Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2001: The Covenant of Destiny

After a while, Mu Yun leaned on the bed, but Miao Xianyu hurriedly sat up at this moment, digesting his body's strength.

The power poured from Mu Yun's body to reach the body is simply a miracle medicine for the world's gods, which is unforgettable.

At this moment, the body is full of hot breath.

Slowly, Miao Xianyu opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yun couldn't help but see Miao Xianyu's face flushed.

"I feel that the essence is flowing in the body, and the strength has become stronger!"

Miao Xianyu couldn't help saying: "Help me improve my cultivation base, and my speed will be faster!"


Mu Yun was also quite surprised at the moment.

"Perhaps it is because my blood is constantly growing!"

Mu Yun guessed: "The blood of the herder is full of violent power. It swallows everything and is irresistible. It may be this power!"

"Swallowing power..."

Miao Xianyu gradually felt at this moment, the green lotus in the body, slowly unfolding at this moment, a suction force spread, the heaven and earth's divine power gathered, and it became more violent at this moment.

"It seems to be..."

Miao Xianyu's face was excited.

Can't help but sit down in front of Mu Yun.

"In that case, come again!"


Miao Xianyu couldn't help but say, bullying himself up!

The power contained in Mu Yun's body is very peculiar, and it is indescribable to help practice.

At first, Miao Xianyu felt this way, but now, this feeling is even stronger.

In this way, when Duoduo gets along with Mu Yun, her cultivation level will naturally increase more quickly.

As for Mu Yun's body whether she can eat it or not, that's not what she should be concerned about.

Moreover, I have a way to make this shepherd prince linger and sleepless night by night!

It was night, Mu Yun began to make ideas.

According to the medicinal materials mentioned by Mu Fengxiao, Mu Yun listed all of them, and more than that, he also knocked out some precious medicinal materials.

This time, Zhenwu Academy wanted to save those thousands of saint disciples, but it had to slash a sum of blood.

If not, Mu Yun wouldn't have nothing to do to single out this matter.

"Ten Thousand Years Ginseng!"

"Seven petals cloves!"

"Artemisia argyi grass!"

Mu Yun murmured: "These three medicinal materials are enough for Zhenwu Academy to vomit blood."

"Ten thousand years ginseng, this is extremely difficult to find. The seven-petal cloves have gathered a lot of spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth, and the Artemisia argyi grass...this is what you need to condense your soul!"


Mu Yun took it for granted: "Recently, my hands are itchy, and in my mind, there just happened to be a divine pill recipe that is more suitable for me, Wanyuan Ling Pill!"

"These three medicinal materials are just necessary, so I bothered Zhenwu Academy to help me prepare them."

Hearing this, Miao Xianyu pursed his mouth and smiled: "You are openly coveting a baby, but you are not afraid of Zhenwu Academy's care!"

"For the sake of their thousands of future elites, they can't care too much!"

Mu Yun patted Miao Xianyu, and smiled: "Okay, Madam Seven, give this to Zhan Xinyi, I think she will prepare it without hesitation!"

"According to the order, your husband!"

Miao Xianyu leaned back quite cooperatively, put on his clothes and left the attic with a pursed smile.

Mu Yun waited quietly at this moment.

The Ninth Academy has only five years to go on the road to the sky. This is a grand event on the entire Shenzhou land. All the proud children of the Nine Academy will enter a secret area to carry out trials.

To say it is a trial, to be more precise, it is like a fight.

Perhaps, the nine ancient tribes, over the past ten thousand years, have sparked with each other.

After all, the herder is the most powerful opponent for them, but now that the herder is falling apart, they will naturally start to fight each other.

It's just that if the herders only rise to revenge after waiting for the Nine Clan's internal levers, then, I don't know how long it will be.

Perhaps what my father is planning now is to look for life among the nine ancient tribes.

As long as the herdsmen recover and the nine ancient tribes will no longer send out the nine-nation coalition forces to attack the herdsmen, then there is no need to worry.

"Choose a magic trick..."

At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly thought of what Zhan Xinyi said about the magic in the Wu Pavilion.

No matter what, I still need to choose.

Wu Pavilion, after all, is where the secrets of Zhenwu Academy is located. Although it does not represent the most powerful sacred tactics of the ten ancient tribes, it is the gathering place of the top sacred tactics in the entire Shenzhou land.

After making up his mind, Mu Yun stopped waiting and got up directly to the Wu Pavilion of Zhenwu Academy.

Walking on the road to Zhenwu Academy, looking at the disciples coming and going, Mu Yun couldn't help but think back to the past when he was in Beiyun Academy.

"If you want to live back that kind of comfortable life, you still need stronger strength!"

Walking in Zhenwu Academy, the breeze came slowly, and the water waves were calm.

However, between Mu Yun's steps, an indifferent breath appeared in front of him.

It is not difficult to sense the realm of Muyun's Three Souls Divine Emperor, that horrible aura, it is obvious that others are locked into oneself firmly.

"It's only in the realm of the Three Souls God Emperor, Lu Xingtian really looks up to you!"

A laughter sounded at this moment, and a figure slowly walked out in front of the corner.

Seeing this person, Mu Yun's expression was slightly cold.

"Well, let me try, what is your strength!"

