Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2133: Powerful functions of Heart Refining Beads

They didn't expect that Murong Yunhai first entered the realm of the Nine Transformations of the Ancestor God, and he would have such a high evaluation of the figure who killed the prince.

"Isn't it a monster?"


Murong Yunhai looked around and said: "Generally speaking, people and monsters are dispatched. As long as they cause fighting, there will be more and more. But look around..."

"It is clear that only a considerable number of opponents fought against each other. This person was able to kill His Royal Highness, and he was able to kill him one by one. It is enough to show that the strength is not inferior to ours!"

"The strength of the prince, you should know, coupled with the prince's magic weapon, the general new ancestor **** nine changes, can you kill the prince?"

Everyone was silent when he said this.

In any case, His Royal Highness is dead!

This matter, when the Nine Sky Realm is opened and spread to the God Realm, the entire God Realm is afraid that it will be completely boiling.

Within the Murong clan, I am afraid that there will be big differences like the Zhao clan.

This is not good news.

Moreover, they are not good at escorting them. How can the Murong clan and the senior members of the clan let them go?

This time, everyone's mood was low.

"If you let me know who the killer was, I will smash him into pieces."

As soon as Murong Yunxiao said this, Murong Yunhai smiled bitterly in his heart.

Since the other party dared to start, he was already ready to do everything.

Such people must not be afraid of their revenge.

"Don't think so much, let's find Kan Yi and Shi Shuhuan first!"


A group of more than twenty figures left hurriedly at this moment.

Mu Yun didn't think so much about the opinions of these people in the Murong clan.

Killing Murong Fengxiao, he also took a risk.

Fortunately, the risks and benefits are comparable.

Now that he reached the realm of the Seven Transformations of the Ancestor God, his strength has greatly increased, and Murong Fengxiao has been solved. In a short time, the Murong clan will probably be chaotic enough to turn into a pot of porridge.

The most important point is that the hatred ten thousand years ago is now regarded as getting the interest back.

At this moment, between a mountain range, Mu Yun's figure sat cross-legged, his breath looming.

The divine power quietly operated, circulating endlessly on the surface of Mu Yun's body.

For a time, the power in the body was stacked on top of each other.

Suddenly, Mu Yun exhaled and stood up.

In front of him, a ray of light circulated endlessly at this moment.

Turning over the palm of his hand, a cyan bead appeared in Mu Yun's hand—Heart Refining Bead!

"The supreme artifact refines the heart beads, refining the original heart of all things!"

Mu Yun smiled faintly: "Such a good thing is really wasted when used on Murong Fengxiao."

The palms were tightly clenched, and there was a madness in the Refining Heart Pearl, constantly resisting Mu Yun's suppression.

"Fight against me? Your master is dead in my hands. Your resistance is invalid!"

Slowly, a surging breath of sky fire appeared at this moment.

When the sky fire appeared, the hot breath evaporated the moisture in the heart-refining beads.

Suddenly, the Refining Heart Pearl settled down at this moment, seeming to have lost all its strength.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Mu Yun's palm gently waved.

The Refining Heart Pearl enters the blue sky and yellow spring map.

"Refining heart beads, refining everything?"

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

In an instant, within the Refining Heart Pearl, a ray of light rose slowly at this moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun could clearly feel the aura in his body, slowly reappearing at this moment.

In the blue sky and yellow spring, above the figure of three hundred bone guards, a stream of water sprinkled down.

There was a buzzing sound, and something seemed to be cracking in the body of Three Hundred Bone Guards.

Mu Fengchen spoke at this moment: "It seems that these bone warriors may have to lift a part of the seal again!"

"Remove the seal?"

The three ancestors of Mu Fengchen, Mu Fengxiao, and Mu Wentian have all been in the blue and yellow springs for these years.

Without the shelter of the sacred stele, the three of them are all attached to the tree of the world, relying on the vitality of the powerful tree of the world to ensure the stability of the existence of the mind.

"should be!"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "This heart-refining pearl is the treasure of the Murong clan."

"This thing has been tempered for tens of thousands of years, but some old antiques of the Murong tribe have spent countless efforts to make this thing. Murong Jing actually brought this thing to Murong Fengxiao!"

Mu Fengchen grinned and said: "Good grandson, you did a great job. Killed the Murong prince, our shepherd, but we have a good breath!"

"The breath to vent is still behind!"

Mu Yun was holding a heart-refining bead at the moment, and within that bead, a stream of pure power poured out.

The vigorous water spirit breath brings a unique breath of enjoyment.

"how are you feeling?"

Looking at Luotianxing, Mu Yun said.


Luo Tianxing said earnestly: "I feel that the breath in my body seems to be gradually opening up, a force that cannot be restrained from spreading out."

"That's right!"

Mu Yun's gaze fell on Mo Yu and Huang Yan, and said, "You are the unicorn beasts. It should be the powerful racial courage that blooms yours."

"It's just that you have been in the human world for tens of thousands of years, making you like a jade covered with ashes."

"Perhaps, you can also try to refine your body with this heart refining pearl!"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Yu and Huang Yan both nodded.

They are already Mu Yun's puppets, after all, they have been fighting against Mu Yun, which is no way.

Now, there is an urgent need to improve strength.

