Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3434: I lost


In an instant, the two's momentum exploded.

Dao Dao breath, diffused at this moment.

The sword hasn't been released yet, and the momentum between the two is amazing.

That powerful aura burst out at this moment.

In Mu Yun's eyes, there was only Jian Qi.

Gu Jianfeng was in front of him, less than a hundred meters away.

But at this moment, Gu Jianfeng seemed to be incarnate as a sword, a sword that could burst out of the sky at any time, heading towards the Jiuzhong Heaven!

Mu Yun's eyes became sharper at this moment.


In an instant, the two shot out their swords, and in an instant they got together.

At this moment, the people all around felt the terrifying sword aura contained in that realm at this moment.

Swordsmanship is far-reaching and long-standing.

At the point where they are two, swordsmanship is no longer the standard for evaluating them.

The fusion of man and sword, and the convergence of sword and man, are all top priorities.

The murderous aura in Mu Yun's eyes was exactly the murderous aura of the sword, and also his own murderous aura.


At the same time, sword qi burst into the two of them.

There were sword shadows everywhere in the ring.

This competition immediately attracted many disciples to watch.

The swordsman's competition was pretty good at first, and in addition, it was Mu Yun, who has recently gained fame, and Gu Jianfeng, the third-most authentically named Gu Jianfeng.

These two people, no matter which one, are existences that cannot be ignored.

Even this time, the two of them may represent the tunnels in the battle between the two houses.

"My sword only pays attention to attack!"

At this moment, Gu Jianfeng drank.

"Da Yi Sword Technique!"


In an instant, Gu Jianfeng attacked fiercely and domineeringly.

pick! thorn! Wave! cut! cut! tie!

All kinds of sword styles are extremely simple, but at this moment, they give people a very gorgeous and sincere feeling.

The simplest sword styles were combined into a complex set of sword moves, which continued to explode at this moment.

A strong wave of air bombarded Mu Yun.

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression remained unchanged, and the Heart Refining Yuan Sword in his hand showed a sword glow at this moment.

"Feng Wu cuts with one sword!"

With a sword out, the sword aura whistled.

Like a phoenix, descending from the sky.

The phoenix dance at this moment slashed with one sword, as if a true phoenix had descended, full of power.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Xie Qing and Meng Zui felt most clearly at this moment.

"Lao Mu's sword move is more powerful..."

Xie Qing couldn't help saying.

The two had seen Mu Yun perform this swordsmanship.

I have seen it from the beginning of the Realm Saint Realm, and it has continued to the present.

And with the improvement of Mu Yun's realm, the power of this swordsmanship has obviously increased exponentially!

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were calm, and Shenfeng shot out.


Inside the circle, the aura exploded.

At this moment, no one can feel it, the powerful explosive force between the two makes people palpitate and hesitate.

"The Path of the Sword of Great Yi!"

As soon as Gu Jianfeng said this, a kendo at his feet sprang out at this moment.

The rumbling voice sounded.

The road under Gu Jianfeng's feet seemed to be a gathering of countless long swords.

And when Gu Jianfeng walked on that kendo, a wave of majestic force was released at this moment.

Sword Qi, as if converging into reality.

"Long Xiang cut with one sword!"

With a sword out, the real dragon flies, and directly kills Gu Jianfeng.

Keng Keng Keng...

The swordsmanship were swallowed by real dragons at this moment.

However, the avenue is very long and long, as if it has no end.

"Rainbow cut with one sword!"

With a sword cut out, Mu Yun's strength gradually exploded from all over his body at this moment.

There was a bang.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure kept retreating.

At this moment, Kendo unexpectedly burst out with a powerful light, which directly shook Mu Yun back.

Gu Jianfeng's kendo seemed to have gathered all his attack power at one point, making Mu Yun unbreakable.

Jing Zhe frowned when he saw this scene.

Gu Jianfeng's sword path is getting stronger and stronger.

Under such circumstances, everyone felt in their hearts that although Gu Jianfeng ranked third in the local name, his strength...

Still not to be underestimated!

Mu Yun did not back down at this moment either.

As the sword aura whizzed, Mu Yun's whole body was condensed.

"Square Heaven Sword!"

Four sword shadows surround the surrounding world at this moment.

At this moment, the Sifang Heavenly Sword, as if it were real, was no longer a phantom, but a real existence.

The four swords directly killed Gu Jianfeng himself.

At this moment, Gu Jianfeng did not retreat, he cut out the sword in his hand, and directly slashed towards the four sword bodies.

