Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 1987: Underground plaza

Each room is about the size of a hundred square meters, and here, there are thousands of rooms lined up one after another. In that room, all are the gods.

Every divine alchemy master stood in front of the alchemy furnace with shackles on his feet, and in every room, there was a warrior holding a long whip guarding him.

Here, it is not like an underground alchemy field, but rather an underground imprisonment field.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun looked cold.


Pushing Qingfensheng a bit, Mu Yun said indifferently.

At this moment, Qing Huisheng walked down the stairs, patrolling back and forth one by one, looking carefully, they were all masters in the realm of God Emperor.

"Hey, Miss Fengsheng, why are you free today?"

A figure stepped forward at this moment.

"Leader Song!"

Seeing the incoming person, Qinghuisheng reported with a smile and said: "Today, I need an alchemist, preferably a female, with a better appearance, six-star alchemy master, I need to bring it."


Hearing this, the leader of Song frowned.

"Miss, this matter needs the approval of the city lord!"

"I know that I will tell my father about this matter. Now that a distinguished guest comes to the door, I need to find a young woman to serve!"

Qing Huisheng smiled faintly: "I hope Song will lead you to become more accommodating!"

"It's easy to talk!"

Commander Song said with a smile, "Miss, I will naturally obey, and I will call someone to you!"

"No need!"

Qing Huisheng said again: "Here are thousands of divine alchemists. I remember that there was a woman before, named Miao Xianyu, who was good alchemy and beautiful in appearance. Only she would be better, so as not to disturb that. It’s troublesome again."

"it is good!"

Commander Song was very happy and immediately ordered someone to look for it.

But at this moment, Mu Yun looked around and looked around.

Thousands of pill masters are imprisoned here, Qingluan City, what are they going to do?

Is this also an instruction from the Zhan clan?

"You Qingluan City, what a big handwriting!"

Mu Yun whispered: "Thousands of divine alchemists, I think there are at least a hundred six-star and seven-star divine alchemists, you Qingluan City, you have extraordinary methods!"

"Don't worry about this, someone will arrive in a while, take someone with you, and go quickly!"

Qing Huisheng seemed to be more anxious than Mu Yun.

"Fortunately, that guy is not there, otherwise, you can't leave if you want to."

that guy?

"Who is that guy? It seems that even you are scared!"

While the two were whispering, one of the guards returned, but looked at Song Commander with a look of embarrassment, and whispered a few words in a low voice.

After a while, Song Commander also showed a wry smile on his face.

"Miss, you should change yourself!"

"what's happenin?"

The green fensheng was startled.

"This wonderful fairy language, I'm afraid it's inconvenient, your brother Qing Yu came, just now, took the woman away..."


Qing Meisheng's face changed.

She knew exactly what virtue the third brother Qing Yu was doing.

In case Miao Xianyu is given by his own brother... then everything is over.

"Damn it!"

Qing Huisheng immediately flashed and galloped towards the depths.

Passing around this huge room, in front of them, palaces appeared.

Mu Yun said with a cold face: "If there is any difference in my wife, you Qingluan City, wait for it to be destroyed!"

Qing Huisheng was even more anxious at this moment.

Seeing a hall, Qing Huisheng immediately galloped away at this moment.

At this moment, in the underground square, in the hall, sitting on the bed in the room.

This person is dressed in a pale yellow gown with colored glaze, his face is pale, and his eyes have an evil smile.

"Little lady!"

The man looked at a beautiful shadow on the wall of the room, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, you can ask the women who were brought by me. After returning, they are all very satisfied!"

"go to hell!"

The shadow on the wall snorted coldly at this moment, and threw out the iron chain in his hand.

The sound of clattering sounded, and the iron chain broke out directly at this moment, turning into a snake shadow, turning smoothly.

"It's quite spicy!"

The young man smiled, waved his palm, and a majestic force spread out.

Hold the iron chain directly in his hand.


There was a dull bursting sound, and the iron chain was turned into fragments at this moment.

That Qianying turned into a free body, immediately used a killer move and attacked directly.

"I like it, haha..."

Seeing this scene, the young man directly waved a long sword in his hand.

"Miaoxianyu, the name is very clean, I didn't expect the personality to be so hot, different from those women, today, I Qingyu will order you!"

Qing Yu grinned and swung out the long sword in his hand.

"It depends on whether I want your life first, or if you can succeed!"

Miao Xianyu waved his hands, and in an instant, the divine power gathered, and a lotus shadow directly condensed at this moment.

She originally had the body of an immortal lotus, and now she is completely integrated, and her cultivation speed is also extremely fast, and now she has reached the realm of the Yipu Divine Emperor.

Now that the chain was broken directly by Qing Yu, she had gained freedom.

This Qing Yu wants to be disadvantageous to her, how can he catch it with his hands.

With a wave of his palm, the majestic strength was concentrated in the green lotus.


Miao Xianyu blasted out directly.


A blast sounded in the room, and Qing Yu was not prepared for a while, and blood stains appeared on his face at this moment.