Without strength, perhaps returning to the Kylin clan in the future will only be a symbolic comfort, and all the light of the past will be gone.

Mu Yun waved his palm, and the Heart Refining Pearl directly soared at this moment, a trace of water spirit washing the bodies of Bone Guardian, Mo Yu and Huang Yan.

The air of the water spirit, like a drizzle, spreads the power of Taoism at this moment, and is constantly washing...

As time passed bit by bit, Mu Yun was not in a hurry, but stayed here and practiced quietly.

Reaching the Seven Transformation Realm of the Ancestral Gods, the power of the eight divine tactics, including meteor burst rain, earth bursting from the sky, igniting the sun and chaos, Lingtian Yi Jue, sleepy sky lock seal, swaying ghost finger, and Sifang Heavenly Realm and Buddha's Light Earth Slash, are all increasing. .

He needs to adapt in time.

At the same time, the five great divine tactics contained in the Ancestral Yuan Shen Jue are also qualitative changes.

When I first learned these divine tactics, I felt that as my divine power increased, the power of these divine tactics gradually increased.

And the fusion of the blue sky and yellow spring map is more connected at this moment.

The green scale dragon armor condensed by the body of the dragon.

The power of terror that the right eye can display is fluctuating.

Mu Yun can feel more and more that the power in his body is gradually being activated.

And with the improvement of his realm, the strength of his strength, the promotion is getting stronger and stronger.

This may be the benefit he brought after nine lives and nine lives.

The practice of others is inferior to him.

After disappearing for decades, Mu Yun has not planned to move around.

He is alone, and it is not a good thing to encounter people, monsters, or ancient people and others.

Although it is not difficult to deal with, he does not want to expose his strength hidden in the blue and yellow spring map.

And over the past few decades, he can be said to have evolved the magic tactics that he controlled one by one.

This evolution relies on the emperor shadow in the time and space fortress in Zhu Xiantu.

Mu Yun was completely confident now, crushing and killing the opponent in the Eight Transformation Realm of the Ancestor God.

Even the existence of the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God for the first time would not be his opponent.

Such confidence comes from the practice of these decades.

As for the three hundred bone guards, Mo Yu and Huang Yan, their improvements were even more terrifying.

Even with Miao Zhanyu, Miao Yutong and others, they have also improved dramatically.

However, he is not prepared to expose these powers.

On this day, Mu Yun was still practicing in situ as usual.

However, the rumbling sound was intended for his retreat.

"His Royal Highness, these people are weird, too difficult to deal with!"

A slightly familiar voice sounded slowly.

Mu Yun opened his eyes slightly.

This voice seems to be...Zhan He?

"It must be resolved quickly, otherwise it will be difficult for us to get out of it if we are caught by other strangers."


The sound of fighting sounded one after another, not far from where Mu Yun was.

"A member of the Zhan clan..."

Mu Yun whispered slightly.

It seems that the Zhan people have encountered those strangers again.

It's just that Mu Yun didn't care about the Zhan clan and those strange things.

Before Zhan Xinyi left, perhaps the purpose of starting was good, but in the end, she did not turn back.

Muyun naturally didn't go back to blame Zhan Xinyi.

The Zhan clan is still in a state of resistance to his herdsman prince.

But because of this, if they are in trouble, they don't bother to take care of it.

The fight continued, and this mountain range collapsed in large tracts at this moment.

Old God Mu Yun sat in the formation he had used, and did not leave.

Between slowly, voices sounded.

Over the sky, there were sudden bursts of more intense fighting.

Hearing this voice, Mu Yun frowned slightly.

It seems that it is not a fight between the Zhan family and the monsters.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

"Prince Zhan, haven't seen you for a long time!"

A laughing voice sounded.

Mu Yun was very familiar with this voice.

Kan Yi, the prince of the Kan clan!

Mu Yun frowned slightly.

"Kan Yi, Shi Shuhuan, what are you doing here?"

Zhan Tianyu's voice sounded slowly.

Mu Yun is now hiding in the bottom of the mountain, using his magical powers, he can clearly hear the conversation on the ground, and he can even "see" the rhythm of the figures on the ground.

Kan Yi and Shi Shuhuan seemed to bring a large number of people from the Kan, Shi, and Murong tribes.

Zhan Tianyu obviously had a bad attitude towards people of the two races.

"Don't do anything!"

Kan Yi said again: "I want to ask you some information."


On the ground, Zhan Tianyu was surprised.

"Murong Fengxiao is dead. Did you ever know that besides us, who has the strength to deal with Murong Fengxiao?"


As soon as he said this, Zhan Tianyu's face was suddenly shocked.

Murong Fengxiao is dead!

What kind of character is Murong Fengxiao?

The prince of the Murong clan!

The heart of the Murong clan!


Not to mention Zhan Tianyu, everyone in the Zhan clan was shocked at this moment.

If this were to spread to the God Realm, then the entire Murong Clan would be crazy!

The Zhan clan and the Zhao clan make good friends, they understand very well.

At that time, Zhao Yanming, the prince of the Zhao clan, disappeared, and Zhao Yanming was everywhere in the Zhao clan.

But later, the person was not found. On the contrary, it was in the Zhao clan. During the search, the interior was empty. Some clan elders and groups began to form parties with each other.

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