Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4115: Ye Nancheng

"Well, we should go now too!"

Ye Xingze glanced around, a mess.

"Mother and the others are still in Ye Nancheng waiting for us to go back."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qinghan and Ye Xiangwei were all taken aback.

"Mother is here?"


Ye Xingze nodded and said, "Er Niang and San Niang are here..."

As soon as he said this, Mu Yun's expression also changed slightly.

It seems...

Something big is going to happen!

At the same time, the other side.

Jun Qingtian and Jun Qingyue left together...

"Good sister."

Jun Qingtian looked at Jun Qingyue and couldn't help but said, "This time the Tuoba and Chu clan are going to get involved with the Ye clan, I'm afraid it won't be a small fight!"

"And these two big clans, there are the shadows of the heavenly emperors behind them, and then, I am afraid it will be a **** storm."

"I know what you think about Ye Xingze, brother, but... forget it..."

Jun Qingyue paused when she heard this.


Jun Qingtian scratched his head and said: "Brother is also afraid, if our monarch is on the side of the emperor, aren't you and Ye Xingze the opposite..."

When Jun Qingyue heard this, her pretty face turned white, bit her lip, and did not speak.

Jun Qingtian went on to say: "It's not necessarily, maybe our monarch is still attached to the Ye clan, then our father will be attached to the Ye clan in one fell swoop, and we will do with the Chu and Tuoba clan!

Jun Qingyue was silent at this moment.

can you?

Six big families.

The Chu Clan and Tuoba Clan have been completely clarified, and they have returned to the side of Emperor Tian, ​​and have torn apart the Ye Clan.

What about the four families of Nangong, Xiao, Huang, and Jun?

There is a high probability that you will be alone!

After all, the Emperor Family was much stronger than the Ye Family.

This is a fact that everyone can see.

Even if Di Tianning said in the ruins of the wilderness, Mu Qingyu had already prepared, but with the forces of Mu Qingyu, the Ye Clan was still at a disadvantage.

Even if it hadn't been for Mu Qingyu to become a **** emperor, the Ye Clan and the Mu Clan would have no chance at all.

"Don't talk about it, the Ye Clan is going to fight the Tuoba Clan and Chu Clan, let's go back quickly!"

Jun Qingtian said again: "Otherwise, my father is going to plan my bones again!"

The monarch and his party waited, and gradually went away...

On the other side, everyone in the Ye Clan also left Yeluo Mountain and headed towards Ye Nancheng, which is near the Yeluo Mountain.

A group of hundreds of figures gradually approached the huge Ye Nancheng.

Even as far away as a hundred miles away, Mu Yun saw that Ye Nancheng's magnificent city appeared in sight.

At a glance, the city wall that stretches hundreds of miles away, in addition to the atmosphere, is more solemn and solemn.

When the palpitating breath was released, everyone felt the powerful aura that suppressed people's hearts.

Moreover, outside the city, more looming large formations shrouded.

Ye Nancheng.

In the entire Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, it is definitely a huge city that can rank in the top twenty. As the fortress of the Ye Clan in the southernmost position of the region, the importance of this city is self-evident.

And when hundreds of Qing Xiaojun appeared outside Ye Nancheng, on the wall, all Qing Xiaojun dressed in cyan armor, a middle-aged man dressed as a commander, stepped forward at this time.

"Master, Miss!"

"Miss Three!"

"Master Mu!"

The middle-aged man looked at the four and bowed his hands.

"The three ladies are already in the city lord's mansion!"

Go directly to the City Lord's Mansion

Mu Yun frowned at this moment.

It seems that things are not that simple anymore.

Above the city wall, you can see Ye Nancheng's defending martial artist, and you can also see Qing Xiaojun standing still, with a solemn expression.

Ye Xingze nodded, and the group of people waited, then went straight into the city, walked away from the sky, came to the sky above the city lord's mansion, and fell down.

At this moment, inside and outside the huge city lord's mansion, all the green soldiers and martial artists are waiting for them.

And in front of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a square with hundreds of people dressed in armor or soft armor and military uniforms, standing scattered and talking.

Seeing Ye Xingze, Ye Qinghan, and Ye Xiangwei, the discussion among the crowd disappeared. Whether it was in the world of fusion or the world, they were all salutes.

The Ye Clan’s direct lineage has a lofty status and has always been like this.

Regardless of the strength of the three people, their respected status, it is these people who must give courtesy!

Ye Xingze also responded one by one at the moment.

Accompanied by Ji Lao, the three of them crossed the square in front and came to the hall.

at this time.

In the hall.

The figures are sitting.

I saw the three wives Shi Meijun, Ai Yuanliu, and You Feiye sitting in the upper head position.

At the same time, both sides were seated at the high-levels in Ye Nancheng.

City Lord Ye Chong was among them.

"Qinghan, Xiangwei."

At this moment, City Lord Ye Chong got up and saw that the two of them were safe and sound. He immediately smiled and said: "It's relieved. If you have any accidents in the Yeluo Mountains, then I really deserve to die."

Ye Xiangwei said immediately: "Uncle Lao Yechong was worried, he finally came back in a hurry, but it's a pity... I haven't inquired about Xuanyue..."


At this moment, a voice of surprise sounded.

Outside the hall, a beautiful-looking woman arrived accompanied by two young men.

"Xuan Yue!"

Ye Xiangwei looked at it, and was immediately surprised, and hurriedly said: "You..."

"Qing Xiaojun found me and brought me back!"

Ye Xuanyue looked at Ye Xiangwei and said with a smile, "I'm so worried about you."

The two women came to the corner of the hall at this time, whispering, the joy of reunion is self-evident.

But at this time, Mu Yun frowned.

At this moment, Ji Lao is still living, like a shadow, following Ye Xiangwei, he also retreats to a corner of the hall.

At this moment, in the first seat, the three ladies looked at Mu Yun and Ye Qinghan.

"Mu Yun, are you okay?"

Shi Meijun asked first.

"Although I met people from the Tuoba and Chu nationalities, the Yeluo Mountains are vast, and I have already experienced myself!" Mu Yun respectfully said.

Mu Yun admired the three uncles from the bottom of his heart.

The three uncles are not in the Ye Clan, and the three uncles are not strong, but inside and out, they are well organized and popular.

This is ability!

Moreover, in the Ye Clan in recent years, the three uncles have indeed been well-rounded and cared for him from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Yun can also feel that this is also love house and Wu.

The relationship between the three uncles and their mother is not bad.

Therefore, he was treated as if he had come out.

In fact, Mu Yun was also worried back then.

Worried that his return to the Ye Clan would cause trouble.

Ye Clan was created by Ye Xiaoyao, and Ye Xiaoyao ultimately handed over the Ye Clan, Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, to his father, Mu Qingyu.

This is a kind of trust, but also a kind of responsibility!

But the father shouldered this responsibility, and the three uncles were the sons of Ye Xiaoyao. Will they be dissatisfied in their hearts? Is there a grudge?

He returned to the Ye Clan, would the Ye Clan juniors feel that he was coming to **** the Ye Clan's jurisdiction?

It's just that when he really arrived at the Ye Clan, he realized that he really wanted more...

Even he felt a little bit that the three uncles all wanted their father to come back and take over the Ye Clan...

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