Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2095: No administration

If what Xuan Ming Crab King said is true, then this matter is enough to make the herder completely crazy.

A prince, but the hope for the future of the entire shepherd.

Back then, even if Mu Yundao disappeared, Mu Qingyu also displayed super powers, resurrected him, and now returned to the herdsman.

It is enough to see that the top priority of a prince.

If King Xuan Ming Crab really caught Mu Yun, it would be a great advantage for them.

Even if you can't kill Mu Yun, it's not impossible to let the entire herder out of the boundless sea under the threat of Mu Yun.

At the moment, the three of them are also faintly expecting.

Slowly, everyone stepped into the high mountains of Batian Island and came to the main hall on the mountainside. They looked around with each other with caution in their eyes.

"Just ahead!"

Xuan Ming Crab King smiled slightly at this moment.

The ice king, thunder king and iron king did not step forward at this moment.

"What? Worried about my fraud?"

King Xuan Ming looked at the three contemptuously, and then stepped out to the center of the hall.


With a low cry, King Xuanming Crab sat on the throne and waved his palm.

Suddenly, two iron cages in the center of the hall suddenly landed at this moment.


The iron cage fell to the ground, making loud and deafening noises.

Inside the two iron cages, two figures were seated.

One of them is Mu Yun, and the other is Mu Yun!

Seeing this scene, the Ice King looked startled at the moment.

It is really the prince of the shepherd!

The three of them suddenly looked at me and I looked at you. They all saw shock in each other's eyes.

The shepherd prince is actually here!

This makes them simply incredible.

Xuan Ming Crab King, really caught the shepherd prince.

"Xuan Ming Crab King, how did you do it?"

At this moment, King Lei said with surprise on his face.

Mu Yun is here even with his clone, which is enough to prove that this is the prince of the Mu clan.

If King Xuanming Crab really tricked them, he could condense Mu Yun's clone here and hide his true body.

But now, both the clone and the real body are here, which is enough to show that Mu Yun was really caught.

"For this, I paid a great price, Xuan Feng, Feng Cun Zhi, and Luo Dong Shi all died in battle!"

Xuan Ming Crab King said in a low voice at this moment: "So this time, this prince, I want to make good use of it, and I must maximize its value."

As soon as these words came out, all three nodded.

"Now, the three have believed what I said?"

King Xuan Ming hummed: "If I didn't tell the outside world that I was dead, I'm afraid the herdsmen would have led the army to kill them long ago."

"Three of you, if it weren't for this time, I wouldn't tell you at all!"

"Although you have been here for half a month, you are always helping me, and I can't control such a big thing alone. The three of you just came here to help me a lot!"


King Xuan Ming said again at this moment: "Mu Yun is the prince of the herd after all. Together, the four kings of us will definitely be able to put pressure on the herd!"

"We don't want the herdsmen to withdraw from the boundless sea, but we must return our islands."

"As for the other five Demon Kings and Demon Emperor... they don't care about my life or death at all, so why should I care about them!"

As soon as these words came out, the ice king, thunder king, and iron king were all looking at each other at the moment, with a gleam in their eyes.

This time, they came right!

"Three, please sit down!"

King Xuan Ming said with a smile at the moment: "This matter still needs us to negotiate carefully."

"it is good!"

Three figures are seated one by one at the moment.

Keng Keng Keng...

Suddenly, the entire hall, at this moment, was suddenly sealed up by the falling gates all around it.

At the same time, in the hall, radiant rays of light, one after another, suddenly appeared.

The head of the person is surprisingly Mu Yun!

"The Shepherd Prince!"

The Iron King's face changed in shock at this moment.

However, the three of them were currently restrained by the chair underneath. In that chair, there seemed to be a series of extremely domineering formations.

Even though the three of them were in the realm of the Nine Transformations of the Ancestor God, at this moment, they couldn't get up at all.

"Xuan Ming Crab King, do you dare to design us?"

"Why don't I dare?"

Xuan Ming Crab King sneered at this moment: "After half a month, you are dispatched, isn't it just to kill me?"

"I want to take my three islands back from His Highness Mu and see the attitude of the herdsman, right?"

"You knew it, deliberately framed us!"

The three demon kings face pale at this moment.

"Damn it!"

However, how could Mu Yun's clone be two?

This is obviously impossible!

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at the three of them and said lightly: "Now I will give you two choices."

"This hall, I used the formation method, you men, run out, there is no way."

"The first choice, take refuge in me!"

"Bah, you are dreaming!" The Iron King cursed at this moment and shouted: "Even if I die, I won't take refuge in you!"

This shout sounded, Mu Yun frowned slightly.

At this moment, the mist in the clouds stepped out directly, and shot directly with one palm.

At this moment, the Iron King's body was constrained, and there was no way to avoid it. He could only watch the palm of the mist in the cloud and shoot directly.


The explosion sounded, and the Iron King's whole body spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly languished.

"I, I don't like being interrupted when I speak!"

