Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2086: Cooperation

Suddenly, in the entire Spirit Snake Palace, a group of figures rushed out.

At this moment, outside the Spirit Snake Palace, there were hundreds of figures, standing still, full of morale, and all of them were full of vigor.

This time, it was the prince of the shepherd who took them to fight in person.

Who is the prince?

Is the soul of the entire herdsman!

It is the core existence of the entire herdsman.

If the patriarch is the brain of the shepherd, then the prince is the heart of the shepherd.

Even the prince can take the lead this time, what reason do they have to fear?

The sound of clattering sounded at this moment, a team of people, coming at this moment, grinning wind sounded constantly.

On the earth, the murderous spirit was solemn.

Ba Qing and Ba Yu are both stepping forward at this moment, the ancestor god's seven changes aura released, crushing everyone.

The power of the seven changes of the two ancestor gods, I have to say, is awe-inspiring.

"who are you?"

Ba Qing said proudly at this moment.


Mu Yun smiled faintly, and said slowly: "Everyone, this Spirit Snake Island has lived for a few years, should it be returned to our herdsman?"

"Give it back to you!"

Ba Qing snorted: "Spirit Snake Island is the place of my Sea-Monster clan. Your herdsmen are invading and occupying 36 islands of our Sea-Monster clan. My Sea-Monster clan is just taking back one. Have a face to say that?"

"The territory of the Kraken clan has always been in the sea. These islands are the places where humans live!"

"You occupy the place where humans live and enslaved humans, and you still think you are reasonable?"

"Human beings are humble things!"

Ba Qing said angrily at the moment.

Only a few months after his own young master died, it was precisely because of the treachery of the human race that he killed the young master.

Seeing the appearance of these human beings again, and speaking of great truths, anger naturally grew out of his heart.

"I won't discuss this with you!"

Mu Yun smiled lightly: "This island has been owned by my herdsmen for thousands of years, and the humans who live in them all recognize my herdsmen's jurisdiction. You want to take care of this, the hands and feet are too long!"

"Let's see if the majestic herder prince has this ability!"

Ba Qing snorted and stepped directly forward, releasing his murderous aura.

At this moment, everyone felt that the earth was trembling at this moment.

The power of the seven changes of the ancestors is fully revealed at this moment.


A cold, tender drink, suddenly sounded at this moment.

Mingyuexin stepped directly out at this moment, and the murderous aura spread.

Suddenly, Ba Qing's figure kept retreating.

"The Nine Changes of the Ancestor God!"

Ba Qing's face turned pale at the moment.

Moreover, he felt that the realm of the Nine Changes of the Ancestral God of the woman in front of him was stronger than the breath of the Nine Changes of the Ancestral God of his own family.

"The dignified shepherd prince, it turned out to be dependent on women for food!"

Ba Qing couldn't help but hum.

"If you can find such a beautiful and powerful wife as a backer, you can count on you!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly, not angry.

The experience of the Ninth Life and the Ninth World, he couldn't bear even this agitation, and he was not worthy to be the prince of the Huimu clan!


Ba Qing and Ba Yu both dare not be impulsive at this moment.

The breath of the ancestor god's nine changes, even if they were in the realm of the ancestor god's seven changes, they couldn't sustain it.

As a result, there is still a dead end.

"I see you, what seems to be waiting for?" Mu Yun smiled: "Could it be the patriarch waiting for you?"

"I'm afraid, I can't wait any longer!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly and shot out directly.

Mingyuexin also rushed out at this moment.

"Prince Mu, wait a minute!"

A voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

On the edge of the sky, an old figure walked tremblingly at this moment.

That figure didn't look burly, even a bit old, as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind, giving the impression that one foot had stepped into the coffin.

"you are……"

"In Xia Badong, the patriarch of the Qingming Xuangui clan!"

The old man tremblingly came to the center of the two parties and said with a smile: "Prince Mu, there is a business underneath, I don't know, is Prince Mu interested in doing it?"


Mu Yun smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's take a look!"

"I am domineering, and I am willing to leave the Sea-Monster clan and join the herd. This Spirit Snake Island, Prince Mu will take care of me, and I will restrain my subordinates and live with mankind."

"Prince Mu only needs to promise the old one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"Exterminate the kinship!"

At this moment, Tyrant looked slightly cold, and shouted sharply.

At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly understood.

This bully, his son was dead, but after three months, King Xuan Ming, Crab King, did not express anything.

This suffices to show that Xuan Ming Crab King is unwilling to offend the three ancient tribes because of Ba Tianjiang.

As a father, Ba Yan can only watch his son die. How can he be at ease?

So this is... ready to leave the Sea-Monster Clan and take refuge in the herd.

"His Royal Highness, be careful of fraud!" Mu affirmed at this moment.

"I am bullying, and I am willing to swear to the sky in the name of the blood of my ancestor Qingming Xuangui!"

As soon as these words came out, Ba Yu and Ba Qing turned pale.

Swearing by the blood of the ancestor of the Qingming Xuangui, this is accompanied by the entire Qingming Xuangui clan for life!

