Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1986: I'll take you

"Can't say?"

Hearing this, Qing Huisheng smiled slightly and said, "In my Qingluan city, there is still nothing that cannot be said, even if it is the Zhan clan, it can be said!"

As soon as he said this, Qing Huisheng glanced at Mu Yun with profound meaning.

Immediately afterwards, the two took a step and entered a room.

There was a creak, and the door was closed at this moment.

Qing Huisheng looked at Mu Yun and said with a smile: "In order to protect the secrets of the customers, this room is very hidden and will not be heard by outsiders!"

"It seems that Qingluan Pavilion is quite thoughtful at this point!"

"That's natural!"

Qing Huisheng walked to a desk, picked up a pen, and said with a smile: "I don't know Mr. Mu, what kind of medicine is needed, we can discuss it now!"

"I need a lot, but I'm afraid you Qingluan Pavilion will write it down carefully!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "But the blind pill that I need most is able to relieve the pain of my lovesickness and the pain of being alone!"

"Oh? Resolve the pain of lovesickness, the pain of being alone? Then this is a cure for the heart disease. I don't know what kind of medicinal medicine Mu Gongzi is talking about?"

"Wonderful fairy language!"

Between Mu Yun's eyebrows, the smile faded away.

"You Qingluan Pavilion grabbed a six-star divine alchemy master, she is the only medicinal material I need most!"

Mu Yun sat down, picked up the tea cup on the table, and smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Qing Weisheng dropped the pen in his hand and looked at Mu Yun with his eyes flickering.

"who are you?"

"Who am I? Mu Yun!"

Mu Yun naturally said: "How about, human, hand it over, I just ask you Qingluan Pavilion, what the **** are you doing!"

Upon hearing this, Qing Huisheng's face became cold.

This guy obviously didn't come to buy a pill, but to find fault. ,

"I advise you to calm down. This is Qingluan Pavilion, Qingluan City. Qingluan City was created by the descendants of Qingluan Sword Saint. This place is protected by Qingluan Sword Saint!"

Qing Huisheng's tone was cold: "Even if there is no Qingluan Sword Sage in Qingluan City, but don't forget, when Qingluan Sword Sage was there, how many relationships were in the God Realm..."

"I said, I don’t care about your mess. I only need my wife’s wonderful words, and it’s intact. If my wife suffers a little bit of torture, you Qingluan Pavilion, let alone the Qingluan sword The descendants of the holy, the descendants of the ancient race, I want to tear them down too!"

"It's a big tone, then give it a try, how strong are you in the end!"

Qing Huisheng snorted, slapped his palm, and the ink pen moved forward quickly, piercing her eyes towards Mu Yun.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun's expression was cold, and the Vientiane Tower appeared.

"Vientiane Golden Hood!"

With a low drink, the Vientiane Tower was suspended on the surface of Mu Yun's body, and the ink brush stopped directly in front of Mu Yun's body at this moment.

"Vientiane Tower!"

Seeing the Vientiane Pagoda, Qing Huisheng was completely stunned at the moment.

The Vientiane Tower is the personal treasure of the Qingluan Sword Saint ancestor. It has disappeared in the gods for a long time, how could it fall into Mu Yun's hands!

Several news appeared in Qing Huisheng's heart at this moment.

"Vientiane virtual array, open!"

It's just that Mu Yun didn't keep his hands at this moment. Although Qing Huisheng was in the realm of the Four Soul God Emperor, it would not be enough to make Mu Yun fearful.

But to stop the green fennel in a short time, it does take some effort.

At this moment, Mu Yun's repeated use of the Vientiane Pagoda was just a concealment.

"The earth exploded!"

With a low drink, many black pearl-like iron **** appeared all over Mu Yun.

The mysterious iron mountain was moved into the blue yellow spring map by Mu Yun, relying on the combination of the profound iron and the earth exploding, the iron **** condensed by the profound iron burst one by one, and the power was stronger than the thunderbolt bomb.

There was a slurping sound, and an iron ball the size of a thumb burst open, exploding directly on the chest of the green fennel.

The shield of the Qingfensheng divine body was directly blown open, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

She just wanted to fight back, but suddenly, a figure, holding her arms with both hands, appeared behind her.

"Don't bother!"

Mu Yun's faint words sounded in his ears.

"Although you are in the realm of the Four Soul God Emperor, in front of me, there is no place for you to be proud of!"

Mu Yun's hands were like iron rods, suppressing Qing Huisheng firmly.

The body is firmly close to Qingfensheng's body, squeezing it tightly against the table.

"Now, I only give you three counting time to consider, and take me to see Miao Xianyu, otherwise..."

"Huh, you are delusional!"

Qing Huisheng shouted, "This is the Qingluan Pavilion, if you do this, you will find your own way."

Qing Huisheng hated her carelessness.

She thought that. Mu Yun is nothing but the second spirit emperor, and she has no fear at all in the realm of the four spirit emperor.

But who would have thought that the ship overturned in the gutter and was clamped by Mu Yun.

And this guy came here with a purpose.

He thought that Muyun was surnamed Mu, and it was very likely that he was a member of the shepherd who came to destroy Qingluan City.

Unexpectedly, when Mu Yun reported her name and her surname was Mu Mingyun, she knew that this guy could never be a member of the shepherd.

