Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2094: Play a good show

With a creak, it sounded at this moment, the door opened, and a beautiful shadow appeared at this moment.

"what's happenin?"

"Xuanming Crab King and Ba Dong are looking for you. It is probably on the Mishima side, something has happened."


Mu Yun smiled slightly: "It seems that the Sea-Monster clan finally can't help it!"

"Go, go and see!"

The two came to the Spirit Snake Palace, Ba Dong and Xuan Ming Crab King, had been waiting for a long time.

"what's happenin?"

"The big thing is not good, the Sea-Monster clan..." As soon as King Xuan Ming opened his mouth, Tyrant coughed.

King Xuan Ming's face trembled, closed his mouth, looked at Tyrant, and smiled awkwardly.

But Mu Yun said, he is now Tyrant's deputy, what should be said, what should not be said, but he must grasp it well.

"The Sea-Monster clan, the three Demon Kings, together dispatching troops, it takes only half a day to arrive at the three islands!"

Tyrant worries: "This is the temptation of the Sea-Monster clan. The three demon kings are very obvious this time. They should retake the three islands!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"Get it back?"

"I swallowed something, but want me to vomit it out, but it's impossible!"

As soon as these words came out, both Xuan Ming Crab King and Ba Yan were taken aback.

This time, the three major demon kings, relying solely on Xuan Tianshi and Yunyi, although the top strength is very strong, there are many experts around the three major demon kings.

Xuanming Crab King tentatively said: "His Royal Highness, is it... the herdsmen will also send people?"

"will not!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said, "I want to see how these three demon kings can annex the three islands of Batian Island."

Seeing Mu Yun talking confidently, the two were even more confused.

"Next, you two, cooperate with me in a good show, how about?"


The two touched their heads and looked at Mu Yun, bewildered.

How to act?

But at this moment, Mu Yun's mouth raised slightly, not knowing the strength of the three major demon kings!

At this moment, the boundless sea, a large force, whizzed.

The ice king, thunder king, and iron king led the tribe's soldiers at this moment in a mighty march.

"This time, I must take the head of the shepherd prince!"

The Ice King said indifferently: "For these years, the herdsmen have to draw a clear line with us, and dare not cross the thunder pond for half a step. This guy dares to directly break the balance!"

"Hey, the Ice King calms down!"

King Lei hehe smiled and said, "This kid, I guess, is also eager for meritorious service."

"If you think about it, he returned to the herdsman, and now he is only in the second change state of the ancestor gods. No matter how powerful, but in the herdsman, he can't speak, can he not make some credit?"

"With this stabilized his position, he will be able to stand firm within the herdsman."

"King Lei is true!"

At this moment, the Iron King had a bald head and grinned and said: "This kid, if you want to do meritorious service, you can use our Sea-Monster clan to have a knife. It's really unconscious!"

"This time, I have to tear down his bones!"

Behind the three demon kings, hundreds of thousands of fighters are now either in the air, or on the water, or under the water, advancing fast.

The powerful island behind the three of them is not comparable to the foundation of King Xuan Ming Crab.

This time, the herdsmen did not take action, but they had to decide on the three islands of Batian Island.

If the shepherd made a move, his own demon emperor would make a move to stop it.

And the three demon kings are not decorations.

This time, Emperor Luan followed secretly, and they would definitely not have a crisis.

The three of them are in a good mood. There are three islands: Batian Island, Fengtian Island, and Xuantian Island, but in the boundless sea, there are three quite famous islands.

If it falls into their hands this time, it will be a great boost to the development of their three demon kings.

Therefore, the three of them took the initiative this time and directly led the team.


A voice suddenly sounded at this moment, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a figure hurriedly came at this moment.

"Enlighten the three great kings, Tyrant Island in front...looks very strange!"


Three of you look at me, I look at you.

"Speak clearly!" The Iron King spoke directly at this moment.

"Majesty, the soldiers guarding the Batian Island in front are all my monster warriors, and everything is in order. It doesn't look like a herdsman is in charge!"


As soon as these words came out, the three of them were slightly startled.

what's going on?

"Go, go and see!"

The army was dispatched, mighty, and the coastal ports of Batian Island, at this moment, one after another silhouettes were flying back and forth, extremely fast.

Seeing this scene, on the Batian Island, a guard of the famous demon clan directly shot out at this moment, without losing the momentum.


Seeing this scene, a touch of surprise appeared in everyone's eyes.

what's going on?

Haven't the three islands, including Batian Island, been occupied by His Highness Muyun?

How come there are still so many monster tribe army, waiting calmly at this moment?


At this moment, one after another silhouettes came in one after another.

The one person headed is the tyrant.

At this moment, Ba Yan said with a surprised look: "Three demon king adults, what are you doing here on Ba Tian Island?"

"do what?"

Seeing Ba Dong, the Iron King immediately shouted: "Ba Dong, what are you still pretending to be here? My king came here today, and he killed you!"

"Kill me?"

Hearing this, Ba Yan's face was stunned, but then he smiled slightly and suddenly became clear.

