Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2098: Two chambers of commerce

In this battle, he almost didn't contribute much, the only place where he could contribute was the display of the dark seal of life and death.

It's just that the ancestors of the second change state.

His dark seal of life and death is now mainly concentrated on thousands of Xuantian scholars, and the rest are hundreds of today.

But now, it has reached the top level that the imprint can display.

At this moment, Mu Yun understood that his strength limited the objects that he could use the Dark Seal of Life and Death.

This is not a good thing for him.

"The top priority is to improve our strength."

Mu Yun understood this time that he really hurt the Sea-Monster clan.

This time, Qin Mengyao was well-known, and even the Demon Emperor Xuantiance didn't dare to make indiscretions.

As a result, the entire Thirty Islands should have stabilized.

He can finally retreat with peace of mind.

Anyway, there are Yunyi and Xuantianshi outside.

However, Mu Yungang made up his mind to close the door, and a knock on the door rang out.

"His Royal Highness, there is a visitor, do you see it or not?"

It was the voice of the bully.


"Master Tianshang from the Pavilion of Heaven, and Miss Xuanyu from the Misty Building!"


Mu Yun pushed the door out, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The Misty Building and the Pavilion of Heaven are the most famous and top chambers of commerce in the God Realm.

With the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, and known as the three mysterious chambers of commerce.

These three major chambers of commerce do business all over the entire God Realm, but no one knows who the respective bosses behind the three major chambers of commerce are.

And for tens of thousands of years, the three major chambers of commerce have all been very low-key existences in the God Realm.

Don't build power, don't form cliques.

But no one dared to mess with it.

Even the top ten ancient tribes should be polite to do business with the three major chambers of commerce.

"What are they here for?"

"Said to be discussing with His Royal Highness about the business dealings of the four large sea areas!"

As soon as he said this, Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"Okay, see you!"

"His Royal Highness, shall I see you together or separately..."

Mu Yun nodded and smiled at the moment: "See you together!"

"Oh, yes, Sifang Chamber of Commerce, is no one coming?"


Ba Yao nodded at this moment and said: "Originally, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce occupied the bulk of the transactions in the sea area. This time, I am afraid that the Sifang Chamber of Commerce will not come."

"I understand!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun stepped out.

At the same time, on the Spirit Snake Island, two teams of merchant ships appeared at this moment.

The leader of the team also attracted the attention of most people.

Some warriors in the realm of ancestors all recognized the men and women who led the two teams at this moment.

"Hey, the young master of the Pavilion of Heaven, Tianshang!"

"Miss Xuanyu from the Miao Miao Pavilion!"

"These two, but now the representatives of the two major chambers of commerce, the adjudicator in the face, actually came to Spirit Snake Island in person."

"Hey, don't look at it either, who is the boss of the current Spirit Snake Island!"

"That's right, the shepherd prince is here, these two, it is estimated that they came here with ulterior motives."

"It seems that the shepherd prince is now sweet and delicious."

Seeing the two big caravans coming with great fanfare at this moment, everyone knows what it means.

The two caravans walked into the Spirit Snake Palace at this moment.

Mu Yun stood up and smiled slightly.

"The two young masters came to my Spirit Snake Island, and they really made this place brilliant."

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"Prince Mu is overwhelmed."

The sound of Xuan Xuanyu is beautiful, like a silver bell, with long hair spreading out behind his head, it looks very elegant and dusty.

The shallow eyebrows carried a hint of arrogance, but looking at Mu Yun at the moment, there was a smile on his face.

"Although Prince Mu is very different from his previous life, the speed of this level of improvement is also amazing. Moreover, in just a few months, he has seized the four sea areas as his own and became his own subordinate. Things done."

"Hehe, that's right!"

The Young Master Tianshang, dressed in black robes, also smiled lightly: "Beside Prince Mu, Yunyi and Xuantianshi are as prestigious as that year, plus the companionship of confidants, it is indeed enviable!

At this moment, the two of you praised Mu Yun with one word and one word.

Everyone knows that Mu Yun in front of him is only the realm of the second change of the ancestor god.

But in the entire Four Great Seas, he is now a man of the wind, and the Four Great Demon Kings are at his disposal, plus the loyalty of Yunyi and Xuantianshi.

Who dares to be half disrespectful to the Prince Mu in front of him!

"Second, you don't need to say anything if you praise it?"

Mu Yun smiled lightly at this moment: "I don't know what the two of you are here?"



Almost at the same time, Xu Xuanyu and Tian Shang both spoke at the same time.

"Hehe, cooperation? Let's talk to the herder about this matter. Although I am the prince of the herder, but at this time, I..."

"His Royal Highness is humble!"

Ying Xuanyu smiled and said: "For this matter, we have already found the second master of the Mu clan, and the second master of Mu said that now 30 islands are under your jurisdiction, so everything is up to you."

"It's me?"

Mu Yun was slightly taken aback at this moment.


Young Master Tianshang also smiled and said, "So this time, I, Pavilion of Heaven, sincerely come to cooperate with Young Master Mu!"

As soon as he said this, Young Master Tianshang clapped his hands, and suddenly, several figures stepped into the hall.

Four figures, each of them, dragged a tray in their hands.

"Please look at Prince Mu!"

Master Tianshang opened the first tray, and a ray of light condensed and radiated at this moment.

"Huntian Sword!"