The few people present were all pale at the moment.

If that's the case, this time, Pa Dong Patriarch was really furious!

"Do you really want to cooperate with me?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "You also know that now, in the realm of the gods, all the nine races want to kill me, and the danger I face is great and great!"

"I know!"

Ba Yao said again: "But, I know better, you Muyun is the only one who wants the destruction of the blood clan."

"I have no choice!"

As soon as these words came out, the tyrant looked sad, and whispered: "My son was beheaded by the blood, but... the Sea-Monster clan, Xuan Ming Crab King is not willing to stand up for me, even if it is a symbolic crusade. Not willing!"

"I followed King Xuan Ming Crab for three thousand years, watching him step by step towards the throne, but I didn't expect that he was so cold-blooded!"

"Three thousand years, I waited three months for him to reply, but still dare not face me directly!"

"I hate, hate my incompetence!"

"But I know you can!"

Tyrant looked at Mu Yun with scorching eyes.


"Yes, it's you!"

Ba Dong said at this moment: "Your father Mu Qingyu, I have dealt with him before. He is a thoughtful person, and it is impossible to take you back rashly!"

"Since he is sure, it is proof that your shepherds are capable of doing what you want to do."

"And you and the blood owl, it can be described as a sea of ​​blood, you must kill the blood owl."

"In this case, you are the only shepherd who can destroy the blood clan and is capable of destroying the blood clan!"

"I made the decision after careful consideration."

At this moment, Ba Dong had a touch of firmness in his eyes.

Mu Yun could see that this person had a great change in his temperament because of the death of Ba Tianjiang.

However, if Tyrant knew that Ba Tianjiang could not be killed by a blood clan, but he could kill him, I am afraid that now, he must be desperate to kill himself, right?

It's just that the person who knew about this matter was already dead.

Apart from Mingyue Heart and Blood Enthalpy, no one knows at all.

"it is good!"

At this moment, Mu Yun smiled slightly and nodded: "Spirit Snake Island, I will leave it to you to take care of. Starting today, you will be the owner of Spirit Snake Island!"

"But, there is one thing, I have to say to you, on the Spirit Snake Island, the humans and the sea monsters need to get along with each other on an equal footing. If your handling is unfair, I can depose you at any time, or even... kill. you!"

Slowly, the breath of the second change of the Muyun ancestor **** was revealed.

Seeing this scene, Tyrant was slightly startled.

The second change of the ancestors?

Mu Yun was actually the realm of the second change of the ancestor god.

This is really incredible.

When Mu Yun returned, it was the ancestor **** who changed his realm.

This is only ten years later.

Just reached the realm of the Second Change of the Ancestor God?

The speed of this level of improvement is too fast, right?

"In this case, Overlord, I think, next, we can discuss how to take over the three islands under King Xuan Ming Crab!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly now.

Take it!

Over the past ten thousand years, the herdsmen have only taken away 36 islands.

His Royal Highness, as soon as he takes action and takes back the Spirit Snake Island, he will retake the three islands in the hands of King Xuan Ming Crab!

I have to say that I am very ambitious!

"it is good!"

Tyrant nodded at this moment and said: "Xuan Ming Crab King is not kind to me, I don't need benevolence and righteousness!"

At this moment, Tyrant completely let go of his heart.

He followed King Xuan Ming Crab for three thousand years, but now his son is dead, King Xuan Ming Crab is not moved at all.

In that case, what is he doing under Xuan Ming Crab King's hands?

Why can't he, let go of his hands and feet, and make a memorable event of his own!



The two figures stepped into the Spirit Snake Palace together.


At the same time, on the other side, on Batian Island.

Inside the cascading palaces.

Luo Dongshi looked respectful at the moment, standing under the palace.

"My lord, that's how things are. The guy who claims to be the blood enthalpy is just the Seven Transformation Realm. He came to look for things and he didn't know what to do!"

"Subordinates sent someone to seriously wound him, fell into the deep sea, and continued the search!"

As soon as he said this, Luo Dongshi stood below and waited quietly.

"Blood Enthalpy!"

Above, King Xuanming Crab has a yellow robe, a dignified posture, and a pair of eyes, like mung beans, exuding gray light.

"It seems that Ba Dong did it!"

King Xuan Ming said lightly: "Release the news that Ba Yan has already left my Sea-Monster clan, from Tyrant Island, and does not belong to King Xuan Ming!"


"Batianjiang is dead, the blood clan doesn't give us face at all, but as one of the nine kings, how can I compete with the blood clan?"

King Xuan Ming said with a sigh, "Bao Yan just avenged his son, so he disregarded our thousands of years of friendship. It really makes me sad!"

"My lord, take care!"

Luo Dongshi immediately reverently said: "This person, Tyrant, has a bad heart, I'm afraid I don't want to work under the king for a long time!"

"Leaving this time is also a good thing!"

"It just so happens that we can push the deaths of the blood clan people onto the bully."


Xuan Ming Crab King nodded and said, "Just do it. If you have any news, please report it again!"


"My lord, my lord!" At this moment, a voice rang outside the door.

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