"Three great kings, but is there a misunderstanding?"


King Lei also had a thunderous voice at the moment, and it exploded all the time.

"Misunderstanding your size, Xuan Ming Crab King was killed by your joint herdsmen, now here, what are you pretending to be a moth?"

The Ice King also shouted: "Stop hitting me here, haha, call Mu Yun out for me!"

The three big demon kings are all murderous at the moment.

It is ridiculous that Ba Yao is still pretending to be here at this moment.

"Three, why are so noisy on my Domination Island?"

When this voice sounded, everyone was taken aback.

"Xuan Ming Crab King!"

"Crab King!"

"Are you not dead?"

When the three big monster kings saw this scene, their expressions were astonished.


Hearing this, King Xuan Ming was taken aback for a moment, but then he burst into laughter.

"Haha... Three, come with me!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them suddenly became nervous and did not leave.

"What? I'm afraid that I will kill the three of you?"

The Iron King said calmly at this moment: "You don't pretend to be here. You are not dead. You must have taken refuge in the herdsman. Tell us, where is Mu Yun?"

"Mu Yun?"

Xuan Ming Crab King sneered and said: "Three people, come today, what do you mean?"

"Even if this king is reduced to a prisoner, it is impossible to take refuge in a kid who is the second change of the ancestor god!"

"Seeing the arrival of the three of you, this king is very relieved and wants to share a good news with the three of you, but you are like this!"

"If there is a ghost in your heart, please leave my Batian Island!"

King Xuanming Crab's face was cold, and everyone on the island suddenly shouted.

"Xuan Ming Crab King, what the **** are you doing?"

The Iron King shouted at the moment: "Aren't you killed by people around Mu Yun? Why didn't you die? Did you become a traitor? I wait for kindness to save you, but you are in this attitude?"

"help me?"

Xuan Ming Crab King sneered and said: "You are so kind, it's been half a month, come to save me now?"


The three of them looked at each other immediately.

"I think you are going to capture Mu Yun and then capture my three islands, right? Snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains!"

Xuan Ming Crab King said coldly: "Capturing Mu Yun, you don't have to worry about the three. I dominate the island, and I am as stable as ever. Please come back the three!"


At the moment, the three of them were startled.

Not bothering about it?

What do you mean?

Could it be that King Xuan Ming had already captured Mu Yun?

This is impossible!

"Xuan Ming Crab King, what is going on?"

The Ice King couldn't help saying again at this moment: "We are really here to help you, if it wasn't for Master Demon Emperor who wasted time, I would have set off early."

As soon as these words came out, King Xuanming Crab's expression only eased a little.

At the next moment, King Xuan Ming directly transmitted the voice: "The Prince of the Shepherd Clan, I have already been captured by me!"


The three nearly shouted out.

Captured alive?

How can it be?

"If you believe me, come in and have a look, if you don't believe me, please go back!"

King Xuan Ming said in a loud voice at this moment: "I will personally explain the matter of Tyrant Island to His Majesty the Demon Emperor."

"But today, if you try hard, my Xuan Ming Crab King will fight for this life, and I won't let you go further."

Seeing Xuan Ming Crab King so powerful, the three of them were suspicious at the moment.

If King Xuan Ming was really caught and surrendered, how could it be so mysterious?

But if Mu Yun is really caught, this guy, deliberately spreading news that he was killed, paralyzing the Mu Clan, and then looking for opportunities to invite rewards from His Majesty the Demon Emperor, it would not be impossible!

At this moment, the three of them looked at King Xuan Ming and said, "In that case, I will wait for you to land on the island!"

As soon as these words came out, King Xuanming Crab's expression eased.

"You can go to the island, but you can't bring too many people in!"

King Xuanming Crab hummed: "I said in advance, if you are crazy, then don't blame me for disregarding the past love!"


"it is good!"

At this moment, the three of them are all cautious.

Even if Xuan Ming Crab King really wanted to yin them, with their three ancestors in the Nine Transformation Realm, they could immediately notify the warriors outside the island and rush in.

No matter if Xuan Ming Crab King is true or false, they are not afraid.

Nearly a hundred figures entered the island directly at this moment.

Those figures and the breath of the whole body are extremely tyrannical, and the lowest cultivation base is also above the realm of the ancestor god's five changes.

A breath after another, at this moment, instantly became nervous, outside the island, everyone looked around nervously, beware of fraud.

At this moment, Xuan Ming Crab King generously led the way, and the Ice King, Iron King and Thunder King followed behind.

The others are even more cautious at this time.

No one knows what will happen next.

The three kings are all cautious at this moment.

Slowly, a few figures came to the foot of the mountain.

Xuan Ming Crab King said again at this moment: "This matter, the three of you arrived today, I will tell you, but if the news is passed, then Mu Qingyu desperately wants to save his son, you and I will not be able to save your life."

"So, I hope that the people you brought will have a stricter mouth, and everything you see in a while will be kept secret!"

Xuan Ming Crab King looked solemn at the moment.

The three ice kings did not dare to be careless at this time, and each nodded.

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