Young Master Tianshang smiled and said, "I don't think I need to introduce more about this sword, right?"

Huntian Sword, it is indeed unnecessary to introduce more.

In the God Realm, the top supreme sword.

This sword is rumored to be held by the Sword Saint of Gale.

Under this sword, there are thousands of ancestor gods when they die.

The prestige of this sword is trembling.

"Young Master Tianshang really did his best!" Xuan Yu clapped her hands at this moment, and four figures walked into the hall one by one.

Slowly, Xuan Xuanyu directly took off the brocade on the tray of the leader, and a wooden box appeared.

This wooden box is not a simple wooden box, but a whole body made of nine yuan Tianmu.

Nine Yuan Tianmu is one of the more top-notch among the gods of wood walking.

The decoration alone is so luxurious, and the things in the wooden box must be more precious.

"Sky Green Ice Lotus!"

At the moment, Xuan Xuan Jade smiled lightly and said: "Collected from the high mountains of 90,000 feet, and growing for thousands of years, it has great training benefits for the body of the warrior. I think Prince Mu should be interested."

"Xuan Xuan Yu, you really have worked hard, then take a look..."

"OK OK!"

At this moment, Mu Yun stopped the two of them.

"Two of you will talk about it first, what are you going to do?"

Mu Yun really felt a headache for these two people fighting for the wind.

This kind of thing, the second uncle could obviously be solved, but he just threw it on him.

"Prince Mu, if you cooperate with our Miaolou, my Miaolou is willing to divide into four or six with the herds!" Miao Xuanyu said at this moment: "In these years, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce has occupied the trading rights of 108 islands. It's divided into five and five!"

"Prince Mu, my pavilion of heaven can also be divided into four or six. You six, my pavilion of heaven is four!" Prince Tianshou hurriedly said: "As long as Prince Mu can transfer the trading rights of the 30 islands that have been defeated, Give me the Pavilion of Heaven!"

At this moment, the two are obviously fighting.

The boundless sea is a vast ocean that is rare in the God Realm.

This place can be said to be full of fascinating treasures.

Many of these treasures do not exist on the God Realm Continent.

Before, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce and the Sea-Monster clan established contact, and the Sifang Chamber of Commerce was in control.

Now, Mu Yun has laid down thirty islands, which is a piece of fat.

"Master Tianshang, your Pavilion of Heaven is a well-known trade pavilion in the God Realm. You don't need to fight with us for this matter?"

Ying Xuanyu smiled lightly at the moment.

"Miss Yu's words are very bad, you are the giant of the gods, and you shouldn't argue with me about this matter?"

"Stop, stop!"

Seeing that the two of them seemed to want to quarrel, Mu Yun smiled and said, "You two, this is good!"

"Thirty islands in these four seas, the right to trade, I leave it to both of you, and you both rely on their own ability."

"If anyone can obtain the most important trade of 30 islands, it also proves that one of you can do better."

"As for the Sifang Chamber of Commerce..."

Mu Yun smiled and looked at the two of them, and said, "It depends on how the two of them did it. They have been expelled!"

"I will declare to the public that I will cooperate deeply with the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Building. The Sifang Chamber of Commerce is not cooperating with me, Muyun, but it may take a little effort to get rid of them."

"This requires two people to do it!"

As soon as this is said, the two of you look at me, and I look at you.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

This time, when the two arrived at the same time, they knew that it was impossible for a family to swallow thirty islands.

However, being able to obtain Muyun's approval and start their respective businesses on 30 islands is a success.

The entire boundless sea, the true islands, are more than tens of millions. The so-called 144 islands have a population of over 100 million and are numbered.

For example, Spirit Snake Island, with a population of about tens of millions, cannot be called one of the 144 islands at all.

It sounds like there are thirty island trading rights, but in fact, there may be three hundred or even three thousand.

The two left behind their treasures and left happily.

Mu Yun was holding the Huntian Sword at this moment.

"The Heavenly Sword of the Gale Sword Saint, the top-notch Supreme Excalibur!"

Mu Yun looked at the two people leaving and smiled slightly: "Miaolou and Tianzhi Pavilion are indeed the three major trading pavilions."

"But this time, I am afraid I will offend the Sifang Chamber of Commerce!"

Mu Yun didn't care about this either.

The Sifang Chamber of Commerce originally cooperated with the Kraken clan.

Now that the 30 islands are in its own hands, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce should not abandon the Sea-Monster Clan side, and it is estimated that it would not be willing to compromise.

That being the case, it would save him trouble if it was handed over to the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Building.

To offend is to offend.

Mu Yun was satisfied and returned to the room.

After explaining something about Yun Zhongwu, Mu Bai and others, Mu Yun was about to start retreating.

This time, it is indeed necessary to make good preparations to attack the realm of the Three Changes of the Ancestor God.

In the picture of Biluohuangquan, there is still an Iron King sealed.

On this day, Mu Yun left Ling Snake Island and disappeared in the vast sea.

Other things have already been arranged. In order not to be disturbed, Mu Yun chose to retreat deep in the seabed of Spirit Snake Island.

The whole person went directly to the depths of the ocean floor, and the surrounding area was pitch black. At this moment, the soul consciousness was affected by the current, which meant that the reaction became slow.

But this is also the safest place and will not be easily discovered.

It doesn't hurt to make some noise.

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