Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3446: Rich rewards

"I heard that Shocking Lei Sect and Guiyuan Sect have already begun to test the disciples of the Ninth Level Realm of Jie Sheng!"

Xiao Mu said indifferently: "It seems that they also want to cultivate more disciples of the realm of realm respect before opening the ancient city of Donghua."

"The martial arts contest between the two institutes also means this, and it also cultivates the disciples of our Yuding Institute!"

Dean Cangming continued: "At that time, I hope you will need to work harder!"

When several people heard this, they all nodded.

At the same time, the twenty disciples who participated in the martial arts meeting of the two houses also boarded the ceremony platform one by one, standing beside Tianzhe and Difan.

"Difan, this time, you are the eighth-layer of the three world sages. It doesn't seem to have an advantage over the ten sages of the heavenly sage and the nine-fold!" Vice President Xu Kun said lightly at the moment.

When Dean Difan heard the words, he smiled and said: "It is indeed not dominant, but it is not easy for my disciple of the tunnel yard to leapfrog and defeat Kunou!"

Dean Tianzhe smiled and said, "The gap in realm is inherently inferior. My disciple of the Tiandao Academy, realm is not a decoration."

The two deans were diametrically opposed to each other in their words.

"Okay, okay, don't make a noise!"

Xiao Mu looked at the two of them and couldn't help saying: "You two, every time you get together, it is like a dynamite barrel that is lit. This martial arts meeting, other disciples, also need to pay more attention. The college will spare no effort!"

Tianzhe and Difan snorted coldly, not looking at each other.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at several people, his eyes moved slightly.

The ten disciples of Tiandao Academy really give people an extremely powerful breath.

However, Mu Yun felt that he was staring at him with a glance.


Follow that gaze.

A figure in white clothes stared at him intently, with cold eyes.

"Liu Wuque!"

Mu Yun murmured.

Brother Liu Xiangsheng!

Liu Xiangsheng colluded with Waizong, was caught by him and sent to the law enforcement hall of Yudingyuan, where he heard he was dead.

Liu Wuque was afraid that he would still be brooding about this matter.

But Mu Yun didn't care about it.

It's hard to say if this guy can meet him.

Next, the disciples of the two institutes began to compete like a raging fire.

The disciples who watched the battle also shouted and cheered lively.

On the ceremony stage, everyone also watched the test one by one, and some elders kept recording the names of outstanding disciples.

There is no doubt that the three-day competition will be extremely lively.

However, these three days have nothing to do with Mu Yun and the others.

The competition was going on for three days in a row.

Many people are also very brilliant in the competition.

Xu Heng and Ning Li were really unstoppable in the eighth realm of Jiesheng, and the suppressed Tiandaoyuan group of eighth realm could not compete with the two.

However, the disciples of Jiesheng Nineth Layer in Tiandao Academy are even more powerful.

This kind of comparison naturally sees a large number of advantages.

Just like Yang Yuan, Qu Tianlei, and Shao Kang, they can also take advantage of the comparison with the Saint Nine of the Heavenly Dao Academy.

However, there are still a few people, making them deflated.

From this alone, it can be seen that the top disciples of the Tiandao Academy are indeed stronger than the top disciples of the Tunnel Academy.

After all, Qu Tianlei and Shao Kang are the seventh and eighth local names.

The former disciples of Tiandao Academy ranked high in the name of Tiandao, all of them were watching the battle on the podium.

Among them, Shao Kang was defeated by a disciple of Tiandaoyuan.

This undoubtedly caused a big blow to the disciples of the tunnel courtyard.

But at any rate, Xu Heng and Ning Li have earned enough face in the Eighth Layer of Jie Sheng, and the underground courtyard is not that shameful.

For three days in a row, the competition was eye-opening, and many disciples were rewarded.

On the fourth day, come!

After the lingering atmosphere of the first three days, today, the much-anticipated battle has made everyone look forward to it at this moment.

Ten people in Tiandaoyuan.

Ten people in the tunnel.

The ten strongest players played against each other.

Who wins and who loses?

This event involved the distribution of resources for the disciples of the two houses in the next hundred years.

Mu Yun stood on the podium at this moment.

This time, it was no longer the old man who announced.

It was Dean Xiao Mu, who walked forward.

"For three days of fighting, I think everyone has gained a lot. I hope that each of you will continue to work harder!"

"And now, it's the final link of the two houses of martial arts that everyone is most looking forward to!"

"First of all, ten disciples of the Tiandao Academy will be out!"

Xiao Mu's words fell, and ten figures walked to the front of the podium.

Thousands of people looked at the ten people at this moment.

These are the ten strongest people in the realm of Jie Sheng in the entire Tiandao Academy.

In fact, excluding the Jie Zun and Jie God Realm Sons of the Saint Child Courtyard, the twenty contestants this time are the strongest Tianjiao.

"Tiandao Academy, Li Yuanhang, Qiao Yunping, Fei Lie, Liu Wuque, Wei Zixin, Li Yuanming, Tong Yingying, Zhao Hanfeng, Xiang Wennan, Zhu Jun!"

The sound fell, and there was an overwhelming roar in the world martial arts field.

"Tunnel Yard, Mu Yun, Jing Zhe, Ye Qingfei, Gu Jianfeng, Shu Yuerong, Xie Qing, Ren Yu, Du Tianning, Jing Ziyang, Meng Zui!"

There was another whistling sound.

These twenty people represented the strongest disciples of Realm Saint in the entire Yuding Courtyard.

"Today's game is based on consumption!"

"There are ten people from the two houses, starting from the tenth place, which house has exhausted ten disciples, and the other house wins!"

"I think everyone understands what it means to win this time."

At this moment, Xiao Mu spoke calmly.

"As for the reward..."

Xiao Mu smiled.

"The winning college will receive 70% of the college's resources in the next 100 years."

This is just one.

"Secondly, the winning courtyard, ten disciples, can go to the Shengzi courtyard, in the Yuding Pavilion, and choose a four-rank realm art, a fourth-rank realm pill, and a fourth-rank realm weapon!"

"Moreover, these ten disciples can also enter the Quartet Qidian to practice."

"At the same time...for the ten disciples who participated in the competition this time, the dean will open the Mingshen Lingquan to them! They can enter the practice for one year!"

One by one the reward conditions were said, the disciples around were completely crazy.

Four-Rank Realm Art, Si-Rank Realm Pill, Si-Rank Realm Device!

Practice in the Quartet!

Cultivation in the spirit spring of the gods!

The Quartet Qidian is a sixth-grade artifact in the Yuding Academy, which is of great benefit to martial artists.

And Mingshen Lingquan, even more so.

Mingshen Lingquan is said to be a place where only the holy children of Shengziyuan can enter.

Can refine the soul!



Can be nourished.

Mingshen Lingquan, for any martial artist in any realm, has great benefits for changing the nature of the body.

But the cost is also huge, so it is rarely open.

Twenty people who participated in the war this time could actually enter it and practice for one year!

This huge attraction is crazy.

The winning side can still practice in the Quartet.

The Six-Rank Realm Device, the Quartet Qidian, can understand the mind and calmly, and practice in it. The biggest advantage is that you can get rid of any distracting thoughts and devote yourself to the practice.

In fact, for the world saint, it is more beneficial to practice in the Quartet Wonders than to practice in the spiritual spring of the gods.

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