Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2087: Do you have this ambition?

"What's the noise?" Luo Dongshi's face sank at the moment and shouted.

"King Enlighten!"

Outside the hall, a voice rang out, saying: "Commander Tyrant, led the Qingming Xuangui clan, took refuge in the herdsmen, and occupied the Spirit Snake Island, claiming to be the owner of the island!"

As soon as he said this, in the hall, King Xuan Ming's face sank.

"My lord, this tyrant, as expected, he has long ago been wronged!"

Luo Dongshi looked cold at the moment, and shouted: "The king is not sending troops for him, this guy immediately took refuge in the herdsman!"

"Damn it!"

Xuan Ming Crab King was even more indifferent at this moment.

What he did made him extremely angry.

"As a result, Na Ha Tianjiang had a dispute with the people of the blood race, and the bully must have robbed and killed those people of the blood race, so that blood enthalpy would come back desperately and want revenge."

"At that time, the blood race will definitely blame us for this matter."

"In this case, we and the blood race will have an affair!"

At this moment, Luo Dongshi was slightly anxious.

Domineering behavior completely separated from the line of King Xuan Ming Crab, this was betrayal.

King Xuan Ming couldn't help shouting: "Send someone to the blood clan immediately to explain everything clearly. Everything is done by the bully and has nothing to do with us!"


Luo Dongshi stepped out of the hall with a smile on his face.

"Badong, tyrannical, the herdsman now has enemies on his back, against my siren clan, and at odds with the nine ancient clans, you are still seeking refuge in the herdsman, you are simply seeking your own death!"

Luo Dongshi laughed and said, "Now, Xuanming Crab King's subordinates, but I am the only one!"

The cold laughter slowly dissipated.

Time passed bit by bit, and on this day, in the secret world of the blood clan, in a mountain range, a palace built around the mountains, magnificent, giving people a kind of blood and blood.

At the moment of blood enthalpy, the figure staggered and appeared in the secret world.

"Mr. Blood Enthalpy!"

A figure saw the blood enthalpy, suddenly surprised.

"Quickly, report to the clan, the Sea-Monster clan, kill Young Master Xuesen!"

At the moment of blood enthalpy, his expression was pale and terrifying, the words fell, his eyes rolled, and he fainted directly.

The news spread immediately, in the blood clan, in the Prince's East Palace.

The blood owl figure was shrouded in the black robe, and the whole person looked terrifying at this moment.

"Xuesen is dead?"

Xue Xiao frowned and said, "Naha Tianjiang, so bold?"

"Batianjiang was originally killed by blood enthalpy, blood enthalpy wanted to take Xuesen, Zhu Fengchen, Yang Yu and others to leave, but Xuanming Crab King got the news and sent someone to stop him, only the blood enthalpy escaped. ."

Aside, Xue Chenfeng and Xue Muyu stood still.

Xue Chenfeng respectfully said: "This guy should also be afraid of death, so I want to go back and kill a few people from the Shanghai Demon Race. Who ever thought that the death of the Sea Demon Race is almost gone!"

"This old thing..."

Xue Xiao laughed and said again: "It seems, King Xuan Ming, Crab King, is still quite courageous!"

"His Royal Highness, do you want to show them some color."

"No need!"

The blood owl waved his hand and said, "The matter has not been settled yet, wait a minute!"


The two of Xue Chenfeng and Xue Muyu were startled at this moment.


Outside the hall, a voice sounded at this moment.


"His Royal Highness, I have received the news that Nahayang has sentenced the Xuanming Crab King clan, and the Xuanming Crab King has sent people to tell us that people are tyrants and have nothing to do with them."


The blood owl smiled slightly.

"This Xuan Ming Crab King is really a fool!"

Xue Xiao said with a smile: "I don't have this courage, how did I become one of the nine demon kings."

"This guy is also afraid of being beaten by the herdsman. Over the past ten thousand years, he has fifteen islands in his hands. Now there are only three left. When he sees the ancients, he can't help!"

The blood owl nodded.

"Finally, let the Zhu and Yang people take care of this matter!"

The blood owl waved his hand and said, "Mu Yun, now in the arms of the herdsman, he can't kill him, it's a pity."

"His Royal Highness, what shall we do?"

Xue Muyu said, "Is it because of Mu Qingyu, letting the shepherd continue to develop like this? At that time, it will be a big trouble!"


The blood owl sneered and said: "Ten thousand years, his herders have only occupied 36 islands in the boundless sea. Facing the sea monster clan, there will be trouble, and he wants to regain the power of ten thousand years ago. That would take a lot of time."

"Furthermore, in one day for Mu Qingyu, the herdsmen will be safe for one day, but this period is getting shorter."

"Your Highness means..."

"I am going to start attacking the realm of saints. Once I reach the realm of saints, I will be in the throne. At that time, even Mu Qingyu, I will be able to fight against one!"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Chenfeng and Xue Muyu both looked happy.

If his master reaches the realm of a saint, that blood race will no longer be jealous.

Among the herdsmen, only Mu Qingyu has reached the so-called throne, which is daunting.

But if the throne appears in the blood clan, Mu Qingyu will no longer be a scruples!

"Well, you should withdraw first. Recently, unless it is a major event, you don't need to notify me!"


Xue Chenfeng nodded, and suddenly said, "Where is the person sent by King Xuan Ming Crab?"

