Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3435: Meteorite Sword Slashing the Sky

"Dihuan, why are you so petty?"

Dean Difan smiled and said: "I am stronger than you, and my apprentice is stronger than yours. Isn't that normal?"

"Gu Jianfeng's sword body was forged once, my apprentice's sword body was forged three times."

"Although the realm of Gu Jianfeng is stronger than Mu Yun, but in the swordsmanship competition, the sword body is so much stronger, so it should be suppressed!"

Dihuan snorted at this moment, and said, "It's like you taught it!"

"This kid, I think it's wickedly tight..."

Difan laughed and didn't care.

"This kid, but the dean personally speaks, this time the person who will cause serious trouble to the Tiandao Academy, can you say that this kid can be worse?"

Looking back on this, Difan also felt incredible.

Thinking of the Dean's evaluation of Mu Yun at that time, he felt that he was overstating.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually did it.

In just three years, from the sixth to the eighth realm, the realm has improved rapidly, and the strength is not bad.

It’s better for the dean to see people more accurately!

Difan is satisfied at the moment.

Maybe Mu Yun was able to show off his own light when the two courts were meeting martial arts, changing the embarrassing situation that the tunnel court had lost every time.

Below, Jing Zhe, Jing Ziyang, Xu Heng, Ning Li, Xie Qing, and Meng Zui surrounded Muyun.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?"

Surrounded by a few people, Mu Yun said in embarrassment.

"You kid, it's okay!"

Jing Ziyang couldn't help saying: "We defeated Gu Jianfeng with swordsmanship. Did you know that Gu Jianfeng swordsmanship is the number one in our tunnel, and it is also the lover of Dihuan Elder!"

"Smelly boy, I'm hiding very deep. I was looking for trouble. Senior Sister Xi was still worried about you. I think I was worried for nothing!"

"That is, brother pastor, tell us, how did you do it?"

Several people talked about each other.

Ning Li looked at Jing Zhe and said with a smile: "Big brother, I think you are the first in the local name, but it is not guaranteed. The priest only used swordsmanship just now. I know that although his swordsmanship is powerful, he has more methods. Much, you are done!"

"Look for a fight!"

Jing Zhe laughed and scolded: "To be honest, if I were a disciple of the tunnel courtyard, I would lose to Li Yuanhang of the Tiandao Academy. Don't say that Li Yuanhang, Qiao Yunping, Fei Lie and Liu Wuque are three. I'm not sure to beat them!"

"If no one can beat me, our tunnel school will really lose. If the pastor brother can beat me, I would be very happy!"

Jing Zhe said it sincerely.

This is why Mu Yun likes such an atmosphere.

The senior brothers did not intrigue, they really get along with each other sincerely.

Several people also nodded one after another.

"Your challenge is over, we should try it too!"

Xu Heng looked at the three of Ning Li, Xie Qing, and Meng Zui, and said with a smile: "We are all Jie Sheng Bazhong, so we have to try Jie Sheng Jiuzhong, right?"


Xie Qing and Meng Zui were also fighting spirits at the moment.

Can't be let down by Mu Yun.

Xie Qing knew Mu Yunqiang, but he was not bad.

And Meng Zui knew that both Mu Yun and Xie Qing were extraordinary, but he was not joking about the dominance of Heavenly Gang and Thunder.

The four left one after another, looking for their opponents.

At this moment, Gu Jianfeng is here.

"The priest's brother is superb in swordsmanship. Gu Jianfeng lost, and I am convinced. It seems that this time, the two houses will martial arts, and our tunnel school will not necessarily lose!"

Mu Yun hurriedly said politely: "Brother Gu is polite!"

He arched his hands and looked at Gu Jianfeng, Mu Yun said again: "Gu Senior Brother, discussing swordsmanship?"

Gu Jianfeng's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

The two chose a corner of the valley, sat cross-legged directly on the ground, and began to tell...

At this moment, the challenge continues.

