Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3873: Are you going further?

"However, it is exactly the same, I am afraid that this time the Ye Clan will have a great crisis."

"Without the Three Emperors, no one can afford to stand up."

Leng Lingling murmured: "Our Ice God Palace is located in the Fourth Celestial Realm, and the Fourth Heavenly Emperor, Emperor Yutian, who controls the Heavenly God Sect, has a powerful background. Apart from the alliance with the Ye Clan, our Ice God Palace is in the No. Within the Four Heavens Realm, it is also the alliance with the Titans that can be regarded as standing firm and not being bullied by the Gods of Heaven.

"The four forces of Heavenly God Sect, Shenxuan Sect, Eight Desolation Hall, and Feihuang God Sect were built by the four great heavenly emperors. They have existed in Canglan for millions of years, and each one is the top first-class power level. "

"If you are really Mu Yun, the road ahead will be very difficult."

Leng Lingling said solemnly: "Your father is a **** emperor, but Di Ming is also a **** emperor. Compared to Di Ming, your father may be a little weaker."

"However, the imperial family has been entrenched for millions of years, and the other strengths it occupies are beyond your reach now."

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled and said: "So now, I am in the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins."

As soon as this remark came out, Leng Lingling was slightly startled.

"Xiaoyao Saint Ruins belong to the Ye Clan, and others can't take the lead. I'm here to consolidate the status of the Ye Clan."

Leng Lingling glanced at Mu Yun with surprise, and smiled faintly: "I hope you can do it."

"In this Canglan, the emperor has been domineering for too long, I am afraid, after a long time, the emperor will not be domineering, but... truly crush the ten thousand races."

"If that time comes, I'm afraid there is no first-class power in this world, and there is only one ninth-class power in this world-the emperor!"

Mu Yun nodded when he heard the words, and didn't say much.

"If you are really the son of Mu Qingyu and Ye Yushi, maybe you will really change everything."

Leng Lingling smiled, with a certain degree of certainty.

At this time, outside the valley, two figures fell.

It is Ye Fu and Ye Yu.

"Mu Yun."

Seeing Muyun exiting the pass, Ye Yu laughed and said, "You kid, you haven't shown your head for a month, and now you have finally appeared."

"Tomorrow will be with me. Let's hunt down some sacred beasts. How about practicing?"

"it is good."

Ye Fu looked at Mu Yun at the moment, and said, "Are you going further?"


Ye Fu and Ye Tao immediately looked strange.

Leng Lingling was the first one encountered by Mu Yun after entering the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins.

In just over a year, Mu Yun entered the dominating realm from the beginning to the sixth level of dominating the Huatian level.

Such an increase in speed, I have to say, is very fast.

"At your speed, it would be too fast to catch up with me." Ye Chen couldn't accept it at the moment: "How did you guy improve so fast? Dominant Daoming is so difficult to leave?"

Mu Yun just smiled and didn't say much.

The combination of swallowing blood and purifying blood has greatly boosted his realm improvement.

This is not something others can have.


The next day, early in the morning.

Mu Yun and Ye Yu walked directly into the Shixiao Mountain Range.

Ye Yu said cautiously at this moment: "My sister and I have checked thousands of miles nearby for this month. There are many sacred beasts here, with realm-level strength and dominion-level strength."

"The two of us now, unless we encounter the strength of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, it will not be dangerous, but we must not underestimate the strength of the sacred beast here."


Between the two slowly, they came between several isolated mountains.

Around the isolated mountain peak, there were a mountain base, which seemed to be cut off from the roots and moved away, making the surroundings look very empty.

"There are two blood bears and white feather beasts, and their strength is probably also the high-rank level of the Heavenly Transformation Realm. I saw it a few days ago. We two, each of us dealt with one, just right."

"it is good!"

At this moment, the two swaggered into the valley.

In time, an angry roar came from the valley.

As the roar sounded, the sword light soared into the sky.

Mu Yun and Ye Yu immediately fought together.

Next, for ten and a half months, Mu Yun and Ye Yu teamed up to fight and temper themselves in the Shixiao Mountains.

Ye Fu and Leng Lingling, sometimes alone, sometimes teamed up together.

In order to better deal with the crisis, the four also cooperated with each other.

On this day, Mu Yun and Ye Yu were located in a mountainous area. In front of them, there was a giant python, hovering around a thousand-meter-long body, revealing the snake letter, which looked terrifying.

"Huatian peak level, right..." Ye Chen hesitated at this moment.


Mu Yun said: "My vision is restored now, but my eyes can't be used. Try not to use them as much as possible, but you and I are different from the past."

Ye Yu nodded and said, "Yes, you have six layers, I have nine layers, **** it."


Apart from anything else, the two of them held swords, one after the other, and directly attacked at this moment.

These days, the two have been more closely coordinating, facing this ten-level level, there is not much fear in my heart.


A violent roar sounded, and Mu Yun stepped out at this moment with murderous aura.

Above the earth, fluctuations swept across.

The terrifying aura was passed on.

The giant python looked at the two, even more not afraid.

It is quite simple for a beast of this level to be transformed into a human being, even to speak.

However, in the world of Canglan, there are thousands of races, and some of the various races unite to form ethnic groups, but some like to be loose, living in the mountains and forests, free and easy, and more like to maintain their nature, transform their human form, and talk about people For what? As a beast, keeping one's original form is the most important thing.

For this reason, many Jedi, in the forbidden area, have a large number of powerful orcs.

"Annihilation buried the mountains and rivers."

With a sword coming out, the sword aura whistled and turned into mountains and rivers, and quickly collapsed, violent sword aura, straight for dozens of miles.

Many ancient trees collapsed at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Cheng also swung his sword to cut out, but his sword aura was even more powerful than Mu Yun's.

How many times the two cooperated, they were already familiar with each other's attack ideas.

At this moment, the giant python was repeatedly attacked by two people, and it was quite overwhelming.

Qianzhang body, turned into a hundred zhang at this moment, along the mountain forest, slipped away in a flash.

"Want to run? It's not that easy, chase."

Ye Yu took the lead and caught up.

The python flees, and the two chase.

In this run, he ran tens of thousands of miles.

In the end, the python went deep into a stone forest and disappeared.

Mu Yun and Ye Yu entered the stone forest cautiously.

"This thing runs so fast..."

Ye Yao muttered.

"The deep forest mountains are the original place of the orcs, and they are naturally more familiar with this place than we are."

Mu Yun held the sword and said calmly: "Be careful."



The words of the two people just fell, and the whistling sound suddenly sounded at this moment.

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