Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2132: The seven changes of the ancestors

Moreover, Mo Yu was also very much looking forward to it. Mu Yun's slaying of Murong Fengxiao would surely cause chaos in the God Realm.

When the time comes, it will be a great dispute. How will Muyun deal with this?

But now, what he expected more was that Mu Yun killed Murong Fengxiao.

"Do you dare to swallow it?"

Murong Fengxiao said indifferently: "If you can't transform and release my power, you will explode yourself!"

"Who said I am going to be transformed and released?"

At this moment, Mu Yun smiled indifferently, and said: "What I need is... to swallow, absorb, and transform into my own strength. With the help of your Prince Murong clan, help me Mu Yun and step into the realm of the Seven Transformations of the Ancestor God in one fell swoop."

Suddenly, the terrifying swallowing power was released.

The forceful suppression from the bloodline made Murong Fengxiao unable to resist.

The shepherd bloodline talent, devouring power, is extremely powerful, only the royal king's hegemony, and the blood family guardian soul talent can compete.

Not to mention that he is now consuming most of his strength.

But just now, Mu Yun used the Mu Clan Divine Art, he used his bloodline talent plus Murong Clan Divine Art.

But now, Mu Yun is once again displaying the herdsman's talent for devouring blood.

How to resist him?

If there is no way to resist it, it is a dead end.

At this moment, Murong Fengxiao's eyes, a vicious look, slowly spread.

"You want me to die, then let's die together!"

Murong Fengxiao was completely angry, he was crazy.

Mu Yun's strength was beyond his imagination.

"Sorry, I don't want to!"

At this moment, Mu Yun waved his palm. In an instant, blood was flowing in his right eye at this moment.

The space vortex was released at this moment.

But for the spatial vortex, Murong Fengxiao naturally knew that it was the power of space.

But the feeling of such a powerful space force is extremely depressing.


At this moment, Murong Feng Xiao realized that the power of the space in his body was firmly suppressed at this moment.

How could this be?

Murong Fengxiao was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

The power of space is the foundation of the ancestor god, combining the power of time to condense the control of time and space, but now, he is actually unable to control the space around him.

"The eyes..."

At this moment, Murong Fengxiao saw Mu Yun's eyes, his left eye was **** at this moment, and his right eye was emitting a faint green glow.

It feels like weird and weird!

At this moment, Murong Fengxiao couldn't even exchange for Mu Yun's life.

"Damn it, how could this be?"

Murong Fengxiao suddenly cursed.

"Don't waste your effort!"

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure is approaching step by step, and his murderous aura is condensed into substance.

"You have a good rest, in this world, there is no shortage of you!"

Point out with one hand, powerful force, directly rushing forward.

In an instant, Murong Fengxiao felt that his body was constantly exploding at this moment, as if... it was about to collapse completely.

A steady stream of power was lost in his body, flowing to Mu Yun's side.

At this moment, he could see that Mu Yun's strength and realm were constantly improving and strengthening.

In a short while, his eyes began to blur, and his vision completely disappeared...

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

At this moment, there were a dozen people around, completely stunned.

Mu Yun, really killed Murong Fengxiao.


Several figures looked angry at the moment, and Murong Fengxiao, who was the prince, was dead, so they couldn't escape death.

The protector is not strong enough, and the Murong clan seniors must have skinned them by themselves.

"Mu Yun, you have caused a big deal!"

"You herder, wait for my Murong clan's **** revenge!"

The two masters of the eight change realm of the ancestors looked at Mu Yun and shouted indifferently.


Mu Yun smiled slightly and flicked his finger.

In an instant, the Bone Guard and the Nine-Tailed Cats clan all shot out at this moment.

"You are welcome, kill them!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun stood still, motionless.

He slowly closed his eyes, and gradually, a breath spread out.

In his body, the breath of Murong Fengxiao spread out, condensed into the flesh and soul.

The power of swallowing, the power of purification!

At this moment, with both of them, Mu Yun's strength seems to have risen to a new level again.

Slowly, at this moment, the soul and the divine body continued to converge and separate, and Mu Yun's state of mind was improved by a hundredfold at this moment.

At this moment, the mood is gradually rising.

Seven changes of the ancestors, arrive!

In an instant, Mu Yun opened his eyes, and a terrifying aura spread at this moment.

Holding the Chaotic Sky Sword, Mu Yun's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed into the crowd.


With one sword cut, the power of the Nine Heavens Killing God Sword Art is increased, and the concentration of sword aura, attack, and lingering are even more domineering.


In an instant, a Murong clan guard at the Seven Transformation Realm of the ancestor **** was directly divided into two bodies, without even screaming.

Instant kill!

This scene immediately made everyone present pale.

Seven changes of the ancestors!

Is this the seven changes of the ancestors?

Mu Yun's strength has become more than tens of times more terrifying.

This guy is simply not human!


At this moment, the rest of the Murong clan found that Mu Yun could not deal with them at all.

