Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2002: Zhan Tianyu's suspicion


But when Mu Yun reached the seventh floor, a low voice sounded.

At the entrance of the seventh floor, an old figure stopped Mu Yun.




Mu Yun thought to himself that this place is really strict enough.

"The seventh floor is accessible, and the eighth floor is also accessible!"

The old man said indifferently: "The three sacred tactics, choose by yourself, don't get private, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"


Mu Yun stepped into the seventh floor.

Looking at the full cabinets, Mu Yun was really hard to get started.

There were a lot of divine tactics in his mind, and there were also a lot of swordsmanship in Mu Fengchen, he could choose all of them.

But this is Zhenwu Academy after all, it would be troublesome if oneself accidentally displays some magic tricks about herdsmen or other forces.

Mu Yun walked inside the seventh floor and observed carefully.

Slowly, looking at the cabinets around, there were a variety of magic tricks in them, such as fists, palms, sticks, spears, swords, and so on. Just seeing the introduction of those magic tricks, Mu Yun was still unsatisfied.

"You can go to the eighth floor to choose..."

Mu Yun made up his mind, left the seventh floor, and walked towards the eighth floor.

"Have you chosen?"

"No!" Mu Yun shook his head and said, "I want to go to the eighth floor to see!"


The elder did not stop him, and said patiently: "On the eighth level, there are ninety-three kinds of divine tactics, but almost all of them are eight-rank divine tactics, suitable for the realm of divine masters. Of course, there are also several seventh-grade divine tactics. As for whether they are suitable for you, then I don't know!"

"Thank you senior!"

Mu Yun climbed the stairs.

On the eighth floor, it can be said that there is no one. In the huge eighth floor, there are only more than 90 cabinets. In those cabinets, there are many different kinds of magic arts.

Some of the magic formulas are scrolls, some are animal skins, and some are guns with prosperous and complex formulas carved on the body of the gun.

"Eight-Rank Divine Art..."

Seeing that magic trick, Mu Yun couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

Look carefully, the introduction of those gods is really powerful.

"Eight-Rank Divine Art is suitable for the realm of Divine Lord, but I am only in the realm of Three Soul Divine Emperor after all. It is not suitable to practice this Divine Art at all!"

"It seems that the most urgent task at the moment is to be able to rise to the realm of the gods is the right way!"

Mu Yun settled his mind and came to the corner of the eighth floor.

Here, they are all Seven-Rank Divine Art.

Look carefully, there are a total of seven sects and seven grades.

Mu Yun didn't know why, why these seven seven-level divine tactics were placed here, perhaps because these seven divine tactics were more advanced.

Look carefully, the names of the seven sacred tactics are all weird.

"Yin Yuan Jian Jue!"

"Tongwu guns!"

"Open the sky archer!"

"Heavenly Dragon Sword Art!"

Seeing these four divine tactics, Mu Yun couldn't help being curious. Standing in front of the divine tactics cupboard, his figure flashed, and light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yinyuan Sword Art, seals the sword source, so that the opponent has nowhere to escape, unable to use any means, one sword comes out, four tsunamis..."

Time passed bit by bit, and seeing the evolution of the sword tactic, Mu Yun breathed out and withdrew.

"It's a powerful sword art, and it feels... very suitable for me, very familiar!"

Mu Yun just wanted to choose, but at this moment, a sound of surprise sounded.

"Huh? Xiao Yunzi, don't worry!"

Fengchen, the ninth ancestor, was stunned at this moment: "Isn't this sword art created by me?"

As soon as Mu Fengchen said this, the eighth ancestor Mu Fengxiao and the seventh ancestor Mu Guifan were also shocked.

"Open the sky bow cup hand, that is the magic trick I created!" Mu Guifan said in surprise.

"The Heavenly Dragon Sword Art is also created by me..." Mu Fengchen said in surprise.

"The Open Sky Bow Cupist was created by me, and it is used in the refining device. It can be described as a supreme magical skill!"

Mu Guifan smiled and said, "Why are you here too!"

The three of them were suddenly surprised.

At this moment, Mu Yun was startled.

In this way, these four gods are all herdsman gods.

In the First World War that year, the secret world of the herdsmen was destroyed, and it is very likely that many of the gods did not have time to take away.

But now, it is placed here.

Mu Yun stopped at this moment.

"Such a coincidence?"

Mu Yun guessed in his heart: "I just came to choose the gods, here are seven gods, four of which are the shepherds?"

At this moment, the three ancestors were also surprised.

"Boy, don't choose these four, the big deal is that we can teach you!"


Mu Yun turned and looked at the other three gods.

"Nine Yuan Shen Jue, condensing nine Yuan, and vomiting the Qi of the world nine Yuan, burst out the Nine Yuan Cohesion, transforming attack!"

"The dying thunder shock, with the power of thunder, burst out with a devastating shock!"

"Qingfengyin, the wind is the seal, the wind is invisible, and the seal is invisible..."

Seeing these three divine tactics, Mu Yun felt from the bottom of his heart that there is indeed a gap between these three divine tactics and the four that I saw just now. Although they are also very smart, they undoubtedly lack a lot of power.

"It seems that there is still something tedious in between..."

Mu Yun smiled faintly, and said: "If this is the case, let them guess!"

Making up his mind, Mu Yun stepped forward.