The young man stepped forward and slapped Muyun directly with a palm.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun didn't avoid it, standing still, looking at this person with great interest.


Suddenly, seeing that palm was about to slap Mu Yun, a figure suddenly appeared, resisting Mu Yun's body.

"Xuanfengzi, are you coming out to join in the fun again? I'm not Lu Xingtian's trash!"

The man stepped back and said indifferently.

"Shen Congfeng, you can't move him!"

Xuan Fengzi couldn't help but said, standing in front of Mu Yun.

"I need his help, at least you can't touch him now!"

"I think your brain is broken!"

Shen Congfeng's face was indifferent.

Shen Congfeng, the Seven Kings ranked second.

A smile appeared on Mu Yun's face and said, "I don't have time to take care of you now. If you really want to fight with me, you can wait until I learn a higher level of magic art, and then kill you!"

"You're afraid you are not dreaming!"

Shen Congfeng sneered and said: "Kill me? Rely on your Three Souls Divine Emperor Realm? Or rely on the Xuanfengzi in front of you? Or is it...Princess Zhan?"

"If Princess Zhan is willing to kill you for me, I don't mind!"


Shen Congfeng hummed: "It's just that she got some favor from Princess Zhan by virtue of good luck."

"This is really sour!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "It's a pity that some people don't even have this bit of good luck!"

"you wanna die!"

"Shen Congfeng!"

Xuanfengzi said again at this moment: "Princess Zhan has already prepared medicinal materials for Muyun, refining the pill to relieve the seven yuan back to the soul pill. If you move him now, try to see if Princess Zhan will destroy the academy because of you. Thousands of students will kill you in the future?"

"Or, those students have lost their last chance and have nowhere to vent their anger and kill you!"

"You threaten me?"

"No, just tell the truth!"

Shen Congfeng's face turned pale.

He had a very good personal relationship with Lu Xingtian. This time he came for Lu Xingtian. Although it was impossible to kill Mu Yun, it was okay to break one arm and one leg.

But Xuanfengzi's words made him elusive.

"Mu Yun, if you dare, then wait for you to refine the antidote. The life and death battle between you and me, can you dare?"

"Aren't life and death battles allowed in the academy?"

Xuanfengzi whispered: "It's not allowed, but between the disciples, it is inevitable that there will be insoluble contradictions. They cannot be resolved. They can only see you on the Destiny Stage!"

"Destiny Station?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Then you have to wait. Then the medicinal materials will gather. I will not say that I will refine the alchemy. Princess Zhan promised me to let me enter the True Martial Dragon Vein for half a year to practice. I don't want to waste this opportunity!"

"Don't push back and forth!" Shen Congfeng snorted, "I'll give you five years!"

"Five years later, before the battle of the Nine Courtyards on the Road to the Sky, you and I, see you on the Destiny Stage, dare you?"

"Five years..."

Mu Yun said again: "Okay, okay, let you live a few more years!"

Shen Congfeng had already seen enough of Mu Yun's confident appearance.

He snorted, stepped directly out of this place.

Xuanfengzi looked at Muyun: "You shouldn't promise him, I am not his opponent."

"You said that, I'm not your opponent anymore?"

Mu Yun smiled faintly, and didn't mind.

Stepping away, in front of him, a majestic and coercive hall appeared in front of him.

Wuge Hall!

Gathered here are the classics of the entire Zhenwu Academy.

There are all of them from the first rank to the eighth rank.

Moreover, Zhenwu Academy, as the largest Tianyuan-level force under the Zhan clan, has a solid background. Inside the Zhan clan, they will also send the divine tactics below the Ninth-Rank Divine Jue here from time to time for the students of Zhenwu Academy to practice.

It can be said that in order to cultivate talents, the Zhan people spare no effort.

Mu Yun stepped into the hall where he entered. At the entrance of the hall, several disciples stood still, guarding the entrance.

"Born your nameplate!"

A disciple said.

Mu Yun handed in his nameplate and looked around the hall.

The huge palace is constantly coming and going, and every entrance is specially checked by disciples.

After checking the Mu Yun nameplate, the disciple said: "As a saint, but you enter the first to seventh floors, the eighth floor, you are not allowed to enter!"

"Thank you!"

Putting away the token, Mu Yun just wanted to enter the hall, and suddenly thought of the token Zhan Xinyi gave to herself.

"Oh, excuse me!"

Mu Yun folded his body, looked at the disciple, and said, "What's the use of this token?"

Seeing the token in Mu Yun's hand, the disciple's expression suddenly changed.

"This brother!"

The disciple grinned and said: "This token can be entered into the hall at will, from the first to the eighth floor, and you can choose the three divine tactics at will to bring out the original, and you can return it after the cultivation!"


Mu Yun nodded, and stepped up the stairs.

Ignoring the first floor directly, Mu Yun stepped to the seventh floor.

At this moment, in the huge seventh floor, in a cupboard, there is a magic trick in full bloom.

Look carefully, no less than a thousand copies.

Seeing this scene, Rao Muyun had to be amazed that the foundation of Zhenwu Academy was really profound and powerful.

No wonder the ten colleges in the past years were famous on the land of Shenzhou, and they were the martial arts holy land that countless martial artists dreamed of!

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