."

"Green fensheng?"

"Yes, the jewel in the palm of the Qing family's Evergreen Pingqiu is also the main person in charge of Qingluan Pavilion. We are all under her orders."


Mu Yun stepped directly into the Qingluan Pavilion at this moment.

"His Royal Highness, wait for the second brother to arrive, father and the others will arrive, and then do it again!" Cang Yunhai whispered: "After all, this is Qingluan City. The Sword Sage Qingluan was in the God Realm back then and was also a famous ancestor god. He offended the Qing family. , Which is to offend many swordsmen who make good friends with Qingluan Sword Saint."

"It depends on how they treat Xianyu..."

Between Mu Yun's eyebrows, the air of indifference was even worse.

"A few distinguished guests, welcome!"

A few people just stepped into the Qingluan Pavilion, and a beautiful shadow greeted them.

Mu Yun's face was indifferent, his hands were attached, and he said: "Call you to be in charge!"

Hearing this, the woman's eyebrows flashed, but she felt that Mu Yun and Cang Yunhai's cultivation skills were good, and she did not dare to neglect.

"How do you call this son?"


"I can help Young Master Mu handle what he needs," the woman said methodically.


Mu Yun smiled and said: "You can't be the master. I came on this trip to buy the imperial-level divine pill refined by the Seven-Star Divine Pill Master. It takes about a hundred kinds. Are you sure, can you be the master?"

Hearing this, a touch of joy suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the young woman.

The imperial level **** pill, only the seven-star **** pill master can refine it.

Moreover, the value started with tens of thousands of top-grade **** crystals, the most advanced imperial-level **** pill, it was worth tens of thousands of top-grade **** crystals.

It seems that I met a major customer today.

"The two young masters wait a moment, I'm going to take care of it."

The Miaoling woman twisted her posture and hurriedly left.

The four Mu Yun sat down and waited. Not long after, a figure appeared in a hurry.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, in Xia Qin'an, he is one of the five deacons in Qingluan Pavilion."

The middle-aged man, with a slightly fat figure and a full smile on his face, looked at Mu Yun very respectfully.

There are hundreds of imperial grade **** pill, that is at least a million high-grade **** crystals, maybe even hundreds of millions.

This is a big deal, and as one of the five deacons, Qin An has to go out in person.

"You two, please come with me!"

Qin An arched his hands and invited Mu Yun and Cang Yunhai into the cabinet.

"Forget it!"

Mu Yun stood up at this moment, and said dissatisfied: "It seems that Qingluan Pavilion doesn't put this young man in his eyes at all."

Hearing this, Qin An was stunned.

"Why did Mr. Mu say this?"

"Is a mere deacon qualified to receive my son?" Cang Yunhai spoke very cooperatively at this moment.

"I see you Qingluan Pavilion, but with such an attitude."

Cang Yunhai looked at Mu Yun, and said, "Master, why don't we take a little more time to go to Canglongxuan, I think, this big deal, Canglongxuan, as a Tianyuan-level force, should pay attention to it!"


Mu Yun's words fell, turned and walked away, without any muddle.

"Two two!"

Qin An was anxious.

It's hard to run into big-headed customers. If you run like this, you will lose a lot.

"Two, I, Qin An, as one of the five deacons of Qingluan Pavilion, second only to our pavilion master, Ms. Qinghuisheng, and I, Qingluan Pavilion, are very sincere!"

"Green fensheng?"

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled lightly: "I heard that Ms. Qingweisheng is the daughter of the city lord of Qingluan. She is beautiful and beautiful. If that's the case, please ask her to come and talk to me!"


"I don't like it. I half talked with people and found out that I don't have the right to speak, and I have to change people!"

Mu Yun looked slightly cold.

Upon hearing this, Qin An immediately understood.

He originally thought that Cang Yunhai and Mu Yun were both wealthy princes, but he did not expect that the breath of Cang Yunhai's five soul **** emperors would be so respectful to Mu Yun.

This is enough to see that the shepherd in front of him is not low.

"Let's go!"

Mu Yun waved and left without any intention of staying.


At this moment, a slightly cold voice suddenly sounded.

At the stairs on the second floor, there was a beautiful shadow, now slowly stepping down.

The light blue dress, wrapped in a beautiful figure, with long hair like silk, scattered behind his head.

With both hands dragged in front of her, that beautiful figure, straightened Qingmei's face, with a trace of indifference that is inaccessible.


"Qin An, you can withdraw!"


The woman came to Mu Yun's body and smiled lightly: "This son, I should be able to talk to you, right?"


Mu Yun looked at this woman and knew very well that she should be Qingfensheng.

"There are so many people here, why don't we go to the cabinet and have tea and talk, Miss Qing, how?"


Qing Huisheng carefully observed that Mu Yun was only in the realm of the Second Soul God Emperor, and she was in the realm of the Four Soul God Emperor, and she was not afraid that Mu Yun would come up with a moth.

Qing Huisheng was in front, Mu Yun followed, and two figures followed at this moment.

Several people in Cang Yunhai were stopped at this moment and could only wait upstairs.

"I don't know where Master Mu is from?" Qing Huisheng chatted: "In the tone of Master Mu, it seems that only the Tianyuan-level forces can see you!"


Mu Yun smiled and said, "Don't tell me where I came from!"

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