"Nine Yuan Shen Jue, Nirvana Lei Zhen, Tianlong Sword Jue, these three, I want it!"

Not much to say, Mu Yun chose the Three Sect Divine Jue, picked up the picture scroll, and left the eighth floor.

At the same time, on the other side, a room was pinched, Zhan Tianyu and Zhan Xinyi saw this scene, you look at me, I look at you, both are silent.

"Brother, why do you suspect that this child will be..."

Zhan Xinyi couldn't help but puzzled: "Didn't my father have checked Mu Yun, is it possible that you suspect him because of his name?"

"Furthermore, the shepherd prince died in battle, his body was defeated, the seven souls dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and the earth soul was completely dissipated. The heaven and life souls were gathered by my Zhan clan. The last time there was an accident in the Slaughter Demon Mountain. That day the soul exploded, and even the entire Xuan Tie Mountain was completely exploded, and that fateful soul was completely wiped out. This matter was also confirmed by my father!"

"The seven souls dissipate, and there is no way to condense without the three souls."

"The herding prince’s heavenly soul blew himself up and detonated the fateful soul. The two souls were also completely wiped out. The earth soul was dissipated ten thousand years ago. Even if he relied on the earth soul to resurrect, he would not be able to escape his father’s soul seal. !"

Zhan Xinyi really doesn't understand why the eldest brother has been so worried.

"Don't you feel too weird?"

Zhan Tianyu hesitated and said: "This son appeared, the realm of cultivation is simply incredible, and in Tumoshan, the good Tumoshan, there has been no movement for thousands of years. When he arrived, even the **** abyss of the corpse appeared."

"Xuelingyuan is the deputy chief of the blood clan, why did he suddenly become agitated?"

"Also, the last time I went to Canglongxuan, Qingluan City, it was also very strange. Even though the relationship between Cangbei Xuan and Muyun was profound during the trial, it would not be enough to go to Qingluan City to rescue him. Right?"

"Furthermore, that Xue Zhuying, but the son of the Lord of the Shadow Palace, Mu Yun actually gave his life to save him, even though Mu Yun said, Xue Zhuying has a life-saving grace for him!"

"But these things, combined, are really strange."

"I always feel that it's too... a coincidence!"

Zhan Xinyi frowned upon hearing this.

"But the soul breath and soul mark are unchangeable..."

"Well, maybe we guessed wrong, it's at this point!"

Zhan Tianyu looked at the figure of Mu Yun leaving in the crystal ball in front of him, and said lightly: "However, this child always gives me a very peculiar feeling."

"What about?"

"If he showed a bit of information related to the shepherd prince, then he would rather kill by mistake than let it go."


Seeing his sister's astonishment, Zhan Tianyu said again: "I know my sister is reluctant to bear him, but this guy, you also saw it!"

"That wonderful fairy language, but his seventh wife, is it possible that you want to be his eighth wife?" Zhan Tianyu smiled bitterly: "My sister, Zhan Tianyu, can't share a man with other women!"

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Zhan Xinyi's face flushed immediately.

"But, if my aunt knew about this matter..."

Zhan Xinyi said suddenly.


When Zhan Tianyu heard these two words, his head suddenly hurt.

"Can't let her know about this matter..."

Zhan Tianyu said helplessly: "Back then, my aunt was madly in love with Mu Qingyu. Although I am practicing in the Zhan clan, I pay close attention to any news about the clan."

"If you know that Muyun may have something to do with the prince of the Mu clan, you shouldn't use various methods to study this kid."

"At that time, even if it is confirmed that he is really the reincarnation of the shepherd prince, we will not be able to kill her!"


Zhan Xinyi's face changed slightly.

"You don't know yet!"

Zhan Tianyu confided in the past and said again: "Auntie has another name, Wu Yaoji!"

"Dancing Demon Girl!"

Zhan Xinyi's face was suddenly startled.

She was so familiar with the name of Demon Dancer.

Among the herdsmen, Mu Qingyu is the head of the clan, three of the clan brothers, and four of them are all famous giants of the ancestor god.

And Prince Muyun was an unusual monster among the herdsmen.

Back then, among Prince Mu Yun's subordinates, Yun Yi and Xuantian Wanshi were the right arms of Mu Yun.

Yunyi is in the dark, Xuantian Wanshi is in the light.

There are hundreds of people in Yunyi, three leaders, and they are called the three masters of Yunyi.

And Xuantian Wanshi, the captain of the Ninth Great Hall, is also a famous ancestral giant in the God Realm.

Demon Dancer, Captain of the Seventh Battalion of Xuantian Wanshi.

Her aunt was actually one of the commanders of Xuantian Wanshi.

"Fortunately, in the First World War, my aunt was only working on the other eight tribes, so in the end the herd was defeated and my aunt was brought back into the tribe by his father."

"It's really surprising that my aunt's state has fallen all the way over the years."

"But in recent decades, the realm of aunt has shown rapid growth."

"As far as I know, Xuantian Wanshi, each of them has a close relationship with Muyun, which is similar to a kind of seal. When Muyun dies, they will become very weak, while Muyun is alive and even realm Improve, they will improve more quickly..."

Zhan Tianyu said solemnly: "In the past ten thousand years, the aunt's realm has fallen all the way, almost falling below the ancestral **** realm, but in these decades, she has directly recovered to the peak realm..."


As soon as she said this, Zhan Xinyi opened her mouth and her face was shocked.

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