Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3445: The two houses will join forces to kick off the curtain.



That was all for the purpose of inspiring the disciples from the seventh to the ninth realm of the two courtyards to be competitive.

Warriors cultivate martial arts, and their ambition is to drive forward.

If you only know how to practice retreat and improve your realm all day long, the lack of bloodliness will greatly limit the improvement of your strength.

At this moment, nearly two thousand disciples of the Tiandao Academy and the Underground Academy stood on both sides of the Tiandi Martial Arts Field, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the sound of breaking through the sky sounded at this moment.

Around that martial arts field, many disciples all quieted down.

One after another, the figures fell on the ceremonial stand at the front of the world martial arts field.

The ceremonial stand was built at a height of tens of meters in the martial arts field, and the layout was quite gorgeous.

At this moment, looking carefully, there were more than a dozen figures, dressed in different clothes, and their expressions were light and relaxed.

"be quiet!"

A voice sounded at this moment.

An elderly man waved his hand at this moment to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Today is the beginning of the martial arts of the Tiandaoyuan and the tunnels!"

"A total of 1,872 disciples from the Seventh, Eighth, and Nine Realms of Realm Saint from the two houses participated in this competition, but the disciples of the two houses and disciples from the Humanitarian College who did not reach the seventh realm of Realm Saint, and the disciples of the Humanitarian Academy, you are watching the battle this time. I hope I can see you next time!"

"Next, let me introduce to you all the senior members of the hospital who are observing this time!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was in awe.

"The dean of Tiandao Academy, Tianzhe!"

"The Dean of the Tunnel Academy, Difan!"

"The dean of the Saint Child Courtyard, Xiao Mu!"

"There are also three deputy deans of our Yuding Academy, Deputy Dean Xi Dingtian, Deputy Dean Luo Shuiying, and Deputy Dean Xu Kun."

"And our Dean of Yuding Academy, Dean Cangming!"

These names sounded, and shouts broke out in the field.

The dean, the three deputy deans, and the deans of the third hospital are the real high-level members of the Yuding Academy who are in charge of everything in the Yuding Academy.

Xie Qing pulled La Muyun at this moment, and couldn't help saying: "Xiao Mu was the dean of the Humanitarian Academy before, so how could he be directly promoted to the dean of the Saint Child Court."

Hearing this, Mu Yun shook his head.

On the side, Jing Zhe smiled and said, "Dean Xiao Mu is quite strong. He has been reluctant to serve as the dean of the Shengziyuan before. It is too troublesome. The dean forced him to put a humane academy into him and let him take care of it. Why would I be willing to serve as the dean of the Saint Child Courtyard this time, it is not clear..."

Xie Qing smiled at the moment: "I don't have any impression of Dean Xiao Mu, but his daughter Xiao Zi'er, I do have an impression."



A few people are too lazy to say.

At this moment, the old man continued: "Today is the first day of the meeting of the two houses!"

"Divided into challenge, ring, and hegemony!"

"Challenge, as the name suggests, Jiesheng Seventh can challenge Eighth, Jiesheng Eight can challenge Nine, of course, Jiesheng Seven can also challenge Jiejiu, as long as you think you are strong enough!"

"If you win the challenge, you can register in the register. After the competition is over, the academy will grant a third-rank realm pill, or a third-rank realm weapon, and the third-rank realm tactics according to the disciple's request. You can choose the same, and you can choose according to your own requirements!"

As soon as this remark came out, many disciples were very excited.

Such a leapfrog challenge is extremely difficult.

But if you win, the reward is great.

"Naturally, the disciples of the Tiandaoyuan can only challenge the disciples of the tunnel, and the disciples of the tunnel can only challenge the disciples of the Tiandaoyuan."

"The disciples in the same courtyard cannot compete, and the same is true for the following two types of competitions."

The old man continued to announce.

"The second type is the arena. The disciples of the two houses of the same realm will challenge each other, and the winner will be awarded the Jielin in the house at random."

"The third type is the competition for hegemony. Each of the two houses has ten disciples of the same realm. In an arena, the last disciple who stays in the arena will receive one of three rewards: Jielian, Jiji, and Jiju! "

The old man announced the end and said with a smile: "The three ways of competition are to urge you to improve your cultivation."

"Three methods, carried out at the same time, for three days. In these three days, I hope every disciple can flex his muscles and get the rewards you want!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole room was boiling.

The real competition is about to begin!

Xu Heng smiled and said, "You guys take a rest first, I'll go first!"

"Ning Li, go!"

"it is good!"

The two also moved towards the place near the ceremony stand.

Participating in the competition, registering in the register, and needing to receive their own number plates, these procedures still have to be done one by one.

Looking at the lively world martial arts field, many disciples were excited.

Xie Qing murmured: "After a long time, we can't compare today!"

Jing Ziyang smiled and said: "The total number of disciples from the seventh to the ninety is almost 2,000. Naturally, all the students in the academy need to be considered. Give them the opportunity to show their talents. We... are the finale!"

That's right, the finale!

Twenty people competed in Tiandaoyuan and Didaoyuan, which was the finale.

Jing Zhe looked at the ceremony stand and said: "Let's go, let's go first."

"These three days of watching the battle may also be beneficial to our practice."


A few figures walked towards the podium.

At this moment, on the podium.

Dean Cangming wore a white robe, his breath was unique, and he felt extremely amiable.

On the left and right sides, four top realm masters, Xi Dingtian, Luo Shuiying, Xu Kun, and Xiao Mu, took their seats one after another.

On the other side, there are two deans, Tianzhe and Difan.

At this moment, the two deans looked at the huge world martial arts field.

Rings with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared at this moment, and the formations were condensed into one after another, and it was so lively.

"The martial arts conference in these two hospitals should be held. It hasn't been so lively for a long time..."

Dean Cangming laughed.

"Yes, to stimulate and inspire the blood of the disciples, so as not to make others think that our disciples in Yudingyuan are all muddled and can't help but fight..."

Xi Dingtian also laughed.

"Tianzhe, Difan, this time, it's up to you two, especially Difan. Your tunnel institute has lost four consecutive terms!"

Dean Difan shuddered at the moment.

He didn't want to lose either.

But the skills are not as good as people, there is no way.

I just don't know if there will be any changes this time.

Mu Yun!

Xie Qing!

Meng Zui!

These three people might be variables.

Dean Cangming smiled and said: "This time, the twenty people who participated in the battle can go to the Mingshen Lingquan for three years after the test.

"I can be regarded as the dean, and I support them!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the deputy directors, Tianzhe and Difan all changed.

"It seems that the dean is also anxious this time..."

When Cangming heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Holy Son of the Holy Child Courtyard, but there are more than a thousand people. Compared with Jinglei Zong, Mo Family, and Guiyuan Zong, the difference between our Yuding Courtyard is not small."

"The next Donghua ancient city, you need to be careful!"

Several people nodded when they heard the words.

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