"soy Mujer!"

There was a bang of the door, and two guards rushed in.



Seeing the chaos in the room, the two of them changed their expressions.

"Why are you still stunned?"

Qing Yu suddenly grinned and said, "Grab her for me. If I don't teach her well today, I won't be called Qing Yu!"


Two figures rushed out directly at this moment.

Miao Xianyu sneered, waved his palm, and the lotus seal appeared again, spreading directly, turning into a thousand lotus flowers, and bursting open.

The room suddenly exploded into one piece.

The two guards couldn't move forward at this moment.

Miao Xianyu gritted his teeth and galloped out directly.

"Chasing, chasing me, you two rubbish!"

Qing Yu yelled.


At this moment, a bang suddenly sounded.

Miao Xianyu originally escaped from the room, but at this moment, he retreated directly.

A mouthful of blood spurted, and Miao Xianyu fell directly to the ground, his face pale.

Seeing this scene, the two guards immediately stepped forward, firmly restraining Miao Xianyu.

"Run, you still run!"

Qing Yu's face was grim at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the two guarding elites in the realm of the Second Soul God Emperor would not help this woman.

Qing Yu stepped forward, her voice indifferent.

"Young Master Qingyu!"

But at this moment, outside the door, a voice suddenly sounded.


Outside the door, a figure strode over.

That figure, in a blue long gown, had a thick body and a simple face, but the voice was hoarse, which made people listen very uncomfortable.

"Guan Chang commander!"

Seeing the incoming person, Qing Yu's expression became unnatural.

The person in front of him is one of the two commanders of this underground square, even if his father saw this guy, he had to be polite.

And more importantly, Guan Chang is only in the realm of the Seven Souls Divine Emperor, which is incomparable with his father. Father doesn't know why he is so polite to him!

"What's the matter?"

At this moment, Guan Chang walked into the room, looked at Miao Xianyu, then looked at Qing Yu, and said, "I allow you to mess around in the underground plaza, but if something goes wrong, you can't afford it!"

"So, this is the last time. Next time, if you continue to be such a fool, I will let your father punish you well, or I will do it myself..."


Qing Yu wanted to retort, but she didn't dare.

This Guan Chang did dare not even give his father's face.

"Since the leader Guan Chang has said, this is the last time, then please leave now, don't delay my young master's yaxing."

Seeing this scene, Guan Chang didn't speak, turned around and wanted to leave.

Qing Yu turned around and looked at Miao Xianyu.

"Set it up for me!"

Qing Yu coldly snorted.

Miao Xianyu's arms were lifted, and a blood mark on his chest was clearly visible.

At the moment, his face was waxy white, and his anger was silky.


Qing Yu slapped down directly, Miao Xianyu's cheeks suddenly became red, and blood was secreted from the corners of her mouth.

"Smelly girl, have you found me here?"

Qing Yu yelled angrily, "This son is your blessing, you know?"

"Today, this son will let you not survive, not survive!"

Qing Yu waved his palm again and fell instantly.

But suddenly, the expected snapping noise did not sound.

Qing Yu waved his arm down, but did not slap Miao Xianyu's face.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, and Qing Yu clutched his arm.

"My hand..."

At this moment, Qing Yu disappeared with one hand, and blood gurgled out of his arm.

"You, who can't survive or die?"

A slightly cold word suddenly sounded.

Qing Yu turned around and looked at that figure, standing at the door. At this moment, his face was stiff and cold.

"who are you?"

Qing Yu roared: "Asshole, kill him, kill him!"

The two guards rushed out at the moment.


But at this moment, beside the man in the ink-colored gown, a young man stepped forward, waved his hands, and directly grabbed the two guards by their necks. With a click, the two guards broke their necks.

At this moment, the man in black shirt stepped forward step by step.

Qing Yu hurriedly backed away, looking at the man in front of him with horror in his eyes.

The man in the black shirt simply ignored him, knelt down, cautiously, and picked up the wonderful fairy language that was limp on the ground.



Slowly, Miao Xianyu opened his eyes, looking at the face close at hand, Miao Xianyu was suddenly startled, and then, his eyes lost.

"You are not Mu Yun!"

Miao Xianyu struggled and said: "Despicable, shameless, dare to use illusions on me!"

"it's me!"

Mu Yun said softly at this moment: "You forgot, who taught you to make alchemy? Also, when you asked me in class, why did you add dead leaf grass when refining Bailing pills!"

"You also asked me, when refining the Spirit Gathering Pill, why do you have to join the Demon Pill of Wind Breaking Azure Wolf..."

"At the beginning, I helped you to awaken the spirit of the Nine Spiritual Green Lotus, so that you have the power of the immortal lotus in your body. It's impossible for others to know this, right?"

"Are you really?"

Miao Xianyu looked in a trance at the moment.

"of course!"

Mu Yun's words fell. Suddenly, Miao Xianyu directly lowered his head, his teeth biting on Mu Yun's shoulder, blood stained his wet clothes, Miao Xianyu did not stop.

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