Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3436: Can I compare with him?

Jing Zhe, Jing Ziyang, Xu Heng, Xie Qing, and Meng Zui also arrived one by one.

Yesterday’s challenge, Xu Heng, Xie Qing, and Meng Zui, all defeated the Jiuzhong, a world saint, so they are eligible to appear here today.

It was Ning Li, who missed the game and failed.

At this moment, the hundred and two disciples, except for a few eighth realm of the realm sage, the vast majority are in the 9th realm of realm sage.

Looking around, Xu Heng couldn't help being a little nervous.

"It's all Jiuzhong Jiesheng, just the eighth Jiesheng of us, the pressure is so great!"

Hearing this, Jing Ziyang smiled and said, "What is your stress?"

"Although they are all Jie Sheng Jiuzhong, but don't forget, you are still a Jie Array Master. Isn't it easy to deal with them?"


Xu Heng's eyes were bitter.

If it is really easy, it would be great.

Jiesheng Jiuzhong was so easy to win at that time.

He is not Mu Yun, such a perverted strength!

As the disciples gathered, the elders also dispersed one by one.

Dean Difan looked at everyone.

"Well, today, the official selection is about to begin!"

"The choice is easy too!"

"One hundred and two, choose the top fifty first!"

"From among the first fifty people, choose the top twenty-five."

"Then the first thirteen people!"

"Of course, in order to avoid the chance that you will play against the first place, you will lose directly and lose the chance to advance, so after the ten people are finally selected, you will be given a chance to challenge the top ten!

"Roughly rules, that's it, ready, let's start!"

Dean Difan's words fell, and he took his seat again.

At this moment, Dihuan, who was next to Difan, was dull and said, "What are you doing in such a trouble? The first Jingzhe, the second Ye Qingfei, the third Muyun, and the fourth Gu Jianfeng are almost enough. The six people behind, let more than one hundred of them compete!"

Hearing this, Di Fan smiled and said, "Who told you that Mu Yun can only be ranked third?"

"In defeating Gu Jianfeng, Mu Yun didn't show his full strength, maybe Mu Yun was the number one?"

Hearing this, Dihuan yelled and cursed: "Are you dreaming?"

Difan smiled and didn't say much.

He also felt that Mu Yun might have some difficulty in defeating Jing Zhe.

But with Ye Qingfei, Muyun might be able to win.

However, these are not important anymore.

Today, we can see the difference!

At this moment, many arenas appear at this moment.

One hundred and two people.

The choice is fifty-one, and the first round of competition officially begins.

Jing Ziyang looked at Mu Yun, but said with a smile: "Priest brother, if anyone picks you out, that would be really bad luck!"

Mu Yun shrugged.

In the first battle yesterday, he has now become a hot character in the tunnel courtyard.

World War I became famous!

At this moment, the competition begins.

On the tokens of each disciple, the position of the arena where they needed to fight began to appear.

Mu Yun came to the ring where he was, and a figure was already on the ring.

"Mu Yun!"


Seeing that disciple's nervous look, Mu Yun smiled and said, "Shall we start now?"


At this moment, the disciple suddenly stretched out his palm, looked at Mu Yun, and looked at the elder on the side.

"I surrender!"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Yun was stunned, and even the elders around him were stunned.

Admit defeat...

It's so straightforward!

The disciple turned around and left, muttering in his mouth: "It's too unlucky... it's against Muyun... what a fight!"

At this moment, Mu Yun also smiled slightly, turned and walked off the ring.

It seems that the battle with Gu Jianfeng yesterday saved him a lot of trouble.

The first round is over!

Win without fighting.

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped off the ring and looked at the competition of the others.

Meng Zui, Xie Qing, and Xu Heng all faced Jie Sheng Jiuzhong's opponents.

It's just that the three of them don't seem to be too difficult.

And Jing Ziyang himself is the Jiuzhong Jie Sheng, plus he is a Jie Array Master, double guarantees.

In the end, Mu Yun's gaze came to Jing Zhe.

He hasn't seen Jing Zhe make a move.

At this moment, Jing Zhe put one hand behind him and looked at the person in front of him.

"This junior, you..."

"Brother Jing, I know it's not your opponent, but since I'm on stage, I always want to give it a try!"

Upon hearing this, Jing Zhe was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

The disciple held the sword instantly and shot out directly.

At this moment, Jing Zhe moved his eyes slightly and waved his palms.

Dao Dao power is released at this moment.

Take it out with one palm.

With the perfect fusion of power, Jie Li was released in an instant.


A deep cracking sound sounded at this moment.

In Jing Zhe's body, the power was released.

The sword in that disciple's hand was trembling at this moment, and he had to step back, letting go of Jing Zhe's strength.

Mu Yun saw this scene, but was slightly taken aback.

Jing Zhe's methods are quite unique.

When the strength is gathered, the explosion is also very different.

The feeling is even more peculiar.

It seems to be able to invade his own strength into the opponent's body, destroying the opponent's power burst.

"Come again!"

At this moment, the disciple wielded the sword to strike out again.

Jing Zhe still took a palm shot, the palm wind seemed silent, but the speed was extremely fast.


There was a deep cracking sound.

The disciple's face turned pale, and his figure backed away again.

Looking at Jingzhe, he was full of puzzlement.

"Senior Brother Jing is powerful, I am ashamed! I lost!"

Two tricks!

He could not resist at all.

It is even impossible to see the use of Jing Zhe's power.

The gap is too big!

If you continue to fight, it's just humiliating yourself.

Jing Zhe arched his hands, smiled slightly, and walked off the ring.

Seeing Mu Yun looking here, Jing Zhe smiled and said, "What can the pastor brother see?"

"Senior brother put strength into the opponent's body, shaking away the opponent's strength..."

"It's just that, how to break in, I'm afraid I can only know if we fight against each other!"

Jing Zhe looked at Mu Yun and nodded with a smile.

"If you want to know, be number one!" Jing Zhe patted Mu Yun on the shoulder and said, "I am optimistic about you. If you can really defeat me and become the number one, I will be very happy."

Mu Yun grinned and said, "Brother Jing, you said this yourself!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Not long after, Xu Heng also stepped out of the ring.

"It's hard to win!"

Xu Heng smiled bitterly: "I guess I'll be over in the next round."

"If you say that, the master has heard it, and it is inevitable to teach you!"

"That's no way!" Xu Heng said helplessly: "I am the eighth realm of the Saint Realm..."

"The pastor brother is also Jiesheng Bazhong!"

"Can I compare with him?"

Xu Heng looked at Mu Yun with a speechless expression on his face.

Can he compare with Mu Yun?

In the first battle yesterday, Mu Yun was too strong.

"Then look at Xie Qing and Meng Zui, but they are also in the eighth realm of Jie Sheng!"

Hearing this, Xu Heng was even more speechless.

Of these three people, none of them is normal, okay?

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