Mu Yun said again: "The second choice is...I will kill you, and from the high-level entourage behind you three, select people who are willing to submit to me!"

"Let them lead your three demon kings!"

"Can you control them?"

The Ice King said indifferently at this moment: "Even if we are all dead, those outside will help us get revenge."

"I don't think so!"

Mu Yun waved his palm, and a mark appeared.

"Do you think, how do I control Xuan Ming Crab King?" Mu Yun smiled: "My dark seal of life and death, but a good thing to control people."

"I don't believe it, if they give them a chance to become the Demon King, they won't be happy!"

As soon as this remark came out, the three demon kings present looked shocked.

All these are tactics.

Xuan Ming Crab King seduced them by grabbing Mu Yun as a huge pie.

The appearance of the two figures of the herdsmen greatly stimulated them, making them subconsciously believe that King Xuan Ming did not lie.

But who knows, these two figures are actually... the clones of Mu Yun!

"Good calculation, worthy of being the shepherd prince!"

Lei Wang said coldly at this moment.

As one of the nine demon kings, it was really shameful to be calculated like this by a Mu Yun.

"After all, this strategy is also very lame, but you are too confident that I can't control you!"

"But you have forgotten that in this **** realm, there is still the existence of the profession of **** formation master."

Mu Yun stepped onto the throne at this moment and sat down directly.

"Well, the three breath time, whether to submit to me or suffer death, you choose for yourself!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun pointed his palm to the hundreds of high-level leaders who followed the three major demon kings, and said, "You too!"

When these words fell, the Iron King spit out blood, pucked, and shouted: "I want Lao Tzu to obey you and dream!"

"Okay, then you can die!"

Mu Yun waved his hand, Qin Mengyao stepped forward at the moment, and took a palm shot, and the ice and snow directly froze the iron king's figure.

Mu Yun waved his palm, and a force absorbed in the air directly rolled the Iron King's figure to his side.

Then, the Iron King figure disappeared suddenly.

King Xuan Ming knew that the iron king had too much iron on his head. Now, Mu Yun must have killed him directly.

The Ice King and Thunder King who saw this scene were completely stunned.

"I am willing to surrender!"

At this moment, among the hundreds of figures, a voice suddenly sounded.

"who are you?"

"Under the Iron Throne, Jingshangang!"

The brawny man said at this moment: "I, Jingshangang, I am willing to submit to His Highness Mu!"

As soon as this person appeared, Mu Yun waved his palm, and the imprint was displayed.

"Take this imprint, starting today, you will be responsible for the dispatch of the island under the Iron Throne!"

Mu Yun didn't say much, looked at other people, and said: "I am not a person who can't settle accounts after autumn. This time, it is your last chance."

"Those who refuse to obey, kill without mercy, and those who obey, I will plant the dark seal of life and death for you one by one. From then on, I will control and lose freedom!"

"But I can guarantee that you will survive, and your cultivation base will be stronger than before."

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at everyone with calm eyes.

Everyone knows the principle of catching the thieves and the king first.

But this time, he just grabbed the pride and contempt in the hearts of the three big monster kings.

The hundreds of people who followed were all elites among the elites. They were strong enough to control these guys. The people outside could not follow the orders of these people one by one.

Mu Yun was too lazy to say anything at the moment.

Obey and become his slave, disobey and die!


Suddenly, in the crowd, a shout sounded at this moment.

However, the moment the shout rang, Yun Zhongwu, Qin Yuanhang, and Sheng Duyu had already shot out directly.

That figure, although it is the Nine Changes of the Ancestral God, but it is only a new level, in the hands of the three first-class Ancestral Gods, what is it?

At this moment, everyone suddenly paled.

"I surrender!"

"me too!"

"I am willing to surrender too."

There were silhouettes, kneeling on one knee at this moment.

They have to surrender, not to surrender is to die.

Surrender, although you lose your freedom, you can get your life.

Taking orders from Muyun is no different from taking orders from the three great kings. It's all under orders.

"it is good!"

At this moment, Mu Yun displayed the dark seals of life and death, and suddenly, in his mind, he felt the urge of more than a thousand souls, and the thoughts and thoughts spread by the souls gathered in his mind one by one.

This scene immediately caused Mu Yun to feel a burst of pain.

"Is it full?"

Mu Yun knew that there were restrictions on the targets of the Dark Seal of Life and Death.

But he didn't expect that this is about to reach the limit?

In this case, it seems that one needs to improve his realm.

In the end, Mu Yun's eyes fell on the Ice King and Thunder King.

"I...willing to submit!" Finally, the Ice King couldn't help but speak.

His body is an ice crystal monster, it is too difficult to become a demon king.

He was really unwilling to die here like this.

Just now Qin Mengyao shot, he could feel that a chilling breath was slowly released at this moment.

Although he is an ice crystal monster, he is not afraid of the severe cold, but just now, he actually made him feel cold.

This is really incredible.

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