Among the herdsmen, there is only one Muyun, and that is the prince of the herdsmen who died ten thousand years ago. From then on, no one will have the name Muyun again.


Mu Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense at the moment.


"If there is a kind, kill me, if I die, you don't want to live!"


After Mu Yun counted three, Qing Huisheng still had a cold face.

"It seems that you are not afraid of death!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "But for a woman, there is something more terrifying than death!"

"Miao Xianyu is my seventh lady. I have no other hobbies, just like beautiful women."

"Therefore, there are more wives, people are more promiscuous, and they like beautiful women. Regardless of whether they like me or not, I usually just cook the uncooked rice first before talking!"

With a snorting sound, the Qinghuisheng clothes were torn apart at this moment.

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'll take care of you, maybe you will just say it when you are happy!"

The sound of scoffing sounded again. At this moment, Qing Weisheng's tight-fitting shirt was completely torn apart, and her body was displayed in front of Mu Yun's eyes. She wanted to protect it, but her hands were firmly clamped by Mu Yun and couldn't protect it.

"Still reluctant to say it? Forget it, I will enjoy you first, and then I will catch other people and ask!"

When the words fell, Mu Yun leaped out with one hand.


Qing Huisheng bit her silver teeth at this moment, and said viciously, "I'll take you there!"

"Isn't that enough?"

At this moment, Mu Yun loosened his palm, and Qing Fengsheng stepped out immediately, with a flick of his palm, he wore a set of long skirts directly on his body, enclosing a large area of ​​scenery.

"Boy, you must die today!"

"I'm not dead, you don't need to worry about it, just take me to find someone!"

Mu Yun snorted, waved his palm, and a talisman appeared.

The Fulu stuck to the center of Qingfensheng's eyebrows and disappeared.

"what have you done?"

"Don't worry, Taiyizong's people are chasing me on the way here. This talisman is called Soul Control Talisman. I found it from those corpses, but it can only control you for one hour!"

"I know what you think in your heart, so don't think of any moths!"

Hearing this, Qing Huisheng was even more annoyed.

"Do you want to divide my five horses immediately?" Mu Yun smiled.


"Oh... So, you have cultivated for a thousand years, and now you are still a young man!"

"you wanna die!"

"Take me to find someone!"

Qing Fengsheng waved a palm, but Mu Yun fell directly, and Qing Fengsheng's palm print stopped at this moment.


Qingfensheng Yinya banged loudly, wishing to kill Mu Yun immediately.

But she couldn't resist Mu Yun's **** at all.

"I'll take you!"

Qing Huisheng sorted out his clothes, stepped directly out, and opened the door of the room.

Qin An, Cang Yunhai and others stood outside the door.


"I'll take care of the matter of Mr. Shepherd by myself, so go ahead and take care of you!"


Qin An saw that the matter seemed to be settled, his heart was settled, and he turned and left.

Cang Yunhai looked at Mu Yun, not knowing why.

"Let's go!"

"Where is my wife?"

"It's in Qingluan Pavilion!"

Qing Huisheng said again: "But remember what you said, other things, if you dare to intervene, even if I die, someone in Qingluan City will kill you!"

"Relax, as long as you are honest and my wife is fine, you will be fine, and Qingluan City will be fine!"


Qing Huisheng took Mu Yun directly, left the cabinet and walked to the backyard of Qingluan Pavilion.

In this backyard, there were few figures, but in the dark, Mu Yun felt the breath of at least four martial artists in the Seven Soul God Emperor realm, and glanced lightly.

Qing Fensheng took Mu Yun and Cang Yunhai directly into the backyard and came to his boudoir. In the room, the light cyan style and a crisp fragrance breathed in.

"Don't smell it!"

Mu Yun suddenly said at this moment: "This crisp fragrance, called Song Hunxiang, will make people fall into the illusion!"

Hearing this, Cang Yunhai immediately closed his snort.

Qing Huisheng looked at Mu Yun in surprise.

As a young lady from Qingluan City, she was a Seven-Star Divine Alchemy Master. She made this fragrance by herself, and Mu Yun could smell it in one breath.

"Qing Huisheng, it seems that the previous lessons are still not enough!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "Are you sure, don't you need me to call you?"

"No need!"

Qing Huisheng hummed: "It's a big deal. The way to get there can be from my boudoir, so of course I have to make some precautions!"

"is it?"

Mu Yun looked at Qing Huisheng and didn't worry that this girl would run away.

Qing Huisheng came to his bed, and his palms displayed a series of complicated marks. After a full quarter of an hour, the bed board suddenly lifted, and a passage appeared below.

"The following is the important place of my Qingluan City. After you enter, tell me which one is your wife. I will ask you to take her away. Within an hour, I will not send anyone to chase her!"

"Don't cause trouble, even below, I... don't have a high right to speak!"


Mu Yun waved his hand, Qing Huisheng's expression was slightly worried, but in the end, he took Mu Yun into the passage.

After falling about 100 meters, the scene suddenly changed at this moment.

Throughout the underground, a huge square appeared. At the top of the square, the light flickered, and below, there were silhouettes squatting in open-air lattice rooms. In front, in front of everyone, there was a pot of pill, which seemed to be tempering what.

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