Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3872: Rocky Mountains

Moreover, if you run away with space, you will be easily spotted if you encounter a strong person in the world of harmony.

Nowadays, the Tuoba clan has become more and more troublesome because of the death of the two Tianjiao, and they have already begun to block the transfer arrays and border locations of the major cities in the Southern Region.

Whenever the dominance enters and exits, they are all cross-examined by the Tuoba clan.

Therefore, the four of them can only wander in the Tuoba area, and finally choose to come here.

"The Shixiao Mountain Range is a place in the Southern Territory, where the reputation is as fierce as the emptiness, but the more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity."

"Since the Soul Clan and the Feihuang Divine Sect are both being targeted by the Tuoba Clan and are still unwilling to let go, it is estimated that it is impossible to do anything against the Ye Clan at this stage."

"Let's stay in the Shixiao Mountains first to hone our strength."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Fu, Ye Cheng and Mu Yun also nodded.

For Mu Yun, it is indeed necessary to improve his strength.

At the moment Huatian's five-level realm, reaching the sixth-level realm, relying on the previous beheading of Jun Ruolan and Nangong Jun's side of the seven people, it should be possible.

Moreover, it takes time to accumulate for the cultivation of the Great Wilderness Covering the Heavens Hand, the recovery of one's own eyes, and the study of the Great Formation.

"In that case, tomorrow we will enter the Stone Howl Mountains."

"If we are discovered by the Soul Race and the Feihuang Divine Sect, we will go directly into the mountains. They want to find us, and it won't be so easy."

"it is good!"


After the four of them discussed, they were speechless all night. The next day, early in the morning, the four of them set off and entered the Shixiao Mountain...

Shixiao Mountains.

Located in the southernmost area of ​​the Tuoba ethnic group, here, although it is south, it is not remote.

On the contrary, because of the reputation of the Shixiao Mountain Range, there are warriors in this place all year round to take risks.

The most important thing is that it is said that the Stone Howl Mountains are like nothingness, both on this barren ancient continent, and they are extraordinarily legendary.

Some people say that the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins Continent existed in the ancient times.

The Emperor Xiaoyao attracted this continent from time and space back then, which was of special significance.

And nearly a million years have passed, and ruins have been discovered in the land of Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, but over the years, there have been many big things that shocked the world.

Thus, a legend was born.

Therefore, many warriors, when they reach the bottleneck of their own practice, will choose this way of taking risks, hoping to take this opportunity to break through the bottleneck.

"Stone Howling Mountains, there are dangerous and powerful beasts inside. These sacred beasts, unlike the Dragon and Phoenix Clan, live in powerful groups, but many, and their individual strength is also very strong."

Ye Yu said in a serious way: "This place is as illusory as it is, full of legends."

"It is said that Tuoba Jiong, the current head of the Tuoba clan, entered the Shixiao Mountains and got some adventures, soaring to the sky. Before that, Tuoba Jiong was a mediocre person."

"Stop chewing your tongue."

Ye Fu admonished: "Be careful, this Stone Howling Mountain Range has nothing to say about its inner and outer surroundings. Entering this place is dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die."

"I know!"

Ye Yao smiled at the moment: "It's just that we have been chased by people in the past few months, and when we came to this Shixiao Mountain, I think it is safer here than outside."

Ye Fu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case.

Four of them go deep into it at this moment.

Gradually, came between a valley.

The rolling mountains are tall and mighty, covering the sky and the sun.

In the valley, it was quite dark.

However, it seems that the valley is very quiet, and the feeling of birds and flowers is like a paradise. The only drawback is that it is a little dark.

However, the climate is not humid and it is very suitable for living.

"Next, let's use this place as our base camp."

Ye Fu opened the mouth and said: "The four of us, either go out and practice alone or go with each other. This is our base camp."

"it is good!"

The four of them scattered one after another, digging out a cave inside the valley.

Muyun is naturally responsible for constructing some small formations to ensure basic cultivation conditions.

Everything was prepared, and the four of them entered their caves one after another.

Mu Yun is sitting cross-legged in the cave at this moment.

The battles these days have greatly promoted his combat effectiveness, and now, everything can be summarized.

But right now, it's better to completely absorb the spirits of those seven people first, and make the realm even further.

With such thoughts in his heart, in Mu Yun's body, in the sea of ​​souls, the seven spirits and spirits that dominated the realm turned into clear streams and entered Mu Yun's body...

Time passed bit by bit.

In a blink of an eye, one month passed.

Mu Yun was in the cave mansion, practicing for a month, and did not go out.

On this day, Mu Yun opened his eyes and took a long breath.

Two ruling roads.

Reached sixty meters!

Transformation rules, six realms.

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression was somewhat calm.

There are ten levels in the world of transformation.

And since he entered the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins to the present, the dominance that he has killed is less than twenty.

The speed is not too slow to reach the sixth level.

Walking out of the cave house, only one person was in the three cave houses in the valley.

Seeing Mu Yun appearing, Leng Lingling also walked out now.

"It's just a month of retreat, and it seems that it came out after something has been gained." Leng Lingling smiled.

"It's barely reached the sixth level."

Leng Lingling looked somewhat surprised.

"I believe even more, you may be Mu Yun." Leng Lingling smiled slightly.

Mu Yun smiled at this, and said nothing.

Whether it is right or not, I will know it later.

"I heard that in the seventh heaven realm, the night gods Ling Yuanhai and Huang eleven have both appeared, should you see them?"


Mu Yun nodded and said, "If it weren't for the two seniors, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come to Xiaoyao Saint Ruins."

"How is Mingyue's heart?" Leng Lingling asked.

"she was……"

Mu Yun smiled: "She is very good, taking over as the head of the Shui Ling clan, I am afraid that the pressure will be greater..."

Upon hearing this, Leng Lingling smiled and said: "You really don’t know much about your lady. Mingyuexin likes this feeling. She is a very powerful woman. The greater the challenge, the more she I like it."

"This is..."

The two were chatting with each other.

"Master Qing is in the Ninth Celestial Realm. Maybe it won’t take long. The Ninth Celestial Realm, the boundary wall left by Di Yuan in the past years, can be completely destroyed. The crisis within the Ye Clan will naturally be resolved."

"This time, the Soul Race and the Feihuang Divine Sect are anxious, maybe they are worried that the Azure Emperor will appear."

Hearing this, Mu Yun nodded.

He still knows some of the strength of the mother.

After all, one-on-one, being able to slay an ancient god-level powerhouse, this is not simply the title of **** and emperor's strength.

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