Keng Keng's voice sounded, and Gu Jianfeng's expression moved slightly.

Not cut off!

Gu Jianfeng's eyes remained unchanged, and a sword cut out again.


The sound of metal collision sounded at this moment.

With a bang, it exploded.

Mu Yun's eyes gradually became cold.

The Sifang Tianjian broke at this moment.

However, the road of swordsmanship at the feet of Gu Jianfeng was also broken.

At this moment, Mu Yun didn't mean to underestimate Gu Jianfeng.

Although relying on the Ten Thousand Yuan Guitian Art and other means, he could defeat Gu Jianfeng.

However, Gu Jianfeng is a master of swordsmanship.

He just wants to use the sword.

If Gu Jianfeng cannot be defeated with a sword, it means that his swordsmanship is still flawed.

And this is the time to look for defects.


With a sword open, Gu Jianfeng's power burst out from all over his body at this moment.

The domineering momentum is shown again.

"Great Yi Sword Technique, Great Yi Heart!"

At this moment, Gu Jianfeng was full of sword energy all over his body. At this moment, the whole person felt tyrannical to the extreme.

This is his sword!

Powerful and incredible.

Mu Yun walked out step by step, his sword aura whistled out all over his body.

"Eight Fangs Excalibur!"

This time, it was not the four realms, but the eight realms, not the heavenly sword, but the divine sword.


In an instant, eight divine swords directly enveloped Gu Jianfeng from all directions.

Gu Jianfeng felt the pressure at this moment, and a breath exploded in his body.

Sword body!

One forge!

In that instant, the sword in Gu Jianfeng's hand doubled in power.


Keng Keng Keng...

One sword and one sword slashed towards the eight divine swords, and Gu Jianfeng's power burst out from all over his body.

At this moment, no one could feel the surge of sword energy in Gu Jianfeng's body.

This burst of power gives people the feeling that it is also extremely powerful.

The long sword was still hacking the eight sword shadows.

But it can't be split at all.

At this moment, Mu Yun's hands were refining the Heart Yuan Sword, and the light burst out.

"The Emperor Meteorite Sword Kill!"

One sword, volleyed down.

In all directions, sword aura whistled out.

Gu Jianfeng's expression suddenly changed.

Mu Yun was driving the sword and cut it down directly.

The sword body, three forged, broke out at this moment.

Gu Jianfeng roared wildly, and cut the eight divine swords with one sword.

But Mu Yun's sword was already killed at this moment!


The explosion sounded.

In the entire ring, the rumbling rumbling sound spread at this moment.

Billowing sword spirit, scurrying around.

Seeing all this, the elders also showed appreciation at this moment.

The swordsmanship of these two people is extremely difficult, no matter who wins or loses, it is the blessing of the tunnel!

At this moment, a figure appeared at this moment.

It is Muyun.

Gradually, the figure of Gu Jianfeng also appeared at this moment.

But compared to Mu Yun's slightly panting expression, at this moment, Gu Jianfeng had blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and his eyes were dim.

"I lost!"

A word fell, and the audience was in an uproar.


Gu Jianfeng lost!

All around, the discussion exploded.

Gu Jianfeng looked at Mu Yun, and said, "Thank you, pastor brother, for your mercy!"

Mu Yun held it in his fist at this moment.

Gu Jianfeng stepped off the ring, his expression dimmed.

Lost to Mu Yun!

Lost to a rising star of Jie Sheng Bazhong.

"Brother Gu!"

At this moment, Mu Yun stopped Gu Jianfeng and said: "I found that Brother Gu's sword is one with the body. There are some problems. If Senior Brother Gu has time, I would like to say one or two..."

Gu Jianfeng's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Thank you pastor brother!"


The two walked off the ring.

However, the sensation caused by this competition is incalculable.

In the valley martial arts field, many disciples are all talking about it.

Mu Yun's previous battle in the Enlightenment Tower proved his strength.

And this battle tells everyone that although he is the eighth layer of the world sage, he is comparable to the top ninth layer of the world sage!

Countless people are very excited at this moment.

Is there a genius in the tunnel?

At this moment, on the side of the valley, on a huge raised rock.

Difan was dressed in a black robe, and sat upright.

With those world master elders watching, there will be no surprises when the world saints fight against each other.

"This kid, the sword is okay, the sword body is forged three times, Dihuan, I remember that you have the sword body five forged, right?"


Beside him, a black-haired middle-aged man, with a sharp eyebrow, gave a cold snort.

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