Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3371: Siege

"Then you really think highly of yourself!"

Mu Yun smiled: "Second Jie Sheng, I will be able to kill Third Jie Sheng, now I..."

"But Jie Sheng Sanzhong!"

After a word fell, Mu Yun's breath burst out in his body.

The strong aura was unfolding at this moment, faintly, on the top of his head, one could see the three soul garments lingering.

The eyes of Mo Qianling, Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng all changed slightly at this moment.

This guy has been promoted again!

Su Yaorong was killed not long ago, but it was said that he was in the second realm of Jie Sheng.

How now, it has improved again.

"Four to one, come on!"

Mu Yun calmly said at this moment: "Let me see your details!"

Mo Qianling shouted at the moment: "Don't be afraid, everyone, this guy is just pretending!"

"The four of us, deal with him one, don't worry."

The three of Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng were calm at the moment.

Their horror at Mu Yun came from Mu Yun killing Su Yaorong.

However, who can guarantee that Su Yaorong will still be that strong after entering the Realm Sage Third Layer?

Furthermore, the three of them are no worse than Su Yaorong, so what are they afraid of?

At this moment, the three of them stepped out, with a hint of indifference in their eyes.

Mu Yun sneered, and at this moment, he waved his palm.

At this moment of refining the heart yuan sword, the light burst out.

The strong breath spread instantly.

"Mo Qianling, a few Tianjiao from the Mo family, I don't mind killing them all."

After a word, Mu Yun shot directly, attacking it was Mo Qianling.

"Hantian Seal!"

The whistling voice sounded at this moment, among the sounds that made the eardrum throbbing, a mark suddenly condensed, and went straight to Muyun.

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression remained unchanged, and with a wave of his palm, his sword aura shot out.

Feng Wu cut with one sword!

With a sword cut out, a strong breath appeared overwhelmingly.

A **** phoenix rushed out instantly.


The imprint collided with Shenfeng.

At this moment, Mo Qianling's face turned pale, and his figure receded.

So strong!

Mu Yun's strength is so strong.

Powerful makes her feel that she can hardly contend.

Jie Li!

Mu Yun's Jie Li quality is higher than hers.

Everyone is the Jie Sheng Triple, and Jie Li's quality should have been the same.

Mu Yun's boundary strength quality is stronger than her. What is the reason?

Mo Qianling was not in the mood to think about it at this moment.

Mu Yun's second sword had already been killed at this moment.


A cold snort sounded at this moment.

On Mu Yun's side, a figure had already shot out.

It is Yuan Dongfeng.

Yuan Dongfeng held a paper fan in his hand, and the paper fan instantly turned into a length of ten feet as Yuan Dongfeng blasted out, and slammed it directly towards Muyun.

The hurricane rushed forward, and Mu Yun's figure was unstable at this moment, and his pursuit of Mo Qianling was also interrupted.

Mu Yun looked towards Yuan Dongfeng at this moment.

The paper fan in this guy's hand is a boundary device.

"Well done!"

A figure shot out in an instant. At this moment, Chen Wencai was holding a ruler, and the ruler was instantly photographed towards Mu Yun.

Seeing it was just a mark of the ruler, but at this moment, it has evolved into thousands of Taoists, one after another, shooting towards Mu Yun.

The crackling sound has never stopped.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure continued to retreat, and the heart-refining Yuan Jian was shaking at this moment, shaking his palms.

"It's me!"

At this moment, Tong Chen let out a low cry, and took a step forward. In an instant, two meteor hammers appeared in his hands, the meteor hammers turned into meteor rays, and the afterimages directly killed Mu Yun.

At this moment, Tong Chen's figure merged into the meteor and disappeared.

But when it reappeared, it was fists with both hands, directly blasting towards Mu Yun.


The explosion sounded.

Tong Chen's figure was blocked by Mu Yun.

But at this moment, the meteor ray was killed instantly.

Mo Qianling did not stay at this moment, the mark turned into **** evil spirits, and swept out again.

At this moment, anyone can see it.

The four people actually showed a joint posture between each other.

It seemed that it was not just four people besieging and killing Mu Yun, but united together.

At this moment, Mu Yun left and right.

Obviously, the four men besieged him, causing him great trouble.

However, Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue were more dangerous than Mu Yun.

This time, the three parties joined forces, not just these few people, but a dozen people.

The rest of the people are also in the realm of the saint.

At this moment, Moshan Mingjie Sheng Erzhong stopped Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue, so that they were always suppressed.

I'm afraid it won't be able to support it after a long time.

The match between Xie Qing and Zhuo Hongyun was instantaneous, regardless of high or low.

It's just that Xie Qing's swift and violent attack, at this moment, obviously seemed to be fatal, which made Zhuo Hongyun overwhelmed.

However, Zhuo Hongyun is not in a hurry.

Once Mu Yun was defeated by Tong Chen and Mo Qianling, his side would not be a trouble.

Just hold Xie Qing.

At this moment, Xie Qing saw that the situation was wrong, and couldn't help but shout: "Lao Mu, can you be more serious?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yun suddenly became angry.

"I'm serious."

"You fart, hurry up, Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue can't stand it anymore." Xie Qing scolded: "Hurry up, what are you doing?"

Mu Yun looked helpless at this moment.

"Originally, Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue didn't take the shots. I can still get more familiar with your shots and accumulate some experience, but now..."

When a word fell, Mu Yun's sword in his hand, the sword light soared in an instant.

The sword body was second forged, and at this moment, it broke out with a stronger momentum.

"Jingxin Yuanzhang!"

"Lingyuan Ghost Claw!"

Using both hands to display the two world tactics, Mu Yun's attack power increased several times at this moment.


A violent roar sounded at this moment.

The two figures of Tong Chen and Chen Wencai were attacked by Mu Yun and retreated.

At this moment, Mu Yun faced Yuan Dongfeng and Mo Qianling.

"I really thought I arrived at Sanzhong, and there was no change?"

With a word, Jian Qi burst out.

"Tianhong cuts with one sword."

With a sword cut out, the power was released.


The explosion sounded at this moment.

The rainbow slashed with one sword, and a rainbow descended from the sky and cut directly down.

Mo Qianling's face was pale, this sword couldn't stop it.

"Be careful!"

Yuan Dongfeng held the paper fan at this moment, and the fan came instantly.

"Still come? Get out!"

With a word, the evil curse broke out.


With a chuckle, Yuan Dongfeng couldn't control the paper fan in his hand, and was directly repelled by Mu Yun's curse, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

However, Mu Yun was holding a long sword and came to Mo Qianling in an instant, the sword light flashed, and the sword took Mo Qianling's life.

Vitality collapsed.

Mo Qianling's eyes were shocked.

It's just that at this moment, what I want to say, but I can't say a word.

Mo Qianling looked at Mu Yun, his eyes changed several times.

But in the end, it gradually collapsed.

Mo Qianling, died.

At this moment, Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng gathered together and looked at Mu Yun with an ugly expression.

This guy is too strong.

Some are terrifyingly strong.

"Let's go together!"

Looking at the three of them, Mu Yun said indifferently.

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