In fact, when Murong Fengxiao died, the people had already discovered this, but they wanted to run, but they didn't have to run.

The warriors of the Bone Guards and Nine-Tail Cat clan were entangled, and they didn't give them a chance to get out.

At this moment, Mu Yun came to kill, it was even more impossible for them to resist.

Now even if he is desperate to die, even if he just escapes alone, he must be killed.

Otherwise, no one knows the news of Murong Fengxiao's death, and the Murong clan may not know that it was the killer under Mu Yun for a long time.

This matter must be stabbed out.

"Want to run?"

Mu Yun's face was cold at the moment.

"The sleepy day locks the seal!"

Called out with one hand, a chain of iron chains condensed in an instant, covering the dozens of guards of the Murong clan who were present at the six and seven changes of the ancestor gods, and the two masters of the eight changes of the ancestor gods, were also bound by the chains at this moment.

"Square Heaven!"

Put your hands together and stretch out at this moment.

At this moment, the imprint spread directly, condensed into a boxy cage, and spread out slowly at this moment.


A roar sounded at this moment, and the four heavenly realms spread directly.

At this moment, Mu Yun pulled back the iron chain with his palm, and his silhouettes were directly controlled within the four heavenly realms.

More than a dozen people are united at this moment, and there is no power to resist at all.

At this moment, more than a dozen people fell to the bottom.

Mo Yu and Huang Yan, as well as Miao Zhanyu, Miao Yutong and others, were completely confused at this moment.

Seven changes of the ancestors!

Such a terrifying seven changes of the ancestors?

At this moment, everyone understood that Mu Yun, the prince of the shepherd clan, had already begun to show his minions.

Slowly, the figures felt that not only they were unable to control their bodies, but even the strength in their bodies was gradually losing.

Mu Yun's devouring power was used again.

At this moment, everyone panicked completely.

They thought that Mu Yun needed their help.

But now, where is it needed?

Even more hurried were the Murong tribe, more than a dozen people, and even the two martial artists of the eight change realm of the ancestor gods, it was not the power of Muyun!

This guy is just the realm of the Seven Transformations of the Ancestor God!


In an instant, Mu Yun waved his palm, and the entire Quartet Heaven Realm was cut open by a sword. The corpses of more than a dozen figures fell directly to the ground at this moment.

In an instant, a dozen figures were completely divided into two.

The essence of the body was completely swallowed.

Mu Yun didn't give them any chance at all.

This scene immediately made everyone pale.

Mu Yun, too strong!

Between slowly, Mu Yun sat cross-legged on the ground.

Not long after, he opened his eyes.

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, leave temporarily!"

Everyone entered the blue and yellow spring map, Mu Yun's figure turned into a stream of light, and disappeared at this moment.

Time passed bit by bit, and a group of figures suddenly came at this moment.

About two dozen figures, all of them were murderous at this moment, and many people suffered serious injuries at this moment.

"Where is your Highness?"

Leading a figure, couldn't help saying at this moment.

"Murong Yunhai, can you sense the breath of your Highness?"


Among the twenty-odd people, a figure opened its eyes at the moment, and his face was ugly to the extreme.


Next to him, the burly man couldn't help but urged.

This time in the Murong clan, his two brothers, Murong Yunxiao and Murong Yunhai, were new to the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God and were responsible for leading the team and following the arrangements of His Royal Highness.

Those strange people before were too cruel, and many warriors of the eight changes and nine changes of the ancestors continued to shed resistance.

Fortunately, on the road, everyone gathered together.

But His Royal Highness was gone, and Murong Yunxiao was anxious.

"His Royal Highness... is dead!"

Murong Yunhai's face was gloomy and terrible, and he whispered at the moment.


Murong Yunxiao's face was shocked at the moment.


Murong Yunxiao suddenly roared: "Unless it is the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God, who can kill His Highness? Even if it is the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God, His Highness can escape from here, how could someone be killed?"

As soon as this remark came out, there were ten or twenty people present, all with frightened faces.

"Murong Yunhai, are you sure?" a man in the Eight Transformation realm of the ancestor said: "This matter, you can't be kidding."

"Am I kidding?"

Murong Yunhai's face was gloomy and terrible at the moment.

The death of the prince is tantamount to shaking the mountain for the Murong clan.

A family of princes, but the hope of a family of future, the patriarch is the brain, and the prince is the heart.

This time, the prince followed them here, but he was dead!

"Impossible, what about the others?"

"I didn't perceive the breath of other people at all. It's probably... it was destroyed by someone!"

At this moment, more than twenty people in the field were completely confused.

Prince, dead!

"At the moment, we first gather the disciples in the clan, and then arrive at the agreed place, find Kan Yi and Shi Shuhuan, join them, and then make a decision!"

Murong Yunhai calmly said at this moment: "The person who can kill the prince, then at, none of us may not necessarily be an opponent!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were shocked.

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