Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3370: Relic Battle Power Ranking

The warriors of all parties also gradually understood.

Who is absolutely not to provoke.

Some people even started to discuss who is the strongest son of Tianjiao in the ruins of the Siyuan Palace.

Those who have more good deeds made a list.

Gradually, this list also spread.

The relic battle list.

First place, Mu Yun.

Mu Yun, who killed Su Yaorong, deserved to be recognized as the number one powerhouse by everyone.

Although Mu Yun was still only the Second Layer of the Realm Sage, but Su Yaorong who was able to kill the Third Layer of the Realm Sage had no need to say his strength.

Second place, Liu Xiangsheng.

This Yuding courtyard has always been a famous figure, and in this ruins, he has also risen to fame.

The third place is Zhuo Hongyun.

Zhuo Hongyun is second only to Su Yaorong, who is in the thundering sect. In the thundering sect, Zhuo Hongyun is second to none.

This time, he also arrived at the Realm Sage Third Layer, with his own confidant, in the ruins, but killed a lot of people.

From fourth to sixth, there are three of Gui Yuanzong's Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng.

These three people have always been together, and they rarely see shots, but they are all in the realm of the Realm Sage, and no one will underestimate them.

The seventh place is Mo Family Mo Qianling. After the loss of a few elites from the Mo Family, this woman breaks through the triple, but she has made a lot of progress.

The eighth place is Du Yue from Yudingyuan.

The ninth place, Jinglei Zong Wen Qingyuan, it is said that someone saw Wen Qingyuan take action and reached the triple realm of Jiesheng.

The tenth place is a person named Li Cunjiang.

These ten people, with the exception of Mu Yun, were all in the realm of the Realm Sage's Triple Realm.

However, what Mu Yun has done in the past ten years is too amazing.

The fourth son of the Mo family was killed.

Wu Mo was killed.

Su Yaorong was killed.

Almost all related to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun's name is already in the entire ruins, completely resounding.

On this day, Xie Yuyin also got this list.

"The number one..."

Looking at Muyun, Xie Yuyin smiled.

"The higher you hold, the worse you fall."

Mu Yun shook his head and said: "This group of people is really amazing. In this ruins, there is still such a list."

"After all, it's not that there is no news here. It doesn't seem to be difficult for everyone to get this news."

"However, you are considered famous this time, not bad!"

Xie Yuyin smiled and said, "Next, but we have to make persistent efforts."

"What are you afraid of!" On the side, Xie Qing said with a smile: "It is well deserved to list you first. Now Sanzhong, how can you be your opponent."

Xie Qing is a proud one.

There is no other reason, he has also reached the realm of Jiesheng's Third Layer.

Xie Qing's talent is not bad in itself.

Having stayed by Bailiqi for so many years, those who were taught by Bailiqi were all proficient, but the knowledge was really beyond Muyun's ability.

And this guy, the descendant of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, is really strong.

After at least these few fights, Mu Yun did not see Xie Qing being beaten to death.

It seems that the last time I met Zhuo Hongyun, according to what this guy said, he was only the late realm emperor, and he hadn't reached the realm sage yet, but facing the realm sage double Zhuo Hongyun, he actually ran away.

The Second Layer of Jie Sheng possesses absolute ability to kill the realm of Jie Huang.

The realm gap is too big to get away even if you run.

But Xie Qing just ran away.

"This kid Zhuo Hongyun is too good to run!" Xie Qing couldn't help but said, "How come there is no news suddenly."

In the past few days, Xie Qing has been thinking of Zhuo Hongyun.

This guy, don't kill, Xie Qing feels uneasy.

"Don't worry, you will meet it!"


In the past few days, the four of them have been inquiring about news and constantly shifting positions.

However, among the four, Xie Yuyin was the only one who was able to rely on the disciples in the rainy day to get some news, which was indeed relatively closed to external news.

I haven't met anyone since.

It seems that at this critical juncture, some people stop fighting after they are destined to be unable to break through.

Instead, find a place with peace of mind and spend the last period of time safely.

"Let's rest!"

Li Qingxue said at the moment: "Looking like this is like finding a needle in a haystack, with no practical effect."

The four stopped.

Xie Qing was quite annoyed and said: "These deflated calves, who were so high-profile before, are now pretending to be dead one by one."

Mu Yun smiled, just about to speak, but his face changed.


With a low drink, in an instant, a fist hit a kilometer away.

With a bang, the earth and rocks collapsed.

Several figures showed up at this moment.

Looking carefully, Mu Yun is no stranger to those few people.

"Mo Qianling!"

"Mo Shanming!"

Seeing those two figures, Mu Yun's face sank.


Xie Qing couldn't help but said, "Dare you even come here?"

At this moment, Mo Qianling stepped forward step by step, with a cold expression on his face.

The air of killing and cutting is permeating at this moment.

Between the gathering of figures, the violent momentum gradually converged.

At the same time, several other people appeared at this moment in other directions.

"Zhuo Hongyun!"

When she saw the head of the man, Xie Qing suddenly shouted like a rooster with exploded hair.

At this moment, Zhuo Hongyun gathered a few people beside him, staring closely at Xie Qing.

"I haven't looked for you yet, you brought it to the door yourself!" Xie Qing shouted.

However, the voice fell, and several figures appeared again at this moment.

Seeing those people, Mu Yun and Xie Qing didn't know each other.

"Tong Chen!"

"Chen Wencai!"

"Yuan Dongfeng!"

Xie Yuyin whispered at the moment: "It seems something is wrong..."

Before, they looked for these people, but there was no news.

But now, these guys have appeared in a swarm.

Mo Qianling, Mo Shanming.

Zhuo Hongyun.

Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, Yuan Dongfeng.

These few people are not easy to provoke.

In the top ten of the battle list, five people gathered here.

Xie Qing hummed, "Of course it's not easy. Gathering together, obviously the purpose is us. Isn't this just for us?"

"Zhuo Hongyun, I'm afraid that I will retaliate against you, so I shot it early, right?"

Xie Qing smiled coldly at this moment.

"Then I will kill you first!"

When the word fell, Xie Qing's footsteps, directly struck out at this moment.


The triple aura of Jie Sheng broke out at this moment.

Zhuo Hongyun's face changed slightly.

Xie Qing has actually reached the realm of Jiesheng's Triple Realm!

Aside from anything else, Zhuo Hongyun directly attacked at this moment.

The two almost met each other and shot immediately.

This scene stunned everyone around.

This... something is wrong!

Didn't say anything, just started?

Mu Yun was also looking at a few people at this moment.

"It seems that the total is good, unite to kill me?"

Mo Qianling said indifferently: "That's right."

"Mo Qianling, I can understand the Mo family, but... the people of Gui Yuanzong, I never seem to fight..."

Tong Chen walked out at the moment, smiling slightly and said: "Mr. Shepherd, don't get me wrong, we are entrusted by others to kill you. The Mo family pays and we do things!"

Pay for things.

That's right.

Mu Yun smiled: "If this is the case, then you are dead, don't regret it."

Hearing this, Tong Chen shook his head.

Yuan Dongfeng sneered and said: "The four world saints kill you three times, can they still kill you?"

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