Mu Yun and Gu Jianfeng both discussed more enthusiastically.

I have to say that Gu Jianfeng's swordsmanship is indeed very strong, and some insights are also very unique.

When the two talked about the rising point, they would even use their hands instead of swords to make direct comparisons.

Mu Yun is also devoting himself to it at this moment.

Gradually, the sunset westward.

In the valley, the light gradually rose.

Dean Difan, walked out at this moment.

"All that should be challenged, are you challenged?"

Di Fan smiled and said: "Seventh-fold and eight-fold realm disciples, the courtyard will also give you opportunities, but if the strength is not as good as humans, you can only wait for the next hundred years."

"Today, the challenge ends here."

"One hundred and two disciples will enter the competition tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow, choosing the top ten means that we will play in the tunnel. At that time, we will not only choose the top ten, but also make the top ten, thoroughly conduct the final test, and see who is stronger!"

"It's about the reputation of our entire underground temple, and it's also about the rewards you have won this time. I hope you don't hide yourself!"

Everyone nodded at this moment.

At night, returning to the residence, Mu Yun felt a touch of excitement in his heart when thinking of today's exchange with Gu Jianfeng.

The road of martial arts requires communication and sharing. Today, talking with Gu Jianfeng has given him a better understanding of the use of the Meteorite Divine Sword Art!

At this moment, Mu Yun was surrounded by sword energy all over his body.

The six-stroke sword style seemed to come alive at this moment, imprinted in his mind.

The six sword moves, faster and faster, almost became part of Mu Yun's hands and feet, and became part of his body.

Suddenly, when the six sword moves were completely integrated, the overbearing aura exploded at this moment.

In Mu Yun's mind, a figure suddenly appeared.

Extinguish Tianyan!


Mu Yun was stunned.

It's just that the figure in white clothes is holding the sword directly in the palm of the hand at this moment, slowly unfolding in a sword style.

"Meteor sword cuts the sky!"

The gentle words sounded at this moment.

Sword gas came out.

The void burst.

After the six-style sword move was extremely familiar, it produced a chain reaction, causing Mu Yun to release his strength all over his body.

Seventh style!

Converge naturally.

"Meteor sword cuts the sky!"

Mu Yun murmured.

This set of swordsmanship makes people feel as if it is a combination of the domineering and uniqueness of the first six styles.

Even at this moment, Mu Yun could clearly feel that his sword body was being restrained at this moment.


The sword body is nourished.

"The seventh style, the meteor sword cuts the sky!"

Mu Yun said seriously at this moment.

After taking a breath, at a glance, the sky is already slightly lit.

Mu Yun sat in the same place, stunned.


Extinguish Tianyan!

I saw Mietianyan again.

Mie Tianyan left twelve swordsmanship to himself, and all of these twelve swordsmanship were tyrannical swordsmanship.

Yipin Jie Jue, Bipolar Sword Jue!

The Second Stage World Jue, the Wuya Sword Jue!

And the three-rank realm of the world he is currently practicing, the Meteorite Sword Art!

Behind, there are nine swordsmanship.

Perhaps, this is Mie Tianyan's countless nights. From the swordsmanship he practiced, he chose the twelve swordsmanship most suitable for him.

One day as a teacher, life as a father.

For his father, Mie Tianyan may owe Mu Yun.

But for Mu Yun himself, Mie Tianyan does not owe him!

At this moment, Mu Yun got up.

The deceased is dead!

And what he needs is to carry his responsibilities and keep going.

"The two houses will martial arts!"

"Donghua Ancient City!"

"I Muyun is here!"

After a word fell, Mu Yun set off directly.

Today's valley is relatively quiet a lot.

Only one hundred and two people came here.

As for the disciples of the eighth and seventh realms of the realm sage, they have not yet come.

At this moment, all the elders in the valley, Difan, etc. are all listed.

Compared to yesterday, Dean Difan is undoubtedly serious today.

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