Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2099: Ikoshi

Slowly, between Mu Yun's body, the rays of light converged and gradually disappeared, and the bottom of the sea returned to pitch black again.

In the picture of the blue sky and the yellow spring, Mu Yun's figure appeared.

"how are you feeling?"

At this moment, the Iron King, with only one head exposed, his body was frozen.

"I am going to kill you!"

The Iron King shouted angrily: "Sooner or later, you won't die."

"Why are you so tempered?"

But Mu Yun smiled faintly: "Kill me, you can't do it."

The words fell, and with a wave of his palm, a large corpse, hundreds of meters tall, appeared at this moment.

"Master Luan Huang!"

Seeing the corpse, the Iron King was instantly stupid.

Lord Luan, actually...dead!

"Dead, really dead..."

The Iron King was completely stunned.

"Yes, it's dead!"

Mu Yun said again: "Your biggest reliance now is gone!"

"Unfortunately, even if you take refuge in me now, I won't accept you!"

Mu Yun is indeed impossible to subdue the Iron King.

The concluder of the Dark Seal of Life and Death that he himself accepted had already reached the limit.

Now, a breakthrough is necessary to be able to improve.

"Impossible, Lord Demon Emperor will not let you go!"

"Perhaps you are right, but the Demon Emperor can't do anything to me now!" Mu Yun smiled: "It's him, probably thinking about it now, he can't get revenge, so be patient for the time being. When the time comes, the Zhu, Yang and blood clan will deal with me. He jumped out again, stabbing a knife in the back."

"such a pity……"

At this moment, Mu Yun didn't want to talk too much nonsense, and pointed his finger. Suddenly, the strength of the Iron King's whole body began to flow away.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

He was completely stunned.

Only at this moment, how could Mu Yun manage these.

His mind calmed down completely, and Mu Yun bit by bit, greedily transformed the power of the Iron King into his purest soul power, the power of flesh and blood.

The body, as time flows, quietly undergoing changes...

In the God Realm, news about Mu Yun was getting more and more boiling.

Gradually, as things faded out and Muyun news declined, people focused on another matter.

The three major chambers of commerce have completely torn their skins on the 30 new islands that the herdsmen have laid down.

But the worst is the Quartet Chamber of Commerce.

The pastoral forces on the islands are crowded out everywhere, not to mention that the two major chambers of commerce are all vying for business, making the Sifang Chamber of Commerce on these 30 islands suffer a blow, and business is gradually showing a decline.

Originally, Mu Yun meant that the four demon kings of the Four Great Oceans should not be concerned, and let the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Building to suppress the Sifang Chamber of Commerce.

But obviously, these four demon kings have got the wrong meaning.

They believe that Mu Yun's approval of the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Tower was the beginning of subconsciously expelling the Sifang Chamber of Commerce.

If not, it would be impossible for the entrenched Sifang Chamber of Commerce to suffer huge losses so quickly that it was the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Building alone.

On this day, the boundless sea, on an island.

In a magnificent attic, an explosion sounded, and a figure with blood on its face fell to the ground, splashing dust.

"Young Master calm down!"

However, that figure hurriedly stood up at this moment and waited respectfully.

"Quiet your anger?"

In the attic, a figure walked out slowly at this moment.

The man was dressed in a blue shirt, with frivolous steps, disheveled clothes, and a sullen expression on his face.


The blue shirt youth hummed, "A Muyun in this district, dare to treat me like this to the Sifang Chamber of Commerce?"

"Furthermore, even if it is his Muyun kid who dares to drive my Sifang Chamber of Commerce, you waste, it only takes 70 years to lose the trading rights of the Thirty Big Island!"

"After operating for tens of thousands of years, you have lost seventy years, and you are all lost!"

"Your Highness, please spare your life!"

The man slammed, fell to his knees, and hurriedly said: "This time the Pavilion of the Sky and the Misty Tower are coming so fiercely, I really can't stand it."


The Blue Mountain man snorted, waved his hand out, and the sound of clicking sounded, the breath of the person in front of him gradually dissipated, and his soul was lost.

"My Sifang Chamber of Commerce, I don't need waste, and our Fang Yu doesn't need waste!"

The young man snorted, his eyes filled with murderousness.

"Why is the son so majestic!"

At the same time, in the room, a beautiful figure staggered and said with a smile on his face: "It's not worth it to be angry with the next person, hurt my body!"

"Just you can talk!"

Fang Yu raised the woman's chin with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Little fairy, do you want to hollow out the young master?"

"Can I hollow you out?"

The woman smiled and said, "Your Highness, your body is as hard as iron!"

"is it?"

Fang Yu's palms became harder and harder, and the woman felt a little pain, and said, "Master, you hurt me!"

"Not only will it hurt, I will also kill!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Fang Yu's mouth, and said, "Damn Mu Yun, dare to treat me like this to the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, I have to take his skin!"


Seventy years, for the entire God Realm, it can only be said to be just a snap.