"Just kill it!"

The blood owl said indifferently: "Dare to kill people of my blood clan, whether or not Nahayan leaves the Sea-Monster clan, it is the responsibility of the Xuan Ming Crab King. Want to fix it with my blood clan? Dreaming!"

"By the way, tell Zhu Chen and Yang Yu to put more pressure on the Sea-Monster Clan!"

The blood owl snorted, and said, "These two wastes, as the princes of the Zhu and Yang tribes, are still in the Six Transformation Realm of the Ancestor Gods. I really don’t know. The resources accumulated by the two ancient tribes have both been cultivated to a dog. Is it on your body?"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Chenfeng and Xue Muyu nodded.

The ten ancient tribes, ten princes, are now their own princes, the most tyrannical, and can be comparable to the top masters in the ten ancient tribes.

Next is the royal prince Wang Zihao, but it has only been nearly a thousand years before reaching the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God.

The other princes are from the six changes of the ancestor **** to the eight changes of the ancestor god.

Compared with his own prince, it is really insignificant.

The words fell, and the blood owl waved his palm, and his figure disappeared.

Within the blood clan, immediately began to get busy.

At the same time, the entire God Realm seemed to be as calm as water on the surface, but in reality, it was all ancient tribes fighting openly and secretly.

Especially in the past ten years, with the return of the herdsman prince, the ancient tribes have secretly negotiated.

It's just that it's no longer the same as ten thousand years ago, when the nine races were able to unite together. Now the nine races, with each other, each thought carefully, and each other can be said to be against each other.

Spirit Snake Island, Spirit Snake Palace.

Mu Yun looked at Tyrant and smiled slightly: "If the Sea-Monster clan can live in peace with the Human Race, I, Mu Yun, can help you and become the only demon emperor of the Sea-Monster clan!"

"I just don't know, Tyrant Island Master, do you have this ambition?"


As soon as this remark came out, Tyrant smiled.


"Ambition, of course there is!"

Tyrant smiled bitterly: "However, the opposite of ambition, but the corresponding strength!"

"It's true that the prince should know that the nine changes of the ancestor **** have a lot of knowledge."

"The heavens have changed, so all those who reach the realm of the ancestor gods need thousands of years to stabilize their bodies and souls."

Looking at Mu Yun, Tyrant smiled bitterly: "However, there are still a few enchantments like His Highness Mu."

In this regard, Mu Yun did not feel abnormal.

After all, he spent nine lives and ninth lives. Now in his last life, he is completely consummated. If he is in the realm of cultivation, he is still like the proud son of the gods, and it is really ridiculous.

Ba Dong continued: "This ancestor god's Nine Transformation Realm is even more informative."

"It is ranked in the top ten of the gods list, which can be described as the top nine changes of the ancestors of the entire gods. Since the battle ten years ago, the gods have even known that your father, Mu Qingyu, can be said to have surpassed this level!"

Ba Yan said with a smile: "Secondly, there are the top 100 in the gods' fate list, known as the first-rate nine changes of the ancestors, such as your three uncles, and your three captains of Yunyi!"

"Again, it is the top 300 of the gods list, which is called the second-rate ancestor **** nine changes."

"The top thousand are the third-rate level!"

"And I am bullying, but...thousands away, belong to the level of the nine changes of the ancestor **** who has just entered!"

"In other words, there are a thousand people in the God Realm with nine changes of ancestor gods who are more powerful than mine."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yun said: "What about the demon emperor?"

"My Lord Demon Emperor is at the top level, but he does not have his name above the gods list." Ba Yao said truthfully: "The three demon kings are at the top level, and the nine demon kings are all second-rate. level!"

Hearing the words of Tyrant, Mu Yun was more clear to the Sea-Monster clan.

In this way, the background of the Sea-Monster clan is not weaker than that of a large ancient clan.

"In the God Realm, the ten ancient tribes are powerful existences only known to the ancestor **** level. In fact, there are some super powers in the God Realm!"

Ba Dong said seriously: "They are not part of the power of the Divine Land, nor the power of the ancient clan, but they are interspersed in the God Realm and the ancient clan, and they play a very important role."

"For example... Sifang Chamber of Commerce!"

Quartet Chamber of Commerce?

Mu Yun had heard the name of this chamber of commerce, and it was indeed very famous in the God Realm.

The Sifang Chamber of Commerce, Misty Building, and the Pavilion of Heaven are also known as the three major chambers of commerce in the God Realm. In the God Realm, even the ancient tribe can't say that these three major chambers of commerce can be destroyed.

The three major chambers of commerce are deeply entrenched in the God Realm, and their relationships are intricate. They even exist in various ancient tribes.

If someone pulls down the three major chambers of commerce, they will definitely kill one thousand enemies and harm themselves eight hundred.

"The God Realm has a population of hundreds of millions of people. It is just a region, and there are calculations in the unit of billions. The relationship is too complicated!"

Tyrant said bitterly, "How can I be the demon emperor of the Sea-Monster clan at the level when I first entered the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God?"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly at this moment: "If you don't do it, how do you know?"

"In that case, let's start here first!"

Mu Yun's words came down, with one palm, it was the three islands on the map in front of the two of them, Xuantian Island, Fengtian Island, and Batian Island.

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