But for the four large seas, these seventy years are quite different and contain unique meanings.

In the boundless sea, in addition to the 36 islands occupied by the herdsmen, the remaining 108 islands are controlled by the nine demon kings and divided into nine sea areas.

And seventy years ago, Mu Yun led the people to directly take over 30 islands in the four seas.

At first, everyone would think that the demon emperor would definitely not give up.

However, with the death of Emperor Dipling Luan, the Sea-Monster clan actually swallowed their anger.

This scene made people in the entire God Realm who wanted to watch the excitement sigh.

If this battle is fought, the entire God Realm will be surging.

But when I think about it carefully, everyone understands.

The reason why the herdsmen occupied 36 islands before, they retreated their troops and stopped expanding, it was also impossible.

Xuantiance, the demon emperor, and the three three demon emperors, are comparable to the four highest commanders of the Mu Clan, Mu Qingyu and Mu Xuanji.

Even if the herdsmen attacked aggressively, they would suffer both losses.

But this time was different. There was no action in the herdsmen. The herdsmen prince relied on his own strength to behead the two-winged Luan emperor, and did not know what method to use to let the three major demon kings obey him desperately.

This is something Mu Qingyu couldn't do!

What others know about this is Qin Mengyao's strength.

What he didn't know was the control effect of Mu Yun's Dark Seal of Life and Death.

A mark, but it determines the new pattern of the boundless sea!

On this day, the boundless sea, the four great seas, on the Ling Snake Island.

A group of figures, riding on the boat, came to the Spirit Snake Island.

"Haha, Tyrant, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The Ice King was dressed in a blue gown, and looked at Ba Yan with a smile.

"Ice King, Thunder King, you two came here very quickly!"

The Overlord smiled slightly at this moment and arched his hands.

This smile, a faint breath condensed.

Both the Ice King and Thunder King were taken aback.

This bully, it seems...the cultivation base has been improved.

To be honest, the realm of strength has reached their level, and wanting to go further is no different from climbing the sky.

But at this moment, obviously, Tyrant himself seemed to have opened his heart knot and made a breakthrough.

"Three, haven't seen you for a long time!"

A loud laughter rang out, and Xuan Ming Crab King also appeared at this moment.

"King Crab, you are comfortable now, sitting on the fifteen islands of the Iron King in the past. Over the past seventy years, have you made less money?"

The Ice King laughed.

"Where is it!" Xuan Ming Crab King waved his hand and said: "It's all for His Highness Mu, and for His Highness!"

The four figures said, walking towards the Spirit Snake Palace.

This is already the norm. Every ten years, the four demon kings will gather together to discuss some issues in the four large seas.

Originally, in the nine large seas, the nine demon kings controlled each, and each other was a cooperative relationship, but there was also competition.

This has also led to extremely poor trade.

And now, the four large seas of them are completely united, their mutual alertness has been removed, and trade exchanges between them are also very smooth.

Not only that, with the establishment of trade between the Pavilion of Heaven and the Misty Building, the communication with the Western Continent within the four large seas has become more fluid.

The heaven, material and earth treasures in the sea can be exchanged for many precious earth, material and earth treasures on the mainland, which can be regarded as mutual exchange and enhancement.

This has also made the appearance of the Four Great Oceans in the past few decades feel quite refreshed.

These conveniences were something the four of them had never thought of.

After all, as the Demon King, all they were thinking about was how to retrieve their lost islands from the herdsmen and prevent each other from fighting against each other.

"Well, now, the Four Seas Conference has officially begun!"

King Xuan Ming was seated at the moment, looked at the three demon kings, and said with a smile: "Everyone, let's talk about the income of the past ten years!"

"Okay, let me do it first!"

Bawang Badong stood up and said, "The three islands of Batian Island under my management have doubled their profits in the past ten years, and their net income has reached 35 million."

"Of course, these are after deducting the practice of the soldiers on the three islands."

"The three of you also know that according to His Highness Mu's intention, the Sea-Monster clan and humans co-existed, it was difficult to implement it at first, but now everyone is able to accept each other!"

"So, on my three islands, more and more human warriors have begun to join the army, and they have formed a competitive relationship with the sirens and harrass under me!"

Upon hearing this, the three also nodded.

Tyrannical is right. The Sea-Monster clan and Human Clan are currently in the four large sea areas, although there are still many problems, but everyone is aware of the general trend, and the two clans will gradually join hands in the four large sea areas.

"My five islands have earned 31 million of the best crystals in the past ten years." Lei Wang grinned and said: "The five islands are not as good as the three islands of the Overlord!"

Everyone understands this. The Fengtian Island, Xuantian Island, and Batian Island under Ba Dong's hands are rich places in the entire boundless sea.

The Shenjing mineral veins, natural materials and earth treasures produced are all invaluable.

"My place, seven islands, earn 46 million superb crystals."

The Ice King also smiled at the moment.

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